In a national climate where there are growing calls to abolish college admissions tests such as the SAT and ACT, Florida is set to add an alternative exam: the Classic Learning Test — a three-section exam on verbal reasoning, grammar and writing, and quantitative reasoning, or math, that has been pushed by conservative politicians and religious activists. [The Florida Board of Governors approved its use in the state Friday. See below.]
How Florida students will fare on the alternative test, CLT for short, isn’t known yet. But the new exam comes at a time when Gov. Ron DeSantis has been overhauling K-12 schools and colleges and universities, spawning lawsuits over conservative changes in education.
Taryn Boyes, a spokesperson for CLT, said the test has mainly been accepted by private, liberal arts universities, many of which tend to be religious, but insisted that the test in itself is not ideological.
“This is not a Christian test, and we are not a Christian company,” Boyes said.
However, of the 12 private institutions in Florida that now accept the CLT, 11 are religiously affiliated. It is a list that includes Pensacola Christian College, Trinity Baptist College, and Ave Maria University.
Boyes said to think of the word “classic” in the test’s name as meaning “timeless,” a test meant to unearth foundational skill, logic, and critical thinking. “Think about how much [the SAT and ACT] are based on gaming the test, tips and tricks, how to study for this particular type of question,” Boyes said. “That’s not educating students and it’s not enriching students.”
What’s on the test?
In an online practice test, the verbal reasoning section features readings from “The Epic of Gilgamesh;” Plato’s “The Republic;” “The Federalist Papers;” and “The Way of Perfection” by Saint Teresa of Ávila — a 16th-century text described by the Institute of Carmelite Studies as a “handbook for spiritual formation” for nuns.
The grammar and writing portion includes a “Philosophy/Religion” section with a reading from Booker T. Washington’s “Up From Slavery.” The writer Ta-Nehisi Coates once wrote that Washington was “the most effective and powerful black conservative in this country’s history.”
The “Historical Profile” is about the Enlightenment thinker Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and the “Science” section is a reading on radioactive materials.
“You obviously need mathematical knowledge,” Boyes said regarding the third, Quantitative Reasoning section. “But it’s less formulaic and more an emphasis on how well students are able to work through the problems.”
The CLT operators say their test is shorter than other standardized tests, with a range of 120 to 135 minutes. The test’s has 120 questions and is scored on a range of 0-120.
In comparison, the SAT and ACT can respectively take more than four hours with breaks plus the optional essay, according to The Princeton Review.
The SAT has three components — reading, writing and language, and math — for a total of 154 questions. The ACT has four sections — English, math, reading, and science — for a total of 215 questions.
The CLT includes an optional thirty-minute essay; while the ACT’s optional essay is forty minutes.
When faced with an exam that has fewer questions, takes up less time, and fulfills the same requirements for a scholarship, the Classic Learning Test might appeal to Florida students.
How did the new exam come about?
The Florida Legislature passed HB 1537 in May and DeSantis signed it into law, allowing the state education system to incorporate the Classic Learning Test as a metric for students to qualify for Bright Futures Scholarships. Those help students and families pay college tuition and fees. Students can use the CLT for certain graduation requirements.
Meanwhile, the Board of Governors, which oversees the state university system, is preparing to allow the CLT test for use as an entrance exam for state universities. The board is expected to approve that move at a meeting on Friday.
How the CLT test will compare to the longtime ACT and SAT exams for admissions is not entirely clear, but the state has established how the test will integrate into Bright Futures eligibility.
In August, the Department of Education provided the new numbers in a memorandum on Bright Futures, which now includes CLT:
To qualify for a Florida Academic Scholarship, students must score at least a 96 on the CLT — a score concordant with a 29 on the ACT and a 1340 on the SAT, respectively. To qualify for a Florida Medallion Scholarship, students must score at least an 84 on the CLT — concordant with a 25 on the ACT and a 1210 on the SAT, respectively.
The university system
On Friday, the Board of Governors, which oversees the state university system, will vote on a regulation that would require universities to accept the CLT as part of its admissions process.
When the Phoenix asked for comment, a spokesman provided a statement from State University System Chancellor Ray Rodrigues:
“[The CLT] places a strong emphasis on classical education, which includes a focus on reading, writing, and critical thinking skills,” Rodrigues said. “Ultimately, the choice of which exam to take should be based on an individual’s academic strengths, goals, and the admission requirements of their colleges of interest. The CLT admissions test is yet another path for Florida students aspiring to attain a degree and contribute to our economy.”
University of South Florida spokesperson Althea Johnson said the university “is awaiting for the potential approval from the Florida Board of Governors regarding several regulation amendments, which would add the Classic Learning Test to the list of standardized tests that all state institutions may accept for admissions,” Johnson said in an email. “As a state university, USF follows [Board of Governors] regulations.”
“If approved by the FLBOG, UCF will accept the ACT, SAT, and CLT,” University of Central Florida spokesperson Mark Schlueb told the Phoenix in an email. “We do not prefer one test over another and students are encouraged to submit scores from any or all for admission review.”
Robert Schaeffer, director of public education at FairTest, described CLT as “just another test.”
“[The CLT] is very similar to the SAT, which means that it is, at best, a weak predictor of college performance. It is susceptible to language and cultural biases, and most importantly, it’s not needed in the admissions process,” he said.
“The SAT is a proven, valid predictor of college performance, based on years of published and accessible research and data,” according to the New York-based College Board. “We have not seen published evidence of CLT’s validity or predictiveness of college performance.”
Allie Ciaramella, a spokesperson for the ACT, declined to comment about the CLT.
The founder and CEO
CLT’s founder and CEO, Jeremy Tate, wrote a letter on his website about how the test originated when he was teaching evening high school to eleventh-grade students.
“These were students who had experienced years of boredom in school — and I was supposed to re-teach the same material that had failed to gain their attention the first time. Looking through the textbook, I flipped through page after page of fragmented passages, meaningless activities, and bland stories that had no chance of rousing these kids from their indifference.
“So I did something radical: I chucked it. Then I sat the students down and made a deal with them: no homework, no tests, no quizzes, no busy work, and no textbook. I then spent my own money on copies of Flannery O’Connor’s short stories. The game plan for class would be simple — each evening, we would form a circle, read out loud, and stop to discuss when anyone felt the urge … .”
“This amazing experience helped me to form a vision for CLT,” he wrote.
Tate has written for publications such as First Things, a website that urges for readers’ support to “champion the truth of orthodoxy amidst a proliferation of false religions;” as well as for conservative publications such as The American Conservative, The Federalist, and National Review.
He has been listed as a speaker for Repairing the Ruins, a religious activist group that says its mission is “restoration of classical Christian education for God’s people.”
Overall, Boyes said, “The CLT is a test for everyone from any educational background. We want people to know it is not a partisan exam. It is not a red-state exam.”
“We are here to harken back to a tradition of education that is long-standing, that has crossed the aisle for hundreds of years,” Boyes said. “Our founding fathers in both political parties were educated in this kind of tradition of the liberal arts.”
Board of Governors Approves Classic Learning Test for University Admissions
The Florida Board of Governors voted Friday to require that state universities accept the Classic Learning Test as an admissions exam, allowing an alternative to the longtime SAT and ACT exams.
The only vote against the regulation, which came as the result of legislation passed in May 2023 and signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis, was from the newest governor, Amanda Phalin, the representative for the Advisory Council of Faculty Senates.
Phalin said that while the CLT may prove to be a viable alternative to the SAT and ACT, she feels there still isn’t enough empirical evidence to prove so.
“I’m simply concerned because the test’s reliability and validity have not been independently demonstrated or verified,” Phalin said, stressing that she doesn’t oppose the CLT at this moment because of its focus or content.
Phalin brought up the fact that while more than 1 million students take the SAT and ACT tests each year, respectively, and the tests have been around for decades, the CLT is less than ten years old.
In a statement minutes after the meeting ended, Board of Governors spokesperson Tony Lee said that with its strong emphasis on classical education, the CLT will open doors to Florida colleges and universities.
“Because we reject the status quo, today’s decision means we are better serving students by giving them an opportunity to showcase their academic potential and paving the path to higher education,” Lee said. “As this assessment focuses on critical thinking skills, Florida will lead the way in filling our state and nation with bright and competitive students.
The CLT is a three-section exam on verbal reasoning, grammar and writing, and quantitative reasoning, or math, that has been pushed by conservative politicians and religious activists.
How Florida students will fare on the alternative test, CLT for short, isn’t known yet. But the new exam comes at a time when Gov. Ron DeSantis has been overhauling K-12 schools and colleges and universities, spawning lawsuits over conservative changes in education.
Taryn Boyes, a spokesperson for CLT, said earlier that the test has mainly been accepted by private, liberal arts universities, many of which tend to be religious, but insisted that the test in itself is not ideological.
“This is not a Christian test, and we are not a Christian company,” Boyes said.
–Christian Casale, Florida Phoenix
Lee says
This sums up the founder & creator of CLT.
JERMEY Tate, he received his Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education from Louisiana State University and a Masters in Religious Studies from Reformed Theological Seminary.
The GOP says it’s not focused on Religion testing ?? 😂
What happen to no Church and State?
Religious teachings should come from parents or a persons choice and Not a qualification for an equal Education!!!!
The GOP makes Laws on our physical body’s & Health, Now they want to Brain wash the children with Religion, this is not Freedom, it’s a CULT = CLT
Michael Cocchiola says
We will see…
Me says
If the GOP party are such Christians why to the discriminate against people of color? A true Christians doesn’t judge others. The GOP is a cult now the Republican party is no longer, Donald has poisoned the party as he is trying to do with the rest of our country.
DeSantis is just as bad as Trump if not even worse.
steve says
Chancellor Ray Rodrigues:
“[The CLT] places a strong emphasis on classical education, which includes a focus on reading, writing, and critical thinking skills,
How can you teach critical thinking skills when only one side of the equation is presented?
Laurel says
Steve: Excellent point.
Bill C says
Rodrigues said “The CLT admissions test is yet another path for Florida students aspiring to attain a degree and contribute to our economy.” Hmmm. Contribute to our economy… produce square pegs to fit in square holes, manufacture replacement parts for corporations. What about contribute to SOCIETY? Visionaries are virtually never square pegs. They know how to think for themselves. They’re the ones who create our future.
Atwp says
People continue to vote Republicans. For my people nothing can be worse than forced slavery, lynching, rapes, butt breaking, intimidation & discrimination. I don’t think this will be too bad for us. My people will be o.k. I think. We survived worse things.
JimBob says
It’s not that the white nationalists who constitute the majority of today’s Republican Party are opposed to the indoctrination of children, it’s just that they want to do the indoctrinating. We see the same perversity in current Flagler County educational affairs.
Crosby, Stills, Nash says
Teach……Your children well
Neil Young
Omit Race Identification On Everything says
Vic says
in 2 2/3 years, the democrats have destroyed our economy, allowed lawlessness to become out of control, allowed our country to be invaded by murderers rapist, drug dealers and human traffickers, divided society on every single front, race, sex, sane versus insane. and pyscho versus conservatives. this presidency and party, will be ban from the history book as the only anti American party in history.
Laurel says
Vic: Change the channel. They are lying to you.
Bill C says
This kind of factless blind rage is a good reason to vote for Democrats.
JimBob says
It should be noted that the churlish white nationalists who have taken control of the present day Republican Party do not oppose the indoctrination of children so long as they may utilize their own perverse doctrines and distorted view of American History to accomplish the task. The present composition of the Flagler School Board speaks to the point.