We should not reopen schools until the county where the district is located reports zero new Coronavirus cases for two weeks. That would be taking safety seriously, argues teacher and author Steven Singer. It shouldn’t be too much to ask because other countries have been able to do such things.
Trump and the GOP’s Handling of Covid-19 Is Sheer Lunacy
Just over half of working-age Americans have jobs now, the lowest ratio in over 70 years. What’s roaring back is Covid-19. Until it’s tamed, the economy doesn’t stand a chance, argues Robert Reich.
Make Masks Mandatory Anywhere Public
As Covid-19 infections continue to surge, Palm Coast, Flagler County and all other local governments should do what Orange and Osceola counties have already done: make masks mandatory anywhere public, including shops and restaurants.
Palm Coast Investigates Itself. The Result Is Not Impressive.
Palm Coast City Manager Matt Morton brought in an investigator to investigate the city’s own internal investigations process and its handling of public records, some of them involving Milissa Holland and Coastal Cloud. The result excused several misjudgments.
Supreme Court’s Endorsement of Taxpayer-Funded Vouchers for Parochial Schools Undermines Rights
Public dollars should fund public schools, which educate 90 percent of our nation’s students, argues Rachel Laser of Americans United for Separation of Church and State in response to the Supreme Court’s decision clearing the way for taxpayer vouchers for private, parochial schools.
The Fight for LGBTQ Equality Just Won a Huge Victory
This historic decision achieved by an astonishing 6-3 vote in a conservative court, written and delivered by Trump appointee Justice Neil Gorsuch, codifies that LGBTQ individuals deserve human and civil rights.
Protesting for Black Lives in Trump Country
“It was surreal following a police cruiser to our destination, considering my drive to attend came from anger about the police brutality black people face. This was a recurring theme in the other protests I attended in nearby DeLand, Ormond, and Daytona.”
The Unedited Statement School Board Chair McDonald Censored at a Public Meeting
The original text of Jack Petocz’s statement is presented here unedited. School Board Chair Janet McDonald shut Petocz down the moment he mentioned her name in the context of a statement critical of her offensive tweeting activity.
Jim Tager’s and Janet McDonald’s Tweets Bisected the Flagler School Board. McDonald Won.
If School Superintendent Jim Tager left this week, it’s not because he had to–he amassed an excellent record–but because the School Board let just one of its members–Janet McDonald–drive him out. It’s an unsettling precedent.
Don’t Let Bogus Claims Fool You: Voting By Mail in Flagler County Is Safe and Secure
Flagler County Supervisor of Elections Kaiti Lenhart counters bogus claims and misinformation by explaining the safety, reliability and accuracy of voting by mail.
In Georgia, Voter-Suppression Becomes Systematic
What Georgia did Tuesday was criminal, a racist crime against our democracy, and it’s time to criminalize voter suppression once and for all, argues Thom Hartman.
Critics of Riots Are Forgetting their American History
From riots, rebellions, and acts of insurrection in the early days of the Republic to race riots, anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic “Know-Nothing” riots, to name a few, make the practice as American as apple pie, argues Ricky Riley.
Today, Again, I am Overwhelmed With Grief and Rage
“Day by day, protest by protest, vote by vote — it is my honor to join you in this struggle for a better world,” writes Ian H. Solomon. “We need each other now more than ever.”
A Post-Graduation Letter of Thanks for an Extraordinary Graduation from Superintendent Jim Tager
We would never be able to make up for missed moments, but for the biggest moment in their K-12 journey, Flagler Schools was able to showcase these graduates on one of the biggest stages, says Superintendent Jim Tager.
Yes, the Looting Must Stop
Looting is the word of the day, on the lips of every newscaster, the president, and elected officials across the country. And, indeed, looting is a major problem in America. But how.
The “Chinese Virus” Slur
Calling Covid-19 the “Chinese virus” has nothing to do with geographical correctness and everything to do with ideological motives tapping into a century and a half of anti-Asian bigotry.
Battling a Pandemic of Bigotry
Donald Trump fanned the flames of anti-Asian hostility by repeatedly calling Covid-19 the “Chinese virus” while the National Republican Senatorial Committee advised candidates to “attack China” as a mainstay of their campaign messaging.
Food Drops Are Not Enough. Expand Food Stamps Programs Now.
Big food drops like Palm Coast’s effort to feed 5,000 families are fine, but only an expanded SNAP (or food stamps) program can reach all families in need with an existing system that also acts as an economic stimulus for local business.
The Real Reason Trump Wants to Reopen the Economy
Donald Trump is trying to force the economy to reopen to boost his electoral chances, and he’s selling out Americans’ health to seal the deal, argues Robert Reich.
A Perfectly Legal Lynching in Georgia?
Killings of black men by whites are 8.5 times more likely to be ruled “justified.” That’s the reality behind a South Georgia prosecutor who’d said there was insufficient evidence to arrest two white men involved in the fatal shooting of black runner Ahmaud Arbery.
DeSantis Is Right on Cautious Reopening, Wrong on Models
Gov. Ron DeSantis took a wisely cautious approach on reopening, but his caution contrasted with his ridicule of models that predicted grim outcomes for Florida in March. His criticism reflects a simplistic misunderstanding of models’ purpose, especially when they have their intended effect: to minimize loss of life.
The Joe Mullins Smear
Joe Mullins is a distasteful man whose behavior as an elected official is dangerous and should be held to account. But not by reporting as unsubstantiated as the allegations it’s based on. To play into them without strict and uncompromising authentication legitimizes them and gives journalism a bad name.
A Plea From Superintendent Tager To Telecoms: Students Need Reliable Internet Connections Across Flagler
As the Flagler school district went virtual in answer to the coronavirus crisis, it found that unreliable internet service in parts of the county puts some students at a disadvantage. Superintendent Jim Tager asks communications companies to address the gap.
How Many Deaths Can We Live With?
The coronavirus emergency is raising ethical questions as communities reopen: how many deaths are we willing to live with, and whose deaths? The questions are at the heart of the debate on reopening, but are not being confronted honestly.
American Carnage: How Donald Trump Is Killing Us
The coronavirus has mutated into ideological variants. We are moving from a natural disaster to a man-made one, from statistically unavoidable deaths to deaths willed by indifference, ignorance, selfishness, and the political calculations of a single man. The consequences will compound rather than mitigate the pandemic.
The Risk Is Too Great to Reopen Palm Coast So Soon: An Open Letter from City Leaders
Palm Coast Mayor Milissa Holland, City Manager Matt Morton and Fire Chief Jerry Forte explain why the city is maintaining recommended restrictions to suppress the coronavirus and why “we must remain steadfast in our approach and see this through to the end.”
Trump’s Covid-19 Power Grab
The real hoax is Trump’s commitment to America, argues Robert Reich. In reality he will do anything – anything – to hold on to power. In his mind, the coronavirus crisis is just another opportunity.
It Was Never a Strong Economy For the Working Poor. Now’s the Time to Change That.
The coronavirus crisis is laying bare how record low unemployment and a booming stock market helped conceal the still weak levels of household wealth, public infrastructure, and overall socio-economic fragility of most Americans.
We Need A Lot More Covid-19 Transparency From the CDC
The CDC is hiding potential disparities in who gets tested for coronavirus. To start, the CDC should expand its dashboard, and publicly report metrics using demographic categories like sex, race, ethnicity, primary language, and disability status.
HIPAA Heist: Lethal Privacy In the Age of Coronavirus
Misapplications and misinterpretations of the federal medical privacy law known as HIPAA are conspiring to kill more of us than otherwise would die from the coronavirus. And officials are taking advantage of the law to cloak their failures.
When DeSantis Shut Reporter Out of Coronavirus Briefing, He Shut Out All Floridians
Gov. Ron DeSantis denying Mary Ellen Klas, a Miami Herald/Tampa Bay Times reporter in Tallahassee, access to his coronavirus press conference on Saturday was vindictive, petty — and illegal. It denied access to the Floridians who look to these media outlets for vital information.
Stay Home. And Be Angry.
It’s important to remember we’re doing this in part because the people at the top screwed up. Meanwhile, millions are losing jobs, while others put themselves at risk working outside the home because they can’t afford not to.
Covidnotes: Voyager
If it’s perspective we’re looking for in the age of coronavirus, we could do worse than looking to Voyager 1 and 2, emissaries from Florida in another century, whose language and distance remind us of our random place in the universe.
Half-Measures Harm: Lock-Down Flagler and Florida Now. Test Everyone.
The only option to buy time and minimize coronavirus deaths until universal testing is available is to enforce a lock-down, without which voluntary half-measures will only prolong harm to the economy and increase the death toll.
Volusia Sheriff Chitwood Releases Numbers Health Department Is Censoring and Criticizes ‘Lack of Certain Information’
“When the public is kept in the dark and when their legitimate questions aren’t answered several days into a national emergency, that’s when we start to see panic,” Sheriff Chitwood writes.
Coronavirus Prevention Is Not Overreaction: Flagler Schools Should Extend Spring Break
With the coronavirus and its many knowns and unknowns, what may look like an overreaction today is the most effective form of prevention, and should not be given the chance to look like playing catch-up weeks from now.
Misplaced Inquisitions: Mayor Holland, Coastal Cloud and the Palm Coast Observer
Mayor Milissa Holland and Coastal Cloud Co-owner Tim Hale repeatedly–and unfairly–invoked Palm Coast Observer Editor Brian McMillan’s name in poor light during a 90-minute city council segment devoted entirely to refuting critical allegations about the city’s contract with the company.
Stop Cloaking Bigotry in Veils of ‘Religious Freedom’
A Supreme Court case could open the door to even more legal discrimination in the name of religious freedom. The intolerant should rethink their claim to piety and morals, which contradict their ends.
Without Apologies: Why EPAC Exists, and Why We Are Concerned About the Choice for Superintendent
Kristi Furnari, secretary of the Exceptional Student Education Parent Advisory Council, explains the organization’s deep and at times controversial involvement in the Flagler school district’s search for the next superintendent.
Lessons from the Border
Even if people know a little about the border with Mexico, many Americans simply have no idea about the U.S. policies that have created the displacement crisis, including American support for a criminal Honduran president.
‘Shocked and Gravely Concerned,’ Domestic Violence Leaders Support Investigations and Seek to Reassure Donors
Trish Giaccone, who heads Flagler County’s shelter for victims of domestic and sexual violence, issued a pair of letters supporting the ongoing investigations in the state domestic violence agency’s spending and pledging transparency.
That Old “Socialism” Slur
For decades, Republicans have painted anyone left of Barry Goldwater as a “socialist.” Why? Because for a generation raised on the Cold War, “socialist” just seemed like a damaging label.
Flagler Politicians, Take Note: Brevard Taxpayers Just Paid $490,000 to Settle Illegal Christian Prayers at Meetings
Just as Flagler County commissioners started proffering prayers at public meetings, as the school board almost did, the Brevard County Commission paid out $490,000 in a settlement for doing so illegally for years.
There’s No ‘Great American Comeback,’ and Certainly Not for Blue-Collar Workers
Low overall unemployment means little when half of Americans now work low-wage jobs. Manufacturing remains in decline, farm bankruptcies are spiraling, and union membership just hit an all-time low.
The School Board’s Proposed Decorum Rules Are a Pretext to Silence Critical Information
The Flagler County School Board is considering speech restrictions at its meetings that include comment cards before a person can speak and prohibiting references to staff, students or anyone in the district.
The Senate’s Make-Believe Trial of Donald Trump
In his 40 years as a lawyer, the author has never seen a trial flout the basic requirements for fairness so brazenly. In a real trial, any juror who admitted conspiring with the defendant would be unceremoniously ejected from the jury, for starters.
School Board: Don’t Boot Out 4 Advisory Panel Citizens in Superintendent Search Because of Conklin’s Application
Stephen Furnari is one of the Conklin appointees to the Citizens Advisory Committee, and a representative of the ESE community. But he and three other Conklin appointees are being excluded from the committee now that Conklin is applying for superintendent.
The Florida Lottery Exploits a Racist Stereotype
The Florida Lottery just issued a 30-second television spot that exploits a bigoted stereotype–the African-American with oversized lips–themed around making the black patient’s teeth “100 times whiter.”
Citizens United, the Court Ruling That Sold Our Democracy
With Citizens United, the Supreme Court essentially married the terrible idea that “money is speech” to the terrible idea that “corporations are people.” There’s a way out.
No, Joe Mullins, Flagler Is Not a ‘Trump County.’ It Is an American County.
Flagler County Commissioner Joe Mullins followed his call on liberals to love Flagler County or leave with suggestions of putting them on trains and buses, which brings to mind a different period of history, Christopher Goodfellow points out in an open letter to the commissioner.