As he’d promised, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed what opponents call the “Don’t Say Gay” bill into law Monday, claiming it will protect a parent’s right to have a say in what children are taught and how they are treated in Florida public schools.
The legislation has drawn national condemnation, and the U.S. Department of Education warned that it will be watching for potential infringement of civil rights.
At issue is whether the legislation, HB 1557, unfairly targets LGBTQ students or teachers or even disallows mention of sexual orientation and gender identity in the name of allowing parents to dictate the education and upbringing of their children.
Following Monday’s bill-signing, U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona released the following statement:
“By signing this bill, Gov. DeSantis has chosen to target some of Florida’s most vulnerable students and families, all while under the guise of ‘parents’ rights.’ Make no mistake: This is a part of a disturbing and dangerous trend across the country of legislation targeting LGBTQI+ students, educators, and individuals.”
(LGBQTI+ refers to lesbian, gay, bisexual, questioning, transgender, intersex, and other “non-straight” orientations.)
“This comes at a time when we know lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning students are three to four times more likely than non-LGBTQI+ students to report experiencing persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and even self harm — not because of who they are but because of the hostility directed at them,” Cardona continued.
“And we will be monitoring this law upon implementation to evaluate whether it violates federal civil rights law.”
The statement notes that students who feel they are experiencing discrimination can file a complaint with the agency’s Office for Civil Rights.
HB 1557 allows parents to sue if a school district withholds information about their child’s well-being or if their child is exposed to classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity deemed not “age-appropriate.” The bill singles out kids in kindergarten through third grade, but could capture instruction and counseling through high school.
While the official title of the legislation is “Parental Rights in Education,” opponents call it the “Don’t Say Gay” bill because of what they fear will prove its chilling effect.
Not ‘age appropriate’
Supporters of the bill argue that doesn’t directly target LGBTQ people, noting that the text does not mention the word ‘gay’ or ‘transgender’ and that certain conversations are best had at home.
The bill signing occurred at Classical Preparatory School in Pasco County, where DeSantis was flanked by young charter school students and holding signs reading, “Protect Children Support Parents.”
He highlighted materials that were inclusive of LGBTQ matters, repeatedly saying they were “not appropriate” for young kids.
This includes a enlarged printing of “The Genderbread Man,” an infographic designed to simplify concepts such as gender identity, gender expression, sex assigned at birth, and sexual orientation.
“This is trying to sew doubt in kids about their gender identity,” DeSantis said. “It’s trying to say that, you know, they can be whatever they want to be. This is inappropriate for kindergarteners, for first graders, for second graders.”
DeSantis deployed another prop at the ceremony — this time showcasing a page from children’s book, “Call Me Max” by Kyle Lukoff.
The page reads:
“When I was born, mom and dad said, ‘It’s a girl!’ When I looked in the mirror, I saw a girl. Kind of. But because I am transgender, I wanted to see a boy.”
“So, this is something you’re putting into classroom curriculum for 5-year-olds, 6-year-olds, 7-year-old kids,” DeSantis told the audience. “And again, that is not something that is appropriate for any place, but certainly in the state of Florida. And shouldn’t parents know if that is something that is in the curriculum?”
Participants in the event, including House Speaker Chris Sprowls, Commissioner of Education Richard Corcoran, and the House and Senate sponsors of the legislation, largely shot back at news coverage claiming that the legislation will chill classroom discussions of LGBTQ people and students.
DeSantis insisted those who disagree with the legislation either haven’t read it or have a secret agenda.
“It’s true, many of the people helped to whip this up never actually read the bill. They haven’t taken the time to do that, they would rather just further narratives,” he said.
“But, I must tell you, these leftist politicians, corporate media outlets, some of these activist groups, they actually have read the bill, and they’re sloganeering because they don’t want to admit that they support a lot of things that we’re providing protections against,” he continued.
“For example, they support sexualizing kids in kindergarten. They support injecting ‘woke gender ideology’ into second grade classrooms. They support enabling schools to, quote ‘transition,’ students to a, quote, ‘different gender,’ without the knowledge of the parent, much less without the parent’s consent.
“So what they’re doing with these slogans and these narratives, they’re trying to camouflage their true intentions.”
While DeSantis’s remarks focused on young elementary kids, the legislation could affect older grades, too.
HB 1557 reads: “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students” according to state standards.
State Sen. Shevrin Jones, a Democrat who represents part of Broward County and is a part of the LGBTQ community, co-authored an opinion piece for the Washington Post to highlight other anti-LGBTQ efforts previously proposed in Florida in the name of protecting children.
Last minute-notification
Rumors circulated about a potential bill-signing ceremony for HB 1557 long before the official press conference was announced.
Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith, a gay House member who has been a vocal opponent of HB 1557, tweeted at 11:11 PM Sunday evening that DeSantis was expected to sign the bill the following day.
“It will be an anti-LGBTQ spectacle full of lies + dangerous rhetoric,” he tweeted, issuing a call-to-action for donations towards LGBTQ advocacy groups.
One of which was Equality Florida, which tweeted Monday 10:30 AM:
“Multiple, unconfirmed reports that @GovRonDeSantisis signing #DontSayGay bill today at a charter school, Classical Preparatory in Spring Hill. Has DeSantis chosen a location exempt from this bill while keeping the signing quiet to avoid student counter-protests?”
Throughout the recent legislative session that produced the bill, the measure sparked protests at Florida schools, inside the Florida Capitol building, and throughout the country.
The governor’s office released details about the place and time about an hour and a half before the event started — a rather short turn-around compared to other press conference notices.
–Danielle J. Brown, Florida Phoenix
Tony Mack says
Does DeSantis know that same gender couples can get married and adopt a child in Florida? A teacher should be allowed to provide a brief explanation, without any religious judgment, to inquiring students who want to know why they have friends or relatives who don’t have male and female heads of household. The response should be one of accepting the differences in people, the same as accepting people of different skin colors, religions, disabilities and political beliefs, etc. DeSantis better stay away from Key West during the Pride Parade…
Florida Voter says
Hopefully those same gender couples that you mention can turn the bill around to be “Don’t Say Straight” and file law suits when K-3 are taught that a family is a mom, dad, and kids. If you read it closely, the bill says gender identity can’t be taught … that should include roles in a “traditional” family.
Let’s re-label this the “Don’t Say Straight” bill and see how far it gets.
E, ROBOT says
The teacher should say, ask your parents.
Jimbo99 says
The brief explanation should be “that is a better question for your parents to answer off school grounds.” Save that for a more appropriate location and adults that are responsible for that nurturing of raising children. The math teacher or English is paid to educate their specialty that they were hired to instruct. I don’t know of any parents that were against answering their own children’s questions at home. At what point does the question lead into hijacking the class away from what the teachers are hired to teach the students as a specialty.
Susan says
The actual name of the bill is Parental Rights in Education.
Opposing the bill means supporting the sexualization of 5-7 year olds.
If a 5-7 year old is confused about their gender they need to be speaking to a parent or psychologist and not a teacher.
It’s disgusting how far democrats will go to try and further divide the people of the country.
Janet sullivan says
Nope. That’s not what it is about, regardless of what they say the “woke lefties” want to do. This is about when 7 year-old Carter casually says something about Mommy Amy and Mommy Rachel. Is the conversation totally quashed at that point, making the 7-yr old feel bad? What about when another classmate innocently then says “you have two mommies?” Is that quashed? They are saying they want to fix a problem .. but that problem does not exist. What exists are real children with real feelings and two loving mommies. I often wonder if people would be less supportive of discriminatory laws if they had gays and same sex couples and trans in their life. Do you not have any of those in your life?
Makeitso1701 says
Children at that age are not confused, they are curious. Your comment suggests that being gay is a choice, so you are basically saying that you chose to be straight? and you could choose to be gay someday? Really?
Your comment about Democrats is laughable, considering we had one of the worst presidents in the history of this nation. Talk about division, trump was and still pitting gay against straight, white against black, etc.
joe says
“Opposing the bill means supporting the sexualization of 5-7 year olds.” – NO, it doesn’t –
You, like DeSantis’s Trumpist press secretary, appear willing to smear those who don’t take to your propaganda and bigotry.
Mary Kay Hayward says
Do you hear yourself, “Susan?” If children are “confused” about their gender? So if a “boy” wants to play with toys associated with girls or wear particular clothes, society better haul “him” off to ‘speak with a psychologist’ so that “he” can be set straight (pun intended). I think people need to educate themselves on “sexualization” and what DeSantis himself said in his signing speech about “indoctrination.” If you all think for one minute that teachers are the source of this type of conversation being initiated, you are sadly mistaken. Turn on the TV, listen to music, ANYTHING, the subject is alive and circulating and children are watching and listening. Their questions should be answered intelligently and, yes, age appropriately. Wouldn’t it be best to allow a teacher who is confronted with these types of questions/situations a road map of how ALL sides would want it handled? Just the same as asking where babies come from? Come together in a way that wouldn’t produce the “disgust” you apparently feel with the subject? It’s all homophobia, and DeSantis is king. HE is the divider of people who don’t agree with him. If you are a mother, (or if you are even “Susan”) I pray that no child in your family is ever “confused about their gender.” Reap and sow, yin and yang, get what you give, etc. It will come back to you and others like you because that is the law of the universe, God, Buddha, whatever. Hate begets hate.
Mark says
Comical Susan, comical.
JimBob says
No! Dressing Jon Benet Ramsey as an adult in a beauty contest for children is sexualizing kids. This bill is just appeasing right wing bigots who, almost but not quite, constitute a majority of the electorate. They do however constitute the entirety of DeSantis voters.
Not your mom says
Yeah coming from the same guy who said kids shouldn’t wear masks…… well it’s the parents right to send them in wearing them right?? I’m sure you don’t agree since it’s the democrats who have issues. Keep flying your trump flags high 😂 let’s go Brandon right? 😂 read the actual bill there’s more to it then a kid being confused. I actually have children in the schools here (2nd grade) and I’m all for them learning about these topics and issues. Why not? I don’t know how many F Biden flags my 7 years olds have read around here but hey let freedom ring right? Just not if your part of the LGBTQ community because then that’s too much for my 7 year old to comprehend 😃 Are we going to build a wall around them 🤣 that was a funny crack at you republicans. Build that wall around PC and protect those kids! Don’t vaccinate because Covid is a hoax…. Man I could go on and on with all the funny things I’ve seen and heard here in this close minded trump land…. I hope you have an amazing day! 😊
Ed says
Fully agree that the Democrats have misrepresented, by name and the purpose of this bill, to fit their own political agenda. This topic should be left to parents to address to their own kids. Teachers should teach the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic in the growing years of every young child. These subject matters are straightforward and not subject to personal agendas that have no relevance to a young child at such a young age. Flagler Live has perpetuated the misrepresentation of this bill with their own reference to it as “ Don’t Say Gay” as opposed to the actual bill title of Parental Rights in Education Bill.
Deb says
Too bad the students behind Deathsantis weren’t wearing masks so we could see an encore of his hissy fit.
Cynthia says
So sad that the governor lives in the 1950s instead of this century. Many youngsters already know if they don’t fit in their outward identity and need reassurance that it’s OK. At least same sex couples with children are smart enough to educate their kids at home, but those kids will still have to deal with issues at school.
Mark says
It will be interesting to see how many conventions and sporting events get moved to other States because of this. Shameful day for the State brought to you by Governor Poser and his ilk, another legislature blunder for a problem that doesn’t exist. VOTE!
Not Marks Friend says
Florida has the biggest influx of residents and business in the Country. Nice try fool! Small minded people like you are why we all fight to help great governors like DeSantis.
Sherry says
@NMF- Really?
Disney immediately condemned the legislation and vowed to help get it repealed. Opposition among business leaders has been slowly building momentum this month as the bill moved through Florida’s Republican-controlled Senate. Starbucks, Nordstrom and Pinterest are among 45 companies that earlier this month quietly signed on to a two-year-old petition broadly condemning anti-LGBTQ legislation.
The newest signatories include retail companies Target, Mattel and Lululemon, according to the latest version of the petition published by advocacy groups Human Rights Campaign and Freedom for All Americans. Sony Interactive Entertainment, Deutsche Bank USA, Hyatt Group Hotels & Resorts, Yahoo! and Shutterstock also added their names in recent weeks to the petition, which has more than 200 signatures.
Sherry says
@ susan. . . please cite “credentialed FACTS” for your completely outrageous statement!
Please get educated on the scientific facts. This isn’t about “sexualization” at all! It’s about “acceptance” of EVERYONE regardless of gender. . . which is NOT necessarily biologically binary:
The way the US thinks about sex is wrong. Many people believe that biological sex is binary: either you’re male or you’re female. But as with many binaries, things are more complicated than they seem.
Sex and gender, for example, are not the same. Sex is our biology — what chromosomes, hormones, genes, sex organs, and secondary sex characteristics we have — while gender is how we think of our identity in the context of how norms function in our culture. Understanding gender not as male or female, but rather as a spectrum, is a recent development for many Americans. It hasn’t been a simple transition: Every day, people make countless decisions based on their sex and gender, some of which can provoke debate, like choosing which bathroom to use, or filling out legal documents, or competing in sports.
Students are often inaccurately taught that all babies inherit either XX or XY sex chromosomes, and that having XX chromosomes makes you female, while XY makes you male. In reality, people can have XXY, XYY, X, XXX, or other combinations of chromosomes — all of which can result in a variety of sex characteristics. It’s also true that some people with XX chromosomes develop typically male reproductive systems, and some people with XY chromosomes develop typically female reproductive systems.
susan, do you not realize that it is perfectly legal for a same sex couple to have a child? Should that child be completely ostracized in school at a young age because they have two “Daddies” or two “Mommies”? We live in the age of developing “Science”. . . not thousands of years ago in biblical times.
What Else Is New says
Susan, bless your heart, you obviously have never been in a classroom of 5 year old children who tell the teacher everything! They openly share their story, the immediate family story, stories about auntie and uncle. They tell all! They question everything! The teacher is an educator, as well as a substitute family member for 5 or 6 hours of a school day. It is against everything in a teacher’s thought process to ignore a child’s question. Now, they must.
Beachcat says
Hey. Did you notice the poster DeSlantis holds? White child, white dog. Is diversity kaput? Will public schools soon disappear? Are teachers no longer viewed as professionals? Autocracy rules!
James says
When is DeSantis going to worry about cleaning up the polluted waters in Florida, taking care of clean air and doing a reals Governor’s work instead of finding others to discriminate against? He just lost all the votes of all gays in the State of Florida so keep it up DeSantis you sure know how to lose votes.
Sally says
Next thing you know DeathSantis will be holding a sign and creating a website called White Power. He truly discriminates against gays and people of color. Guess that is the only thing he learned in the Ivy League schools he attended.
Frustrated Parent says
Instead of focusing on these issues, maybe focus on EDUCATION! Focus on reducing class size and teacher/child ratios. Focus on recruiting more quality teachers and efforts to retain them. Focus on more special education teachers. Focus more on classroom supports for identifying and helping children with learning differences. Focus on the education our children need for this country to compete in this world. The last stat I saw was the US was 13th in Math and Science.
I volunteered in my child’s classroom and witnessed an interaction a couple years ago between a boy who asked a girl why she had 2 mommies, and not a mom and dad. She simply said that she didn’t have a dad, just 2 mommies. He said ok and they continued to play. Why turn THIS into THE issue.
Michael Cocchiola says
Gay, gay, gay, F, gay gay gay, U, gay gay gay, C, gay gay gay, K, gay, gay gay, Y, gay gay gay O, gay, gay, gay, U, gay, gay, gay, De, gay gay gay, Santis!
Sherry says
“Russians are very sensitive to criticism. They can criticize ourselves, but if it’s coming from outside, they take it very personally. People don’t want to admit mistakes. It’s much easier to watch TV and absorb the government propaganda. It’s easier to not think. We did it for the 70 years of the Soviet Union and now it’s the same psychology again. You have this vast country with many people who are poor and who have never traveled abroad. They are very isolated, with no communication, only their television.”
Hummmm. . . Sound all too familiar?
NOW, let’s substitute the word “Russians” for “Republicans”, and “government” for “FOX”.
Sounds like many in our country are “lazy”, just as Roger Ails (head of FOX for many years) said . . . slowly embracing the “easier not to think” mentality. . . slowly becoming like Soviet Russia. We should all be afraid, very afraid of democracy melting away from the inside!
Susan says
No, I don’t want any of those in my life. I’m proud to be heterosexual. Don’t force your beliefs on me and I won’t force mine on you.
And I would tell Carter to go ask one of his mommies. Let the teacher teach and the parent parent. Especially when it comes to talking about sexual identity to a 5 year old. A teacher has no right to preach their philosophies of sexual identity to my 5 year old and now it’s law.
Florida Voter says
Do you realize that the “Don’t Say Straight” bill (I’ll keep using it until that name catches on) doesn’t allow the teaching of gender identity in K-3. That means that teachers can’t use gendered pronouns (don’t preach your philosophies of sexual identity to my 5 year-old). They can’t teach Spanish or any language that uses gendered nouns or verbs (French, German, etc). The phrase “in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards,” is far to vague and will only be defined in court.
Remember: Cisgender and heterosexual are a genders and a sexual orientation too.
To sum up, I’ll give a quote that I heard from a kindergarten teacher regarding this subject: “The most common question that [they hear] from the students is ‘is it snack time yet?'” (i.e. gender identity really isn’t a topic in those grades … until a parent sues because the teacher told Carter’s classmate that “some women like men and some women like women.”)
Sherry says
Dear Susan,
After reviewing what is being broadcast by FOX about this topic, I now understand why you are so upset and frightened. Please, as one human being to another, for the sake of your own well being and inner peace, permanently turn off FOX. The fear that they are selling is not based in any kind of reality, and it is driving hate that divides us. For credentialed factual news take a look at PBS, the BBC, the Associated Press. . . anything other than FOX or other far right winged outlets.
Seek peace, love and joy from within!
Sherry says
@susan. . . Ahhhhh. . . a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Seek factual scientific truth, along with peace, love and joy from within!
joe says
The poison that DeSantis and his bitch of a press secretary are spreading is gaining steam:
“Heads up: the idea of accusing anyone who supports treating gay people as full members of society of being pedophiles is SPREADING FAST on the right.
On right wing sites, “Don’t Say Gay” is now universally referred to as the “Anti-Groomer Bill.” On its way into the mainstream.”
Florida Voter says
We (the “cancel culture woke leftists”) need to relabel this bill the “Don’t Say Straight” bill and highlight the fact that it prohibits teaching that traditional families are “husband and wife” and that “boys are called he” and “girls are called she.” This bill doesn’t allow using gendered pronouns in K-3, since that is indoctrinating students to the teacher’s view of gender identity.
Cisgender Male and Cisgender Female are genders. Heterosexual is a sexual orientation.
Sherry says
@joe you are so right! Just took a look at what FOX is airing about this situation. They are screaming that the Democrats are essentially turning our public schools into sexual deviation factories. . . all that Q ANON crazy BS. DeSantis must be a FOX devotee!