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Reader Interactions


    • RobdaSlob says

      And then Palm Beach Sheriff Office had to suspend it and are just now getting their program restarted.

      I think the reference to the FAA waiver and one of the first is as a result of the combination of approvals “ operations beyond the visual line of sight of the remote pilot in command; operations in which a participating Visual Observer (VO) is not able to see the unmanned aircraft; operations over human beings; and, operations over a moving vehicle” and not just that they got a Part 107 waiver. Each of those elements of the waiver have to be justified to the FAA on why they are apppropriate.

      The utility of this tool should be appreciated by all as well as the cost conscious approach.

    • Anotherday says

      Definitely not the same approval. Theyre approval is for a specific area that their drones can fly over for monitoring, kinda like the palm bay FPL bvlos approval. The new flagler waiver can be used anywhere in the county or even the country and is way more flexible than anything issued back jn 2017.

    • Jane Gentile Youd says

      Yep – Big brother will allow trashing hotels to remain standing as well as the many illegal structures anody id illegal land uses of their pals to go on just the same but but if somebody is caught with a pretty pot plant they will be handcuffed within an hour! Maybe I am exagerating but we have no need for this – The 4 news helicopters as well as ours can do a better job! Stick your drones boys – NIMBY

      • Skibum says

        The “news helicopters as well as ours can do a better job”? Easy to say when it is “only” our taxpayer dollars that pay for such things. Would you care to take a guess at the difference in cost to taxpayers between the use of a small, battery powered drone as opposed to a helicopter for surveying the coastline for erosion? The cost savings has to be enormous! For all of the comments you have made regarding the huge waste of time and taxpayer dollars with the prolonged fight to demolish the derelict motel, which I am very grateful of your efforts on behalf of all of us, I do think you should re-think your opposition to the use of drones by the county. Drone technology is here to stay, and it has many benefits, to include not only savings of tax dollars, but it is inherently safer to fly an unpiloted drone over the beaches rather than an aircraft… safer for the would be pilot as well as beachgoers. And I am completely dismissing any suggestion of the county using this technology to spy on people’s homes and property looking for a potted marijuana plant. With medical marijuana already legal in FL and recreational use on this November’s ballot due to overwhelming support of this state’s citizens to vote on this issue, I highly doubt law enforcement is in any way interested in using the drone to scout out an errant pot plant on someone’s back porch!

      • Roy Longo says

        “The 4 news helicopters as well as ours can do a better job!” is a complete falsehood and shows your lack of knowledge of the helicopters. First of the the four news helicopters are 100% useless to the county. FireFlight can effectively do two to three of the seven functions the drone can do and it does not have LIDAR and is significantly more expensive to operate. Also, remember FireFlight is only in service for twelve hours a day.

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