You can’t celebrate or remember a loved by releasing balloons in Florida anymore. Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed legislation prohibiting the intentional release of balloons filled with a gas lighter than air. Exceptions include weather balloons and hot air balloons. Violating the law will mean a $150 fine for people older than 6.
The measure passed both chambers with bipartisan support.
The Ocean Conservation Society estimates that more than 100,000 marine mammals die from entanglement and starvation caused by plastic debris and lists balloons as the biggest cause of death from ocean debris for birds.
Oceana, an ocean advocacy organization, said the signing marks a great day for ocean wildlife.
“Florida’s new law will help save ocean animals from these preventable deaths,” Oceana Florida field manager Hunter Miller said in an email statement.
“While releasing balloons is sometimes used for celebrations, Floridians can opt for greener choices like bubbles, kites, planting trees, or making memorial gardens. Our elected officials should continue to come together to adopt new policies to stop the plastic pollution crisis at the source so Floridians and visitors can appreciate our stunning state without it being marred by plastic waste,” he said.
–Jay Waagmeester, Florida Phoenix
Bill Boots says
“The Ocean Conservation Society estimates that more than 100,000 marine mammals die from entanglement and starvation caused by plastic debris and lists balloons as the biggest cause of death from ocean debris for birds.”
Really Ron, more than commercial fishing nets, lines, ect?
Deirdre says
WOW!!! Desantis and I finally agree on some thing lol. Balloons really are hazardous to the environment/animals, I never would’ve realized that growing up, but we need to put nature first.
Just like they switched to throwing bird seed from rice at weddings, because the rice killed the birds, I’m sure people can live without the balloons.
No one should see this as a huge sacrifice get a drone or a kite if you want to see something floating in the air.
JOE D says
Kind of thought it was a LAW ALREADY!?!
Multiple other states have had the law for years…guess I’ll have to make sure the next helium balloon 🎈 I buy for my oldest grandson, is TIED around his WRIST…he’s 7…and over the 6 year old “cut off” for beginning the $150 fine.
I’m sure the local ocean are wildlife will definitely benefit!
JimboXYZ says
“legislation prohibiting the “intentional” release of balloons filled with a gas lighter than air. Exceptions include weather balloons and hot air balloons. Violating the law will mean a $150 fine for people older than 6.”
Intentional release is the key here. The prosecution/one’s charging anyone would have to prove that the release was “intentional”, “not accidental”. Unless an officer witnessed the release 1st hand to issue such a citation, Pretty much like a cigarette butt that ends up smoldering or otherwise on the ground. Does this legislation have any teeth to it in reality ? Finding balloons from an accidental release, there is no tracking of helium or other lighter than air gas filled balloons. I guess one would have to fight that in court & you wouldn’t need a lawyer to really contest that & beat the citation/charges ?
Pogo says
… for pointing out, the bottom line: a lot of nothing that can be circumvented by one word — oops.
Slippery Ron strikes again.
JT says
I thought this was already a law in FL. Am I missing something? Was it a law, got turned over and DeSantis reinstated? What the….
wow says
There was a law, but it permitted up to (a certain amount I don’t remember) to be released. This bans all releases.
There needs to be a BIG sign at Flagler Beach stating the law. Most people don’t know/don’t care. It’s tragic when you see a sea animal killed by swallowing, or tangling in, the plastic.
Surely there are better ways to memorialize your loved one.
Laurel says
Well, good DeSantis! Something worthwhile. Now, let’s get rid of plastic bags.
endangered species says
With current leadership Im surprised they haven’t made it a sanctuary state for plastic and rubber. Pollution is wildly profitable.
Been There says
I love this for the marine life but would really like it if he would focus on making it less easy to take a human life.