Last Updated: Oct. 4, 2:55 p.m. For more details, including the 911 call and police reports on the men arrested, go here.
A burglary took place just before 10:20 this morning in the area of Brunswick Lane just north of Palm Coast Parkway and was followed by a manhunt that ended with the arrest of two suspects at around 11:20 or 11:30.
A third suspect, Tre Quan Cobb, 18, of Louisiana Drive in Palm Coast, was airlifted to Halifax Hospital earlier with a gunshot wound to the head.
Flagler County Sheriff Don Fleming said “this incident appears to be drug-related.”
The third suspect was, in fact, shot by Daniel Floyd, 24, a resident at the house, when the three men were fleeing the house.
The sheriff’s office described the sequence of events this way: According to Floyd, the three men kicked in the front door to his home looking for his roommate. Floyd was held at gun point as the men asked for the roommate. When told the roommate was not home, the three then attempted to run out of the house. Floyd armed himself and shot Cobb in the back of the head. The suspect fell onto the lawn while the other two fled. Cobb was treated and released back to deputies, but then was transferred to Florida Hospital Flagler for further treatment, where he remained on Tuesday.
The description is at odds in one key regard with that provided a day earlier, when the sheriff’s office had Floyd shooting Cobb as the three men were leaving.
Belle Terre Elementary and Indian Trails Middle School on Belle Terre Parkway were on lockdown as a precaution Monday morning, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office says. The lockdown was lifted at 11:30 a.m. Indian Trails’ principal and the school superi8ntendent, Janet Valentine, informed parents by email and by an automated phone call of the situation and its aftermath.
By late afternoon, the sheriff’s office had charged Antonio Hudson, 20, of New Smyrna Beach, with armed burglary and aggravated assault, and David A. Pope, 16, of Brelyn Place in Palm Coast (within walking distance of the house that was targeted this morning), with armed burglary. Pope was transported to the Division of Youth Services in Daytona Beach.
Just before noon, Air One, the Volusia County helicopter used in the search for the second suspect, stopped flying above the area where it had been flying in low concentric circles for about an hour. But four deputies with semi-automatic weapons and a K-9 were still patrolling in the area of Brigadoon and Brittany Lanes.
The burglary took place at 25A Brunswick Lane, a duplex–one of two–at the intersection with Brunett Lane. Half the duplex was encircled in yellow police tape. A Florida Department of Law Enforcement mobile crime lab unit arrived at the scene at 12:30 p.m.
Blood stains were clearly visible in the driveway, where one of the suspect was found and taken to Halifax Hospital.
A van suspected to have been used in the burglary was located in the area of 61 Brushwood Lane, the sheriff’s office reported. A handgun used by the suspects was located by a K-9 unit in a wooded area near 84 Brushwood Lane.
A neighbor who lives in the house immediately adjacent to the targeted duplex said he heard the gunshot–a single gunshot–but didn’t see anything.
The front door of the duplex did not appear to have been forced. But a tire iron rested upright against the frame of the garage door.
This is a developing story.

Heather Beaven says
Imagine my surprise when my 1st and 2nd graders walked in the door announcing that they had been on lock down “and it was real!”
What is the District’s policy on notifing parents that their children were in danger?
J says
Im hoping it was the homeowner who shot the suspect!!! HELLO we live in Palm Coast a city with the majority of Sheriff Department officers…….. Stupid Thieves should find a new career….
S says
@ Heather parents were notified via telephone msg informing parents of the lockdown situation.
Dave says
I’m very pleased to hear they caught the burglary suspects and I’m sure there Is a lot more to this story that will come to light as time goes go, As for the kid’s being in danger I could not find that part of the story at all other than the Schools going under lock down as a precaution, great job to all involved including the school district for going the extra mile to keep our kid’s safe.
Chris Willis says
The law better get a grip on Palm Coast….its getting pretty scary!!!!!!!
Ken Dodge says
What is the District’s policy on notifing parents that their children were in danger?
My son, whose children go to Belle Terre Elementary and Indian Trails Middle received this email from the principal of Indian Trails:
Hello Mustang Families,
This is Vernon Orndorff Principal at Indian Trails Middle School. Just to let you know that today ITMS went on lockdown with a warning. We conduct this drill when there is a threat off campus in the community. It was reported by our school resource officer Corpral Apperson there was a home invasion near the school aproximately a mile and a half away. Suspects were fleeing by vehicle then on foot towards ITMS heading North. We went into a lockdown with a warning. I wanted to comliment our Mustang scholars for conducting themselves in a first class manner. Following directives they did an outstanding job. This event occured aproximately at 10:40 am and we were all clear and back on normal schedule by 11:40. Once again we want to thank our Mustang scholars for their cooperation
The ITMS SAC meeting will be on October 6th, at 5:00 p.m. In the media center.
Have a great evening.
Vernon Orndorff
Firebadge1 says
Congrats to the Sheriffs dept…………you earned your money today.
Kendall says
Criticizing the schools in any manner in this instance is wrong. Nothing stated in the article implied that students were in danger- instead our schools were proactive in protecting the children. 1.5 miles is a significant distance- I’m surprised anyone thinks the schools should have taken extraordinary measures to notify parents. Danger was not imminent.
Well... says
This is hardly scary… talk about living a few blocks from rival gangs where they have nightly gun fights. Or how about living in an area where drive-by shootings are the norm. That is where I just was a few months ago on vacation, a place called home. I heard sirens literally every 20 minutes and random pops of gunfire…this is heaven in comparison. I had to take a weapon with me when I walked my dog for protection which is something I do not have to do here. Crime is what happens when there are no jobs to be found or when drugs take root in a community. Can Palm Coast get worse, of course it can but it doesn’t have to. It takes a community to stand up to the drug dealers, the gangs and other assorted criminals. I don’t know, what do I know, only that this isn’t as bad as it could be but if the community sits by idly just talking about it on the boards nothing will change for the better.
A says
I’m truly disgusted. These are people from my school, people i would talk to on a daily basis and certainly people one would never expect to do something like this. Completely disgusted. What is the world coming to..
Repellent says
Heather-Where in this story did it state kids were in danger? The school officials were being pro active… You should be glad of this. What were you expecting, the school to call you to get your approval?
Those involved should get life! We don’t need this type of crime in our town, and we should have zero tolerance for it.
another one bites the dust says
Speaking of schools and lockdowns, my children attend Palm Coast Christian Academy which is at the North end of Plam Coast Parkway and US1. To me this is way too close to the scene to not have had some sort of lockdown. When I went to pick up my child the entrace to the school was blocked by cones, firetrucks, police cars, and a helicopter. When I pulled up the fire fighter told me I was not allowed in the school and he would not tell me why. Once I finally made it into the school, the school was unaware of what was going on outside of their parking lot. Why were they not informed, their were police standing 10 feet from the school. Thank god the school locked down anyways just to be safe.
Carrie says
I am freaking out right now! I had a scary visit by this Antonio guy at my house on friday. He rang the doorbell and I told my kids not to answer the door. There was a man with dread locks and shorts down past his butt. I did not open the door. He saw me and gave me a really eery feeling as he walked down my sidewalk and stared into my window the whole time! I think he was checking to see if anyone was home. His mug shot looks dead on this guy who came to my door! Scary!!!
[email protected] says
more helicopter fly overs, more lock downs , more home invasions, more interruptions of everyday activities of good people and we are worry;ing about tasers in the schools. one consulation is that they are killing each other or trying to. i think that from now on if i see o helicopter fly over by my house i am going to stay close to my weapon, as far as the subject who shot at the suspect running from the house, i think he is going to have a problem. suspect or suspects running away from you the threat is over with and you shoot than you are deep s**t
### says
It’s nice to see that the home owner is a better shot then the police.. Usually the police miss or at best a small flesh wound…
Heather Beaven says
Goodness! I am not criticizing. I simply asked a question. My children were the first to tell me about it and then came an automated call about 6 pm.
No one can say for certain that our children were or weren’t in danger. That is why the district did what it did; thankfully. In this case all is well but, back to my question, what is the district policy? The next time we might not be so lucky. What if a parent heard about this while the lock down was in place and decided to rush there to protect their child? It could have turned into a very dangerous situation.
We have reverse 911 and email notifications from the district. If we can learn about dangerous weather Flagler County Emergency Services and learn about upcoming events from the Superintendent via email; we can be notified sooner about a potential school based emergency complete with guidance (e.g. you will be putting others at risk if you attempt to come to the school).
I realize we live in a time in which every sentence is suspect and/or taken out of context but sometimes a question is meant purely to better understand. Assigning a motive or an agenda to my question is fruitless.
Momma miller says
I found out about the lock down on the news as my child attends ITMS yesterday ,all I did was call the school and asked if everything was under control . The response was calmly reported yes and if you would like to speek with our law enforcement officer you may. I responded with no thank you, as long as it s under control . I am glad they locked down to be safer than sorry and I am thankfull that the faculty had a system in place to protect our children after all we trust our children with them all day.
suave says
ha to be honest it sounds like a drug deal gone bad, if the door wasnt forced then the owner let them in and it just seems to me that someone didnt get what they called for and got mad and shot someone in the back of the head so the owner should probably be questioned right away because this sounds like some BS
pablo mora says
Our police is the best in America.
Nancy N. says
Heather, I had the same questions that you had about why there wasn’t more notification of parents – even the automated phone call that eventually went out didn’t specifically name the schools that were locked down and Belle Terre did no official notification of its parents like you say ITMS did. I’ve been in contact with several school board members about the district’s failure to use assets such as its Twitter account to alert parents to the situation, and have been assured that the failure to communicate properly with parents is being addressed.
Outsider says
Congratulations to the homeowner.
A long term resident, says
Personally, I think this sounds like some bs. Why? How is that they kicked in the door,but no forced entry? Secondly, you open your door to 3 unknown persons after someone tried to get in the back door. Come on be fu$%ing for real. I look out my window for people I know. Why didn’t you call the police the first time and grab your gun then???? I SAY AGAIN ONLY IN FLAGLER COUNTY DO STUFF LIKE THIS HAPPEN….
whitney says
Some of you people make me sick… LONG TIME RESIDENT and SUAVE, maybe one day something like this will happen to you, to someone INNOCENT (I hope it doesn’t because I don’t wish this on anyone, but sometimes it takes something like this to happen to people like you before you can understand)!! I think the victims handled this whole situation very well. And before you start to critisize someone, why don’t you read up on the WHOLE story and get all the facts together before you go off and make yourself look like an even bigger idiot in public. Them poor people had no idea this was going to happen, and about answering your door to people you don’t know…when is the last time you ever heard of someone breaking into a home at 10 in the morning in broad daylight in a neighborhood?!?! And about the prior almost break in, that was reported and it was me that reported it, the two victims in this case were not there that night when the situation occured. I’m just so upset because this happened to two of the best people i’ve ever met, those two have the best hearts anyone could possibly have. And I hope the 3 guys that broke in AND BRIAN get everything they deserve!!!