Bob Snyder, who heads Flagler County’s health department–a state, not a county, agency–is almost always among the cheerier, more positive public officials in the county, whether he’s turning a school into a special-needs shelter ahead of a hurricane, anchoring the county’s public health response to the coronavirus pandemic, or making one of his many appearances on the radio or at town halls to explain the latest twists in the Covid emergency.
Not this morning. Speaking of the latest numbers in Florida and Flagler, Snyder was more subdued than he’d been before, if not audibly downcast. He had reason to be. The latest numbers, shattering the record for new infections and compounding already dismal numbers day after day for the past two weeks, are a grim reflection of the consequences of Florida’s rapid and largely haphazard and careless reopening of society and the economy since the end of April, and of dangerous complacency among residents.
Florida added a record 9,000 new cases Thursday, according to numbers reported today, on a day that also recorded a record 71,000 tests. But despite the higher level of testing, the positivity rate among those tested was over 13 percent, pointing to rampant infections. Flagler County added another 13 cases today, for a total of 50 in the last six days. The percentage of people testing positive is also skyrocketing in the state and locally.
The number of people across Florida going to emergency rooms and urgent care centers with influenza-like and Covid-like symptoms is shooting up. For Covid-like symptoms, it’s more than doubled from under 3,000 in the week ending May 31 to nearly 6,000 in the week ending June 14, according to the health department’s latest figures, and that was before the current surge in cases began.
After the numbers were announced Friday, the Department of Business and Professional Regulations, which licenses and regulates restaurants and bars, announced in a tweet and an emergency order that it was “suspending on premises consumption of alcohol at bars statewide” effective immediately. The rule applies to all businesses that derive more than 50 percent of their revenue from alcohol sales. (Read the emergency order here.)
“The data here in Flagler County reflects what’s happening in the state of Florida everyone,” Snyder said this morning. “Quite an increase, quite a surge, and the surge has been happening now for a couple of weeks,” he said. “We were not seeing the surge here in Flagler, but over the last seven days we have,” with an increase in actual cases and in positivity rate, meaning the rate at which people who are tested test positive for the disease. Two weeks ago that rate in Flagler was 1.4 percent. On Thursday, it was 10.6 percent. “So we’ve definitely had an uptick like the state and the counties surrounding us.”
If anything, the higher positivity rate suggests not enough people are being tested, leaving it to hundreds of thousands who may be infected to be spreading the disease unknowingly. “If there’s more Covid around and we’re testing the same number” as when the positivity rate was low, said Stephen Bickel, the health department’s medical director in Flagler and Volusia, “our positivity rate might jump up to 5, 10 percent, it doesn’t mean we’re under testing, and it doesn’t mean there’s anything changed with the test, it means more people now have it, so we’ve got to be ready for just an onslaught of people coming in for testing either from anxiety or more symptoms, to make sure we don’t under-test. Positivity rate is basically an indicator of under-testing. If it’s getting too high, it means you’re not testing enough.”
One of the reasons the department is intent on ramping up testing is to detect the more asymptomatic carriers to find out that they are, in fact, carriers: they are the most dangerous carriers, because they don’t know they have the disease and may be behaving more indifferently than safely–like not wearing masks or social distancing.
The health department and the county have picked up renewed interest in testing locally, at two sites–the health department and the site at the Palm Coast campus of Daytona State College, run jointly by the county and the health department. (You can set up an appointment for a test by calling 313-4200.)
When the surge began, Gov. Ron DeSantis and other politicians inaccurately attributed the rise in new cases to an increase in testing. While the increase did account for some of the rise, it was not the main reason: other states, like New York, are testing at far higher rates but not seeing anywhere near the number of cases Florida is. The new cases were and continue to be a result of community spread–the fact that people are spreading the disease unaware, through careless or minimized safety measures, or because they consider wearing masks an infringement on their personal liberties, though the wearing of masks is intended primarily to protect others from catching the disease, not to protect the mask-wearer.
Only a few weeks ago Florida’s governor was making triumphal statements about Florida’s ability to keep the disease in check while condescending to states like New York and New Jersey for their higher numbers. He maintained the triumphal approach as he rapidly reopened the economy while refusing to mandate safety measures such as masks. After Florida had initially dodged the worst of the pandemic, residents interpreted the reopening, as proof that the state was in good shape and that they could relax. They did, with even mask-wearing turning into a political issue.
Roles have now reversed: Florida’s experience is beginning to approximate the numbers New York experienced in the spring, albeit in a more widespread fashion. There’s no mystery why Florida has become the nation’s leading hot spot, with Texas and Arizona close behind.
“The community spread is increasing just like it is statewide,” Snyder said. “Up to 50 percent of the people are asymptomatic, but because the community spread has increased because we’ve opened things up, mobility has increased, and when that happens and behaviors like facial mask wearing and social distancing is not being adhered to, you’ve got like the perfect stew for community spread to increase, and that is exactly what we’re seeing throughout Florida and here in Flagler.”
The Flagler health department and local governments continue to recommend the wearing of masks in public places, but they have also stopped short of making mask-wearing a requirement. “It’s one of the main actions and measures we can take to reduce the community spread. We’ve been preaching that for quite a while now,” Snyder said.
But the focus will also be more tactical: Snyder said today he is requesting 14 additional staff members to ramp up the community testing. He said he will be adding case investigators and contact tracers, who investigate every single individual who’s tested positive for Covid, tracing down his or her contacts to map out who the individual has been in risky contact with and where. Contact tracing, when rigorous, is one of the more effective ways to limit the spread of the disease by finding people who have passed it to each other and isolating them, thus stopping their infectious behavior. But it’s enormously time-intensive and requires a lot of manpower.
In further indications that the surge is taking a toll, Snyder said he will also be adding call center volunteers or employees. “So we’re just ramping up, boy, in this continued surge, uptick, and then of course with the fall months approaching, we’re concerned about the second wave, because we’re still in the first wave, and we’re still riding that roller-coaster, and it is ascending again to a new top level.”
Snyder said about 20 local governments around the state have mandated mask-wearing. “Food for thought there,” Snyder said. Asked if they should be mandated, Snyder responded immediately: “Absolutely.” He explained: “That is my belief as a public health professional, but I do not have the authority, neither does Dr. Bickel, to mandate it. That is the authority of elected officials and government leaders. But yes, I’m going to come out and say: absolutely, I feel it should be mandated because it is the right thing to do. But again, I do not have the authority as health officer to proclaim that and to make it happen.”
“To me it’s just indefensible to be arguing against masks,” Bickel said. “I would definitely mandate masks. I understand there’s political pushback, the leaders can’t get too far, untethered from their support base, and hopefully people will come around to this, but it’s like: this is not a time for vanity. This is not a time for pride. This is a time for getting the job done, and this is one of the few tools we have that we can employ population-wide that does not have all these other negative ramifications, like not letting people go back to school, the businesses struggling. So to me it’s just a no-brainer.”
The governor is resisting more stringent measures. He is maintaining Phase 2 reopening, saying only that there are no current plans to move to Phase 3 (though Phase 3 would be necessary to reopen schools and universities in August).
Concerned Citizen says
Hmmmm should we even have moved to Phase 2?
Laura says
I’m sorry I have Bills to pay and a roof to keep over my head. Whats worse the sickness. Or the mental anguish of not earning a paycheck to survive. Do you think my landlord will take the excuse. Oh I’m sorry. We had to stop living and working because. Of a plandemic that was set upon us by a hateful regiem.we can’t shut down our lives. We will all be homeless and living in a tent on the sidewalk. Not all of us live off the government. We survive by going to work and earning a paycheck. So no we didn’t open to Early…..
Work for a living
Marty says
I’m sure your tin foil hat protects you
John says
Amen all if the people who just leach off the government don’t care about us workers
Name (required) says
Na, straight to phase: we have no clue what we’re doing. No clue at all. It’s the phase between 2and 3.
Realistic says
Hello, Flagler Live. I might have missed it in the article. Could you please post the number of people out of the record 9,000 new cases Thursday, that required hospitalization? Also do you have the information on the state hospitalization as of 6-26-2020. With numbers that high, the hospitals have to overflowing out the door.
FlaglerLive says
Daily Covid-related hospitalizations were running around 150 a day in the state in the week ending May 31, then about 165 a day the following week, then just under 200 a day in the week ending June 14, and over 200 in the week ending June 21. There’s a lag between daily new cases and hospitalizations. Neither the Department of Health nor the Agency for Health Care Administration have been more forthcoming than with raw numbers.
Anonymous says
So the entire state is average 200 a day? Out of 21 plus million Floridians, that really is miniscule.
Fredrick says
By the last report (6/23) from Flaglereoc we have had 25 hospitalizations since we began destroying the economy, causing people to lose there homes and everything they have. Please keep reporting the local hospitalizations because we should shortly see a huge spike in that number. Not just an up tic because one would be expected based on reopening, but a HUGE spike based on a “reckless reopening” to use your words.
Questioning? says
With the numbers posted below, it doesn’t seem like there are that many hospitalized with COVID. That doesn’t mean that people aren’t sick, but it is obviously not as deadly as it’s being portrayed. There are over 21 million people in Florida and to say that there are only about 200 people in the hospital, it doesn’t seem as bad as it’s been portrayed. I am sorry for those who have lost loved ones and those who have suffered from this disease.
How many people do you personally know have had it? I know 3 and they were among the very first in Duval County back in March.
coyote says
@Realistic – this may help you with some information. It’s the Florida (myflorida.com) website for hospital bed and ICU bed availability – I think it’s updated at least daily. :
you can see how close to capacity we are here in Flagler as regards hospital and ICU bed availability (and usage) … kinda scary.
Anonymous says
We only have 18 beds and 50% are in use currently. But how many of them are COVID patients? That information is not available; that would be information I would like to see. Most patients in the state ICU beds are probably heart attacks, stroke victims, accident victims,etc.
Alda Gentile says
Just in time to close the schools and make our children suffer for a mail in election! Sounds fishy to me
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
I am one of the voices in the very large chorus who pleaded for DeSantis to shut down the beaches and public businesses early on and not to reopen them too quickly. But he thought he knew best, and this is where we are as a result of his egomania. It would have been far better for us to take the bitter pill and remain isolated for a longer period in the beginning than to have a false sense of security at the first sign of improvement. This is going to be the status quo for a long, long time. As long as people are not required by law to wear masks and maintain social distance, Florida will be Coronavirus Central, with beaches jammed with irresponsible visitors, both homegrown and from out of state, perpetuating the pandemic. Our nation will end up bankrupt as a result of this.
MyTwoCents says
Hun, our nation has been morally bankrupt for a very long time. And that leads to all kinds of inaccuracies in judgment and the like. This pandemic “response” among a host of other things, is evidence of that fact.
It saddens me that for the most part, the lay people have to suffer the brutal consequences time and time again.
Jack says
According to the following article this one day increase was because DOH is doctoring the data so that they can show a fake reduction in cases in the days leading up to the 4th of July:
HappyHappyJoyJoy says
I honestly have no idea of how masks became political. It’s a piece of cloth. It covers your face. It doesn’t inhibit breathing if you have healthy lungs. The amount of CO2 you breathe in is not toxic. Using God or the Constitution as an excuse for not wearing a mask is embarrassing. WWJD? He’d wear a mask. He was about the preservation of life and treating others as you want yourself treated. Using the Founding Fathers and what they wrote as an excuse? Sorry, but masks do not fall under the 1st Amendment as many claims it does. Do you scream a violation of your rights or religion when stores refuse service because you do not have a shirt on or shoes? No, you slip a shirt on, go inside, buy your beer or smokes, and then you take your shirt back off when you get outside. Wow. Now that is some difficult stuff there. When people start making things up to satisfy their narrative, it makes them look ignorant. There is a lot of ignorance out there right now, and if it wasn’t so sad, I’d nominate them all for the Darwin Awards this year. Don’t be a mask-hole, or a sheeple–the people in charge not wearing masks are tested daily, we are not. If you test negative today, you still need at least 1-2 more tests over the course of X amount of days and good luck there. You’re still lucky to get one. Death is still low right now because all these people not being affected with harsh symptoms probably just infected Mom, Dad, or Grandmom, Grandpa, and it will take up to 2 weeks for their infections, then more time for hospitalizations, and then more time for possible death. People think we dodged another one but you can’t say that yet, this isn’t something instantaneous. Everything takes time.
I knew someone that was exposed, took 13 days to show symptoms, tried fighting it off, 9 days later went to the hospital, then was in the hospital for 5 days before they were put on a ventilator, and then another 2 weeks before they passed. Do the math. That is what could happen here and we are long ways away from that happening. BTW–that person had ZERO underlying health conditions. NO meds. NO issues. Completely, totally healthy, and COVID took them. While underlying health conditions or compromised immune systems increase your odds, completely healthy, non-obese, non-smokers, non-drinkers, health nuts, without a single issue can die and NO ONE can say good-bye. Think about that when you scream about masks. You are protecting someone from going through this, perhaps even someone you love.
Concerned says
Amen. Small sacrifice that can save lives.
God says
The ventilator is what killed them. Only 20 percent survivor rate once you are put on them. This is nothing but the Demoncrats trying to steal this election and seal their deal with Satan
enough is enough says
Per you reckless fear driven headline calling it CARELESS…. And YET, the numbers MAGICALLY don’t reflect any protestors… Its all about re-opening…
FlaglerLive says
Protests were more dense and frequent in the northeast and Midwest, regions that have not seen a comparable surge in cases as in the south.
JD says
If that maintains, would the press change its messaging to allow all outside activities, sporting events and Freedom Day fireworks?not wearing a mask outside is ok? density is NOT and issue?
IgnoranceIsBliss? says
Really? Guess we are just gonna overlook California then.
Paula says
How do these increased numbers correlate with short term rentals reopening in Flagler? Allowing people who feel it’s fine to travel – even when it’s not – into communities zoned single family – is a recipe for disease spread. Homes than can hold a dozen people comprised of several families creates a Petri dish within the community. Then, into stores, bars, and restaurants and on the beaches without social distancing/masks, to ensure a wide distribution of the virus.
Then they leave, and the increase is blamed on the residents. No one knows these transients, so there is no contact tracing. And the renters return home, having left behind a bitter souvenir.
Worried says
The Publix in the Hammock has quite a few shoppers with no masks and they seem to be predominately visitors renting here. We locals are very concerned… Some of us have emailed Publix asking them to require masks here.
The Club at Hammock Beach is 100% booked and suspect Cinnamon Beach is close to full.
Sherry Islaf says
I don’t wear a mask because I am not afraid of dying. I distance and practice regular recommended hygiene. I would assert this mask issue is not about the Constitution but rather about Communism. Your well being, in this the greatest land of opportunity ever, is not my responsibility. If you want “community” join a commune or move to a communist or socialist country.
Jp says
I’m glad you’re not afraid of dying. As you surely must know by now though, the mask isn’t to protect you. Its to protect those around you.
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
That is a selfish attitude. You may not be afraid to die, but does that justify your possibly exposing other people to the virus? You could be a carrier and not even know it.
capt says
Good question, our street is full of vacationers from GA, PA, NY and NJ. And they do not social distance. And since these renters are all under the age of 45, I wonder how many of them are positive. And just don’t care.
Think about it! says
Stop the fear mongering, the shut down was suppose to slow the spread not stop it. There is no vaccine to prevent it so the virus needs to run its course so we can achieve natural immunity. The point of closing everything was to give us the ability to stock up and get ready for the virus to spread. It is spreading because that’s what Viruses do. Wearing a mask and social distancing is also meant to keep the spread slow. The reopening was not done because the virus was gone but because it was time to open when it is a little safer, not completely safe. One other thing that no one talks about is how this virus is close to other viruses that previously spread in the Middle East, European and Asian countries, SARS and MERS, that the USA has not gotten yet, therefore we will be a little worse off. To me this is expected and no amount of anything is going to prevent it. Stop trying to scare us into shutting things down again.
T.Ellis says
What? Who cares? Direct correlation between testing and infection. We will continue this trajectory until we hit 100% though, I seriously doubt, we will get to 100% of population testing before the vaccine is available. Now tell me about death rates, and hospital admittance, and stop politicizing this disease!? The quarantine is bad enough!
Ron says
You hit the ball on the head. Vacation rentals should have remained closed. I just received an advertisement for a 32 occupancy vacation rental dwelling at Reunion. These dwellings bring in transients from all over the country and the world. Nobody is checking these establishments. These individuals are there to party and socialize. They maybe infecting all the occupants staying at this dwelling along with the public there interacting with in restaurants, grocery stores and so on.
Just stop by the local Publix on A1A in the Hammock. Many out of state plates with occupants not wearing face protection possibly infecting our community in Flagler County. But according to Joe Mullins that is the course we have to take for our businesses. But Joe why not institute a face protection policy in the county? But Joe would just tell you if you are not comfortable stay home.
capt says
Joe, , spot on. I’m in the same area and the out of state “vacationers, ” don’t give a crap. No mask, no social distancing. Vacation rentals should have remained closed. And the mention of Low Down Joe, he doesn’t live in our area , So He Doesn’t Care.
Only Me says
People wake up masks are saving people for catching the virus what more do you have to realize? It doesn’t make you a weak person it makes you a person that is being responsible and shows you care about others.
It is pathetic that the Governor listened to Trump and opened even before the guidelines said to, now Florida is paying the price. It is a hot spot for the virus and may he will wake up to reality and do what is right for the people of Florida and also its visitors.
Does he want to have to shut down the state again? No show he needs to start doing the right thing and require masks out in public places, it may not be a perfect solution but it sure will help until the medical professionals tell us otherwise.
This isn’t about Republicans or Democrats it is about people’s safety and lives. Young or old it is still a human life that deserves to live.
Joe says
Masks don’t stop the virus wake up
Trailer Bob says
That is why I bought plastic face shields. Covers you entire face, including your eyes. Face masks are useless if your eyes are exposed. No let’s all have another cherry day…
Shelly says
Keeping people indoors, especially healthy people will only bring their immune system down which will make more people sick. I’m in the healthcare field and any doctor will tell you, it’s common sense so stop listening to fake Fauci.
Dear Covid spreaders: says
You cannot possibly be a licensed medical professional ie:nurse or physician and make such an erroneous comment. Staying indoors during a pandemic or wearing a mask will not weaken the immune system. In addition, your comment regarding a highly respected. And qualified MD and scientist, is ridiculously laughable. Your paranoia and ignorance is showing.
Denali says
Shelly – please advise of your capacity in the ‘healthcare field’ with regard to occupation and place of employment so that we may establish some credibility to your comment. Particularly interested in who these doctors are that we should ask about listening to Dr. Fauci.
I ask this so that those of us who believe in science may avoid you, your employer and these infinitely ignorant doctors.
Steve says
Too little too late. We will wallow in the results of a blown policy on how to handle this .God Bless all the nay sayers stay safe good luck
Continuing to not wear masks & doing whatever the heck you want as you or friends & family members catch the disease and die, to own the libs. What an awful state. No wonder everyone’s grouchy in all the comments here.
Dr. Bill says
I had covid 19 in January and survived and I will not wear a mask or get a vaccine. Vaccines do not work against viruses they mutate constantly
Not wearing a mask lowers your IQ says
Does anyone know why there are so many cars on the road and our grocery stores crowed this time of year? Tourist (snow bird) season is in winter. Is it that the snowbirds didn’t fly north this summer? It’s usually so nice and quiet this time of year, less traffic, less people. What’s going on?
constitutional_freedom says
This is exactly what happens when government
overreacts at first,
succumbs to public pressure to liberate,
throws it’s hands in the air and says “do what you will”,
and then refuses to acknowledge any responsibility whatsoever,
and dumps the whole pile of crap on your local leaderships hands.
It’s obvious from the White House on down to the mayor,
the hand doesn’t know what the foot is doing.
Think it’s time to close the beaches (again) for anything but fishing an exercise NOW?
Think it’s time to prevent vacationers from arriving/shopping/departing every day?
I’m off to Seaworld tomorrow, then Universal’s Volcano Bay for the early part of the week.
I’ll be back exercising my constitutional freedoms at the Palm Coast/Flagler Beach Resturants/shopping centers/public parks and assembly places on Wed, 7-1.
Just in time for all of the public 4th of July celebrations!
And I will be in Jacksonville supporting the greatest president ever!
After which, I’ll return to Chattanooga Tennessee.
Mary Kay Hayward says
Wow! I do hope you are being facetious; otherwise, WOW! What a selfish mentality you have portrayed. If you truly are traveling to the area with the worst numbers RIGHT NOW and then traveling back to our community and then HOME….possibly carrying this virus to your own family/neighbors/first responders. Have you bothered to test? Take your daily temperature? Wear any face covering whatsoever? Any actions at all? And then to announce your travel plans under a fake name so those concerned who have come in contact with you could act accordingly. Cowardly. Reap and sow, my fellow American, reap and sow. Karma’s a bitch. And she could care less about our Constitution.
Jen says
Dear constitutional_freedom,
So when the numbers in Chattanooga, TN go up, are you gonna comment on those news articles? Are you gonna be brave enough to post (at least) your first name? Will you be telling people “I had an AWESOME time at Sea World, Universal’s Volcano Bay, the Palm Coast/Flagler Beach Resturants/shopping centers/public parks and assembly places on Wed, 7-1.”?
Upon your return, you should have an uncovered face-to-uncovered face Vacation Picture Night with your dearly loved ones and close personal friends. You could give everyone their souvenir, too!
Just make sure, when you get to Jacksonville, you get at least a foot or two from the great “Rump” and give him a hearty handshake and pat on the back. I’m sure he’ll be using hand sanitizer after each interaction with others. I heard he keeps a bottle in his pocket along with his mask and his beloved “Executive Order” pen.
Welcome to Florida!
RUMP (noun) “the hind part of the body of a mammal”.
Born and Raised Here says
I still believe we did not regulate traveling. The Govenor said that those traveling by car coming to Florida from the hightly epicenter Northeast were not registered or regulated. I even knew those that traveled by car to go to high epicenter North east to visit friends and family and return to Florida without being regulated
CB from PC says
DeSantis, Trump and even God cannot fix stupid.
1. No masks on families at local stores. Make them mandatory If patronizing businesses, especially food stores.
2. Plenty of out-of-staters. Mostly NY, NJ and some PA people.
And yes, Orange County has a big spike, where there were populated protests.
The rest of the spike is disproportionately now hitting the 18-35 crowd.
Yeah, party on.
Vaitefoder says
Trouble breathing? Can I sue if I am obligated under an order to wear a mask and I have difficulty breathing?—- that was rhetorical
mark101 says
Its not a “careless reopening “, its can be contributed to the carelessness of the people walking the streets, people going into stores, hanging out in groups, NO social distancing, NO masks. Thats what this can be contributed to.. Our Bozo of a Gov, can’t seem to admit that he felt he could count on all 21 million people in Fla doing the right thing or the people that came into this state on vacation from PA, GA< NY, NY and LA. Our area is full of these "people" on vacation. Desantis needs to grow some balls and order mask be worn and slow down the incoming out of state tourist. You could have opened the sate next year and nothing would have changed, we could have a new president and nothing would have changed, This virus could careless who you are as demonstrated by the current age groups infections demographics, it infects all. . The only way to beat this is a vaccine and a full blown requirement for inoculation of everyone.
Trailer Bob says
Do you really believe that this is the time of year when the north comes to Florida to stay warm? Its is in the eighties up north right now. It is basically now July.
Some of you people need to get a life…or a job…
Paul Tetreault says
It’s not rocket science. We reap in two or three weeks what we sow today.
Both St Augustine and Daytona Beach now require masks (or as trump and pence say …face coverings). Are the residents here in Flagler so much stronger and healthier than our neighboring city residents? …we’re about to find out in a few weeks.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
What a selfish self centered society we have become in Florida and other states. Instead of able to plan July4th celebrations and a 100 year anniversary of American women being given the right to vote we are letting our state go into free fall with little concern about rising number of infected people and unnecessary deaths.
Time is way past due that our Governor wakes up to the reality that he has endangered far too many people with his enthusiastic stupidity.
Facts r Painful says
Is it me or did we not have thousands of protestors chanting, screaming, shoulder to shoulder. Why would you attack the Governor for allowing families back to work while instructing the vulnerable to remain quarantined and not acknowledge the protest? They marched and in the case of South Florida, rioted then partied. Seems the people with guaranteed incomes & living in gated communities are the selfish ones.
Trailer Bob says
I am starting to be convinced that our Governor has a learning disability…and I am a Republican.
Outsider says
As I’ve said from the beginning, this is going to work it’s way through the population; it’s just a matter of when. If you don’t get it this month, you will get it in six months, or whenever you decide to leave the bunker. No one ever said it was going to be eradicated. The whole point of the original shutdowns was to “flatten the curve” and allow the medical infrastructure to prepare for the inevitable. The idea that we can shut down the economy and hope for a vaccine in a year or so is ridiculous. We can’t just keep printing money and pay people to stay home. The medical community has acquired valuable experience in treating the disease, so we are much better at coping with cases than we were three months ago. Wear a mask? Yes. Stay at home for three months and lose your house and starve while waiting for aid? This is not an option for millions of people. The mortality rate is dropping, and we are just going to have to deal with this as we do the flu, cancer, heart disease, etc.
Sherry says
Those who would like to go beyond complaining on Flaglerlive can contact your elected officials. . . . their contact information (which is NOT easy to find) is here:
If they hear from enough of us. . . perhaps they will actually “DO SOMETHING” to lower our risk of becoming ill and possibly dying.
Sherry says
Here’s the bottom line. “If” each one of us would step up and act responsibly and wear a face covering correctly (disposing of it correctly/washing it regularly) and social distance AT LEAST 6 feet in all crowded public places, “WE” could lower the infection rate. Giving up and pasting FOX talking points about “herd immunity” and getting this virus being inevitable is “UNACCEPTABLE”!
Many other countries have DECREASED their infection and hospital/death rate drastically. Just look at the data from the EU. Come on Americans, if they can do it, we can do it even better!
“WE” need to come together as a community and take control of this increasingly dangerous situation, as our government officials obviously lack the moral courage to “LEAD” the way. Even if such safety measures were declared legally mandatory, 100% compliance would be up to “US” anyway. Why not step up to that “personal responsibility” that we hear so much about? Do the patriotic thing and help lead us all to a much better place. You, in your hearts, know it’s the “right thing to do”!
You protect me, and I’ll protect you. . . it’s that simple!
Sam says
Politicians are not Doctors for a reason – they’re too stupid! Listen to the doctors/scientists not the politicians. If you don’t like this comment next time you need a Doctor go see Joe Mullins
Trailer Bob says
Thanks for the laugh…But I am not sure Joe can read…lol
Joanne says
Just how many of these cases in Flagler County are from out of county and our county.
Trailer Bob says
If the powers that be would talk about “face shields” more and “masks” less, we might get this done better. You know, the plastic shield that covers ALL of your face, including your eyes, that cost about $3 each.
What good is the piece of cloth that covers your mouth when your eyes are exposed?
This isn’t rocket science folks.
I also think that the county should give out fines for anyone in public that doesn’t have at least some form of protection.
Freedom doesn’t include spreading a disease.
A logical Conservative.
deb says
I guess when every resident is sick and no more hospital beds are available maybe the ‘I will not wear a mask group’ , finally gets it. BY then it could be too darn late.