Friday afternoon heading into a holiday weekend, statewide education officials announced that they rejected 54 math textbooks out of 132 — that’s 41 percent — claiming that some of the materials attempt to “indoctrinate” kids with references to so-called critical race theory.
“Reasons for rejecting textbooks included references to Critical Race Theory (CRT), inclusions of Common Core, and the unsolicited addition of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in mathematics,” the Friday press release–headlined “Florida Rejects Publishers’ Attempts to Indoctrinate Students”–says. “The highest number of books rejected were for grade levels K-5, where an alarming 71 percent were not appropriately aligned with Florida standards or included prohibited topics and unsolicited strategies,” the release states.
In an effort to approve math textbooks that conform with new state standards, the Department of Education reported that 41 percent of the math textbooks in consideration were “impermissible.”
However, the press release does not explain what the offending passages were and how the math books allegedly referenced critical race theory or social emotional learning. Not a single textbook title was named.
“#DeSantis has turned our classrooms into political battlefields and this is just the beginning,” Rep. Carlos Smith, the Orlando Democrat, tweeted.
The Phoenix has requested further information on the offending materials.
Critical race theory originated in graduate level law studies decades ago, according to the American Bar Association.
But Republican officials have used the misnomer of “critical race theory” to criticize a wide variety of activities examining the role of racism in American society,
In June, the Florida State Board of Education approved a new rule that prohibits critical race theory in classrooms, claiming that the theory “distorts historical events” and is “inconsistent” with the state board’s approved standards.
According to Chalkbeat Colorado, an education news outlet, social emotional learning “teaches students to be emotionally resilient, form supportive relationships, and develop healthy identities.”
“We’re going to ensure that Florida has the highest-quality instructional materials aligned to our nationally-recognized standards,” Commissioner of Education Richard Corcoran, said in a written statement. “Florida has become a national leader in education under the vision and leadership of Governor DeSantis. When it comes to education, other states continue to follow Florida’s lead as we continue to reinforce parents’ rights by focusing on providing their children with a world-class education without the fear of indoctrination or exposure to dangerous and divisive concepts in our classrooms.”
The release provided the following breakdown of rejection ratios:
- 78 of 132 total submitted textbooks are being included on the state’s adopted list.
- 28 (21 percent) are not included on the adopted list because they incorporate prohibited topics or unsolicited strategies, including CRT.
- 12 (9 percent) are not included on the adopted list because they do not properly align to B.E.S.T. Standards.
- 14 (11 percent) are not included on the adopted list because they do not properly align to B.E.S.T. Standards and incorporate prohibited topics or unsolicited strategies, including CRT.
- Grades K-5: 71 percent of materials were rejected.
- Grades 6-8: 20 percent of materials were rejected.
- Grades 9-12: 35 percent of materials were rejected.
–Danielle J. Brown, Florida Phoenix, and FlaglerLive
Teresa Kvachuk says
And, once again, Florida (embarrassingly) made national news.
Deborah Coffey says
Front page in The Washington Post!
Mark says
I seriously doubt any of these banned books had any ink pertaining to anything remotely in his CRT agenda. It should be very interesting when the press finds which books and problems incorporated “CRT” or “Indoctrination”. His ridiculous grandstanding continues to embarrass all Florida residents no matter their political leanings. VOTE!
Jimbo99 says
Oh well, textbooks are a racket, next edition of the same math they’ve always taught. Rebadged as a next addition, what changed ? The cover 6th edition becomes 7th edition and the cover image. In the credits section, the attrition of contributing math wizards that aren’t the author(s). Maybe an author retired or died & they replaced with another textbook author(s). I thought we were going to use iPads or Nooks/Kindles ? Save the planet. Not much changes with America History/Biology textbooks, just an addendum/appendix to add Covid era lies including the Biden-Harris historical coup(s). And then there’s English & foreign language textbooks, those are like math books, nothing changes linguistically, another edition of the same content. It makes little difference K-12, Colleges & Universities. Students are “woke” to those lies of learning & next generation textbook(s). And since education is supposed to be uniform & standardized, there has to be winners & losers in the textbooks approved & purchased. Otherwise, the costs of education keep increasing for textbooks alone. They’d have to hire experts for familiarity for that version of the textbook. Yep, nothing more than smoke & mirrors, kids aren’t getting any smarter, the learning process is about putting the time in & reading comprehension, retention of learned or memorized material. Nobody is reinventing that science & facts of the human race as the way it works.
Mark says
“Biden-Harris historical coup(s).” Hilarious! Next you’ll say the January 6th Coup never happened, look the other way move along. Glad you have explicit inside information as to how school books are written and distributed, science and facts continue to evolve whether you like it or not.
Sherry says
@jimbo99. . . please cite your “credentialed legal evidence” of a President Biden/Vice President “coup”. . . otherwise all “thinking” readers will consider your comment worthless BS. Thanks!
Steve says
I don’t read them any longer just saying
Bill C says
According to the Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute, children learn about basic genetics in the 1st and 2nd Grade. “kids aren’t getting smarter”? Ask grandpa about genetics.
Eileen Gernet says
So what is Florida’s standards regarding race? I was educated in PA in both Catholic and private schools. I was taught that all men are created equal. What is Florida’s theories?
Kathleen Brady says
The real indoctrination is coming from the state.
Michael Cocchiola says
We are now deep into sheer madness in the People’s Republic of Floriduh.
Laurel says
Can you stop calling Florida “Floriduh?” Most of the people here came from elsewhere, mostly NY, NJ and PA.Those who don’t like it here, why are you here? “It’s so much better in NY,” correct? I’ve heard it all my life.
A.j says
Jimbo if Biden & Harris is a coup, then I guess 1-6-2020 was child play from a poor excuse of a man and leader. Don’t forget the no brain white Repubs that believed his demonic lie. No one has gone to jail because of the coup as u call it.
oldtimer says
without taking sides, shouldn’t Math books contain MATH? Anything else should be taught as a different subject….does that make sense?
Enough says
We need a civil war!
Bill C says
Democracy be damned! Putin would be proud of you.
Mark1 says
They are attacking our children’s future. Will our local school board leaders sit by and alow it to happen for more funding or will they protect the children?
Tony Mack says
DeSantis and the Florida Republicans together with other Republican controlled states are passing legislation regarding abortions, banning books, don’t say gay, voting district changes that will affect minorities, etc.
Do you think one enterprising reporter might ask —
1) How many jobs are being created under Republican rule by restricting abortions?
2) How is restricting abortions going to help women’s health issues?
3) How is banning books going to add to the economic wellbeing of the average American in your state?
4) The economy added 431,000 jobs in March, and the figures for January and February were revised upward by 95,000. The U.S has added 1.7 million jobs between January and March, and unemployment is near an all-time low of 3.6%. As employment has risen, employers have had to raise wages to get workers. So, wages are up 5.6% for the year that ended in February.
How many jobs have you help create in the last year?
5) What legislation have you enacted to make healthcare more affordable for your senior citizens, disabled citizens and veterans?
6) Senator Rick Scott has proposed legislation to eliminate Social Security and Medicare. Do you support those moves and how will that imposition affect seniors in your state?
7) The State of Maine has no restrictive voter ID laws, same day voter registration, no excuse absentee mail in voting, mail-in voting, early voting and 24/7 drop boxes — and virtually no voter fraud. What are they doing wrong?
Well, those are just a few of the things an enterprising investigative reporter might ask DeSantis and other Republican governors and legislators.
But then — we all know that won’t happen so it’s up to the voters to ask every time they opportunity presents itself. and Write letters to the Editor to get hseo answers as well.
Laurel says
Tony Mack: You da man! :) News reporters, these days, are far more interested in drama, no matter what the subject.
When I was a kid, there was nothing but math in math books, so I’m a bit confused about all this. Instead of forced prayer, we had one minute of silence each day, and you could silently pray or stare at the wall. It didn’t matter. Later, we had social studies, and even then I don’t recall any indoctrination, we were actually dealing with desegregation which we were okay with. Kids have to be taught to be bigoted, and that’s what’s going on now. Shameful.
Sorry to say, but nowadays, DeSantis, and others, are making everything political. Whether it’s the, now Qrazy Republicans, or Shoot Themselves in the Foot Democrats, it’s all about them, personally. They dream up grandstanding events to stay in the news, and it works!
Sherry says
Thank you Tony Mack. . . an excellent posting!
Patty says
Thank You Governor Desantis for helping my children learn math instead of racist trash from the socialist worms in America.
Steve says
Yeah cuz Golden Ratio, Pythagorean Theory, Irrational Numbers, CRT etc. are such a threat to your kids learning Math. LMAO
Bill C says
Racist math: 1 white person equals 10 non- white socialist worms who don’t know their place.
Sherry says
@patty. . . good morning. . . your troubling fear and hate is evident in your remarks. Please, as one human being to another, please turn off FOX and all media outlets that stir such terror within you. Try PBS/AP News/BBC for credentialed factual information to help balance your perspective. Seek inner peace and love and please accept a virtual hug. Have a much better day today!
Denali says
For the life of me I cannot recall anything besides mathematics in my math textbooks other than some goofy names like Euclid, Euler, Pythagoras, Newton, Pascal and Archimedes. Now some of these guys were foreigners, wore strange clothes, had some weird habits and talked funny but nothing to do with social, ethical or moral issues. Unless you count that time that Dick and Jane went to the store to buy 3 apples which were sold by the dozen and we had to figure out how much they had to pay; pre-tax of course. Or maybe it was those two trains leaving Scotland and London at different speeds and damn, my head still hurts. How can you take a pure science like math and convoluted it into a cultural issue???? Only in Florida . . .
Mindy Robertson says
Billybob’s wife sister cousin drives an F350 with four 6’x10′ MAGA flags to the rally. If the drag coefficient at 60 mph is 1.02, how much extra gas will Karen have to buy at Biden’s high prices?
Laurel says
Sample of math problem in one of the math books DeSantis rejected: If a train leaving Tallahassee at 4:01 pm, traveling at a speed of 90 mph, carrying three transgender children, four Democratic African Americans and six LBGTQs, weighing a total of 1,152 lbs, how long would it take to get DeSantis out of office?
Fredrick says
From the Article “But Republican officials have used the misnomer of “critical race theory” to criticize a wide variety of activities examining the role of racism in American society,”……. Never saw such a statement stating that the term “Don’t say Gay Bill” was a misnomer in any articles posted on this site.regarding the parents right bill. Why now?? All we are asking for is fair and balanced reporting. The “media” seems to be unable to just give us facts and let us draw an opinion. A perfect opportunity with this article. Post some of the exerts from the books that are being objected to. Let people draw their own opinion and keep the politics out of it.
Sherry says
It’s not a journalist’s job to spend hours answering “your personal questions”. . . especially since “YOU” would most certainly reject that research if it did not fit with “your” perspective. Here is a link to the banned books. . . have fun finding the proof of CRT! LOL!!!!
Fredrick says
@sherry Thank you for the link and it does list the list books but nothing about the content in which lead them to be “banned”… Do you have such information? Please share if you do. Isn’t that what this entire thing is about? Wouldn’t that help support your case in regards to why these books are “banned”. Unless those specific items don’t support your view. It’s just like calling the Parental rights bill “Don’t say gay”. It has nothing to do with facts, just general one sided political statements . Those statements come from both sides, which is not what journalism is about.
Also I do disagree with your comment about that not being the journalists job. Isn’t that exactly the journalists job? To find and share the facts so people can draw their own opinion? Or do you believe it is a journalists job is to provide one sided political view? To me that is just one big editorial.
Pierre Tristam says
Frederick likes to think that anything that goes wrong in this world is journalists’ doing and that anything DeSantis and his minions do is as infallible as papal bulls. The problem here is that the governor and the Education Department are with one side of their mouths yelling about giving parents more transparency to know what’s in textbooks, while with the other acting like revealing what in these textbooks they’re banning is objectionable to the state is proprietary information. It’s not only untenable. It’s absurd, and it’s illegal under Florida’s open records law. But if they were to give us example, their case would collapse, because there is none to be made–except for those who traffic in fabrications.
Fredrick says
@Pierre…No you are wrong in your assumption of my thoughts. My thoughts as stated again and again is I am looking for objective journalism. Not a one sided political opinion pieces. Providing left or right sided opinion is not news reporting. Making the fact that this is occurring a political matter is not reporting news. And thank you for pointing out to Sherry that nothing has been provided as of yet to what specifics in the books got them banned. That is what is news and a journalist will go find and report and then we can all draw our own opinion if it is right or wrong. Even though our opinion will differ I will defend your right to have your opinion.
Sherry says
EXACTLY! Do you really think DeSantis has actually read those books? I doubt that his staff has either. He is just marching to right winged conspiracy theories. The truth is starting to come out about the objectionable text being from some work sheet and stuff from other states.
It should be DeSantis’ responsibility to provide the “evidence” to justify his decisions. He owes that to us!
I stand behind my statement that if FlaglerLive was able to hire the staff needed to find and comb through all those books. “YOU” would not believe their analysis no matter what. . . and, you would then complain that Flaglerlive was going after DeSantis.
Trying to have any kind of productive interaction with you is a lose/lose waste of every “thinking” person’s time. Over and Out!!
protonbeam says
Most of the commenters here are ignorant of the facts – Math is no longer math but has been schemed as a cultural and ideological tool. Don’t believe me, just one example which stated purpose is…quoted from the “scholarly article” how to create inclusivity..blah, blah, blah in math…”
“One approach that teachers can use to improve their pedagogy is by promoting gender complex education. This means, “directly acknowledging gender diversity by making our curriculum and pedagogy reflect the existence of transgender and gender nonconforming people” (Rubel, 2016, p. 436). This can be implemented directly by using problems that model real gender issues or more subtly by not using materials that promote the idea of gender only being abinary or those that reinforce gender stereotypes”….
truth is ugly, but we should all try it none the less
Pierre Tristam says
Let’s rephrase it slightly:
“One approach that teachers can use to improve their pedagogy is by promoting socially complex education. This means, “directly acknowledging cultural diversity by making our curriculum and pedagogy reflect the existence of Blacks, Native Americans and other minorities” (Rubel, 2016, p. 436). This can be implemented directly by using problems that model real social issues or more subtly by not using materials that promote the idea of society only being white or those that reinforce stereotypes”….
Oh my. How catastrophically ugly indeed.
Sherry says
protonbeam. . . Geez! You do understand this is nothing more than a thesis by one person, right? This is one of the many ways fear and hate filled BS (FOX) “conspiracy theories” begin. Continuing to scraping the bottom of the barrel for things to blow up into “alternate reality” monsters will bring you nothing but insanity and great pain. Find the courage to live in the real world.
MikeM says
The only thing they should be teaching in math class is MATH. Stop indoctrinating our kids. The world is cruel and our adversaries are cleaning our clocks with education. If this CRT and and gender identity garbage keeps up, they better start teaching more Russian and Chinese language classes. Stop “pussifying” our youth and teach them something useful.
Laurel says
Mike m: “Pussifying.” Now we understand your mindset, and disregard all you said before that. Bye.
James says
Lead by example. Buy a “Schaum’s Outline” in basic mathematics and sit down with your child and learn together.