Palm Coast City Council member Victor Barbosa this afternoon addressed the revelation last week that the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office considers him “likely” to be a fugitive from justice in Costa Rica, and that the agency has requested the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to investigate Barbosa. The councilman, elected last November in a special election, has been under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice since June 30.
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement this afternoon confirmed to FlaglerLive that a preliminary inquiry has begun regarding Barbosa.
“As to the recent news, I just want to say that it’s news to me,” Barbosa told the council. “I’ve not been contacted by any law enforcement. This is my community, and I ran to represent the people, and will continue to do so. That’s all I have to say.” It wasn’t, quite.
Barbosa delivered his brief statement at the end of a workshop that stretched past the five-hour mark. He didn’t stop at that, swerving into a political statement in defense of Alan Lowe, the candidate for Palm Coast mayor, after Mayor Eddie Branquinho had requested of the city attorney to explain where the allegations against Barbosa left the council, regarding Barbosa’s continuation of service. Branquinho’s own remarks then triggered yet another verbal brawl involving Barbosa and fellow-Councilman Ed Danko. The workshop had not lacked for tense moments. Its coda was only the latest display of intemperance that required another intervention from City Attorney Bill Reischmann, reminding the members of their responsibility to conduct themselves civilly.
It started innocuously, with Reichmann explaining the council’s role, and lack of any role, at this stage in the Barbosa allegations.
“Before this council would have the jurisdiction to take any action, things would have to happen that have not happened,” Reischmann said. A forfeiture of office, for example, would only occur if a council member was convicted of a felony. To suspend the council member, “there would have to be the issuance of an indictment or an information.” An “information” is the charging document issued by the State Attorney’s Office, indicating an intent to prosecute. A charging affidavit from a law enforcement agency like the Sheriff’s Office or a city police agency isn’t enough. It has to be ratified with an “information.”
“And based upon the record that I’ve seen, that has not occurred yet, but that would be the steps that would be the process,” Reischmann said, at least regarding the city charter. There’s also a state law, the attorney. “This deals with the governor’s power, and that’s where the governor would have to find that there has been an arrest for a felony. And that has not happened. That’s in chapter 112 subsection 51.” That provision of law give the governor–not the council–the authority to remove an elected official from a seat.
Branquinho empathized with Barbosa at that point, about “how unfair this could be to someone who according to Mr. Barbosa did nothing wrong, and being accused of something like that.”
On July 6, the Sheriff’s Office wrote the FDLE commissioner, requesting that FDLE investigate the sheriff’s findings that Barbosa appears to be wanted in Costa Rica on charges of kidnapping, aggravated robbery, extortion and assault with a weapon, according to documents provided by the Sheriff’s Office. FDLE spokesperson Gretl Plessinger this afternoon said the agency is reviewing the sheriff’s information. “An investigation starts with a review,” she said, describing that step as a preliminary investigation. “It’s to a full-blown investigation when it’s in the review stage,” and the inquiry can end at the review stage or lead to a full-blown investigation, based on what’s uncovered, she said. But it can also take an indeterminate amount of time, even at the preliminary stage, with interviews, the gathering of documents and so on.
Picking up on Branquinho’s comment, Barbosa spoke about how “sad” it was that “people could go on national television, and state that somebody was involved in a bombing.” It was an allusion to Alan Lowe, the candidate for Palm Coast mayor in the July 27 election, who had in his early 30s declared himself a “sovereign citizen” no longer answerable to American law. He did so in the early 90s, when the “sovereign citizen” movement was gaining traction among a subset of right-wing extremists and militias, one of whom masterminded the Oklahoma City federal bombing in 1995.
It isn’t clear what Barbosa was referring to as far as people going on “national television.” No local race is advertising on national television, though some are advertising on local cable networks that show local ads targeted at the Palm Coast market only, but in the course of shows shown nationally on national networks. (In other words, no one in Ottumwa, Iowa, is seeing television ads for Palm Coast mayoral candidates.) Nor is it clear what ads he was referring to, though he and Lowe have been complaining in similar terms on social media about David Alfin, one of the candidates, allegedly disseminating the link between Lowe and the sovereign citizen movement. (The link is accurate so far as the early 1990s were concerned. Lowe’s involvement in any bombings is not.) Still, Barbosa claimed, “They are saying that someone has bombed buildings in America, and they’re running for mayor.”
“I let you speak your mind even though I’m not too, too fond of politicking in here,” Branquinho said, before addressing issues of his own. He brought up the unsubstantiated claim by Danko last week that ex-Mayor Milissa Holland was facing criminal charges, and resigned because, according to Danko, she was given a choice either to resign or face the charges. Danko would reveal neither the “senior” law enforcement official he claims gave him the information or so much as the person’s agency, when Branquinho asked. Branquinho also asked to be briefed by the same alleged person. But he never heard from that person, he said today–and hinted that Danko would face “what I feel it’s going to be legal action towards you.”
Then, referring to a critical image he’d been sent showing him and Council member Nick Klufas, and questioning who he’d endorse, he told Barbosa: “I don’t know if I should kill you with kindness or indulge you with my sarcasm, but then again I don’t think you’re bright enough to see the difference.” Danko for a moment thought Barbosa was addressing him, which caused another loud spat between all three of them. “You can talk to me as a person, but don’t yell at me,” Barbosa said. Branquinho again repeated his line about kindness and sarcasm.
“Are you stating that I’m stupid?” Barbosa asked. Branquinho continued to speak over him. The two then argued more–about Facebook, about each other–before Reischmann stopped them and did what he’s done several times since last November: “I would simply remind everyone, everyone, that we have a responsibility to represent all the public up here, and try to keep our mark remarks consistent with our rules of procedure and our oath of civility.”
“Sometimes civility, as much as you try to, you can only take so much,” Branquinho said, before turning to the attorney and city manager for their final comments. They had none.
The segment had not been all burlesque. Branquinho had started it with a compliment toward City Manager Denise Bevan, who Danko last week, again on no evidence, had pledged to fire as soon as he has the votes. “Denise Bevan is doing a great job,” Barbosa said. “And we need to remember that she graciously volunteered to help our city in a time of need.”
ASF says
This from the same Gang that keeps insisting that their hero, Donald Trump, really won the election for President. Because they have so much solid and verifiable proof that they have been only too transparent about and willing to share with the rest of us.
Malia says
Why can’t they leave this man alone. I mean come on. Slinging mud because it seems like it’s because he’s not white or something. That’s what I see
The dude says
A vote for Lowe is a vote for more clowns in this circus, when what we really need is a ringmaster.
Deport says
Ok, let me clear the air here. The Three Stooges are at this again. I can settle this once and for all. I have the Biggest Sword.
I am a Republican. That being said what happened on January 6th, I found disgusting. The Danko’s, Lowe’s, Barbosa, Mullins, make me ill.
I am voting for anyone not them.
Leaning towards Manfre, just because she is a woman, and hopefully schools these idiots.
Nick is great. People doing good things for the City.
We should hope for more says
Another day in God’s country. Our noble leaders discuss the finer points of democratic principles, selflessly and dutifully administering our community. Our taxes low, peace officers plentiful, as our carefully planned and nourished city grows into the sustainable future.
Society grows great when wise men plant the seeds for trees whose shade they will never sit under. We may never be that shining city on the hill but surely we can do better than this.
Lou says
The charges if it is mistaken identity will be cleared up in time. Until that happen, he is innocent
However, both have to maintain civility, if they can’t both should resign.
Citizens of Pal Coast deserve better people in responsible authority.
Willy James says
And the shit show continues! This better than any TV reality show. You just have to be so proud of these kids. They truly know how to lower the bar.
Jimbo99 says
I guess Barbosa is going to let this come full circle with the FDLE investigation. Sooner or later it’s going to come out as legitimate charges or not. Wow, we have Mullins dragging out his legal issues in a replay of nearly a decade earlier, then we have Barbosa being investigated, resignations and everything else going on here in 2021. And I thought 2021 couldn’t be any more messed up than 2020 as this community tries to heal from a pandemic. Well, we can only hope that things get straightened out. I still think anyone running for public office needs to have a thorough background check by the Elections Office. It’s the perfect opportunity to eliminate what we’re seeing right now. This connection to Barbosa & Costa Rica would’ve had to have been a hit & investigated long before the election of 2020, even certifying any candidate to run for office.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Knock knock hello everyone in Palm Coast. To the best of my reading knowledge you, as a charter city in Florida have the legal right to attempt to ‘Recall an elected official. F.S. 100 I think… don’t even have to go into tremendous detail – just allegations should suffice. Doesn’t take rocket science for your attorney to have told you that.
Jimmy says
FDLE needs to get off it’s butt and tell the community if Barbosa is “armed and dangerous” or not. He should either have his name cleared or face the music. This middle ground is not right, and it’s definitely wrong if it’s a political smear.
Danko was his usual nasty attitude self today, especially during budget conversations where he barked at staff, “…well, you better find somewhere to cut from!” He naturally bullies and intimidates people because it’s who he is to his core. Two different women (city staff) were the subjects of his rude remarks during council today. The way he talks to people is just not necessary. That was my biggest pet peeve with Holland, and it turns out Danko is worse!
AND…GET READY FOR THIS…ALAN LOWE MISSED A MEETING! He was cross-town at the Leads Club debate, and even after it ended, he didn’t show up to the Council Meeting, which ran for 5 hours. Who did? DAVID ALFIN!
Dennis says
It’s a circus side show! Next meeting, I’m bringing popcorn to watch the show. Sad.
C’mon man says
Man I’m going to start going to these meetings. Kick back with some popcorn and watch these idiots go back and forth.
Mark Woods says
What a bunch of clowns.
PS Yes, Vicki we are calling you stupid.
Jimmy says
Stick to stirring the pot at the County, Jane. We have enough drama over here in PC…we don’t need your suggested recall effort to add to it. There is a possibility that he is completely innocent. I’m not a Barbosa supporter, but I also don’t agree that potential bogus charges should ruin the man’s life and political career.
Wow says
All I can say is you get what you vote for. You want adults in office? Stop voting for immature bullies.
Steve says
Mark my words Barbarianosa will be drug out one day in handcuffs and I will bet the Farm on that. FPC is on the Precipice. If the Constituents dont start to skim the scum from the Swamp in the End the Rabbitt hole is where you are headed. Its not that difficult. You ALL need change so make it. At this point IMO new Blood Faces Bodies Ideas are way better than existing Regime. I Wish you All Luck in taking your Elected Officials positions back in the name of the People regardless of Race Color or how they Identify. Vote Accordingly.
Randy says
Right out of a Trump Play Book, “I know nothing” If someone is being investigated as a normal upstanding person he is trying to come across wouldn’t you be contacting the investigators to have your name cleared or to find out what you are being accused of?
The politicians in the town and country are all Trumper Side Show Clowns and I wouldn’t vote for any of them.
Jan says
Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?
Mike Cocchiola says
Throwing Alfin or Lowe into this mix will be explosive. We are already gaining a reputation as a crazy town. Is this what we all envisioned when we moved here? Is this our future?
Robjr says
Flagler County Sheriff’s Office considers him “likely” to be a fugitive from justice in Costa Rica.
If I was likely to be a fugitive I’d likely be in custody.
Right says
Candidate Kathy Austrino is a woman too no?
Joseph Shabotz says
So Lowe’s big claims of attending EVERY MEETING is no longer relevant, like everything thing else we’ve learned about him. It’s all fluff and no substance. The facts on him are documented and yet he still tries to attack and distract…
He’s a wannabe that will never be.
Concerned Citizen says
What is taking FDLE so long?
As a hiring manager for a large security firm I complete Level 2 background checks in less than 3 busniess days. A lvl 2 includes fingerprinting and results from local and feds since we staff sensitive sites. We recently had to notify authorities of a candidate from Barbados that had outstanding warrants.
This guy is getting a lot of special favoritisim.
Normally the Sheriff would blast you all over social media. Normally you would be featured on fugitive bingo. To date. The Sheriff has avoided commenting on a fellow republican. And has his Chief running the so called investigation. And now there is still a “delay” in results. From FDLE. Why?
Either clear him and move on on verify and arrest. It’s that simple.
But make sure you are treating citizens fairly. An elected official is held to higher standards. As they took an oath to do the job.
Little Ed says
Danko is the definition of SLIME . Employee salaries are always an important subject whether it be private sector or government. I guess it’s the tone of voice that really is unimaginable when the topic came up. That condescending, squeaky/whiny voice is just lovely for morale in any profession. BUT, in government where individuals work to serve the community at large, it’s absolutely despicable. What a disgusting delivery of words, but what’s new?
Frank says
Sure as heck not Lowe. Anyone with sovereign citizen beliefs is not qualified to be elected any where to any position.
Concerned voter says
he IS white, for Petes sake. He is also a tax deadbeat
FlaglerLive says
The Sheriff’s Office does not have the authority to arrest on foreign charges.
Irwin M. Fletcher says
There was a time in our nations history when it was a privilege to hold office and serve your constituency. These positions were held by honorable people who selflessly represented the masses. The current state of affairs in our city and county is disgraceful. It’s a shame that referring to a person as a politician has become a slur rather an accolade. The douchebaggery needs to stop, people we need to break the cycle and start electing competent leaders.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
An elected official does not need a criminal indictment to be recalled by unhappy constituents.I was Stating a fact and not stirri g the pot
joe says
I wish i could vote for none of the above.they are all bad.
Lou says
Yes, you have an option. VOTE for a woman who is on the ballot running.
I don’t like her real estate background or her husband’s public records but she is the best of the worst this community is offering to us.
Lou says
“”There was a time in our nations history when it was a privilege to hold office and serve your constituency.”
I would love to know about that time period you talking about.
Financial contribution to elected officials controls their political positions. It is very true today also.