(© FlaglerLive)
Speaking at last Thursday’s Flagler Beach City Commission meeting, Mayor Suzie Johnston raised a concern about the city’s relationship with the Family Life Center, the non-profit that runs the county’s only shelter for victims of abuse. The city contributes to the shelter, and Johnston serves on its board as a representative of the city.
Johnston wants that relationship ended, and fellow-commissioners were supportive. It was a blow to one of the county’s most essential and respected non-profits, but also a concerted signal by a local government about the toxicity of an incendiary weekly radio commercial and its presenter and principal subject.
Flagler County Commissioner Joe Mullins pays $200 a week for a radio informercial on WNZF every week and uses the infomercial, on the air or on his Facebook page, behind the WNZF logo, as springboard to attack personal enemies and push his political beliefs and his own standing. Last month he called Flagler Beach commissioners “cowards” for not going ahead with the annual Independence Day Parade and fireworks, and suggested that they were misappropriating money earmarked for fireworks (they were not). He had attacked the city frequently over its Covid-related precautions. He’s been savaging Eric Cooley, the current chairman of the city commission and the owner of the 7-Eleven on South Ocean Shore Boulevard, which has not been spared Mullins’s smears.
Mullins, who has previously used county government’s PR office to advertise his donations to one group or another, also used the infomercial to advertise his donation to Giaccone’s organization.
Giaccone in her segment of the infomercial didn’t mention Cooley, and most of the discussion, which also included the sheriff’s Chief Paul Bovino, focused on abuse issues: neither Bovino nor Giaccone were interested in discussing anything other than their field of expertise. The exception was toward the end when Tim Sharp, who has expertise neither in domestic violence advocacy or abuse policing (he owns a gun shop and is a political candidate for the Palm Coast City Council in next year’s election), brought up the Cooley arrest. Though he was citing an Observer article, he inaccurately said the arrest happened last year, and twice, at Mullins’s instigation, talked about it briefly, focusing on its more salacious details to no clear purpose. Giaccone brought back the discussion to the specifics of how prosecutions are pursued or dropped by the State Attorney’s Office, and the 30 minutes ended shortly after that.
“This one’s a little tough one,” Johnston told her colleagues on the city commission Thursday. “I want to clear the air on some things.”
She said as mayor she is asked for support from lots of different organizations. “And I take my stamp of approval very serious when these organizations come, and I support them and read proclamations,” she said. “And the groups that I support, I expect for them to behave in an ethical manner and follow the vision which they claim to follow. And now we’ve had a problem because the Family Life Center, I feel personally that they’ve crossed some lines. They went rogue. They went on WNZF. Long story short, it was a political hit show on attacking one of the members of this body, and the organizations that we support, they should not attack our city, or commission or any of our residents. Because they then turn around and they ask for support from us. And this is something that Family Life Center has done. And I’m not going to stand up here–and I don’t want to tell anyone what they need to do, but I’m going to tell you what I’m not going to do, and I’m not going to support a group that goes and participate and takes cheap shots at members of our body and our residents.” She said she’d contacted the center twice but had not heard back.
“Kudos to you mayor, really, kudos,” City Commissioner Deborah Phillips told her.
“That disturbed me as well,” Commissioner Jane Mealy said. “Glad you took that position.”
When Johnston said that “the organizations that we support, they should not attack our city, or commission or any of our residents,” she had conflated Giaccone’s appearance with Mullins’s motives, which was not accurate: Giaccone at no point shed any negative light on the city, let alone take “cheap shots” at it or its commissioners, or even entertained any discussion about the city or the Cooley case. At one point Giaccone specifically stated that she does not get into cases by name. Her focus is on victims and victim advocacy, and as such, she’s built a solid reputation as a forceful and non-aligned advocate who takes any chance she gets to speak on behalf of the center, though that was also what was behind commissioners’ surprise at Giaccone’s appearance on Mullins’s hyper-politicized and belligerent platform.
In an interview today, Giaccone–who had been on vacation last week and did, today, contact Johnston–seemed blindsided by both the city commission’s reaction and what she learned of the context behind Mullins’s infomercial.
She said she does not follow what’s on WNZF, including the infomercial, and was not aware of Mullins’s antagonistic portrayal of Cooley when announcing the domestic violence episode. “I am not in agreeance with it,” she said. “If you look back historically, I typically do not talk about domestic violence cases that are high profile in any capacity, whether alleged or beyond.”
“Our focus is always to make sure people are aware as to the services we provide, that they’re free, and educate the community about what the trends are. I recognize I cannot be responsible for what other people say on a show I’m on,” Giaccone said. But she acknowledged that, having learned of the way Mullins had announced the discussion on his Facebook page, it now will give her “pause” before she appears there again. But while Mullins “may be questionable,” she said, “one of the things I think about is the host and his audience may be the very people we should have that conversation with.”
There was more context to Thursday’s discussion at the city commission–including the fact that Cooley and Johnston have been partners for several years, a dynamic they pledged would not affect their relationship as elected officials on the commission.
“It’s interesting you bring that up,” Cooley told the mayor as the discussion continued. “I sent correspondence to not Family Life Center but David Ayres on almost the same thing,” he said, referring to the general manager of Flagler Broadcasting, WNZF’s parent company. “That same week, there was folks that came into my business and wanted me to spend $1,000 a month in advertisement. That struck a nerve. So you’re going to do do a political hit show, and then send your sales guy and ask me as business owner for $1,000 every month, you want 12 grand a year to tear myself my business down. You want me to support that. So I sent him an email and politely told him what I thought of that. And, you know, it’s not as it’s just as a business owner. And the thing is, I don’t know if it’s short sightedness or just arrogance. In order to tear down folks and then turn around and come right back with your handout I find it very distasteful.” Cooley said his case and Johnston “sounds like it’s almost one and the same.”
Ayers has said that while the Mullins infomercial is paid for ad broadcasts on WNZF, it’s not Ayers’s program but Mullins’s, a separation Cooley doesn’t see since it’s produced under WNZF’s antenna. Neither Cooley nor Ayers were willing to publicly disclose the emails.
Late last month the Flagler Beach City Commission had a discussion about severing its ties with WNZF and going with a Flagler Beach radio station as the sponsor of its First Friday events, which are set to resume in September. At the time, the discussion seemed entirely driven by the city’s desire to refocus its events on local businesses to the extent possible. But last Thursday’s revelations, along with the open hostility between Cooley and Mullins, often centered on his radio infomercial, lend broader understanding to the distance the city is putting between itself and the radio station–and points to the extent to which the Mullins infomercial can poison relations.
Conversely, Giaccone said she would also pause regarding a Family life Center event in the planning stages in Flagler Beach in light of the drubbing last Thursday. “This is certainly something that I will have to process and digest,” Giaccone said. “I can’t express to you enough that the message of our services are at the forefront of what we do. I can appreciate what happened here with this radio show, but for me the priority is that we’re there for our victims, and they know it.”
The Family Life Center’s Crisis Helpline is 386-437-3505. It accepts texts.
Rick G says
Good on Mayor Johnston. Flagler County for reasons I believe come from the cult of personality are a dysfunctional family …
Eva says
Could not support the Mayor and our city leaders any more than I do! I hope the Family Life Center considers that not all media is a benefit to a worthy organization. The company you keep always splashes back on you. I would not stop supporting the center but anything to do with Mullins, WNZF, Ayers, and Flagler Broadcasting, is suspect and to be avoided.
It is not like every single person in this county does not know by now the unsavory character of Joe Mullins, and the disgrace he is to our county of mixed parties and no parties, who got along quite well for many years when leadership had some morals and integrity at the County level. Hopefully next elections will clean house!
Zach says
While it is true that everyone knows Mullins is slimy, spreading awareness about domestic violence and reaching out to people possibly in need is so much more important. The city leaders are just being petty and can’t use Giaccone’s appearance on the Mullins show as a reason to think badly about the Family Life Center or what they are doing. In my opinion, the Mayor is overlooking key details and reacting drastically by saying that she will no longer support the Family Life Center. To me, they are being sensitive and their sensitivity is causing one of the few resources meant to help people in need to suffer.
Lori says
I can not agree more. It’s ridiculous that they would choose to not support Family Life Center for the reasons stated. So glad I moved out of Flagler county years ago… it’s such a joke!
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Bravo Mayor Johnston! Mullins is a wolf disguised in sheep’s clothing to those who aren’t aware of his venom and evilness.
Old southern saying ” When you lie with pigs you begin to smell like one’. Just because someone gives you free airtime is not an excuse. And Bovino – huh.. He dropped my reports against Mullins for harassing almost daily e-mails from April 2020 through October but closed the case because Al ( Hapless in my opinion) Hadeed) told him Mullins and I had a running feud .. but there was no ‘runner’ I had not responded to any of his threats – all sent on Flagler County e-mail server! Again Bravo Susie – So glad I had the opportunity to support you.
Can any of us believe that Mullins is right now, this very minute REPRESENTING ALL OF FLAGLER COUNTY as I type this comment at the National Association of Counties convention outside of D.C.- happening right now.
Happening now says
Dont throw the baby out with the bath water.
GA says
Like Trump, everything and everyone Mullins comes in contact with, is sullied and dirtied. I find it amazing that this has to play out over and over again before some people pay attention: usually too late after the damage has been done Tsk tsk
Les Lohnes says
I think it’s time for all of our local politicians to grow up and set aside their pet peeves and personality conflicts. Remember this Country give everyone the relight of free speech. If you don’t agree with or like a program, don’t listen. Why should a very respected non-profit that provides substantial services to this County be penalized by a politician’s personal feelings. Let’s do the job you were elected to do and not dictate to the community. I can’t believe the level of poor management issues that have developed within this County. Talk about big city corruption, It looks like it has infected our community. Perhaps it is time to do a major house cleaning in all areas. Has anyone heard of election recalls? Instead of all the investigations, it may be time to get a fresh start.
Jimmy says
Not a fan of Mullins, but this seems like the Family Life Center lady was caught in a crossfire she didn’t bargain for. The Mayor’s response, to stop anything having to do with the Family Life Center or WNZF, in light of her relationship with the person under attack, is inappropriate.
Mullins gets people worked up and they do dumb things in response, mostly because he needs to be hit in response to his nonsense. The new Mayor needs to develop thicker skin and rise above petty people, like Mullins. It’s tough, but that’s the job you signed up for.
BIG Neighbor says
I recognize, I cannot be responsible for what other people say on a show I’m on,” Giaccone said.
Someone brags about being part of the events on Jan 6th by setting the tone about beheading people that don’t agree with him talks with you on National Airspace….OUR public space… and you say that’s a responsible or conscience choice??
Mike Bronson says
Everything Mullins touches, speaks about, recommends turns to shit. Maybe it’s time someone takes him behind the outhouse and provide him with a little education? How is he paying $200. a week for his infomerical when his golf ticket scheme has lost it’s luster and brought legal actions against him? Wrap him in his carpet and ship this little “sawed off idiot” back to Georgia.
Lil bird says
Cancel culture is at the helm of power in Flagler Beach. Wow.
So, Cooley and Johnston are partners. Cooley had a recent (last 3 yrs) domestic battery charge (since dropped) . Mullins and Cooley have public conflict. Family Life center’s mission was heard loud & clear in that time slot on WNZF.
Support for local victims poses a trigger warning for the Mayor & Commissioner (who really want to silence Mullins) and WNZF is also to “blame” for not explicitly following their demands ? Wow.
Hulk Hogan says
Maybe our mayor commissioner relationship needs to be looked at closer.
Erobot says
The city commission was elected to manage the affairs of the city of Flagler Beach, not to make moral judgements for us. I don’t want any of my tax money going to support anything that isn’t connected with city affairs.
Concerned Citizen says
A case of hurt feelings leads to severing ties with one of the few resources this county has for shelrering. And taking care of domestic violence victoms. Ok then.
The constant pettiness and bickering of our politicians never cease to amaze me. It’s a steady stream of name calling and boohoo you hurt my feelings. So now I’m going to use my tiny political influence and make life a little harder than it already is in this county.
Grow up !!
Since you want to end your relationship with the center your constiuents expect something to take it’s place. Hope you have plans for that.
I Just Love Flagler Beach says
Thank you Flagler Beach commissioners and Mayor Johnston for taking a stand and standing by your and our principles. Giaccone obviously still doesn’t get the picture- “it now will give her “pause” before she appears there again?” I’d like to hear that she will NEVER appear there again. I know we’ll be hearing that this is just Cancel Culture, but I personally like Cancel Culture and consider it to be not just talking the talk but walking the walk.
Another One Lost says
Bravo! I have never heard anyone actually admit that they personally “like” cancel culture. Your honesty is commendable. But alas, beware of what you wish for. You and your walk the walk folks could be next.
Word to the wise. Throwing stones at glass houses usually does not end well for anyone.
Giaccone is the ONLY neutral third party involved in this scenario…. she clearly doesn’t have time to keep up on the latest ‘cancel culture’ drama because she spends 24 hours a day SAVING RAPED AND BATTERED WOMEN. Google the definition of hard work.
Zach says
How do you expect her to reasonably say NEVER. That is so spiteful and negative, especially for an organization focused on helping people by spreading awareness. Yes the Mullins show is dumb and meant to throw hate at other politicians in our area. Yes Mullins is an idiot and everyone knows that. But, the Mullins show has listeners who could benefit from the resources of the Family Life Center. By not showing up to the show, people in need might not hear the message of the Family Life Center. Giaccone does an excellent job of treading the waters, not engaging in any controversy, staying level headed, and appropriately approaching the media.
bob says
mullins is a cancer to our social fabric
Duncan says
The headline should be “Bruised egos prevail again to the demise of those in need.”
I don’t see much difference between the behavior of Suzie Johnston and the despicable Joe Mullins. They both are apparently ok with using their political clout to support personal vendettas. Apparently the only adult in the room is Trish Giaccone.
Suzie Johnston’s actions are shameful, to deprive an organization that is doing good in the community because a known “man-child” offends her boyfriend council member. I happen to like and respect Cooley, but Johnston’s behavior is no better than Mullins and she should have taken the high road and reign in her politics.
How hard is it for elected leaders to do the right thing and not give in to your personal emotions? The losers here are the victims that the shelter helps.
Trailer Bob says
Thank you for your comment…I totally agree with you. The only center who does what they do being demoted because someone doesn’t like Mullins? Really?
I think some of our new politicians need to get educated before they let their family money and last name be used to win an election.
palmcoaster says
Well done Suzie!
Well done Susie! We’re proud of you for acting on emotion! We’re proud of you for defending your boyfriend and public ally condemning the ONLY RAPE AND CRISIS CENTER IN FLAGLER COUNTY! Well don’t me Susie for discouraging future victims from making their voices be heard because your boyfriends ego was hurt. We are SO PROUD OF YOU!
JT says
Why don’t people in this County ‘get it’.
Here is a much needed Family Life Center, under attack by differences among politicians. Another example of personal opinions that jeopardize a much needed service.
You would assume people would think about the greater good being done vs. their own personal, political issues.
Damn sad….
John says
Joe Mullin comes through again with is inappropriate comments. He is that last person in Flagler County who should have access to a radio station, to push his lies and propaganda like his idol Trumpy.
He has showed Flagler County to think twice before voting for any Republicans in this county.
Percy's mother says
The pushback has finally begun, hopefully to grow into a wave of opposition to anything Mullins or the Fake Pastor. (I link these two because they have operated together in most things divisive and derogatory).
Unfortunately, there may have to be some collateral damage as in the case of the Family Life Center.
Everyone in Flagler County / Palm Coast knows by now about Joe Mullins and how he tries to destroy people and businesses.
Some are just beginning to find out that the Fake Pastor has been operating behind the scenes doing much the same trying to destroy people and businesses, in addition to calling them liars, all the while quoting Bible verses by day.
Mullins, the Fake Pastor, Sharon Demers, Flagler Liberty Coalition, LOWE, Danko, Barbosa and their followers have all pushed for and endorsed boycotting any business that advertises on Flagler Live and now the Palm Coast Observer. They are currently in the process of trying to destroy both free press entities.
As I have posted before, if the Mullins / Fake Pastor / LOWE / Danko / Victor Barbosa / Sharon Demers followers can push for boycotting businesses they do not approve of, then the rest of us should start pushing back and boycotting anyone who advertises on WNZF along with any sponsor of Mullins’ or the Fake Pastor’s radio shows on WNZF (Saturdays and Sundays, respectively). And yes, I know Mullins sponsors his own “radio show”.
Mullins and Fake Pastor are partners in crime, joined at the hip, BFFs, who are backers of the Flagler Liberty Coalition. Behind the scenes, this group and their followers have also been part of the Anti-Covid vaccination movement in Flagler County and Palm Coast. They held an Anti-VAX (Covid) rally at Church on the Rock recently. That rally was under the guise of the fake “Flagler County GOP”, the Fake Pastor’s newest con. There have been other rallies sponsored by the fake “Flagler County GOP” at another “church” connected to Church on the Rock.
Now that Suzie Johnston has initiated the pushback perhaps other brave people who have been sitting on the sidelines watching and listening to Mullins and the Fake Pastor venom will jump on the bandwagon and a great wave of pushback will begin.
Mark says
Finally a brave leader that will stand against the evils in our County.
Bartholomew says
Well done Suzy!
Not a fan says
WOW did those two make a huge mistake in many people’s eyes, if anything they both should have made a public comment stating how they do not condone Mullins remarks but how they will continue to support The Family Crisis Center especially during a time of escalated domestic violence, they should have put their big egos aside, would have made them look like Saints, Johnston didn’t even have a discussion with Ms. Giaccone about their gripes, so according to them guilty by association, absolutely disgusting on their part, and they made comment on how their relationship would not affect their public office, to me appears like a conflict of interest.
Whathehck? says
I totally agree with you “Not a fan”. Why should victims of abuse be punished because of comments from a vicious little man? I hope anyone in Flagler County will look into their heart and send a donation to the Family Life Center.
Hulk Hogan says
I agree 1000%!
I think it was a personal matter for our Mayor. Not a business decision. I bet if it was another of the commissioners being attacked she would not have pulled funding.
Trailer Bob says
I have to say, as a Republican, I am embarrassed by several local politicians who call themselves “Republicans”, but are actually in need of some mental health care.
Mullins is truly an embarrassment to any of us who are sane and decent people.
Can’t wait until the next commissioner election…
Hell…maybe I’ll run…at least I am sane.
Supporting Suzie says
Any group that does not see if they align or go on a show with Mullins is doomed and is dumb. He is the PROBLEM in Flagler County. He is the REASON Flagler County is the laughing stock of the State. YET he can’t see it himself. He needs to look in the MIRROR.
Giaccone should have known better than to go on an advertised show discussing a FB Commissioner. What type of leader of an organization puts her head in the sand in this county then accept a check from him. Instead of making up excuses maybe it’s time she does some damage control. Glad to see us here in Flagler Beach have a Mayor who has a backbone. I have never been prouder to be a Flagler Beach Citizen, thank you Mrs.Johnston!
Hulk Hogan says
As you can see Mullins is a clown for sure, but Mayor Johnston come on! From a birds eye view your reaction looks like it was purely on emotion. As someone previously stated the individual from the crisis center was caught in the cross fire. She said nothing negative about Commissioner Cooley or the City of Flagler Beach. Are you going to ban Ask Flagler from attending commission meetings since they were on Mullins show too?
Hopefully our elected officials can focus on more important matters like the issues here in Flagler Beach. Let’s see where do we begin:
Parking issues on the weekends
The outrageous water bills
The lack of recycling service
To my fellow citizens of FB all we can do now is say our prayers and eat our vitamins.
Lance Carroll says
Like sands through the hourglass…
kamamani says
A quote from this very article:
“Giaccone at no point shed any negative light on the city, let alone take “cheap shots” at it or its commissioners, or even entertained any discussion about the city or the Cooley case. At one point Giaccone specifically stated that she does not get into cases by name. Her focus is on victims and victim advocacy, and as such, she’s built a solid reputation as a forceful and non-aligned advocate who takes any chance she gets to speak on behalf of the center…”
Hulk Hogan says
Okay, so we know that Mullins is a clown for sure.
Mayor Johnston, I understand your frustration with this guy. However, in defense of Trish Giaccone, I personally think she was caught in the crossfire. I don’t think she said anything derogatory about Commissioner Cooley or any elected official in Flagler Beach. I get that this one struck a nerve with you because of your relationship with Commissioner Cooley, but from a birds-eye view, your reaction was based on emotion and not logic. If your premise is not to financially support the Family Life Support Center because the director of the organization went to Mullins radio show, I guess you should also ban Ask Flagler from the commission meetings because they appeared on his show too.
As a taxpayer, I would expect more of you and the fellow commissioners who decided to speak up about this matter at the commission meeting. But, for the record, I did not vote for you or your boyfriend for this reason exactly.
We have so many more issues in Flagler Beach that needed to be addressed instead of stooping to the level of Mullins. Here are a few things that we, the people of Flagler Beach, need you to focus on:
1. Work with Flagler County and Palm Coast to address the parking issues here in Flagler Beach. I don’t know, maybe look into a parking structure or a shuttle to bring people over to the beach.
2. Explain to the people why our water bills are ridiculously high!
Ramona says
I love the City of Flagler Beach, but the actions of these public officials leave the City with a black eye. Where to start here. There’s so much to unpack. So the Mayor of Flagler Beach, proposes to withhold public funds (our money) from a non profit organization that helps victims of domestic abuse, because this organization dared speak on a radio show they don’t approve of? Are you kidding me? Talk about censorship.
Family Life Center’s goal of reaching victims of domestic abuse is a noble one. Using different platforms and media outlets to reach those that need their help the most makes a lot of sense. But because the Mayor doesn’t like Joe Mullins and also doesn’t want anyone speaking about her boyfriend’s domestic abuse arrest, she proposes withholding this organization’s funding support. My God.
It’s a matter of public record that Commissioner Cooley was arrested for domestic abuse in 2018. Look it up. Read the report on the clerk’s website. Read the gag order on Sherriff Staley filed by Cooley’s lawyer. Thanks to the 5th, 6th, and 14th amendments to the US Constitution, Cooley is protected by a presumption of innocence in this Country. How ironic is it that our Mayor wants to punish a nonprofit for exercising their 1st amendment right to free speech?
The rest of the City Council should not support this biased attack. We could end up on the wrong side of a very expensive lawsuit.
Let’s do better Flagler Beach.
Pissed in PC says
It’s time these organizations start to do their research before going on a radio show filled with vitriol and hatred! Just remember Giaccone not every free plug is really free and good for an organization. I have personally quit listening to any of WNZFs stations and will not support any business that advertises on there. Good for the city of Flagler Beach! I applaud you for dumping financial support and WNZF which is nothing but right wing propaganda with its other shows it airs also. Until we start hitting them in their reputation and wallets they will never wake up. I also suggest you trespass Mullins and the liberty coalition from your fine city before first Friday’s start back up. Otherwise it will be full of the obnoxious flag wavers, vitriol and hatred that follows them. Once they are no longer allowed then I’ll come to enjoy myself.
New flash ‘pissed in PC’- Mullins is not the one taking the brunt of this backlash nor is Giaccone it’s the victims of domestic violence who are suffering for this political mess. Giaccone isn’t a politician and frankly isn’t a mind reader either. She’s to busy SAVING VICTIMS 24/7 to sit around and educate herself on the latest gossip in the town. Unlike some entitled citizens who have the luxury to be pissed in PC. It is disgusting that you stand behind your mayor who is lashing out on a Non-profit leader who’s sole interest is to provide services to the community rather than personal interests such as defending abusive boyfriends or becoming re elected. Educate yourself before opening your mouth and maybe you’ll realize your lack of insight is why you’re so pissed
Pissed in PC says
Ooh did I strike a nerve? You might want to learn how to spell before you criticize me for saying these non profit organizations need to do a little background research before accepting that so called free plug when there’s clearly a political and reputation motive behind it. Mullins does nothing for free unless he’s using it as a weapon against those he doesn’t like. Now run along and go be a good citizen and do something constructive than bash those of us that believe the mayor has every right to decide which organizations to support.
Not a fan says
REALITY CHECK AND HULK HOGAN: You 2 and some others above have a very good insight of the repercussions of the mayor and the rest of the commissioners decision of not funding such a life saving worthy non profit organization. This is the thing which the Mayor and the Flagler commissioners should think about , does this Mayor want Flagler to go down with the reputation of having blood on their hands because of a knee jerk emotional decision? And I am very surprised to see some of the above negative comments with regard to such a hard working dedicated person, Giaccone, especially the pig comment was really inappropriate.
Hulk Hogan says
I sure hope some people come to the commission meeting and they let their voices be heard to the commission. But who knows half the points the citizens bring to commission seem to go through one ear and out the other.
Perry Taylor says
Should I not support an organization or business simply because I disagree with the behavior/choice of one of its employees? Not shopping at 7Eleven anymore –