Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood posted the following message on his Facebook page late Friday.
“An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people”
Right now, we are suffering from a lack of certain information about the presence of coronavirus in our community.
Since I’m the chief law enforcement official in Volusia County, I think it’s my responsibility to provide more transparency than has been provided so far.
I can’t share the names or addresses of those who are being monitored related to coronavirus. But I think you deserve to at least know the cities where a total of 20 potential cases exist.
Daytona Beach: 1
Ormond Beach: 4
Port Orange: 3
New Smyrna Beach: 2
Deltona: 3
DeLand: 5
DeBary: 2
These are not all positive tests. There are only three presumptive positive results in Volusia County, and I don’t have the specific locations to share. This larger list of 20 includes locations where someone in the household is being monitored for a combination of reasons including symptoms/travel history/close contact with a lab-confirmed case, etc.
We in public safety have to be aware of these locations so first responders can protect themselves and prevent further spread of this virus.
We should expect these numbers to grow. I updated this post once already from 16 to 20.
I know this isn’t a lot of information, but it’s more than has been made available to this point. To my friends at the Florida Department of Health, I hope you understand my decision to disclose this information to the public, even if you don’t agree with it. And I hope you will continue to provide us with this vital information we need for the safety of all first responders, and by extension, the general public. If not, then I think something has to change at the Department of Health.
While we can’t predict the severity of this pandemic, we have to confront the reality of it. Now is not the time for panic. It’s the time for unity and transparency.
When the public is kept in the dark and when their legitimate questions aren’t answered several days into a national emergency, that’s when we start to see panic.
I stopped at Walmart tonight and found rows of empty shelves, with everything from water to sanitizer to toilet paper to dishwashing soap completely wiped out.
I think we have to open the flow of information. We can still work together to limit the spread of COVID-19 and protect the lives of those who are vulnerable to it. We will do a better job of that with more information sharing, not less.
Please look out for your friends, family, and neighbors. Follow the common-sense advice of the CDC, and keep doing all the things you’d do to avoid catching any virus. Don’t hoard supplies for yourself when there are more vulnerable people out there in our community who might need them.
Be smart, stay safe and stay informed.
Mia says
This is the type of
Message we all need. He’s right.
The health dept sb sharing this info.
And the hoarding is crazy. What are you going to do with 50 rolls of toilet paper? Some people are just low and need a pkg? We can’t even find 2 rolls?
Chill ppl and be careful. That’s it in a nutshell.
LJShaver says
Thank you Sheriff Chitwood. Information is vital to our understanding of the problem.
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
Bravo, Sheriff Chitwood. It was ridiculous for anyone to claim that revealing a patient’s location (town) violates their confidentiality.
Greg Price says
Thanks Sheriff Chitwood, we need to have honest transparency like this, we are all in this together and good luck to everyone, I’m in the over 60 group and very concerned about this unknown virus.. Sincerely, G.P.
Really says
Its all on the fat orange BLOWHARD in DC, Failure of an Administration
Well says
Now Staley needs to report the numbers in his county because you know there are some.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Thank you thank you thank you…
Flatsflyer says
This is the way that a real Republican should act. To many are afraid of Trump, DeSantis and we see the results of those fears every day. It’s refreshing to hear the truth rather than the lies and distortions that Trump spews and tweets every day.
out of TP says
Staly wont say anything unless it benifits him!!!!
Scott Whitfield says
OMG, can we stop with making a mountain out of a mole hill just to get on TV or some media? The key phrase here is “These are not all positive tests. There are only three presumptive positive results in Volusia County” Could be allergies, could be the flu, could be any number of things…. if you’re scared of microbiology stay inside, cancel life, and never come out…. there will always be things out there that can harm and or kill you.. get a grip and use common sense.
Bob says
A grand salute to you Sheriff as always your honesty shines through!
Glad4Chit says
Chitwood is the people’s sheriff for sure!
Billie Brown says
Thank you. Now is the time to change our behavior.
Stop the spread
Karen says
Good to know, Sheriff! This info can change behavior & that is what we need to have a safer community!
rst says
Well done Sheriff Chitwood.
Nancy N. says
They would have had a flu test before being considered presumptive positive for COVID-19, so it most likely isn’t that these people have. And allergies or a regular cold wouldn’t give a person a fever, which is a hallmark of COVID-19.
Wow says
I probably can’t share a link here but I find it onteresting that in England there is an app that shows the count of cases by your post code.
Or if it’s gone google Coronavirus locater England. The reason we don’t know as much is our testing has been pathetic compared to the rest of the world.
Resident says
Could we get get some info from Sheriff Staly? Your residents need your help, we need the truth.
palmcoaster says
England is not a totalitarian state yet. Thank you so much Sheriff Chitwood for the sake of transparency and public information. Now we need the same in Flagler County. Silencing the truth will not help us at all otherwise look at the stock market yesterday 3,000 down worst drop in the last 33 years…they sure know what is really going on.
Richard Grove says
Thank you Sheriff Chitwood for being the only candle in the dark of coronavirus information. DeSantis, all the way down to the NSB council are following the formula for growing mushrooms…Keep them in the dark and feed them a lot of sh**t!
Trailer Bob says
I do not believe that and he has been doing a good job in my opinion. I am mad at the virus…no one else. I guess at times like these, you can see the ignorance and results of not getting a good eduction.
Just keep clean and do not go out in public without gloves (and/or disinfectant) and keep a mask handy for the appropriate situations. And NO…you do not need to buy up all the TP and alcohol you can find…other need some too.
Trailer Bob says
I would not recommend using the stock market as an index of reality. But speaking of the stock market, I would suggest investing in good solid companies while the prices are low. THAT is how you make money in the markets, not by purchasing during market peeks. But then that should be obvious.