
By Diane Roberts
Ron DeSantis, pay attention: you really do not want Ben Crump suing you on behalf of three Florida high schoolers over that pilot AP African American Studies course you shut down.
Have you seen those kids? Clean-cut, All-American, telegenic. Have you heard Ben Crump? Smart, eloquent, relentless.
Crump gets on national TV more than you. He’s got a Netflix documentary. He’s got a social justice law center named after him.
Governor, we all know that you’ve stopped even pretending you’re not racist. Redrawing two formerly Black-led congressional seats so that whites would dominate, suppressing the Black vote, and appointing a white guy who apparently thought it was funny to dress up as a Klansman to the county commission of majority-Black Gadsden County, is what you call a “tell.”
I guess you figure you can win the White House with the white nationalist vote. The way this country’s going, that’s entirely possible. There are a lot of Caucasians out there convinced that women and Jews and gays and people of color are taking over America.
But pitching hissy fits about gay people, drag queens, and Black history ain’t a good look if you want to appeal to anyone outside the Fox swamp. RuPaul has one of the most popular shows in the nation.
And going to battle with cute kids and Ben Crump, who’s represented Trayvon Martin’s family, George Floyd’s family, and Breonna Taylor’s family, is a dumb plan. Even if Crump loses, he wins: You look like a jerk, a new generation of young voters sees that the Republican Party really doesn’t give a damn about them, and the nation is reminded once more that Jim Crow 2.0 is real.
You didn’t need to pick this fight over AP Black studies, governor. It’s an advanced placement class. Students choose to take it — or not. Nobody forces them, any more than anyone makes them sign up for AP European History.
Wait — aren’t you always banging on about “choice” when it comes to education?
More ‘woke’
Speaking of AP European History, have you had a look at that curriculum? It’s mostly about white folks, so I guess you’ll approve of that part. Nevertheless there are some disturbing topics: “Critiques of Capitalism,” “Colonial Expansion and Development of the Slave Trade,” and the like.
Man, it gets harder and harder to shut down all this woke stuff, doesn’t it? What’s a Viktor Orbán Fan Boy to do?
Other than destroy public education in Florida, of course. Your obliging Legislature is poised to take billions from public schools to give everybody a voucher for private schools, which are, conveniently, not subject to certain state standards.
I look forward to an entire generation of Floridians who think the sun revolves around the Earth.
In the meantime, you’ll content yourself with forcing local school superintendents out of office and replacing them with your minions. Now you’re after Leon County School Supt. Rocky Hanna, who’s “under investigation” by the Florida Department of Education for, well, it’s hard to tell. Something he said that one of the maggot-brained Moms for Liberty complained about.
Then there’s book-banning. One parent at one Pinellas County high school complained about Toni Morrison’s “The Bluest Eye” and now it’s verboten. Never mind that Morrison is a Nobel Laureate in literature. Never mind that the novel addresses profound issues of colorism, abuse, and how being Black in America can drive a person mad.
Other books deemed “harmful to minors” (as Florida’s education legislation puts it) include many, many titles by Black writers, Latino writers, Native American writers, LGBTQ writers, and any author who at any time refers to sex.
We need to preserve the innocence of teenagers.
Teachers can be charged with a third-degree felony if they’re caught with “unvetted” books in their classrooms. One Manatee County teacher wrote: “My heart is broken for Florida students today as I am forced to pack up my classroom library.”
In Duval County, a teacher had to stop giving her students free books, even though their families are too poor to buy their own.
Getting ideas
We wouldn’t want these kids getting ideas, now, would we? Especially ideas about people of color or gay people or anyone who isn’t white, Christian, straight, and ignorant as a bag of sawdust.
We prefer these kids get guns. That’s America.
So, governor, if you won’t allow that AP African American Studies course because it dares to raise terrifying topics like Black feminism and queerness and even suggests students might benefit from discussing slavery reparations, why not create your own? Just in time for Black History Month, here’s a suggested model:
- Four hundred years ago, white people went to Darkest Africa, a continent populated mostly by gorillas and lions, and bought some Black people from some other Black people. It’s really the Black people’s fault, but white people always get blamed for just trying to make a little money.
- The white people took the Black people to America, where they got good jobs picking tobacco and cotton. The jobs were unpaid, kind of like internships, but the Black people got free food and free clothes, plus they didn’t have to pay rent. As a bonus, they converted to Christianity, which means they wouldn’t have to go to hell.
- The American Revolution happened, led by white people who didn’t believe in slavery even though a lot of them accidentally owned slaves. Our founders weren’t racist: Thomas Jefferson even dated a slave!
- Harriet Tubman ran the Underground Railroad, proving that Black women have a strong entrepreneurial spirit.
- In 1861, white people went to war to free the slaves and a lot of them died, though Black people never give them credit.
And, OK, the white people in Florida and those other Southern states (not that we’re admitting we’re part of the South, no sir) were on, like, the other side, but mostly because they hated Big Government and didn’t want their people-owning businesses to lose money.
- There was a thing called Reconstruction when we let Black men vote and even get elected to political office, but it didn’t pan out. Maybe Black people just weren’t ready to be citizens yet — not that we’re blaming anyone!
- A nice Black lady named Rosa Parks and a nice Black preacher named Martin Luther King teamed up to make riding the buses safe. Also help Black people vote, since they were probably ready to be citizens by the 1960s. Unfortunately, some white people didn’t like that, but they are all dead now, and we all want Black people to vote if they can do it right and not rely on “special treatment” like mail-in ballots, Sunday voting, drop boxes, and the like.
- Martin Luther King was a Republican.
- The Civil Rights Movement was admirable, and made for lots of good movies, but soon it was taken over by radicals who thought Black people should have rights as a group and started that bad, unamerican, affirmative action business. Black people got angry and yelled a lot, especially Malcolm X and Angela Davis.
- Barack Obama, a Black man who may or may not be an actual American citizen, got elected president, which means racism is over.
- No need to thank me, governor. And good luck with all those lawsuits.
Diane Roberts is an 8th-generation Floridian, born and bred in Tallahassee. Educated at Florida State University and Oxford University in England, she has been writing for newspapers since 1983, when she began producing columns on the legislature for the Florida Flambeau. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, the Times of London, the Guardian, the Washington Post, the Oxford American, and Flamingo. She has been a member of the Editorial Board of the St. Petersburg Times–back when that was the Tampa Bay Times’s name–and a long-time columnist for the paper in both its iterations. She was a commentator on NPR for 22 years and continues to contribute radio essays and opinion pieces to the BBC. Roberts is also the author of four books.
Doug Brown says
Flagler Live is so far left that you can’t even see right, besides that you’re totally NUTS. MY GOD I don’t understand why I keep you on my email listings.
Yet here you are. And you call them nuts? Haha
Mdw says
God bless Govenor Desantis!
what the... says
Why? What is so great about him? How has he enriched my daughter’s gay mother, trans brother, step aside religion life? You’ve condemned her to never see her life as real, or an option. She didn’t do anything wrong by your standards, but she’ll never see her reality in books, classrooms, social media discussions, etc. Congratulations! You have made my daughter a target through no fault of her own. I hope you are proud of yourself when she speaks of suicide (don’t kid yourself that she won’t), feeling alienated, or worse. Congratulations on your biblical regurgitations and how it sand papers against the grain of today’s youth!
yep says
You know they are on to something, right? Open your mind and question everything!
what the... says
Who is “they” and what is the “something?”
Sherry says
@doug. . . soooo, simply take “Award Winning” Flaglerlive off of your email list and hurry back to your FOX (who OWES over 700 MILLION for their LIES) Silo of “alternate reality”. We really won’t miss you at all. . . really!
Dennis C Rathsam says
So sick of Ms Roberts hit jobs on our governor….Floridians, through out Fl, voted for him in a landslide! She reminds me of cry baby Hillary! The democratic party is all but dead here in the FREE STATE OF FLORIDA. Wake up lady, dream all U want, we see what your party brings to the table. Inflation, the border crisis, spy balloons, & classified documents carelessly distrubuted everywhere!!!!! Bullshit the baker….get a bun! Bullshit me U get none.
Atwp says
Dennis is she lying about Desantis? You sound like you don’t want to hear anything bad about Desantis. Dennis he is a big Trump anti African American liar. Get mature and face reality.
James Murphey says
Whine, whine, whine.
All Republicans do is lie, cheat and steal.
Trump’s going to prison. America is sick of the line thieving crazy caucus Republicans.
Y’all see the writing on the wall and it ain’t pretty for the Republican party anymore so you have to try to suppress the vote, that don’t work now you’re trying to 1984 our history that ain’t going to work either.
What happened to your Red Wave? oh yeah, the American people drained the swamp….
Tired of it says
And the Republican plan to deal with inflation is what? Are you referring to the trove of secret documents that took a year to recover from trump? Wasn’t trump suppossed to have fixed the border? What exactly did he accomplish with the border?
Edith Campis says
Speaking of Chinese balloons…https://thehill.com/policy/defense/3844511-chinese-balloons-flew-over-us-three-times-during-trump-administration-officials/
Charles says
Start listening to real news stations and not only Fox.
Brian says
You can rest assured I did not. Nor will I ever vote for that man.
Debrinamaria says
DeSatan is the absolute worse human being to be running our state. He is a dictating monster. Maybe u dont see all the FL news n reports we see living here n the mess he has stirred up. He hatessss Women, Lgbtq’s, Blacks Browns, Migrants Asians Latinos, divorced disabled women in FL, yes he has messed up our futures also. Sadam Hussein born again in FL, Desatan. His wife is just as bad. He has to ask her permission to approve every single thing he does so Im not sure who to despise him or her for destroying our state n setting us back 50 yrs n we have 3 more years of this horrible dispicable turd. Embarassing our state. He has hurt so many people. Clueless.
Yeah n thanks Tramp for giving DeSatan the opportunity to ruin FL.
He has done more damage in past year n a half than Tramp has done since he’s been living. DeSatan is way more dangerous than Tramp.
He is a hater of many groups. If he hasnt got to your group yet just wait buddy….he is on a mission to rule n destroy. He has no empathy….He is a cold cold fish.
what the.... says
What is crazy, is that DeSantis has bragged about his changes to the constitution and other laws when these things didn’t happen UNTIL HE WAS RE-ELECTED. IE, he didn’t get re-elected by a landslide based upon his platform, but got re-elected (sure by a landslide- maybe old Republicans straight party voting) and then made all the crazy changes. Doesn’t it seem like some of those changes should have been up for the people’s vote? On a ballot? Not his decision to make?! If you disagree, then you didn’t vote for him for his “new platform” and you’ve given up or relinquished your right to have a voice. GOOD FOR YOU!!!! LET HIM DECIDE ALL FOR YOU!! BUT AS SOMEONE WHO BELIEVES IN DEMOCRACY…I SHOULD GET A SAY!!!! If you disagree, then you are in the wrong country-
Stop it! says
Everything he has done lately has been after he has been re-elected. When he speaks of pro-life rights, that was after he was re-elected. When he pretends that he was supported across the board for what he is doing now, that isn’t accurate, as he didn’t run with that platform. The problem is– he got re-elected and then turned “I said we are doing this”, my “boys” will make it so, and “you can’t do bubkis about it”. Even though that wasn’t his platform. Granted, many, many, many, elderly/retired boomers vote straight party (mostly his magical re-election) you have to admit he wouldn’t have had the support if he’d come out with dictator views when he was trying to be re-elected. FREE STATE? My child can’t get in trouble for checking out a library book that I don’t like (BANNED), but I got busted and had the normal ritual of parental outrage, restrictions galore, and I’m still not allowed to talk about the book. Boy, what I learned, though. When a 9th grader said he wanted me to sit on his face (other boys laughed in support) I had no idea what the f*(& he meant. Caught like a deer in headlights. When I read the forbidden book and visualized what that meant– well, not a victim anymore!!! Knew what it meant and dealt with it like any teen with angst. Anyhoo, that book is banned. DeSantis is a coward to let any teen to grow w/out a helicopter parent, and you are so stupid to believe that DeSantis has any thoughts to police or set policy to help you or yours. You have bitten into the apple of CON MAN and he SELLS WHAT WILL CURE YOU. Shame on you and I sure hope you don’t have children or grandchildren, b/c u are now standing in the way of them becoming productive citizens, which I think we were all lead to believe was our constitutional duty.
Wow says
Florida faces huge environmental impacts, dying wildlife, exhorbitant property and auto insurance rates, rising seas, crumbling infrastructure, high gun violence, high domestic violence, poverty, school shootings and bomb threats. And DeSantis focuses on…. Drag queens. Does this add up?
nope says
No- it doesn’t add up! Doesn’t it make a tear fall from your eyes as the horror of what republicans think are important as our children die, neighbors die, community members die, our right to be free die, etc. Shocking!!! Reality is: unless his boy is gay, his girl gets pregnant against her will, and his wife feels like he shouldn’t get kudos for being a husband and “looking after his kids when she had cancer”—we’ll need to ride the next wave out of here
Truth says
Check out Thomas Sowells “true history of slavery”
Google Denzel Washington’s opinion of black suppression.
We need term limits! Only way to fix these ” claims ” of racism. The government doesn’t want it to go away.
Jimbo99 says
Uggghhhh, another fine article by Diane Roberts.
Kat says
Bravo! You hit the nail on the head every single time.
Pogo says
@Diane Roberts
God bless you. You’re a treasure.
Somewhere, Molly Ivins, is reading you — smiling — and toasting you.
And thank you, FlaglerLive.
Russell A Smith says
Wow! You don’t like America’s Governor that’s for sure. Talk about leaning left, incredible! You should actually read and listen to our Governors opinions before commenting on them.
JOE D says
Not “MY” America’s Governor…..even though I need to put up with his unbelievable rulings, for the next 4 (opps, 2 years)…. Before your Good Ol’ Boy will be abandoning you to your unbelievable homeowners and car insurance rates, and unbelievably slow Disaster rebuilding money (oh yeah…..those $Billions coming from that “corrupt” Democrat led Senate and White House)
Don’t hear Scott suggesting Florida return all that massive Florida disaster aid in his speeches against “Wasteful Washington Spending “ in his weekly propaganda news letters too many Floridians believe without checking the facts!!!
stop says
When our Governor speaks lies (I spoke to Penny who got aborted 2xs and her grandmother took her to another hospital so she’d live & Dems want abortion up to birth), wants a 6 week abortion ban (most women don’t even know they are pregnant), when he suppresses the truth about racism (Black history–ESPECIALLY IN FL!!), when he supports hatred and making children and adults lose the care they need to become who they are empowered to be, and more! You are either racist, a bigot, or both. Stop supporting someone who says I can’t teach my child how I want, but I have to remove choices from schools, libraries, etc. It’s like republicans cant talk to their children. How dare you support someone who says I cant!!!
Ed Pape says
Ms. Roberts why do you candy coat it? (Sarcasm) Your opinions and re-writing history are so far left that it’s hard to give your opinion any oxygen. Did you forget your Oxford education? No exams just open discussions with the professors, sharing ideas and opinions. Freedom of speech and truth. Was you degree honorary?
Your interpretation of our governor demonstrates that you are not any better than the “fox echo chamber”. Just 180 degrees away.
Open your mind to explore both sides and find the truth somewhere in the middle.
Did you ever meet DeSantis and have an open and honest discussion with him?
And finally, shame on you for purporting to know what’s in any one’s heart, accusing him of being a racist. You don’t know nor do I but at least I’m smart enough I don’t know. You follow an over worn play book, absent of any original thoughts.
hed1117 says
“ at least I’m smart enough I don’t know” – sums you up perfectly ie you don’t have a clue.
Ed says
What’s in anyone’s heart…genius
Stop it! says
He never asked my response to banning books, constricting abortion time lines, allowing him to remain Governor when he is running for President, stopping my child from getting college credit for psychology classes in high school, or getting ap credit for African American studies. We can’t judge what he has passed and done, yet perhaps, if he’d put it on a ballot, then at least Floridians could weigh in. What a dictator!!! We can’t have an open and honest discussion with a governor who passes bills/laws without ever consulting his constituents. READ THIS LOUD AND CLEAR! WE CAN NEVER KNOW WHAT IS IN HIS HEART IF HE “JUST MAKES IT SO” INSTEAD OF HAVING A CONVERSATION AND A VOTE!! I would like to meet you on a street in NY, b/c if you are buying into DS’s shit, then I have a bridge I think you’d like to buy. Shame on you!!!
JimBob says
There are some Southerners who were taught racism at home, in segregated schools and in lily white church congregations of the largest Protestant denomination in America who, despite their entire cultural environment, came to recognize that racism is a sickness not unlike addiction. It yet pervades this Statr and others, not just the Old Confederacy, and is embraced by the base of the Republican Party, just as Richard Nixon intended. CRT is despised for exactly exposing that truth.
Debrinamaria says
DeSatan was definitely taught it. And he lives it.
Stop it! says
There were some Southerners who were so poor, they picked cotton just like my relatives. It wasn’t a choice, but a necessity, and unlike common belief, these poor whites DID NOT THINK blacks took away jobs or made their lives harder. They all relied on each other (I know, the song- a-ha) and that’s real! My father’s family were from the mid-west northern states and they were so horribly racist! The language, their neighborhood going down the drain, etc. The South wasn’t all horrible, and I think the north should be recognized for their part in racism that everyone should know, but how is it that it is so allusive? I don’t git it…
nope says
My father learned racism from his northern midwest twin cities sheeiite. Never got it, but there it thrives, The South wasn’t always the horrible racist if gig of sport….sometimes they were the first to say “NO”, but had no recourse….but of corse. Damnit- Janit!!
jt says
Kudos to you Miss Roberts for having the bravery to combat the b.s. that is in office and wear the b.s. that comments here. Desantis ran on “FL free”, but it isn’t. When you suppress what you don’t agree with, there is no freedom! My father was a racist person that voiced his rants upon my childhood, especially in football games: “look at that n%&^$# run”. My mother grew up super poor in the south and needed black neighbors for help when someone was sick or needed help. The south isn’t always represented as it was/is. She was outraged when we had to move to Alabama in the 70s and there were still “negro” water fountains and bathrooms at gas stations. She lost her mind when she travelled by bus and “negro” soldiers weren’t allowed to eat at a restaurant. How in the world they were a couple, I don’t know. But I listened, and I watched, and I looked. I took an African American studies class in college, which was largely based upon the Eyes on the Prize series. I learned so much and was angry that I didn’t know about this before. Freedom to Desantis isn’t! Drag shows…I’ve been and found those that are on stage are some of the bravest, most fearless, and most accepting people on God’s green earth! Desantis advocates for parental rights when it comes to what your child learns. I’m all for that, but when he suppresses the education of same sex parents as a normal family unit being taught in schools– my job is harder. I have to advocate to my child what is okay when our government says it isn’t. Just now the Catholic Church says it isn’t against the Bible to be gay– not that we needed them to say so, but conservative awakening can be helpful. I am a hermeneutic philosopher that believes I can never know unless I am that person. Without education, touching base with experts, and learning as much as I can– I can’t understand. For Bible thumpers- the books were chosen by a select group. There are stories that are out there,, but outside of the Bible. Don’t you want to know the truth, or different perspectives, or my point of view from my life? You could learn something, but Desantis supporters are more colonistic than learning and growing. I’m a lifelong resident of FL, but my nextdoor neighbor reaction to “let’s think this through”, has been: “you should just move if you don’t like it”. Quite the colonistic view, and that’s what I see in Desantis. Look to Iran and women’s rights….we are headed there. If you have a disagree with me that all voices are important and freedom means that even the “woke” get representation, then you are the racist problem that supports Desnatis and his regime– raping his constituents and their children of their rights to learn, lead, and be heard.
Aves says
Yes, I too can’t stand the folks who always say “move if you don’t like it”. My mother tells me that too and says “well you left Florida so you can’t complain about how it is here”. Well y’know what? You had me in Florida. I’ve lived in Florida for decades. I’m set to inherit property in Florida unless she decides to kick me off of the will for being queer. How is my rights to a safe life as a citizen without having the state scrutinizing my medications somehow less valid than hers? Why is her view of Florida more correct than mine?
jt says
You brought me to tears! You have the right to be safe, you have the right to be valid, and you have the right to be you! This is the most honest and heart felt post here. You’re journey is a really tough one and every step forward seems to take two steps back with a politician like our governor in charge. We are moving forward, but I fear we won’t be at peace in our lifetime. I’ve learned that sometimes the best family is found without (you don’t get to choose family). The mentality doesn’t solve problems and doesn’t give freedom to its children. You are a step towards change and you aren’t along—one day….
jt says
argh! you aren’t alone– not along– darn it!
Ed says
I’m sorry you believe that anyone is racist because they support any politician. Talk about a broad brush. Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to judge a book by its cover.
I’m tired of everyone or anyone who thinks so narrowly that they can group people by their political views.
Are there any original thinkers left our there? Or are we all dumbed down to the point we use sound bites and headlines to view our neighbors!
Stop it! says
My mother taught me to listen to what is said, how a question is answered, and the overall perspective someone brings to the table. It should never be about politics–NEVER. It has, however, become that. Not my choice. If you think we are all dumbed down by a political view, then you really have not been paying attention to the thread. No one here judges a book by its cover, but when the book pisses on certain books and they are removed from the library, when the pro-life pisses on 6 weeks of acceptable abortion ban (NO WOMAN KNOWS SHE’S PREGNANT AT 6 WEEKS!), and we can’t tell the truth about history (no matter whose history that is)— THAT ISN’T TREATING A BOOK BY ITS COVER– That is my Father saying he can’t vote against the NRA b/c they will know and he will suffer………………………………………………….
jt says
Oh, and I forgot to mention the link to our slavery (always there throughout history with a conquered group)- check out the red legs of Barbados and begin your journey into the injustices that led to American slavery. Also, check into Mary Postell and her journey via hell.
Jonathan says
DeSantis has shown the country what a racist bigot he is.
Ed says
Wow. I guess if you view the world through only the lens of racism then your perception is your reality.
I will say a prayer for all of us
Stop it! says
How about my rights as a parent and a women being pissed away?! I’m so psyched as to what you might reply. Let’s throw down the gauntlet!!!!
Deborah Coffey says
So spot on that you managed to bring all the MAGAts in Flagler out from under their rocks. Would they even know Fascism if it jumped up and smacked them in their faces? No, they wouldn’t because they continue to vote for more fascists who, in the end, will take every freedom from them and their children that they have ever known. Those of us that are “woke” (meaning educated with “truth”) cannot and will not let the current Fascist movement get that far. Yes, we will even save the MAGAts from themselves.
Ed says
Definition of woke is now educated with the truth…really?
If we don’t share the same opinion then we are fascist?
Yikes, I’m heading to the bunker now
Stop it! says
There is no WOKE! I believe in Hermeneutics, being that you can never understand the “other’ unless you can walk in there shoes and be them. Impossible! However, we can all every expert, community member, historian, etc. to be a part of our understanding. Geez…getting a wee bit close. “Woke” simply means that we, as a society, try our best to understand the social/personal/societal morays that make our communities and governments work, Not always aligned, there are political (that can’t seem obtuse) and societal (ditto) reasons that people aren’t cared for. We can either keep stabbing away at this dialogue or we can pledge to make our communities better. ED- WHAT WOULD YOU RATHER DO?
The Geode says
I am black. I am conservative. I am tired of the pandering. Treat the others as your “lessers” and pets, but treat me with the respect and dignity you offer to your peers. I don’t need your pity. I don’t need your sympathy. I sure as hell don’t need you trying to think for me or lump me in with monolithic “group think”. We are individuals. Amazing how Hispanics, Asians, Indians, and every other group than white are ignored while blacks are considered your “sheep” needing to be shepherded. AMAZING!
nope says
Which comment are you referring to? I don’t see sheep, monolithic group think, or pandering! You are a human being with thoughts/feelings that should be heard!! I apologize if this format is belittling or hard to break through. I’m not really sure that any of us meant it to be se!
JT says
I find your comment one of the best, although I’m not sure where your exasperation lies- with whites, with “wokes”, or who? It takes a village- meaning it takes all types, conservative included, to make a community. The problem here is with choice. If you burn a book or take it out of circulation, then I can’t choose to educate my child about it (good, bad, or ugly). If you take away the drag show, then I can’t educate my child as to why it is good or bad. Our governor is not my father or my mentor or my handler- so removing educational scenarios from our world robs me of the chance to educate my children. Isn’t that what every parent does? Monitor online activity, what is read, what is seen? That’s the freedom that I thought America is about> Take that educational moment away and I’ve lost the chance to educate my children with what I think is poignant. I don’t get to choose. That is the real problem. I can choose not to see a movie, not to read a bood, not to let my child take a class, and not to let my child see a museum exhibit. I can choose not to let my child learn about certain content…but those choices have to be there to make that decision. When they are taken away, then I’m left with no choices. I don’t think that is what America is about! You mentioned Indians, and I presume you mean American. They have the highest suicide rate of anyone in America– what can we do about that? Jews have been persecuted here in FL, I’m guessing that isn’t your mantra- so what do we do about it? Yes- all individuals, but don’t take away my familial rights to educate my family based upon what is heeded as “unacceptable”. I get to decide that– just like you do. I’m not conservative and I don’t go to church, but I’d be doing a disservice to my child if I didn’t support him/her in their choice to walk down that lane. If that choice is removed, then how do I help my child mitigate their path?? It takes a village, alternative lifestyles, and a heartfelt connection to supporting your family to make the village work!!
Laurel says
JT: An excellent perspective. Thanks!
JT says
Argh- I always forget something! Research the “Imagined Indian” and how media has shaped our ideas about native groups. It still stands today as a barrier to Indians stepping out of their stereotypes.
James McCormick says
The media portrays Indigenous people of North America as if they were saintly, pure, and without vice. They are portrayed as superior to white Europeans, who are vilified as evil slavers.
JOE D says
Of course you are completely ignoring the facts that European Settler s moved across the Continental US and essentially said “ We don’t care if you have farmed or hunted, fished on these lands for over 100 years, WE are here now, and we are going to TAKE what we want ( not reimburse you for the value of what we are taking, if at all). Then we are going to remove you from YOUR land to much less desirable RESERVATIONS, so we can now improve ‘our’ land, since we as White Europeans know much better how to take care of the land than you have done for 100 years
Imagine Canadian “settlers” moving in to PALM COAST, and saying something similar, as they removed you from YOUR homes!!!
PS: I’m White, Christian, and Eastern European, and my daughter did her student teaching, and first paid teaching job at an INDIAN school in South Dakota…and was SHOCKED at the reality….not the MYTHS portrayed in the last Century’s Educational system.
Florida is getting to be a National laughingstock….and many don’t realize it’s THEIR RIGHTS that could be taken away under the same belief system…just with different dictators in charge.
The laws should be for everyone, and as much as POSSIBLE, be NEUTRAL to age, gender, religion, sexual orientation or race!
That was the COUNTRY I was RAISED in…..not sure What’s going on in Florida, Texas, and other likeminded states.
nope says
As an archaeologist, indigenous groups wasted bison and other resources. The thoughts otherwise are of the “Imagined Indian”. NOT groups of magical environmental conservative-ship , not groups of magical unicorns, but normal human beings to partake in wealth from excess (bison) and etc. The question is….how do we drop the myth for all groups and focus on the reality???
Great Read says
Thanks for writing this. It’s 100% spot on. My family up North is appalled at what we’ve been sending them from online. They want us to get out but moving isn’t cheap.
The reason there isn’t more outrage is it’s not being reported on the “Nightly” news shows. And I don’t mean CNN or MSNBC. I mean Lester Holt and David Muir. I know many people here who only watch those shows as their news for the entire day. They don’t watch local. They don’t read online. They watch those. The fascist actions in this state of mini-Orban, mini-Castro, mini-Hitler, however you refer to the man, need airing on repeat.
The latest book ban list came out and The Berenstein Bears is on it. Seriously? WTF is wrong with them? I grew up on those books. The hypocritical aspect of that book being banned – it questions belief (they find it) and it’s sold it Christian books stores. This whacked out Moms of Liberty group isn’t just bat poo crazy, they have an agenda. It doesn’t take much digging to follow the money and see who pays their bills. Same with LibsOfTikTok. She suddenly discovered Kinky Boots and is on a rampage. Also doesn’t take much digging to see who funds her either.
It’s all an agenda. The Family. The far right religious circles that engage in child trafficking and abuse yet are the first to throw giant boulders while their house is in shambles, held together by masking tape. It’s all about power, money and control. They don’t actually care about the things they say they care about. They don’t care about babies after they are born, it’s all about controlling a woman. They don’t care about the immigrant that needs help. The poor person suffering. The injured. The sick. The dying. These so-called religious zealots are exactly what Jesus hated. They ignore his teachings. They laugh at his compassion. He was the ultimate king of woke. He also wasn’t white. He was also bisexual. When people announce they are Christian, I slowly walk away because behind that declaration is a venomous bite, full of hate, and anger, and judgement. DeSantis is one of those fake Christians. He wants power. He wants money. He wants control. He has, short white man tiny hand syndrome. It really is a thing. It won’t work outside of Florida and it wouldn’t work in Florida if the messaging was better, more pronounced but they are terrified of reporting the truth and facts on him because he is a weak man that retaliates against people that speak the truth. That fear of him isn’t the mark of a good leader. It means he is overstepping his boundaries and becoming what the Cubans fled. He’s gone too far.
Truth says says
SH!HHHHHH! You nailed it, but how can we baby step into making it better!? You nailed it and taken a great ristk!!!!! Shhhhhh! Baby steps!!! You can’t disappear on my watch!!! Crap—-No one else gets this, right?! GGAM!!
Free EBooks says
FYI – For all who actually want to read.
Brooklyn Library is giving FREE e-library cards for ages 13-21 to read ebooks from their library. I’d post the link but I’ve been censored every time, even using creative ways of posting.
Also Haymarket books is offering FREE ebooks on POC for all who want to read.
My ancestors fought fascism and I admire them. I stand with them. I am anti-fascist.
nope says
I think all libraries in the Estates Unitas have free books. Which books would you recommend we read?
jt says
I don’t view anyone who supports a politician is racist. The definition is: characterized by or showing prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. That is what is happening in FL. There is prejudice here. I maintain that there is something wrong when people support a politician who advocates to cancel education and certain entertainment presentations based upon detesting them for who/what they are about. That takes away a parent’s right to make educated decisions on behalf of their children. You don’t have to let your child take a class, you don’t have to buy a ticket and go to a show, and your neighbors don’t have to either. But when that choice is taken away by a politician when it isn’t because its breaking the law, and that politician’s supporters don’t cry fowl, then it is what it is. There are many Republicans in our US, like Mitt Romney, who I very much respect– it isn’t the party across the board, it is our governor.
Jackson1955 says
“I am America. I am the part you won’t recognize. But get used to me. Black, confident, cocky; my name, not yours; my religion, not yours; my goals, my own; get used to me.” – Muhammad Ali
done says
I love MA!!! Please explain and tell us more–
Carter Wilson says
Under DeSantis, in Grade 4 reading, Florida ranks third in the nation in 2022, as high as it ever landed in the standings. That put the state ahead of Pennsylvania (ninth), California (32nd), Texas (33rd) and New York (36th). That’s a jump from sixth place in 2019, before the pandemic.
In mathematics, Florida ranks in fourth place, again ahead of other large states like Texas (14th), Pennsylvania (17th), California (38th) and New York (46th).
HUh? says
How do our school children gain in literacy when book banning has become the norm under Desantis?????
Stop it! says
what are u trying to say? That Desantis magicallt upped our reading levels? He was never in my kid’s school. He made sure the right teachers w/out a union and paid appropriately made sure the reading scores were dead on? stop it….stop making him the magical unicorn of nothing getting better….I’ve been a teacher for years…he is the devil!
Sherry says
This morning I am so delighted to see new people commenting on wonderful, award winning Flaglerlive! Hopefully, that means the “good word” is spreading.
I especially appreciate those comments where the writer pointed out that desantis’ (intentionally not capitalized, for such a small man) policies take away the “freedom” of choice. I couldn’t agree more. . . especially since fascist delusional desantis claims to be acting to create freedom!
While the “usual suspects” like dennis and ed mindlessly post “talking points” and “conspiracy questions/theories” directly from FOX/tucker carlson/newsmax world, I am inspired by the dialog of “thinking” readers. Thank You!
Peace! Joy! Love!
something to celebrate says
What an unusually positive reply to the madness!! You are Fantastic!!!
Sherry says
Thank you so much Something to Celebrate. I am touched and humbled by your very kind words.
We certainly do have something to celebrate. . . each other. We are blessed! Wouldn’t it be so wonderful if many, many more of us simply, somehow realized that?
Peace to you and yours!