If the Guggenheim Museum has its biennial video awards, why not the Flagler County school district, which has been emphasizing technology–and investing in it–since 2003?
The second annual Flagler Digital Media Awards show was held at the Flagler Auditorium Friday evening, featuring 73 contestants from every grade in six categories, from digital photography to computer-generated art to podcasts and video. Categories were broken down into four sub-categories each, so contestants competed within their age groups. Some of the projects were the result of work assigned in clas–an evaluation of Chaucer’s characters developed through print-authoring software, illustrations of “Civil War Stars” or explorations of the Loch Ness monster through slide-show like software, or a look at “Faces of Cancer” or faces of bullying through the now-popular use of video podcasts. Many projects were submitted specifically for the video awards.
The show reflected the growing range of expression and learning methods beyond the printed page, in media and subject matter. In one category, a project entitled “Increasing Literacy” competed against one entitled “Hitler Dead or On Vacation.”
The show began with a fast-action video montage featuring a mysterious character, in a menacing black helmet and black clothing, at the wheel of a speeding car or motorbiking and running through familiar scenes around town, particularly around the Flagler Palm Coast High School campus. The clip climaxed with the character pressing a button and blasting something on campus to smithereens (the realistic explosion was a digital overlay on a building at the high school). The screen went dark, the sizable audience applauded, then the character in the video walked on stage and took off her helmet and pumped a fist in the air: it was Janet Valentine, the school superintendent.
Winners received elegant glass plaques and gift certificates to Ruby Tuesday’s and Woody’s, jump drives (not yet delivered: the disaster in Japan is delaying those) and $10 iTunes cards.
The complete list of contestants and winners is in the chart below.
2011 Flagler Digital Media Awards (Winners in Bold)
Grade Level | Contestants | Project Title |
Digital Photography | ||
K-3 | No entries received | |
4-6 | Trey DeLeon/Garret Hunter/Ernest Ardon | ECO-Nightmares |
4-6 | Danielle Boudebes/Keishneil Ocasio | Friends |
7-8 | Linh Le / Sabrina Lensgraf | Letter from a Vampire |
9-12 | Nicole Welsh | FDMA |
9-12 | Katlyn Gibson | Wake Up |
9-12 | Justin Evans | FDMA |
9-12 | Emily Harezlak | FDMA |
Computer-Generated Art | ||
K-3 | No entries received | |
4-6 | Autumn Leishman/Ariana Amara/Jena Johnston | AJA Art Principles |
4-6 | Liam Burns/Ryan Dudley/Ryan Conklin | The Sharks Art Elements |
4-6 | Kiara Simonds/Shelbi Tatum | Purple Peach's Art Elements |
7-8 | No entries received | |
9-12 | Kellen Aptekar | FDMA |
9-12 | Eunice Brenes | FDMA |
9-12 | Katie Bryl | FDMA |
Print Authoring | ||
K-3 | Jack Moffatt | President Comic Strip |
K-3 | Mervyn Gong | Scare the Leprechaun |
K-3 | Laurissa Stevens | Amelia Earhart Bio |
4-6 | Madison Friedman/Janine Jao | Eat Healthy |
4-6 | Sierra Biggs/Taylor Allesse | Formulas for Area |
4-6 | Judy Colindres | Eat Healthy |
7-8 | Agata Bereznicka/Alivia Shelby/Rachel Secunda | Increasing Student Literacy |
7-8 | Ashley Sousa | Hitler Dead or Vacation |
7-8 | Juan Salcedo/Christian Sikes/Michael Manning | Increasing Literacy |
9-12 | Thomas Mancini/Summer Washko | Cell Organelles |
9-12 | Tori Troino | Cell Organelles |
9-12 | Christian Baldwin/Ashley Asprey | Evaluating Chaucer's Characters |
Presentation Authoring | ||
K-3 | Amelia Sheffield/Maria Sadio | Poisons in Florida |
K-3 | Brady Araujo | Thomas Jefferson |
K-3 | Sarah Harper | Compass Rose |
4-6 | Deanna Diniro | Robust Vocabulary |
4-6 | Sarah Main/Breanna Roux/Hana Walser | Civil War Stars |
4-6 | Sarah Jaquart | Robust Vocabulary |
7-8 | Margeaux Williamson | Linear equations and slope |
7-8 | Malia Distor | The Loch Ness Monster |
7-8 | Brandon Flaschner | The Bermuda Triangle |
9-12 | No entries received | |
Enhanced Podcasts or Video | ||
K-3 | Lauren Holmgreen | America's Past Time |
K-3 | Rebecca Reynolds | America's Past Time |
K-3 | Vandyn Pinckeny | America's Past Time |
4-6 | Samatha Posella | Earth |
4-6 | Yevgenia Zavyalova | Endangered Tiger |
4-6 | Andrew Secunda/Tanner Hyers/Zachary Verdi | Trouble at School |
7-8 | Michael Reynolds | Faces of Cancer |
7-8 | Maggie Bernier | Faces of Cancer |
7-8 | Todd Cardillo/Cameron Johnson/Justin Fernandez | Bermuda News Show |
9-12 | Brooke Manze | "The Taker" Book Trailer |
9-12 | Autumn Krenz/Sydney Elliott | Why Learn French |
9-12 | Christopher Colaluca/Marissa Ambrosio/Fallon Marks | Cancion Del Pirata |

(© FlaglerLive)

ForThePeople says
Nice work showing how janet valentine is destroying the schools of Flagler county
ForThePeople says
Its a shame that there are no companies in Flagler county that offer these kids something when the schools cut their arts and media classes due to budgets.