The City of Bunnell, in preparation for its 100th anniversary in June 2013, is sponsoring a logo design contest to produce a graphic symbol that will be used on all materials created for this event . The logo should represent the city’s heritage and the spirit of its community.
The winner will be chosen among the valid entries by the Centennial Committee, and will be recognized at a City Commission meeting.
The Centennial Committee is currently being formed by a group of elected officials, City staff, and volunteers, to assist in organizing and running a fun-filled year of events, and the City is requesting people interested in being part of this historic event to join now.
All submissions must be received at the City of Bunnell front desk, no later than 12:00 PM on Friday, April 27th, 2012. The official logo winner will be announced and the logo unveiled at the Potato Festival in mid May, 2012. Click here for the rules.
For the complete set of rules, please visit or contact Gigi Hart, staff liaison to the Centennial Committee, at [email protected].