How do the horrific events of Charlottesville, the shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, and a similar hate crime in California directly relate to the eye-rolling pronouncements by Devin Nunes, Rudy Giuliani, and other Republicans in defense of President Donald Trump?
Guest Columns
Is Marijuana a Gateway Drug?
Like nearly all Americans of a certain age, we were told in school that tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana are gateway drugs — and that is why marijuana should remain illegal. The myth bears closer examination.
Belle Terre Elementary PTO President Jennifer Paterno Addresses Ongoing Investigations
Belle Terre Elementary School President Jennifer Paterno discusses her role in bringing to light issues that led to an internal school district and criminal investigation of alleged financial improprieties in the organization previously.
Who is Worse, Donald Trump or Mitch McConnell?
Even if Trump is gone, if the Senate remains in Republican hands and McConnell is reelected, America loses because McConnell will still have a chokehold on the democracy, argues Robert Reich.
What Would It Cost to Buy the 2020 Election?
At $100 a vote, a victory in November 2020 would run Michael Bloomberg $6.3 billion. He is currently sitting on a personal fortune worth $52 billion. He could easily afford it.
Why I Filed the Complaint Against Belle Terre Principal Terence Culver
Stephen Furnari, author of the complaint against Belle Terre Principal Terence Culver, cites misappropriation of funds, sexual harassment and hostile workplace, discrimination and nepotism and retaliatory practices, among other issues.
Daytona Tortugas Respond to Major League Baseball’s Plan to Eliminate The Team
The owners and staff of the Daytona Tortugas minor league team in Daytona Beach respond to Major League Baseball’s plan to eliminate 42 minor league teams, including the Tortugas.
Whose News Literacy? What’s ‘Fake News’? Resources for Teachers and Students Raise Questions.
Inappropriately named “fake news” is real, pernicious and dangerous, but the tools developed to detect it and teach students savvy media literacy can be problematic, with an over-reliance on the status quo.
Happy Birthday to Sen. Inhofe, Undisputed Champion Climate Denier in U.S. Politics
Jim Inhofe, the Senate’s unwavering climate denier, turns 85 on Sunday. Peter Dysktra requested a Q&A with him when he turns 100 to see how the “hoax” has turned out.
How Republicans, Not Russians, Threaten Fair Elections
Republicans are less likely to win elections when voter turnout is high. So GOP lawmakers have been doing all they can to restrict or roll back voting rights.