The following is Flagler County Emergency Management Weather Specialist Bob Pickering‘s report for Flagler County rainfall and climate in May, as prepared and submitted today.
May 2022 precipitation figures were generally well above normal for the county. Several passing disturbances had enhanced showers and thunderstorm as well as an apparent early start to the rainy season. Normal Precipitation for our region in May is 3.13” and normal year to date (YTD) rainfall is 15.07” However looking at unofficial records at the EOC, the average May rain for Bunnell since the year 1995 has been 3.80”.
Rainfall reports for May 2022:
Bunnell, Flagler EOC: 5.04” YTD: 19.11”
N Palm Coast: 5.29” YTD: 21.48”
Palm Coast: 5.07” YTD: 21.78”
W Palm Coast: 4.47” YTD: 20.42”
SW Palm Coast: 4.25” YTD: 17.67”
Flagler Beach: 3.00” YTD: 15.65”
SE Flagler Beach: 4.84” YTD: 18.67”
The Drought Monitor is indicating that the region is currently drought free. The KBDI Drought Index is in the low 100’s on the lower end of the scale.
The National Weather Service (NWS) reporting station in Daytona Beach maintains the official records for the region and is utilized in reference and reporting for the Flagler County area.
Other Notable Weather:
5/21/2022 – A series of intense thunderstorms some approaching severe limits impacted the county. A power disruption due to the storm caused some utility issues in the City of Bunnell.
The Atlantic Basin Tropical Cyclone Season started on June 1. The Tropical Prediction Center is forecasting an above normal hurricane season. It should be noted that it only takes one storm and hurricane preparedness should be practiced no matter what is forecast. (See details here.)
The Climate Prediction Center is forecasting above normal precipitation for June:
Flagler County recognizes the reporting efforts of the community volunteer storm spotters and whose contributions assist in the collection of area rainfall data.
Disclaimer: Weather data in this report is not collected with certified or official equipment nor does it represent official National Weather Service figures. Data is released for informational purposes only and with the understanding that Flagler County is not liable for any damages resulting from the use of this information. Official records may be obtained from the National Weather Service by contacting (800) 499-1594.
skeptical says
Well, my house alone has had 9.9″ just in May and over 29″ YTD. I don’t know who is putting this data out, but perhaps they should try using “certified or official” equipment. What a ridiculous report.
Jimbo99 says
2021, June was pretty dry (alnost verge of drought conditions) and that dryspell didn’t break until the first week of July with the threat of the Tropical Storm/Hurricane. This year looks to be a little different, same weather though, just different year on year, nothing unusual about that. There’s a book they publish, the Farmer’s Almanac, I understand it’s pretty accurate.