Saying it was another example of the state cutting unnecessary red tape and eliminating unwieldy regulations, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis came to a wine shop in Fort Lauderdale on Thursday to sign legislation that will allow Floridians to purchase bottles of wine up to 15 liters in size.
Under current state law, wine distributors and manufacturers are allowed to sell wine to other distributors and manufacturers in containers of any size, but regular Floridians are prohibited from purchasing wine in containers larger than one gallon. Under the new law (HB 583), wine will be allowed for purchase up to 15 liters, which is 3.963 gallons, according to the legislation.
“Prior to signing this bill, a bottle like this was not able to be sold in the state of Florida,” DeSantis said, pointing toward larger sized bottles ranging from 6 to 15 liters. “We want our businesses to thrive, we want our consumers to be happy, and if that means that they want to buy and sell a big ‘ole bottle of wine like this, then by golly they’re going to be able to do that in the state of Florida, ” he said.
The new law “also allows Florida to be competitive with other states who are already selling wine in these larger quantities,” said Melanie Griffin, the secretary for the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. The law will be effective on July 1.
DeSantis also took the opportunity before a live audience and a group of reporters to crow about his administration’s success on some controversial decisions.
One involved a settlement announced Wednesday in the state’s legal battle with Walt Disney World which began when DeSantis’ decided to take over the governing district running the theme park after the entertainment giant opposed Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act in 2022.
The other victory was when a three-judge federal panel on Wednesday ruled in DeSantis’ favor in a lawsuit that questioned the constitutionality of the congressional redistricting map that he personally drew up and that the Florida Legislature approved in 2022. That map resulted in the Republicans representing 16 of the 27 congressional districts in 2020 to holding 20 of the 28 districts in the Florida delegation after the 2022 midterms (the state was awarded an additional congressional seat following the 2020 U.S. Census).
“If it wasn’t for Florida, we added four Republicans in 2022 – our congressional delegation – Democrats would have the House right now if it wasn’t for Florida,” he said. “That’s just a fact.”
But that congressional lead is shrinking. With the announcement last week that Wisconsin Republican Mike Gallagher will step down from his Congressional seat next month, Republicans will have just a one-seat majority.
DeSantis then sounded off as if he was still a presidential candidate.
“We’ve done I think everything that we can do in Florida to put points on the board… you look at Miami-Dade in ’22 there (where he was the first Republican governor to win the county, at 55%. Prior to 2022, Jeb Bush won Miami-Dade in 2002.).”
“So this state has moved I think in the direction that Republicans have wanted to see all states move and we’re really the model on how to get that done,” DeSantis said.
He then laid into GOP Republicans on Capitol Hill.
“All these guys ran saying, ‘we have so much debt. The government’s spent too much money.’ And then what have they done? They just turned around. They did a massive spending increase that’s going to add more to the debt. It’s not going to help with inflation. It’s funding all of [President Joe] Biden’s open-door border policies, so I think that’s bad in and of itself, but what happens is, when you govern in a way that’s contrary to how you campaigned and how you told the voters [what] you’re going to do, that creates this dissatisfaction. And I think that there’s a lot of that with Republican voters across the country right now.”
–Mitch Perry, Florida Phoenix
Joe D says
RonDeSantis should have just made the announcement, toasted with those present to the new law change, then he should have just STOPPED TALKING….
Did he REALLY say: “by golly?”…
Pogo says
@What’s next…
…modifying building codes to require a counter and tap for beer kegs?
Skibum says
I have a different take on this issue… with all of the moronic decisions coming from gov space cadet and his super-majoritied mushbrains up in Tallahassee that just make the lives of Floridians more fraught with danger every day (that is unless you are an octagenarian white guy living in one of The Villigas or similar communities, popping Viagra like candy every day), maybe we do need that 4-gallon jug of happy juice after all. I’ll take one, uh, on second thought, make that TWO!
JimboXYZ says
Scientific studies show that all female task forces are more effective & productive as 1 gallon into an empty bottle of wine. Imagine the fantastic solutions we’ll realize as a society when there’s 3 more gallons to be imbibed. Have you ever seen a room full of women when the wine bottle is empty ? It’s not a safe place to be. All the world’s problems will be solved. Logic is, there are 1 gallon containers of ice cream for comfort, when 1 quart just isn’t enough after a break up ? Sexist ? Perhaps, Lighten up Francis, this post is intended as tongue in cheek, sarcasm. There are probably a few married dudes that will get a good chuckle out of this comment ? Just don’t get caught being amused by it ?
The Voice Of Reason says
Gosh, think of the convenience of 4 gallon jugs of cheap wine. Get a few homeless friends and hit a panhandling site and you’d have a ticket to drunken splendor in no time. Florida would quickly become that paradise new Floridians love to talk about. I’m sure desantis surgeon general Granny Clampett would come by with vittles and rheumatiz medicine, rip a toast and kick that shindig into high gear. Isn’t floredah great?
endangered species says
Just dont fall asleep outside or its jail time for you.
Deirdre says
Can you get that wine in a box? I’m glad he has his priority’s straight. Will illegal immigrants and embryos be able to enjoy that? What about gay people? Will they have to buy the traditional four one gallon jugs instead?
Wine drinker says
And did you see? It makes Florida competitive with other states! Now I can finally stop crossing state lines to get my wine in bigger bottles. You have got to be kidding……we’re paying people to do this stuff and proudly crow about it. Freest of free states! Have you seen the movie “Idiocracy”? Welcome…..
Bobby says
Really, was this really necessary? How about signing more important things into law instead of the size of a wine bottle. DeSantis needs to get his priorities straight.
Jaime says
We win! Now celebrate it!
Lots of wine! A lot of women!
Lots of food and drinks!
Just an observation.
James says
“We won! Now we celebrate!
Much wine! Much woman!
Much food and drink!
Just an observation.”
Just an observation of what I see in the picture (of what has, or will come to pass)… like a scene from an old Clint Eastwood movie.
Seems more impressive in Spanish, even if it was only from Google translate.
James says
“A Fist Full of Dollars.”
Via Con Dios.
Dennis C Rathsam says
Crying time again @ Flagler Live. If this was signed by a democratic gov. it wouldnt be a issue! YADA YADA YADA! Why do all you people have to complain? If you dont drink wine, thats fine, if you do thats fine too. Who cares anyway. We have the only gov. in the USA thats put a stop to scwatting. This bill helps every Floridian….This is the headline, not this wine crap!
Laurel says
Pretty dark down that rabbit hole.