Last Updated: 7:53 p.m.
The State Attorney’s Office has filed an obstruction of justice charge against Bobby Pace, the acting fire chief in Flagler Beach, following an investigation into charges that Pace falsified the records of a probationer and destroyed evidence earlier this year.
Flagler Beach police following an investigation in March filed a felony charge of tampering with evidence and a misdemeanor charge of obstruction of justice. The felony charge did not stick. But the state attorney is proceeding with the obstruction charge, a first-degree misdemeanor. If convicted, Pace faces up to a year in jail and (or) up to $1,000 fine, and up to a year’s probation.
Pace will not be arrested. Because it’s a misdemeanor, a summons will be issued for him to appear in court.
Pace remained on the job after the police department filed the charges, though only a few weeks earlier Bruce Campbell, the city manager, had suspended several firefighters, including the then-fire chief, for allegedly breaking city policies. The firefighters and the chief were subsequently fired, though none faced criminal charges.
Campbell on Thursday would not comment about Pace or the formalized charges when contacted by phone. “I don’t know anything about this,” he said. Campbell said he would be checking into the matter and comment later. Asked what city policies call for when a city employee faces a criminal charge, Campbell said he did not know and would have to check into it.
Campbell never called again, though he received the charging paper directly from the state attorney’s office, and spoke of it to individual commissioners. The commission met Thursday evening. Campbell did not mention the matter, nor did he note openly, during that meeting, that he had appointed Rob Creal, a volunteer and former fire chief in Flagler Beach, the interim chief. Pace is on paid administrative leave.

Creal resigned his position as fire chief in 2002 under a cloud of his own, after 26 years as chief. “He retired on the same day police released findings of a two-month investigation into accusations he used marijuana, provided drugs and alcohol to underage volunteers and looked the other way as youths used city computers to view pornography,” the News-Journal had reported. “No charges were ever filed.”
In March, Pace, a 41-year-old resident of Ormond Beach, was accused of falsely awarding community service work hours to probationer Vitaly Tsabak on at least five occasions, as Tsabak had not earned those hours. The Florida Department of Corrections had approved the Flagler Beach Fire Department as a location where such hours could be earned, and Pace was the supervisor responsible for signing off on those hours. When Tsabak presented his service hour work sheets to his probation officer, the officer became suspicious because of the time slots’ duration and the time when they were logged.
Patricia Davis, the probation officer, was able to confirm through surveillance video that the hours logged did not match up with Tsabak’s presence at the fire department. Tsabak’s probation was revoked. He was sentenced to prison until August 2015. Then Flagler Beach firefighter Jacob Bissonnette, listed on Pace’s charging affidavit, had viewed the original video surveillance, according to the report, and told investigators that the probationer had worked only about an hour each time, though Pace signed the work forms for the full five hours.
“After learning that a complaint had been lodged against him [Pace] did then destroy/erase the video surveillance” depicting what would prove to be the discrepancies between what took place and what was logged on time sheets, according to the report. Bissonnette was among the firefighters Campbell fired, elevating Pace to acting fire chief.
A more detailed account of the investigation by the Flagler Beach Police Department revealed the following: On March 13, a Flagler Beach detective contacted Jerry Pflueger, the police and city departments’ information technology point man, to request his assistance in retrieving the video surveillance from the fire department. The detective, according to the report, had received an additional complaint by the Department of Corrections that another offender, Dmytro Blinov, had been awarded fraudulent hours by another firefighter.
The next day, Pflueger told the investigator–Liz Williams–that “he had been to the fire department and had attempted to retrieve the requested video only to find that there was no historical activity stored prior to” February 11. “Given the type of video system the fire department utilized (motion activated), there should be a much longer retrievable history (for example the original Department of Corrections complaint was able to be retrieved and viewed at approximately six weeks) available and that with his knowledge and experience he believed that the video surveillance files had been manually deleted,” the investigator’s report states.
On march 19, Pace came voluntarily to the Flagler Beach Police Department and asked to speak with Williams. Pace told the investigator (who tried and failed to record the interview on an iPhone) “that he did not personally know Vitaly Tsabak and that he had been to the fire department on approximately eight to ten occasions to do community service work hours. Pace stated that he had never flagrantly awarded hours only ‘rounded up’ a little bit for good work. Pace further advised that the other department policy violation of allowing Tsabak to stay in the department while staff went on a run was a fabrication and ‘never happened.’ He further advised that the ‘tapes will show it never happened.’ Pace went on to advise that the video recording system is in a smaller room off of his office and that whenever he is not in the building his office and all access to the video recorder is locked. Pace stated that nobody can get in to the recorder without his knowledge.”
Williams asked Pflueger to return to the fire department and retrieve the first thirty minutes of activity on the tape to determine the identity of the person who deleted the files containing the evidence she was seeking. Pace greeted Pflueger with an “entirely different demeanor on this visit and was no longer cooperative. Pace told Pflueger he needed a subpoena to retrieve the tape he was seeking, which is not true: the surveillance tapes are public information. “Pace then made numerous phone calls complaining about Pflueger’s attempts to get the video,” the investigative report states. He called appointed and elected city officials and Police Chief Dan Cody.
Cody told him the tapes were city property, that a subpoena was not necessary, and that he needed to surrender the property Pflueger. Only then Pace complied.
“Pflueger attempted to retrieve the video for several hours, and due to technical difficulties had to leave the machine in a download state and requested Administrative Assistant Donna Kearney, who has extensive command of computer operations, to respond on the following day to retrieve the downloaded video as he would walk her through the process,” the report states. Kearney tried for several days to retrieve the video but her efforts were repeatedly thwarted by Pace, according to the investigation, until March 26, when she went to the fire department with Flagler Beach police officer Tim Sturman, to retrieve surveillance footage.
“I asked Firefighter Andy Thomas if I could get into the chief’s office for the purpose of retrieving the surveillance video,” Sturman related in his report. Thomas said the office was locked. The officer called Pace, who told him he was at lunch. “I asked Pace if I could make entry by using a drivers license or other plastic object.” Pace’s reply: “”Do whatever you think you need to do.” The officer used a plastic ID card to enter the office, and burned the video onto a CD, which was placed into evidence.
After the footage picks up, immediately after the deleted segment, the only person seen inside the hallways of the fire department is Bobby Pace, the report states. “There are other staff members noted outside in the front of the building as It appeared they were just returning from a call but are not observed inside the building,” the report states.
There was no video surveillance nor were there witnesses to substantiate any claim that Blinov, the other probationer, had his records falsified.
Citizen says
For a small city Flagler Beach has so much drama they need to have their own reality show.
A.S.F. says
The Good Ole’ Boy network is alive and well.
Florida Native says
The drama continues. Stay tuned.
two words~~~~~~”COUNTY TAKEOVER”
chantel turner says
About time! Bring Shane back! Bring Shane back!
E.C.H. says
The politics look good but it will probably get plea bargained into nothing but a slap on the wrist to protect their budget.
SSDD says
Maybe everything those guys that got fired were saying before about Pace is true. Then you’ve got Campbell who is doing his best to cover it up. Why were those 4 placed on administrative leave for a city policy investigation, but Pace has remained on the job since March when a criminal investigation has been going on? Oh that’s right, Pace is Campbell’s “Do” boy. he started this mess and now has to deal with his own repercussions… Good Ole’ Boy Network at its finest in Flagler Beach!!!
Tator says
Is this county cursed or is it just the most “troubled” little swamp you’ve ever had to live in ?
Marissa says
Much ado about nothing. You caught a big fish here Flagler. Let the man resign and stop ruining people and family lives. Are you kidding me, the State Attorney’s Office! They have bigger fish to fry rather than this nonsense. What a waste of taxpayer money. Go find the killer of the gas station clerk.
Rick Belhumeur says
I’m speechless. What happens to the morale within the fire department now?
Palmcoastconcernedcitizen says
And yet he is still on the job! My O’ My he must have something big on the city manager, to not be immediately fired. Pettito can now apply here, oh not enough money. There are many qualified people out there that can do the job without all the drama.
Amazed says
It’s funny how Jacob Bissonette the fired employee who bought, stored, and drank alcohol at the fire station filed the charges. Seems like retaliation to me.
The Professor says
So the falsifying records charges were dropped and obstruction of justice is being pursued? Doesn’t make sense to me..
Flaglerresident says
Bobby Pace should be fired immediately for breaking the law while employed as a FF. He cannot and should not be trusted as a public official. He has a prior criminal history that would prevent him from ever getting hired by any other fire department in this country and Chief Roberts put his neck on the line to get him hired because there were no applicants (several months went by and no one applied) to fill a vacancy when he was hired. Chief Roberts had to have special meetings to convince the City to hire him due to previous DUI/s.
Truth! says
If the felony charge is tampering with evidence and he is being charge with obstruction then he did not tamper with evidence. right?
The obstruction would be that he was not there to let someone in his locked office?
But the officer BROKE into his office!! Is that legal??
It is also illegal to post an emergency service personnel address on line!!
The FD had permission to grant good workers extra hours for community service. The probation office was just checking them. The officer had no issues with the extra time. That is why the county did not bring up the charges.
The charges were brought up by Jake Bissonnette who was just fired! Can anyone see the big picture here?
Mr Bissonnette is also related to the police chief! HELLO!!!!
The video recordings were only viewed by Mr Bisonnette.
Mr Bissonnette is the person who set up the cameras to (loop) meaning they only had so much time and they recorded over.
Tsabak’s went back to jail for skipping town. Nothing to do with the fire dept.
Detective Williams tried to tape the conversation on her IPhone? Really?
There were about 4 different people who knew nothing about the video system trying to get tapes at different times?
Where was the chain of custody on all this “evidence”?
This sounds like a big family mess trying to head hunt Mr Pace!
I think it also sounds like Mr Pace has a rather good case to sue the police Dept!!
It is sad that a disgruntled ex employee can cause all this frustration to a department which has done a complete 180 toward the good.
PC Kid says
FB needs to shut down their fire department and use the county system.
John Smith says
WHAT really. Campbell puts someone in charge of the FD with already a BAD PAST of DRUGS and YOUNG kids. This is so incredible I cannot believe it. This a strong choice to give it to the county before Creal has another young kiddy party at his house. This is so out of line. really.
John Smith says
Also let me get this straight. You fire a guy for taking a sip of a drink OFF duty with 21 yrs of a unblemish record with the city and bring back a guy of Creals record even though he may not have been charged it still happened or why was he let go. This is so unfair. other than Pace gets what he deserves he has already said he did this in his own words what else is there.
Maurice says
Now…finally all is beginning to come out. The cronyism, the puppeteering and the backstabbing. Here we go again Commissioners! More drama and disreputable activity in our quaint little city. How can we expect to thrive as a city with distinctive charm when our “professionals” act like scum. And I’m not talking about the fire department personnel. I’m talking about management!
Mr.Campbell is quoted as saying “I don’t know anything about this” when asked to comment on Acting Chief Pace’s criminal charges yet in January then-Chief Roberts provided him details of the falsification in writing; and Chief Cody also spoke to Campbell about it shortly thereafter when seeking his input about which law enforcement agency he (Campbell) would like to conduct the investigation. that conversation — or rant as we like to call it — was hilariously enjoyed by several who listened via speakerphone. But even Pace “voluntarily” spoke to the dectecvies about “rounding up”. How can Campbell be so out of the loop on the innerworkings of his department heads. Is it possible he’s as out of control of his staff as he accused Roberts of being?
Mr Campbell is either showing arrogance or ignorance but either way it sound a lot like obstruction of justice on his part! When asked about city policy for employees facing criminal charges, again Mr. Campbell claimed to not know the answer. So wherein does his intellect and culpability lie? It wasn’t taking responsibility for a backward running water meter at the time of his pool installation. It wasn’t in his hiring of the city’s landscape contractor to provide services at his residence. It must be in the vindictiveness of targeting those employees who don’t “yes sir” and suck up upon request or maybe its in the anointing of those who do. Now he appoints former Chief Robby Creal whose alleged actions (and habits/preferences) are about as creepy as a former Penn State coaching official . (How convenient that a retirement and investigative report occurred on the same day…h-m-m-m-m-m?)
But as for Mr. Pace, the statutes is quite clear about the penalties for willfully destroying public records and since the Department of Corrections lady “was able to confirm through surveillance video” the actual time worked vs what was reported, Pace’s guilt ought to be a done deal.
Bunnell Officials can’t make a decision; but Flagler Beach officials keep making the same wrong ones. Don’t let the actions of some bad apples jeopardize our city services by giving up the fire department — instead get rid of the problem and the drama. Haven’t we learned by now that maintenance does NOT equal management. Clean house Commissioners or the residents who are tired of Peyton Place will come March.
Really??!!! says
Come on flaglerlive where should I start with this one?Hm first off after reading the artical this whole case is a joke, and for you to keep posting negative things about the Flagler beach department is ridiculous. jake a former employee who was just recently terminated was the only person who saw the tapes. How did he have authority to view the tapes to begin with if their in the chiefs office? Secondly you have a Flagler beach cop break into the office with no search warrent with a credit card seriously? Third jerry states he “believes” the evidence was deleted and has no proof what so ever to prove it was. This whole case is nothing but a huge joke and it’s a final headhunt for jake to get Mr.Pace fired. Chief pace has done an outstanding job since he was put into his pos as acting chief. He is a down to earth good guy and hard worker over the years I have known him. And it would be nice for flaglerlive to post good things that department has done over the past few months which their has been a lot from what I’ve heard. It’s a shame a former employee jake is so worried about nonsense stuff I have bigger things to worry about. Like I said before sounds to me from reading the artical the whole thing is a joke.any who believes a story like this is crazy.stay strong Flagler beach fire department and chief Pace. Chief Pace you are really a great guy things will work out in the end it’s nothing but a joke this whole case.
FB Insider says
How is it that someone with a past like Creal is put in charge of the fire department? Has he been drug screened like every other citt employee?
Mr mondex says
Stay tuned folks !!! same bat time , same bat channel!!!!!!
Johnny Taxpayer says
It’s never the “crime”, it’s always the cover up.
FlaglerLive says
Really, we’re in the news business, not the PR business. If you’re looking for a site that’ll tell you the sun rose today and the surf looks great, you’re in the wrong place.
Jackie Mulligan says
Well, if you look at the history of Flagler Beach, and I am only a 30 yr. resident.It certainly looks like we never get our act together.
This would be a perfect time to have the County takeover the whole Fire Department,
There have been troubles over and over as you can see by the new acting chief who “resigned under a cloud”Many issues have been swept under the rug, and as usual they will surface at a later date.
I had to laugh at Commissioner Settles statement , calling Flagler Beach residents Fiercely Independent??? Well that’s one mans opinion.
In between the years 1992 and 1994 I was a Commissioner in town and witnessed a problem in the dispatching dept. , the commissioners studied this and came up with a win,win solution, we had the County dispatchers take over our calls and at the same time saved the city$ 250,000.We gave them better service and saved a ton of money.
I bet most of the Flagler Beach residents don’t even know who answers their 911 calls, not should they care.
We did the transition seamlessly and no one felt” Fiercely Independent.” they just got less expensive and better service for their tax dollars.Remember all the employees we have have retirement plans, so it will behoove us to think long term.
Commissioner Carney was correct to think about having the City look into working on a way to gave the County Fire dept take some of the burden off of the taxpayers of F.B.
The FB Commission is supposed to be working for the benefit of the taxpayers, not who the manager hires and fires
They seem to have the employees interest coming first,and I am in no way diminishing the importance of some of the fine employees that F.B. has, only saying that if you are doing the job of a Commissioner you should always have the taxpayers as your number 1 priority, Great service at the best price.
This is a Manager form of government, Managers manage employees, Commissioners are supposed to be visionaries,not down to who’s buddy is working for the city.
So think again about your emergency services,these people on the ambulance are County employees, do they look or act different?do you care who comes? NO, as long as they are doing their job.
Thank you,
Jackie Mulligan
concerned citizen says
Hmmm “Flagler Beach Cop “Break in with no search warant”. I don’t want to call anyone any names but are you serious. The Officer didn’t break into anything. IT IS CITY PROPERTY!! read the article before posting things like that. And you ask Flagler Live to stop talking about the Fire Department. It’s PPL like you that make these things worse with your lack of knowledge.
FB Insider says
How would it be retaliation when the investigation BEGAN 12/27 and Pace’s letter went in 1/4? Bissonnette reported it to the police department after Campbell failes to even bat an eye at it.
John Smith says
Truth and Really after reading your stories and I say that in the sarcastic way that you seem to know names of certain individuals who are within the city circles. What does this tell me is you must be a cronie for Pace and work in the FD. That being the case you are ok with laws being broken.
Campbell and Pace both broke laws. Who can you trust in the FD let alone in city management.
I thought in the last story one of your new LT wanabes made the request for NO responses from the members of the FD.
It is FUNNY to me how the only people that call Flagler Live a RAG or a Joke are the people on the wrong end of the story. Keep up the good work Live.
John Smith says
Hey Amazed, Jake is not the one facing CRIMINAL charges for such a ridiculous firing. Now on the other hand Pace is facing CRIMINAL CHARGES for Violating a Law that our Veterans and fore fathers fought for.
Popo3984 says
So what differance would it be if the county took over less service for eventually more money come on give me a break there people just like the rest of us county employees are no better flagler beach stick with your department and don’t let these people who just moved here try and run the place
E.C.H. says
That’s funny. The state attorney’s office has very serious evidence (recorded under oath on Feb. 6, 2013 and May 1, 2013) of Palm Coast city employees and Code Enforcement Board members lying under oath and obstructing justice. Wonder what makes them just pick things willy-nilly like that? Is that real justice?
Forest G says
How about a better solution move the probation dept from flagler to Flagler beach fire dept. That way the city will save money and you can keep an eye on the firefighters.oh i mean convicts. It was a tremendous mistake to introduce criminals convicted that is into the fire dept. Firefighters have no business keeping eyes on convicts in a fire station. The firefighters probably couldnt wait to getthem out of the station thats why they tweeked the hours. Its wrong and its creepy. I sure hope this isnt still going on or happen again.
It was a setup for failure. I am on the Chiefs side on this. He should not be prosecuted for doing a lousey job
caring for convicts.
James says
First of all the numbers have been ran and the rumor that the city would save money of the county took over have proven to be false. Second of all why are you all so quick to prosecute Chief Pace in your heads. These rights that our forefathers and veterans fought for also includes the right to be innocent before proven guilty in a court of law. A court with a jury of Pace’s peers where the evidence can be displayed and the verdict can be made beyond reasonable doubt. What I am getting at is your opinions may be biased because of what you may have read here on the Internet, or maybe by what a coworker has told you at work but you shouldn’t be so quick to prosecute Bobby Pace and talk so bad about the Flagler Beach Fire Department. Any person that would like to tour the Flagler Beach Fire Department, see what they have been up to and hear what they plan to do will always be welcomed with a smile.
So whether you plan to take this to heart or not remember these “good ol’ boys” you keep referring to are the ones who will be there when your house is on fire and your animals are trapped, they’ll be there holding your 16 year old daughters hand after she rolled her car on 95 in the rain, or they’ll be there when your 82 year old mother has fallen on the floor at 3 am and can’t get up.
Mr mondex says
Please Jackie. Run for city commission !! Or better yet apply as city manager, your the only one who call’s it like it is the people of fb need your common sense approach,you have always seemed to have the right solution to the city’s problems,the only other person I can remember ,who always took the bull by the horns
Was the late Fred belhumer.at the city meetings. Fred used to really shake em up !!!!!!boy. He wasn’t afraid to speak his piece of mind!! R I P FRED. WE MISS YOU BIG TIME!!!!!!
AMOS says
Hey Citizen They Already Do have their Own Sitcom!!!! Its “THURSDAY NIGHTS LIVE” at City Hall !!!!!!! Well Maurice, You Hit the Nail on the Head for SURE !!!! Hey Rick, The Morale in That Fire Dept. & Police Dept. has Been Lower than a Lift Station for Some Time Now, For that matter the Entire City Workers Seem to be Losing Morale!! Are Ya “Speechless or Clueless”?????? Do a Little Research & You’ll Get Your “SPEECH” Back !!! Hey “REALLY” Sorry You Disagree with Flagler Live, But That’s Your Right, I Think 711 Sells the National Enquirer, Might be more up Your Alley !!! Hey Jackie,We Would love to have you Run for Commissioner, This Place has Become Out of Control Since Bernie, Alice & Ed have Been Replaced, & Come March, “REPLACE WE SHALL” !!!!! Thanks Flagler Live for Your Fantastic Coverage of Our County!!
NortonSmitty says
Quit drooling Frank, it ain’t ever gonna’ happen as long as there is one Flagler Beach resident alive to fight it. Thank God.
me again says
Jackie, your argument about how the county handles all the dispatching making a better and cheaper service to comparing that to a county take over of the Fire Dept. is doing no justice. Nearly every county in this state along with others handles all the radio communications for county/city departments. It makes it easier by getting rid of a cluster of different units from different agencies to communicate. Assuming you are as in-touch with the city as you say you are, you would already know that a county take over should be out of the question and not as good as it was brought up to be. And as a fmr. commissioner your saying you wouldnt want to be proud of your city and have your own city departments? Sure there are issues that should be addressed and will be settled and turned around but trying to just give up the department seems like the coward way out. If you’re living in this city and support this city you should want your own fire department proudly wearing your citys name. You have plenty of qualified and trained men and women ready to be there for you in a seconds notice 24/7 but still complain about them instead of help them… Besides, lets not jump the gun on Bobby Pace (which all of you are doing), nobody said he was guilty.
John Smith says
Wait! Lets get back to the charge of false reporting on Mr. Pace. The charge stems from not just rounding up hours a little, like he admitted to doing, it was also after hours. The parole board says hours are 9 to 5. Pace knows this but let him come in after hours. That helped raise the flag that wrongdoing was being done. The parole people are supposed to be home after hours. If they falsified 3 or 4 hours a day that the person was at the fire dept. instead of being home and this person committed a crime during these hours he was documented as being at the fire dept. people we have a problem. He has proof he did not commit any crime, he was at the fire dept. at the time. Well, I see this as a big problem. Especially if it was to hurt a child, commit a robbery and kill someone, ect. For felons to be left alone in the station while the dept. went on calls, well there ya go again. Stuff missing, really? Wonder who could do such a thing. So it may not have hurt Chief Pace to round up the hours, it was the consequences of his actions that could have led to a disaster. Parole boards expect the rules to be followed. Rounding up a guys hour by some minutes might not hurt, but to turn them lose for hours, to do what they want, after hours, can be a problem. As a man in a charge position should have known about what time a person can do his service, and what can happen if you swear he was at your station for the 4 or 5 hours that another crime was committed, and then they find out, oops, we lied. He wasn’t here. But he has a legal document signed and dated says he was. Now what? Bad judgement, sure. And a lot worse that taking a sip of alcohol on Christmas morning, after there shift was over, in front of people they thought were their friends. Perspective is all I am saying. AND JUSTICE FOR ALL!
FB Insider says
He was charged with a misdemeanor obstruction of justice for interfering with Patricia Davis from Department of Corrections; read the document.
The officer did not “break into his office”. It’s a city building, he doesn’t need permission.
The FD clearly did not “have permission” to grant extra hours, thus the D.O.C. would not be pushing the issue. Even if someone who works at a bank tells you it’s ok to rob the bank, doesn’t mean it isn’t ILLEGAL.
Mr. Bissonnette filed the complaint PRIOR to being terminated, and also stated in his report the reason it was NOT filed sooner is because he had reported this to the City and they failed to act on it.
Mr. Bissonnette related to the Police Chief? Still waiting to see/hear proof on this!
The video recordings were also viewed by Chief Roberts and Detective Williams prior to them being deleted by seemingly the only person with motive.
Mr. Bissonnette did not setup the surveillance system, Web Watchdogs did.
Tsabak’s violation of parole consisted of many things, one of which the FD incident. The document was posted on Flagler Live previously. Maybe you should have read it.
“There were about 4 different people who knew nothing about the video system trying to get tapes at different times? Where was the chain of custody on all this “evidence”?” MR. PACE was in charge of it, as it was in his “locked office” that “nobody else had access to”.
Family mess? Still haven’t seen any proof as to a relation between Bissonnette and Cody.
Anything else?
AMOS says
NEWS FLASH, ” HONEY BOO- BOO ” is Coming to Flagler Beach’s “FIRST FRIDAY” to Sing Our New City “ANTHEM”, There Coming To Take me Away, By “Napoleon” !!!!!!!! & Free Movie To Follow, Nightmare on South 2nd St.!!!!! BYOB !!!! and the Band Played On !!!!!!!
dale quatto says
The flagler fire dept has probably never been run as good as it has since bobby pace took over. big deal, he gave some one credit for hours he didn’t earn!!!! H
ow has the fire dept been running? ill bet very efficiently. I’ve known bobby for 25 years. He’s worked hard to be the good fireman hes been. has any body’s health been at risk or harmed because of the way the fire dept has been run since Bobby became fire chief? NO Bobby has done a great job! Thank you Bobby for a job well done