They’re still spilling blood over the better side of the Mason-Dixon line in Bunnell.
On Monday night, Justin Foglia was driving around with Robert Floyd, Thomas Liebel and Josh Byrd in Foglia’s Honda in Palm Coast and Bunnell. Somewhere around I-95 and SR 100, Floyd and Byrd started debating the merits of the North and the South. It’s not clear why, but things got heated.
They kept arguing. The North is better. No, the South is better. (Floyd is a native of Marion County. It’s not clear where Byrd is from.) When they got to Palm Pointe Apartments on East Moody Blvd., not far from the Government Services Building, they got out of the car. As they stood just outside the car arguing, according to a police report, Byrd struck Floyd in the face on his left side. At that point, Floyd took out a knife and allegedly stabbed Byrd once in the side, and stepped away, then walked off.
A large crowd was gathering when the officer, Cpl. Pina, arrived at the scene of the stabbing, where Pina first saw Byrd being held up by Foglia, and judged the laceration to be 1 to 2 inches wide, but of an unknown depth. Bunnell Police officer George Hristakopoulos arrived to control the crowd. So did Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies. In the middle of that commotion, Stephanie March, 22–a Northerner: she’s a native of Philadelphia–allegedly struck Floyd’s brother in front of police officers, who proceeded to arrest her.
Cpl. Pina then spoke to Foglia (who two years ago was arrested and jailed in Flagler County on an aggravated assault charge). “Mr Foglia, who appeared highly intoxicated,” Pina’s report stated, “explained that the victim, who he referred to as a ‘bird,’ was arguing with the defendant when he suddenly stabbed him on his left side with his right hand. Mr. Foglia explained that the victim did not attack the defendant and that it was an unprovoked stabbing.”
Pina then spoke to Liebel, who was a rear passenger in the Honda. He explained “that the victim was provoking the defendant into a fight just before the fight occurred,” and that the fight carried on throughout the ride to the apartment complex. Liebel “explained that he saw the victim ‘go after’ [Floyd] outside the vehicle.”
Floyd was booked at the county jail on an aggravated assault charge. Byrd was taken by ambulance to Florida Hospital Flagler.
uncl E says
dumb is as dumb does…
NortonSmitty says
OK, so he stabbed him over North or South while driving a Honda/ And East or West wasn’t even discussed? I think we’ve found our next Teabag congressional candidate!
ignorancecosts says
A tea bagger? Good grief…it’s a shame and pretty low to call names. Hopefully the discussions usually stay a little more elevated on Flagler Live?