Four local candidates have been short-listed out of more than 100 applicants for deputy Flagler County administrator in a hiring that likely lines up the next county administrator, but Cameron has been going about the hire with no public discussion, involvement or notice even though commissioners are interviewing the candidates Friday.
Flagler County Commission
‘Salvation Is In Sight’: Army Corps Extends Deadline as Dunes Hold-Outs Take Money and Sign
Impressed by a local, massive fund-raising effort intended to buy off 11 hold-outs, the US Army Corps of Engineers has agreed to extend the deadline in the long-sought, $25 million dune rebuilding project along 2.6 miles of shore in Flagler Beach.
As Covid-Related Layoffs Hit Courthouse, Clerk of Court Gets, $250,000 Emergency Appropriation
Flagler County Clerk of Court Tom Bexley said his office saw $600,000 in lost revenue, the reduction from 62 jobs to 54, including four actual layoffs, and uncertainties ahead, requiring a $250,000 emergency appropriation to stave off further cuts.
Conklin, Massaro and Woolbright Win School Board, Sullivan Survives, and Finally, It’ll Be Judge Alicia Washington To You
Jill Woolbright and Cheryl Massaro won seats on the Flagler County School Board, and Colleen Conklin, at 20 years the longest serving elected official in the county, won her sixth term. Dave Sullivan won reelection to the County Commission. But the Palm Coast City Council is still very much in flux.
Judge Quashes Flagler Commission Decision on Hammock Boat Storage Facility, Halting Project for Now
A Flagler County circuit judge quashed a November decision by the Flagler County Commission that had opened the way to a controversial 240-boat storage facility and restaurant in the Hammock, next to Hammock Hardware. The judge ruled that the county reached its decision without substantial evidence.
Raising $40,000 in 40 Hours, Flagler Beach Residents Throw Down Greenback Gauntlet to Dunes Project Hold-Outs
A remarkable fund-raising effort in Flagler Beach aimed at breaking a stalemate in a dunes-rebuilding project raised $40,000 in less than two days. The money would be parceled out to 11 property owners who have so far refused to sign easements and allow the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to rebuild the beach, a project 15 years in the works.
The Gardens Development on John Anderson Highway Clears Key Planning Board Hurdles in Near-Unanimous Votes
The Gardens, the big development proposed to go up on the two sides of John Anderson Highway, and that’s galvanized strenuous opposition from residents in Flagler Beach cleared the Flagler County Planning Board with near-unanimous recommendations Tuesday. The proposal goes before the county commission next, possibly in September.
Bob Jones, Flagler County Commission Candidate: The Live Interview
Bob Jones is running against Donald O’Brien in the Republican primary on Aug. 18. The winner will face two independents in the Nov. 3 general election. Jones, like other members of the local Trump Club, is not answering questions.
Down to 11 Owners Holding Out, Army Corps May Decide on Aug. 19 Whether To Kill Dunes Project
County government is dueling with 11 property owners in Flagler Beach who are refusing to sign easements that would allow the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to rebuild dunes along 2.6 miles of beach. Without the easements, a $25 million projects 15 years in the works could be cancelled.
Despite Building Fiascos, County Now Wants ‘Due Diligence’ On Buying Old $1 Million Bank of America in Flagler Beach
Despite a nightmarish history of buying old buildings and having to unload them at a loss, the Flagler County Commission Monday will hear a proposal from its tourism department to gather information on buying the 40-year-old $1.1 million former Bank of America building on State Road A1A in Flagler Beach, opposite the pier.
Donald O’Brien, Flagler County Commission Candidate: The Live Interview
Donald O’Brien, a first-term incumbent, is a Republican candidate for Flagler County Commission, District 5, facing Bob Jones in the Aug. 18 primary.
Flagler Commissioner Joe Mullins Pays $750 Fine in Settlement of Campaign Finance Violations Claim
Flagler County Commissioner Joe Mullins paid the Florida Elections Commission a $750 fine on April 17 to settle allegations that he had accepted illegal campaign contributions during his 2018 run against then-Commissioner Nate McLaughlin.
Kim Carney, Flagler County Commission Candidate: The Live Interview
Kim Carney is candidate for the Flagler County Commission, challenging District 3 incumbent Commissioner Dave Sullivan. The Aug. 18 election is open to all Flagler County registered voters regardless of party or geography.
Dave Sullivan, Flagler County Commission Candidate: The Live Interview
Dave Sullivan is an incumbent candidate for Flagler County Commission, District 3, facing Kim Carney in the Aug. 18 primary. All registered Flagler County voters may cast a ballot in the race regardless of address or party affiliation.
‘We’re Getting Clobbered’: Woman, 50, Is 3rd Covid Death in 3 Days in Flagler as Local Cases Break Records
Flagler County reported 26 new cases today, a record, in a week that also broke a record, with 126 cases, and 16 hospitalizations for Covid-19 at AdventHealth Palm Coast.
6th Covid Death in Flagler; Florida’s Fatalities Surge and Cases Exceed 300,000; School District Announces Remote Option
Flagler County is coming to terms with a situation more serious than some officials–more particularly, a few county elected officials–have acknowledged, with the school district on Tuesday announcing what amounts to a return to remote instruction for all those who want it come Aug. 10.
County Decisively Rejects Settlement With Captain’s BBQ, Refusing Special Favors and Low Rent
The proposal was almost bizarrely generous to Captain’s, providing for continued low rent decades, giving Captain’s first refusal rights on a pavilion on six national holidays, and committing the county to vast repairs and maintenance.
County Sells Long-Plagued Sheriff’s Building at $400,000 Loss, With Substantial Debt Remaining
The sale unloads a burdensome white elephant and political eyesore from the county’s inventory, if at a dear price, and preempts the need for the county to demolish the building and try to sell the property itself.
Explicitly Rejecting ‘Mandate,’ Flagler County Commission ‘Strongly Encourages’ Use of Masks Indoors
Last week Palm Coast, Flagler Beach and Bunnell all approved mask mandates but without enforcement provisions. Commissioners rejected the use of the word, saying it would not be enforceable.
15,300 News Cases in Florida Exceed New York’s High; Flagler Sets New Record; Schools Prepare to Open
Flagler County set a single-week record of 104 cases with a positivity rate of 10 percent as Florida shattered all single-day records across the nation, yet the Flagler school district is preparing to resume in-person classes on Aug. 10, along with most districts across the state.
Settlement Generous to Captain’s BBQ Termed at ‘Impasse’ as it Heads to County Commission
The settlement is remarkably generous to Captain’s, and in key parts even more generous than the controversial 2018 lease amendment the county eventually killed under pressure from a public backlash.
Sheriff Staly Floats Compromise on Mandatory Masks, Minimizing Policing as 3 Cities Vote on Mandates This Week
Sheriff Rick Staly proposes using the powers of trespassing and code enforcement rather than policing to enforce mask-wearing as Palm Coast, Flagler Beach and Bunnell prepare to vote on their mandates this week.
Flagler Sets New Infection Record With 90 in a Week, Florida Sets New Single-Day Record With 11,458
Flagler’s total broke the previous record of 61 set at the end of April, with almost half the county’s cumulative total infections occurring since Phase 2 reopening. Palm Coast Mayor Holland still intends to pursue a mask mandate after administrative officials on Friday said they would not.
Palm Coast, Flagler Beach and County Leaders Will Seek Mask Mandate as Covid Infections Keep Surging
As coronavirus infections continue to surge, Palm Coast Mayor Milissa Holland, Flagler Beach Commission Chair Jane Mealy and County Commission Chair Dave Sullivan will be asking their respective governments to approve a mandatory mask mandate in coming days.
Flagler Fire Chief Don Petito on Leave Pending Investigation of ‘Discrimination and Retaliation’ Complaint
Flagler County Fire Chief Don Petito has had a rocky relationship with County Administrator Jerry Cameron since Hurricane Dorian last year and is now embroiled in serious employment matters.
Staffer at Grand Oaks and Resident at Tuscan Gardens Test Positive; Florida Cases Again Soar to New Record
The Covid cases at local long-term care facilities break a streak of negative testing as Flagler officials wearily eye surging numbers around the county and plan some strategies to keep Flagler’s low.
18% of Florida’s Total Covid Cases Have Been Recorded Just in Last 7 Days in ‘Astronomical’ Spike
Flagler County public health, emergency and government officials are concerned about sharply rising Covid-19 numbers across the state, even though locally numbers have been kept in check for now. But Gov. Ron DeSantis says there is no rolling-back on reopenings.
Scaled Back Gardens Development, at 453 Homes, Expected to Clear Regulatory Hurdle
The Gardens, at one point a 3,966-home and apartment development planned for the two sides of John Anderson Highway in Flagler County, is now almost a tenth the original proposal.
Fecal Matter Detected in Plantation Bay Water, Requiring Boil-Water Alert Until Further Notice
The detection of E. Coli was in one of the Plantation Bay wells supplying the system, based on a test conducted late last week. The well was shut down.
Sheriff Staly Calls Defunding Police ‘Knee Jerk’ as Study Calls for 70 More Flagler Deputies by 2025
If in Flagler, the school board, Palm Coast and the county are nowhere near defunding law enforcement, Sheriff Staly credits a policing approach focused on collaboration rather than confrontation.
Bexley, Johnston, Gardner and Lenhart Re-Elected Without Opposition in Near-Sweep for Flagler Constitutionals
Three dozen candidates will contest local Flagler County and Palm Coast elections, while Clerk of Court Tom Bexley, Tax Collector Suzanne Johnston, Property Appraiser Jay Gardner, and Elections Supervisor Kaiti Lenhart were re-elected without opposition.
$6.6 Million Headed to Flagler County and Cities as DeSantis Releases Covid Aid After Withholding It 2 Months
More than two months after Florida received the money, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Wednesday that the state will start to release nearly $1.3 billion in federal funds to cash-strapped counties struggling amid a recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Flagler’s Taxable Values Rise at Slowest Pace in 4 Years, But Still Enough to Help Budgets
Local governments are looking to keep tax rates flat. Flagler Beach’s valuations increased 5.3 percent, Palm Coast’s by 5.8 percent, Bunnell’s by nearly 10 percent and the school board’s by 4.7 percent.
Wearing a Mask Is “BS” Says Flagler Commissioner Hansen in Latest Reflection of Mixed Signals and Division
A discussion about mask-wearing between Flagler County commissioners exposed continuing but fundamental misunderstandings about the purpose of masks and why they are intended to protect.
As Hurricane Season Begins on Top of Pandemic, Flagler Prepares for Battle on Two Fronts
Flagler County’s emergency and public health officials are preparing for an unprecedented battle on two fronts, with reconfigured shelters and rules but the same stress on compliance with evacuation orders if and when they’re issued, regardless of Covid-19 fears.
County, Flagler Beach and School Board Resuming In-Person Meetings, With Some Mask Requirements
Local governments and the school board are preparing to resume in-person meetings in June, some starting next week, but with varying degrees of limitations and requirements–from distancing rules to attendance limits to mask requirements.
FDLE Finds No Grounds for Criminal Investigation Into Allegations Involving Commissioner Joe Mullins
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement closed a 10-day investigation into what it termed “unverified information” about Commissioner Joe Mullins, finding no corroborating evidence of improprieties.
In Daytona North, $1.9 Million Repaving of 3 Miles of Mahogany Boulevard Set for June
Crews will finally begin repaving the 3.2-mile stretch of Mahogany Boulevard from County Road 305 to Water Oak Road in Daytona North starting next month, county government announced this week.
Flagler County Reopens Vacation Rentals as State Approves Safety Plan, With Restrictions
Flagler County’s vacation rentals may operate again after a two-month hiatus forced by a governor’s order in response to the coronavirus emergency. Rentals may resume immediately.
Joe Mullins Wanted Sheriff to Fix Speeding Ticket in 2017; He Invoked Staly’s Name in Traffic Stop Last Week
Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staly said he refused to fix a speeding ticket for Commissioner Joe Mullins three years ago. Last week, Mullins invoked both his own name and Staly’s during a traffic stop in Palm Coast.
New Sheriff’s HQ in Bunnell Will Be Built On Site Formerly Reserved for New Branch Library
A new Sheriff’s Operations Center will be built on an 8.4-acre site south of Commerce Parkway in Bunnell, but that bumps out a library planned for that site. The library will be built across the street, assuming negotiations with a church that owns the acreage are successful.
County Ready to Settle Lawsuit With Captain’s BBQ at Bing’s Landing, With Concessions From Both Sides
The county would make numerous financial and building concessions to Captain’s. In exchange, Captain’s agrees to remain at the current location, end its litigation, and pay a somewhat higher rent over time.
Ex-Tourism Chief Matt Dunn Did Business With Friends, But No ‘Kick-Backs’: FDLE Drops Investigation
Flagler County’s ex-tourism director Matt Dunn was suspended 13 months ago and fired in October following allegations of embezzlement. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement Agency now says no evidence warrants a criminal investigation.
Flagler Beach Cancels July 4 Parade and Fireworks, Palm Coast Does Likewise in Latest Covid Casualties
For the first time in 22 years, Flagler Beach will not hold its traditional July 4 parade and fireworks, nor will Palm Coast hold its own Independence Day festivities, which would have normally taken place in Central Park on July 3.
Flagler Beach and County Commissioners Call Out Joe Mullins Over a Baseless, Inflammatory Claim
Flagler County Commissioner Joe Mullins over the weekend made unsubstantiated accusations that unnamed Flagler Beach officials are hurting business and tourism in the city with their “stay on your side of the bridge mentality.” City commissioners corrected him.
The Joe Mullins Smear
Joe Mullins is a distasteful man whose behavior as an elected official is dangerous and should be held to account. But not by reporting as unsubstantiated as the allegations it’s based on. To play into them without strict and uncompromising authentication legitimizes them and gives journalism a bad name.
Surprise Proposal to Raze Moldy Sheriff’s Ops and Build There Anew Introduces New Uncertainties in Projects
The Flagler County Commission chairman on Monday discussed the possibility of razing the building and constructing anew there–either a sheriff’s operations center or a south branch public library. That approach would nullify a recent agreement to locate both the operations center and a south branch library off Commerce Parkway in Bunnell.
At Gargantuan Feed Palm Coast Food Drop, Tears, Solidarity, and the Reality About Those ‘Late-Model Cars’
No government, no military contingent, no church or any other private organization had ever attempted what Palm Coast government and Parkview Church did Saturday: the distribution of 5,000 boxes packed with a week’s worth of groceries, and thousands of additional boxes of snacks and Easter candy, for families that streamed through the two drop locations.
Restaurants Can Reopen at 25% Capacity, Many Restrictions Will Remain as Florida Moves to Reopening on Monday
Citing Florida as weathering the coronavirus crisis much better than many other states, especially those hardest hit, Gov. Ron DeSantis today said the state will begin reopening starting on May 4, except for three South Florida counties. But many existing restrictions will remain in effect.
Flagler Beach and County Reopen Beaches 24 Hours Sunday Morning, Maintaining Limits on Activities
Flagler County and Flagler Beach have agreed to reopen all 18 miles of beach in the county 24 hours starting Sunday at 7 a.m., while maintaining restrictions only on certain activities on the beach: “for leisure, no, for exercise, yes,” as Flagler Beach Police Chief Matt Doughney put it this afternoon.