Last Updated: 6:26 p.m.
Joseph Delarosby, a Flagler County Sheriff’s deputy with almost 20 years’ service, took his life overnight or early this morning at Palm Coast’s Heroes Park. The Sheriff’s Office was at the scene investigating until about 11 a.m.
“We’re working an apparent suicide,” the Sheriff’s Office’s Paula Priester said at 10 this morning, before next-of-kin had been notified. “It’s a former deputy.”
The Sheriff’s Office says Delarosby had recently retired. He retired on Aug. 10 this year. He always spoke of his love for the job and in various conversations with a reporter over the years never intimated that he wanted to retire. It is also unusual for law enforcement officers or other public servants to retire just shy of the 20-year mark, when they become entitled to generous pensions, although in deputies’ case, it takes 25 years to get full retirement benefits. Delarosby, in any case, was already vested.
But he had recently had very serious personal difficulties and health struggles. In late May had been briefly committed to a psychiatric facility in Daytona Beach after threatening to kill himself at his home.
Delarosby served in the patrol division, in civil process and as a bailiff at the courthouse. He received 27 agency commendations, 13 certificates of appreciation and 13 personal letters of appreciation in his nearly 20 years of service.
Delarosby, who turned 50 in September, was married and had a daughter, was a familiar presence in the community, instantly recognizable from his broad smile and mustache, his lanky frame and the spike of his hair, which all led to him being affectionately known in the department as Beaker, the character from the Muppets. And he was known and loved for his dexterity with a camera, a hobby he enjoyed and put to use in his line of work.
“His photographs, some of them were just amazing at how he got them,” Patrick Juliano, the Palm Coast firefighter and a friend of Delarosby, said. “I got so jealous, I had to go out and buy my own camera to compete with him, and I couldn’t keep up with him. He could do Photoshop like it was out of this world.”
But it was Delarosby’s generosity with his time and knowledge that left a mark on Juliano, who remembers the first time he was in charge of an event’s honor guard, at the funeral of a volunteer firefighter in 2010. Juliano was lost. “I thought I had it handled, and Joe showed up and he stood by my side the entire weekend that we had it going on,” Juliano said.
Delarosby’s body was discovered by a Palm Coast water department employee early this morning, according to an official at the scene. The call came in to the Sheriff’s Office at 7:23 a.m. A Sheriff’s news release said a passerby noticed the body and called at 7:30 a.m.
Bob Weber, the Sheriff’s Office’s chief spokesman, said Delarosby had not resigned or been laid off, but had retired recently. Human resources at the office was gathering the deputy’s information.
On July 10, Delarosby sent an email addressed to Sheriff Jim Manfre, by way of Kenneth McClinton in the Sheriff’s administration, that stated simply: “Please accept this letter as my notice of retirement from the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, effective August 30, 2014.” The email was later amended, with the 30 scratched out and “10” written in. “This notice of retirement is irrevocable. I would like to thank you for the opportunity to have served the people of Flagler County. It has truly been an honor.”

At Heroes Park, the heart of the memorial area was taped off, as was a section to the right of the entrance, where the suicide took place. Delarosby took his life by a tree with a handgun, Weber said.
Commander Paul Bovino, the Sheriff’s Crime Scene Investigation unit and a Palm Coast Fire Department battalion unit are at the scene, as was at least one investigator with the sheriff’s office. Delarosby’s car was parked nearby.
The Medical Examiner arrived at the scene a little after 10:30 a.m. Delarosby’s body was soon to be removed–that operation was taking place at 10:48–and transported to St. Augustine for an autopsy, with a sheriff’s escort.
The Palm Coast Fire Department Engine 21 arrived at the scene at 10:47 and was to be sanitizing the area where the suicide took place.
The Medical Examiner, carrying the body in a van, along with a Sheriff’s motorcycle and Fire Department escort, drove away from the scene at 10:55 a.m., when the yellow crime tape was also removed. The CSI unit left at 11 a.m.
On May 27, according to a Sheriff’s incident report, a deputy responded to Delarosby’s home in Palm Coast’s B Section, at his family’s behest, as his wife and daughter worried about his safety after he’d locked himself up and he’d been drinking heavily. Delarosby was struggling with prescription drugs and alcohol, the incident report states, and was urging his family members to leave him. “Leave me alone, I’ll die alone,” he had told his wife, according to the report. Because the situation entailed the possibility that he would seriously harm himself, deputies invoked the Baker Act, according to the report, which means he was involuntarily committed to Halifax hospital’s psychiatric wing for evaluation and treatment, what the report describes as “protective custody.”
His service weapons, a Remington 12 gauge shotgun and a Glock 22C, were taken into evidence for safekeeping, and his patrol vehicle was brought back to the sheriff’s operations center.
Sheriff’s officials were asked today to what extent the Sheriff’s Office intervened to provide Delarosby treatment opportunities. But because of federal privacy rules under the a 1996 law known as HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), a sheriff’s spokesman said he was not at liberty to disclose information related to the office’s health interventions on behalf of Delarosby. The office has a policy in place that lays out the steps to take, for employee and agency, when an employee is dealing with substance abuse issues.
“Joe Delarosby’s passing is a tragedy for the community as a whole as well as for the men and women of the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office that knew Joe and worked with him,” Weber said in a statement in late afternoon. “As law enforcement officers, we respond daily to calls for assistance for people in crisis. We evaluate the particular situation and provide whatever level of assistance may be necessary. To suggest that we would turn our back on one of our own as some of your commenters have implied is absurd. I can assure you that Sheriff Office did everything it could to assist Mr. Delarosby. Unfortunately, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA) prevents us from discussing anything further. It is important to keep in mind that people often refuse to accept the fact that they may have a problem or that it is one that they have under control. As an agency we are always there to help those in need, all we ask that they meet us half way in the middle.”
Manfre echoed the statement in an interview also in late afternoon. “I was personally involved with Joe because he was someone I cared about but I can’t tell you what we did for him,” Manfre said, noting that he implemented the Employee Assistance Program the first time he was sheriff in 2001. “We preach that all the time, if you have problems, use that, it’s completely confidential.”
“We could not have done for him more than we did, everything possible that we could do for him, we did,” Manfre added. “The inference that we threw Joe to the side and that we didn’t care about him is just shameful. He’s one of the main people who helped me get elected in 2000, and I maintained that relationship throughout.” He described hearing the report this morning: “It was painful to hear, and it was stunning. I got the report that there was a male committed suicide. To find out later that it was Joe was quite stunning. It will take some time to get over his loss.”
Delarosby death was leaving those who knew him shaken, among them John Pollinger, the retired police chief who ran for sheriff in 2012, and on whose campaign Delarosby had played a very active role.
“I met Joe at another tragedy, which was the death of Frank Celico,” Pollinger said this morning. He described Delarosby as having a “larger than life personality, great sense of humor and was fun to be around. Nobody should judge what happened today or overnight because somebody can fall into the depth of despair that no one else could possibly understand.” Pollinger said he’s dealt with similar situations throughout his career in law enforcement, including the suicide of a member of his own department. “You just want to say couldn’t you have hung out one more day, one more day, it could have gotten better,” Pollinger said, but it’s not always possible. “Unless you’ve been in that position, that desperation, you wouldn’t understand.”
Pollinger added: “Joe was there for a lot of people in a lot of different times. That’s just the way Joe Delarosby’s personality was. If anybody was in need, Joe Delarosby was there.”

Juliano says Delarosby had been in charge of the funeral arrangements and ceremonies surrounding the death of another Flagler County Sheriff’s Deputy, Chuck Sease, who was killed by a man driving a car in a chase on an I-95 exit ramp in July 2003. “Somehow became the person who took care of everything,” Juliano said. “In fact, when Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm died he actually handled all of her funeral arrangements here in Florida, and worked to get the [federal government] to send a military detail to give her a state funeral.” Chisholm had been the first black woman elected to Congress, representing New York, and the first black candidate to run for the presidency. She had retired in Palm Coast.
“Joe is the type of guy that would do anything for anybody. He always put others before himself,” Juliano said.
“Today we lost one of our own,” former Sheriff Don Fleming wrote on his Facebook page. “As we reflect on Joseph let us remember him as a dedicated member of the FCSO family. He was a caring deputy who was always willing to step in and help his brothers and sisters in uniform in their time of need. With a heavy heart we extend our sincere hearfelt condolences to the Delarosby family and all of Joe’ s brothers and sisters at the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office. It is our hope and prayer that Joe and his family are afforded a proper law enforcement farewell that he so much deserves.”
Heroes Park, dedicated only a few years ago in the heart of Palm Coast–it is a few yards west of the library on Palm Coast Parkway–includes a law enforcement memorial of black granite, where the names of three law enforcement officers (two of them former Flagler deputies) are engraved. The third name, that of Sgt. Frank Celico, was added a few weeks ago as part of the city’s Sept. 11 ceremony. The monuments also include a memorial to Purple Heart recipients.
No single agency maintains comprehensive numbers on suicides involving law enforcement officers. Existing literature and studies result in wide disparities of findings, exaggerated rates and extrapolated rather than empirical conclusions, making it difficult to conclusively report such numbers. In 2012, The Police Chief, a trade publication, published an overview on the subject and found that based on a recent analysis of 30 studies on police suicide, authors of the analysis had found a suicide rate of 18.1 per 100,000 officers, compared wo a rate of 12 per 100,000 in the general population. “However,” the authors noted, “the population of LEOs does not mirror the ‘general population’ in gender, age, employment, or ethnic aspects.” If the police suicide rate is compared to the white male rate of suicide of 21.6, “the LEO rate is actually lower,” the analysis found.
“Also, there is research suggesting law enforcement suicides are more likely to be underreported or misclassified as accidental deaths than suicides in other similar occupations,” the Police Chief study went on. “This misclassification may occur to protect the family, other survivors, or the agency from the stigma of suicide. Finally, the majority of studies involve large departments and cities with an occasional statewide study.10 National LEO suicide rates are then extrapolated from these populations, which may not be representative of the occupation.”
Another organization publishes National Study of Police Suicides, based on emails, news reports and others secondary sources. The organization found that in 2012, when 126 suicides were reported, 91 percent were men, the average age of those committing suicide was 42, the average years on the job was 16, and those most at risk had spent 15 to 19 years on the job.

confidential says
A real sad tragedy…
Steve says
This guy was having problems and was forced to retire or get fired. He desperately needed help and FCSO turned his back on him and now he’s dead.
Jackie- says
He needed help and they didn’t listen.. It was better to get rid of him them help him … Thats what happens when you vote a politician in with with no police experience.
John Smallberries says
Guess what, when you vote for a sheriff you’re getting a politician. The solution here is to make the position an appointed one, not an elected one.
I agree with you it easier to turn your back then to help someone. Yes I knew Joe from growing up here and seeing him around.
Curious George says
You’re right Steve, Joe called me when he lost his job and he was devastated, he told me that he was forced out due to his back surgery. Shame on the FCSO for doing that to one of their own..Seems to me that they’re now in it for themselves and don;t care about no one except how many times they can be in the news …well now they’re in the news more than they may care to be..
I AGREE says
It is just down right evil Everything is ran like a business or ran by people on power trips The can force the people out so they do not have to pay
Anonymous says
Yup I agree!
flagerhome grown says
so very true
Donna Heiss says
So very, very sorry for all that know and love this public servant. May peace be with them.
A.S.F. says
A terrible tragedy. My deepest condolences to this man’s family. Please do not be afraid to seek any and all available support. It is there for you.
Jackie- says
ASF problem is he was seeking for the Sheriffs office to help him and they never would. …
Retired FF says
Such sad news. A loss of a great guy and a dedicated professional.
Omer Smith says
So sorry to hear about Joe. I worked with Joe before my retirement from the Sheriff’s Office in 2005. Unfortunately, suicide is a reality of the profession. It is a tough job — always under the scrutiny of the world it seems. Subject to long hours and many times faced with split second decisions that involve the possible taking of a life to include one’s own. The job is a tough one — many experience difficulty coping with the rigors constantly confronting you. As with my first career as a professional soldier, law enforcement is right up there in these tragic events. Perhaps we need to do a better job providing mental health training and spotting troublesome episodes with those serving in the Armed Forces and those serving the local communities — our law enforcement officers. Joe’s family and friends are in my thoughts and prayers. God be with those left behind as you journey journey on.
Isabel says
My deepest and most sincere condolences to his family and co-workers. May he Rest In Peace. IG
Anonymous says
Joe was like a second son. He & my son went through high school together and was a very close personal friend to us all. I am devastated by the news. Blessings to his family.
nicole says
He really was a sweet man. I am so so sorry for his wife and daughter,
Jake says
Joe was a dear friend. When our youngest son was admitted to the NICU in Orlando three days after birth, Joe actually deposited money in our account from his account (against our wishes) so we didn’t have to stress about food and lodging when we were in Orlando. I had the honor of being a part of the planning for Frankie Celico’s funeral services and sat beside Joe at times up to 13 hours a day for over a week. This man would give anyone anything at any moment. Such an amazing public servant. I think his 27 agency commendations, 13 certificates of appreciation and 13 personal letters of appreciation in his nearly 20 years of service shows exactly what type of man Joe IS. It is our duty now to make sure he is NEVER forgotten and honor him the way e deserves. Rest easy brother, we’ve got it from here.
Noreen says
Jake I couldn’t have said it any better than that. Thank you!
CoffeeAddict5 says
Prayers to the family. he was a caring man and a fine Officer.
Anonymous says
My deepest Sympathy to his wife and his family.I met Joe at my sisters,and Brother In Law Carlo and Finita Celico.When I lost My nephew Frank Celico.What a gentleman he was I knew him for a very short time .,But he left me an impression.was very helpful with everything during that very difficult time .Was very kind.He didnt know what to do next .He showed great respect four our family. Know he is with my nephew in heaven…May they rest in Peace.What a great Guy he was…God wants all the good ones .I wish we knew the answer to that.May god give Joes family to go through this difficult time.Finita Celico And Carlo Celico sister in law ,from New Jersey.
forced out says
I worked with Joe for years…He was a great man. He was compassionate and he loved helping others. He was there for me many times. Sadly, the sheriff gets rid of deputies when ever they may be going through a tough time. Joe was forced into retirement like so many before him under manfre. Almost 30 deputies have resigned or were terminated. Sad sad sad….
Rick says
I have known Joe for nearly 18 years, all of which were during his years as a Deputy Sheriff. Not mentioned in this story was that before becoming a Deputy Sheriff, Joe worked for the County EMS.
I am in complete and utter shock at the news of his passing. Though, in reality I shouldn’t be. Joe had been dealing with some personal and professional demons. Joe was forced to resign/retire or be fired after his mental health was questioned. Joe was struggling on his own to remedy and combat those demons, when his agency failed to provide to him the appropriate care that he deserved, needed and quite frankly earned. The EAP (Employee Assistance Program), should have been utilized. Forcing someone to leave the agency rather than making an effort to assist them is quite frankly deplorable management!
Though I can’t speak directly as to what was troubling Joe, I am sure it was a combination of the stresses of the job (over 20 years of seeing things that can’t be unseen), the loss of Frankie Celico and the fact Joe has carried the burden and grief of many family, friends, and colleagues who have been lost over the years. I suspect this coupled with being forced to leave his career (a job that was basically his life, his identity) was the breaking point that led to his taking his own life. Joe loved being a Deputy Sheriff; he was a true public servant. A man can only shoulder that kind of load for so long, eventually it breaks him; as it did here. As it would have anyone else.
As this story so perfectly illustrates, Joe cared for everyone. He worked tirelessly to help anyone in need. He shouldered the stress for complete strangers just as equally as his family, friends and colleagues. This left Joe a broken man.
Rather than recognize that he needed help, Sheriff Manfre tossed him out with the dishwater. I am both disgusted, angered and saddened by his death. It’s time the news media, the community and the voters start paying attention to what Sheriff Manfre is doing to the careers and lives of the men and women who have served Flagler County.
One other thing, back in 2000… I think that was the year. Joe, responded to a house fire off of Clubhouse Drive. Joe ran into the home that was fully engulfed in flames and drug the homeowner out to his safety, then went back and saved the man’s cat. Just another example of his heroism. Maybe, just maybe in Joe’s mind he visited Heroes Park as he knew that he himself was a hero to many and wanted to take his last breath where other hero’s were honored. An honor and designation I am sure Sheriff Manfre is too callous to recognize.
Rest In Peace Beaker! May God Bless Judy and your daughter.
Michael Van Buren says
Well said Rick on all counts. I wasn’t going to comment as I will probably be next on the hit list, but after reading the statement from my agency, I am about to puke. I talked to Joe just before his “retirement” and he was ready to do whatever it took to stay employed with the agency and keep the job that he loved. To imply he wouldn’t meet them halfway is a lie. He was forced out, even though he was looking for help.
The Agency failed him, the system failed him, I failed him. The madness needs to end.
So sad says
So sad for this family. Prayers going up for their healing. Trust Sherriff Manfre to hold up another PR induced program as a sign of his “caring about his men”. Manfre’ sanctions have spoken volumes about what he cares about. Just look at his proceedures for firing. This time it’s not just the loss of a job, but the loss of the life of a dedicated officer.
Effing Tragedy says
My best friend from high school. Knew him for 33 yrs. Shame it came to this. FCSO should be ashamed of themselves. Feel like I should have done more. As with many of you I’m just all torn up inside. RIP my friend I’ll miss you and I love you.
biker says
Joe was a great guy that would go out of his way to help anyone. What a tragedy.
Retired says
I wish Joe had told me about everything, I feel I could have helped. Having been in management with the State of Florida for almost 30 years, there are things bosses are required to do. Joe, who was under the state retirement system, would have been approved for FMLA (Federal Family Medical Leave Act–enacted by Bill Clinton). They obviously didn’t advise him because he would have job protection under the act. Shame on them…I hope his wife sues.
resident says
20 years ago I met Joe the first day I came here, back when I was a paper carrier. My mother actually flattened his mailbox one night. He didnt even care…..wouldnt let her fix it….I knew i was safe out in the middle of the night because we had Joe on duty (as well as some others).
I was informed that he was forced out of the Sheriff’s dept..
What is this county coming to?
Makes one wonder about elected officials, personal vendettas, and the like.
Obviously something is wrong or we, as a county, wouldnt be losing the longtime, well known, best officers.
This was one of the nicest, most loving, generous people on this planet. Just in casual conversations it was clear how much he loved this community , its people, and his job. Such an incredible shame. A lot of sadness in our county today. He is well loved by all that he touched and will never, ever be forgotten!
Blessings to his loved ones.
Steve Clair / Lynn Catoggio for Sheriff
C’mon residents……..this county needs a local in that office.
We cant afford to keep losing the good guys!!!!!
tragic says
Rest in Peace Beaker! May your family and co-workers find the peace and strength to get through this very tragic and difficult time. Such a shame to see something like this happen to one of our own. Hope this is an eye opener…when an employee is reaching out for help, reach out and help, don’t leave them to reach to a point where they feel there only out is to end their own life :(
Rick says
I have heard, though merely speculation that Joe may have chosen today to take his life, as the date is 10/7/2014. The old method of communicating by radio for law enforcement officers is using the “10-Code system”. The code “10-7” stands for “Out of Service/Off-Duty”. If true, that would be very prophetic
Groot says
I believe in loyalty up and loyalty down. The county and sheriff’s office should have stuck with him. So Manfre has no police experience? I noted he sold real estate at one time.
Enlightened says
What a great loss to this community. Sheriff Manfre you kicked a person when they were down once again. How many does this make? Someone definitely needs to look into what is going on at the Sheriff’s Office. Peace and prayers to his family and friends.
Anonymous says
How sad. Joe was a super guy! He will be missed.
Ray Thorne says
Do everyone a favor Mr. Manfre and step down.
Chris says
Very sad. I’ve been in trouble with the law quite a few times growing up in this town and Joe was one of the few police officers I liked. He was caring, respectful, and never abused his power.
John Rogers says
RIP Joe Delarosby Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family….
Joe says
How much of a Deputy was Joe and how much did he LOVE his calling? What is today’s date? …. that will tell you how much Joe thought about his calling. For those not in the law enforcement business 10-7 means end of watch. Joe’s watch ended today WAY TO SOON
God Bless and God Speed my brother
aleo says
Joe was a great guy, the loss is felt across the state. Prayers sent to his family.
Ken Switzer says
My heart is heavy and sad. My deepest condolences to Joe’s family.
Forced out says
It is not unbelievable that manfre immediately brings out joe’s resignation letter. As if to say that joe had a choice. Manfre did exactly the same thing to me…had me complete a resignation letter or else he would fire me….for no wrong doing whatsoever. Manfre and Staly uses their power without care or thought of how much we have given to this community. I spoke to joe last week. He was so devastated that he was treated like garbage after years of dedicated service to the community. Please rest in peace brother.
Enter the Twighlight Zone says
Way to go Manfre! And, what a bunch of political safe facing bs when men from your own force are saying you did not help him like you claim you did but you “can’t talk about it”. Did he know something that some of you didn’t want him to say? Why did you really fire O’ Brien? Why did Jack Bisland go backwards and leave his high and lofty position of Commander? I say it is time to start investigating quite a few things that don’t make much sense.
S3kshun13 says
Sadly ive known Beaker for years, i grew up around him at the S.O and alot of the other officers. He did not willingly “Retire” He was giving the option to either retire or get fired. Like many others at Flager County, Manfre set up false “interviews” when he took the sheriffs postion and fired those who he had issues with his last term. I truly believe that this tragedy is a direct result of Manfre and his abuse of power. Joe will be missed as well Sease, Both ive spent time with while growing up and its sad that its bad enough we lose enough brothers and sisters of law enforcement in the line of duty but to have this happen is even worse.
My thoughts and prayers go out to his family but also go out to those who’s lives he has touched and been apart of over the years
i wont be surprised if this doesnt get posted or if it gets taken down because i know that a few of the editors or buddy buddy with Manfre
NortonSmitty says
I’m pretty sure there’ only one Editor here and I find it hard to believe he’s “buddy buddy” with anybody.
Chris Ragazzo says
Please enough of the bullshit already!
You are taken away from Joe Delarosby’s passing. He was a good man with a pure heart of gold. He loved his family, his career and his community which he faithfully served for over 20 years. He should be remembered for all the good he has done for so many of us!
His life ended too soon and Judy, Kelsey, and the family are stuck trying to sift through the mess and pickup the pieces he left behind. Alcoholism and depression are a horrible combination and this could have been prevented with proper treatment.
Lets remember Joe for who he was and all he has done. Learn from the issues at hand to help prevent it from re occurring to another loved one.
Rest in peace my friend and thank you for all you have done for myself and countless others in your years of service. God speed Joe Delarosby!
NortonSmitty says
I met him a few times out of uniform and once on duty. He was funny, intelligent and a Gentleman clothed in both. I wish he would have reached out instead of in. R.I.P.
HonkeyDude says
So mANFREE gets to put a big feather in his cap today next to the little feather of forced retirement/ knife in the back/ turned his back on. Or is he going with patches on his brownie sash?
So can anyone answer what is worse than a lawyer and a politician?
A sheriff who’s both…………
Diane Johnson says
Hope Manfre is happy!!
Brian says
I am truly saddened by the news of Joe’s passing. The fact that he was forced into retirement so that the sheriff could better manage his budget by not having to pay for the care and treatment that Joe so desperately needed is nothing more than a serious dereliction of the duty for which he was elected to perform…..TO PROTECT AND SERVE THE CITIZENS OF FLAGLER COUNTY.
I would personally like to take this moment to thank Joseph Delarosby for his service to our community. I would also like to call for the impeachment of Sheriff Manfre for failure to fulfill the basic duties required by his office. He is an elected official, and should be held accountable. I say we call that accountability into question now, and remove him from office before another tragedy strikes our community.
Earned His Angel Wings says
What goes around comes around. Manfre spends $30,000 a year campaigning on the radio hoping everyone will remember his name…..we sure will…we will remember this is a Sheriff to blame for many lives lost, lives turned up-side down and employees that work in miserable conditions. This man and his Under Sheriff Staley have destroyed a good Department. Both men care nothing about anyone but themselves and their ego’s. Joe was a fantastic officer with no ego, and didn’t deserve to be forced out of the department. Manfre and Staley need to remember, the ass you kick on the way up, is the ass you kiss on the way down. FCSO should hang their heads in shame. You can hide behind HIPPA, but there are those that know the truth.
Bandido says
What a great loss for the people of Flagler County. I didn’t know Joe personally but after reading about him I am ashamed to say that I live in Flagler County with a corrupt Sheriffs office!!. Manfre has allowed this man to go to the extreme and never attempted to reach out and provide the help that this officer needed. Manfre and all his “Cronies” in the FCSO, just look at the promotions since he took office and you’ll know who I’m talking about, are all responsible for the death of this “TRUE HERO”!!!!! This man’s blood is on YOUR hands !!!! Maybe Manfre will have another charge against him in his Grand Jury trial !!!!
My deepest condolenses go to Joe’s family.
IamStillhere says
Where are you Manfre? Way to support the deputies that are left behind to mourn one of their own and the family that is grief-stricken. You have no clue what law enforcement officers’ deal with. You can’t even begin to understand their demons. You should be ashamed of yourself. It wouldn’t surprise me if you go to the services in full uniform and making it a media event with only your re-election in mind. Do us all a favor…don’t show up. No one believes that you cared then, don’t act like you do now.
Retired says
Flagler Live—fyi….the Employee Assistance Program is not the same as FMLA-Family Medical Leave Act. I personally believe if he had been offered that he would still be on the job, even though needing to take leave from time to time, he would still be alive. That job was everything to him. The HIPPA law applies to medical facilities and physicians giving out information. Employee Assistance Program only allows you a couple of visits with a therapist (and possibly not even a good one) and it does not protect your job the way FMLA does. Just wanted to give you this info since it appears you are doing a good job checking on everything.
Save our Officers says
As the daughter of law enforcement officers, and survivor of a parent who committed suicide, my heart is broken for this family. There are no suicide resources in Flagler County. I didn’t know this deputy, but he was obviously in mental pain. We do not ever understand the WHY! I’d love to reach out to this family and provide my resources. The journey to healing is difficult. Grief is overwhelming. My prayers for those left to pick up the pieces. Hold tight to each other and the precious memories embedded in your hearts. The community cries and mourns with you. Prayers for comfort from my broken heart to yours!
Michael says
You know Manfre (that egomaniac) id hiding the truth, he is your typical smiling politician with Zero law enforcement experience. Why in the world would a Sheriff be an elected position, any idiot (like Manfre) can be in charge of a police dept. just insane. If what people are saying is true about being forced out, then his wife needs the best attorney in FL to go after Manfre and the dept., the sad part is the taxpayers will flip the bill for the FCSO defense, rest in peace deputy.
RJ says
There is help out there for active and retired officers. http://poppanewyork.org/RetireeProgram.html
Call 1-800-599-1085 POPPA will reach out to active and retired officers from other departments.
Michael Van Buren says
Thank you for sharing this. I never know this organization existed. And I bet others didn’t as well.
Joe’s passing was a terrible tragedy that has rippled across Flagler County.
However I learned over ten years ago, from the worst tragedies, good things can happen. If one person can be saved because of this or any other change that befalls the FCSO, then Joe did not die in vain.
It is time to remember Joe for the good times… for everything he gave to each of us. It is time to learn from our mistakes; but even more important; it is time to make a difference and make out home town a safer and better place.
You will never be forgotten Beaker.
In Loving Memory,
Joe Delarosby EOW: 10/7/2014
Save our Officers says
I have never heard of POPPA, however great information for LEOs.
In Flagler, we have NO local resources for victims of suicide, no support groups or guidance. I was fortunate to find a counselor who specialized in ERMD. Survivors usually suffer from some PTSD.
Instead of the $100,000 to maintain a stupid tennis court, let’s put some resources in Flagler County.
It sucks growing up without a parent… Who gave her life to help others. Just as Joe did. You don’t become an officer to do nothing… People choose it out of passion and selflessness! Not an easy profession!
Thank you for posting this, I will forward to my friends in public service.
Chris Clair says
Rest in peace beaker ill never forget as a kid all the jokes you made to make me smile and all the things you’ve done to help others out yesterday was 10-7-14 and your watch on earth is over now you get to walk the street of heaven and watch over us from above may you rest in peace :(
John Smallberries says
This would be a really good opportunity for the powers that be in law enforcement in flagler county to push for mandatory, regular psychological counseling for everyone that wears the blue.
Seminole Pride says
He had his whole retirement ahead of him, and didn’t know how to take that next step. I guess it was hard for him to adjust. Many put work way ahead of life. Rest In Peace.
tulip says
Maybe if people had paid attention to what was really going on and looking into facts, rather than believing all the law suits RR was doing, plus all the lies, innuendos and half truths that were going around about some of the other sheriff candidates, votes might have been cast differently.
barbie says
This is so sad. Just another over-40 forced out of the work-force because medical benefits are criminally-overpriced. When will we put a stop to this sort of thing “being okay”? It’s NOT.
HJ says
Karma is a bitch…. And Manfre has it coming. Sooner or later what comes around goes around.
He basically ruined my brothers career (Steve Clair) and how many other dedicated people’s lives here in Flagler County., to boost his larger than life ego. A Damn shame that he keeps doing this crap and then covering it up. My condolences to Mr. Delarosby’s family. Iam so sorry for your loss.
Steve Wood says
Maybe its time for the FDLE or another State dept to step in and investgate the running of this Sheriff dept. Something is not right when so many men and women are either forced to quit or be fired or retire to keep there name clean unlike another local govt. SOMETHING IS WRONG.
i met Joe at bike week 1996 at bullow camp ground the same year i met my wife to be and the three of us have been friends ever since. he was the only person i ever let ride my bike, other than my wife. Joe had a big heart and just because you had long hair, tattoo’s and rode a Harley Davidson he never judged you by the way you looked. when you talked with joe he would talk to you and not THRU you like many leo’s would do. Joe was my friend and i will miss him and that ear to ear grin. God Speed Joe !! Randy and Brenda Cauley