A coal mine disaster in West Virginia, Elian Gonzalez at 16, end of jobless benefits, the Taliban’s desperation, and more.
The Live Wire
Best of the Rest: April 5, 2010
Remembering Lawton Chiles’ walk, Giuliani’s revenge over Crist, Justice Stevens’ retirement, the return of forests, and more.
Best of the Rest: April 2, 2010
Clobbering Bright Futures again, clobbering parks and rec budgets, Obama at the Estefans, and the disgusting innards of Taco Bell.
Best of the Rest: April 1, 2010
Obama’s drilling gusher, the Florida Legislature’s latest privatization schemes, SeaWorld autopsies, spying dos and don’ts and more.
Best of the Rest: February 12-14, 2010
Tea party scenes,homophobia, the military and footballers, Palin’s media ban, and more.
Best of the Rest: February 8, 2010
Monday morning quarterbacking Sarah Palin’s tea party phoniness, Marco Rubio’s shilling for phonies, Nelson Mandela, the last great non-phony, and more.
Best of the Rest: February 4, 2010
Online sales taxes, Clarence Thomas at UF, Google gets in bed with the NSA, and more.
Best of the Rest: February 1, 2010
Deficits to the moon, end of the Moon shot, leaving behind No Child Left Behind, and more.
Best of the Rest: January 29-31, 2010
J.D. Salinger catches the final rye, Obama takes flack over Israel in Tampa, NASA and Alito take Obama’s flack, and free will gets a $4.4 million grant.
Best of the Rest: January 28, 2010
State of the Union recaps, the everyday whines of jihadists, filibuster chic, Holocaust propaganda and the latest from Frank Luntz.
Best of the Rest: January 27, 2010
Homophobe-bashing in Miami, FCAT-bashing in Tallahassee, Tebow-bashing everywhere, and more.
Best of the Rest: January 26, 2010
Cartoons over Haiti, bullying policies at St. Augustine’s movie theaters, Britain’s prison ships and Obama’s middle class agenda–and more.
Best of the Rest: January 22-25, 2010
Crist rediscovers his inner Everglades, a chimp in the middle of a custody battle
Best of the Rest: January 21, 2010
Florida’s worsening economy, pay lanes on I-4, tax breaks for Hollywood, Fox’s niggardly viewers, and more.
Best of the Rest: January 20, 2010
What else: Scott Brown’s upset in Massachusetts, military’s drilling in Florida, children’s online addiction, the anti-enlightenment and more.
Best of the Rest: January 19, 2010
What Publix isn’t doing for unemployment, why Jacksonville is going to pot, why gays are abandoning South Beach, and more.
Best of the Rest: January 18, 2010
Why John Yoo got the better of John Stewart, Tim Tebow’s quarterbacking for the dark side, papery tax in Florida, and more.
Best of the Rest: January 15-17, 2010
Playboy’s history, good news for Health News Florida, the bad news of big coal and big oil, and good riddance to Conan.
Best of the Rest: January 14, 2010
Florida’s $3 billion budget deficit, FPL and Progress Energy’s rate hike denials, an odd leap in Floridians’ education, and more.
Best of the Rest: January 12, 2010
Cold clobbers Florida crops, Rubio clobbers Crist, New Jersey wisens up on pot, and more.
Best of the Rest: January 11, 2010
On the fates of Rahm Emanuel, Ali Khamenei, Hitler, Progress Energy, and Florida’s cheap health insurer for the poor.
Best of the Rest: January 8-10, 2009
Why al-Qaeda is failing and winning, why the right-wing is going off the cliff, why Florida’s lawmakers are loons, and more.
Best of the Rest: January 7, 2010
Whaling, racists and crazy cops thrive, manatees, the poor and good sense don’t.
Best of the Rest: January 6, 2009
The GOP’s moderate troubles in Florida, the Dolphins’ latest tax scheming, the Marlins’ latest stitching, and the trouble with happy talk.
Best of the Rest: January 5, 2010
Judges gone wild, Tasers gone wild, DUI lawmakers gone wild, and more wilderness.
Best of the Rest: January 4, 2010
Red-light camera epidemic, citrus in Florida, Florida’s top environmental stories of the year, profiling’s return, and more.
Best of the Rest: January 1-3, 2010
Where it started going wrong for Crist, how Blackwater gets away with murder again, and the federal judiciary’s reefer madness.
Best of the Rest: December 9, 2009
Copenhagen’s A-to-Z guide, how to know when you’re being an absolute bore, mucking up Alaska (again) and more.