Individuals can still enroll in a Cigna plan by seeing an insurance agent. But enrollment through the Marketplace, which begins Nov. 1, is the only way to obtain tax credits that subsidize the cost of premiums.
Monday Briefing: A Home for a Wounded Iraq Veteran, Special Session Starts, County’s Tourism
Sergeant Carlos De Leon, wounded in Iraq, gets a donated modified home in the B Section, the Flagler County Commission prepares to take over the tourism office from the chamber of commerce.
Palm Coast Utility Billing Switches to Paymentus
At the same time as Palm Coast’s switch to the new utility billing system, the city also established a new online application option for utility service.
NRA’ Misinformation, Mendacity and Victim-Blaming Take a Dive Into Rabbit Holes
More guns do not lead to less crime. More guns lead to more crime, argues Julie Delegal, who sees NRA zealots misrepresented the facts on guns with junk science wrapped in blame-the-victim hysteria.
Fish and Wildlife Escorts 2 Teens Out of Seminole Woods Area Over Illegal Hunting
Officers searched the woods with weapons drawn for hunters yesterday evening between Seward Trail East and Sea Breeze Trail in Palm Coast. Two teen hunters were found and issued a warning for hunting on private property.
Risks You Didn’t Know About Tylenol, Because Its Marketing Campaign Didn’t Convey Them
Internal company documents that have emerged in a New Jersey trial that ended Friday make clear that marketing for Tylenol did not convey doctors’ concerns about its risks.
Superintendent Apologizes Over Gender-Neutral 8th Grader Sanctioned for Wearing a Dress
Leon County School Superintendent Jackie Pons apologized to the family of an 8th grader who identifies as neither boy nor girl, but who was accused of violating the dress code for wearing a dress on Tuesday. The violation was, in fact, committed by the school principal.
Belle Terre Swim and Racquet Advisory Club Committee: Why We Should Run the Facility
The Belle Terre Swim and Racquet Club Advisory Committee makes the case to run the Belle Terre Swim and Racquet Club, ahead of next Tuesday’s decision by the Flagler County School Board on the fate of the facility.
Professional Pathways: Why We Should Run the Belle Terre Swim and Racquet Club
Professional Sports Pathways, a private sports academy that runs the Center for Excellence soccer school in Palm Coast, makes the case to run the Belle Terre Swim and Racquet Club.
Palm Coast Government’s Arrogance
Proves It: Charter Review Is Overdue
The Palm Coast City Council has responded to calls for a charter review with smugness, contempt and disrespect toward a council member elected by more people than three other council members combined. Enough of the charade.
Unemployment Falls to 6% in Flagler and to Lowest Level in 7 Years in Florida
The unemployment rolls shrank by some 150 people in Flagler, bringing the total number of people out of work to 2,569. The labor force grew by about 150, but it remains lower than it was a year ago.
Palm Coast Warily Explores Buying $1 Million Yacht Club for Nature and Senior Center
Buying the Palm Coast Yacht Club would help the city avoid building a required nature center near Long Creek Preserve, but council members are skeptical about creating what would amount to a second community center so close to the first.
Weekend Briefing: Harper Lee’s “Go Set a Watchman” at the Library, Haunted House for Flagler Habitat
Friends of the Library will discuss the Harper Lee novels at the county library, Flagler Habitat’s haunted house opens at Atlantis Industrial and Business Park, Bernie Sanders rejects a donation from the most hated man on the internet.
Daytona Beach Democrat Dwayne Taylor Announces Run for DeSantis Congressional Seat
Dwayne Taylor, the four-term member of the Florida House and a Daytona Beach Democrat, announced today his candidacy for the 6th Congressional District that includes all of Flagler County, a surprise announcement that gives the district its most politically seasoned Democrat in a generation.
Palm Coast Readies to Give Its City Attorneys a 15% Raise as Councilman Objects to Method
The contract will bring Palm Coast’s legal costs to close to half a million dollars a year. Councilman Steven Nobile objected to the the absence of some accountability process before ratifying the new contract amendment, but had no support from fellow-council members.
Palm Coast Joins Local Governments in Opposition to Utilities’ Proposed Cost-Shifting
Upending a century-long arrangement, utilities want local governments to pay for moving utility lines in public construction projects even though the lines use public right of ways at no cost to utilities.
Thursday Briefing: Hadeed on Long Creek Preserve, FHF’s Organ Donor Registry Award, DeSantis’s Bombs
County Attorney Al Hadeed talks about the history and significance of the Long Creek Nature Preserve in Palm Coast at noon, Ron DeSantis’s House Freedom Caucus throws bombs and thinks nothing of shutting down government, but is it more than that?
Scott Wants Tax Cuts Larger Than Projected Surplus. Lawmakers Are More Prudent.
Scott wants a larger tax-cut package in 2016 than the $673 million he sought this year, even though the state budget surplus is projected at $635.4 million, much of it one-time revenue that won;t recur in subsequent years.
1-Acre Brush Fire Off SR 100 Mobilizes Division of Forestry and Flagler Fire Flight
A 1-acre brush fire broke out just after 4 this afternoon in an area difficult to reach for firefighters, just south of the Winn Dixie shopping center on State Road 100, and some 75 feet eastt of I-95.
Child’s Death at Bus Stop Prompts Creation of Joint School-City Safety Committee
Palm Coast City Council member Andy Dance and School Board member Andy Dance formed the joint committee with administrators from both agencies to explore safety improvements at bus stops.
Palm Coast’s Russell Muller, 52, Missing Since Oct. 8, Is Found
Russell Muller, 52, of 17 Patrick Place in Palm Coast, was driving a PT Cruiser that was found empty on Ridgewood Avenue in Daytona Beach Tuesday. He is a student at Flagler Technical Institute and a full-time employee at Walmart. He has reported to neither place since Oct. 8.
2.8 Million Floridians Still Uninsured Even as Just 20% Fall in Medicaid Gap
It’s 1.1 million fewer than in 2013, but almost a third of the uninsured are eligible for Obamacare but haven’t enrolled, 15% have chosen not to enroll in employee-provided health care, and the rest are uninsured for a variety of other reasons.
Wednesday Briefing: Hammock’s Husband-Murderer Wants No Defense, FPC vs. Matanzas
Anna Pehota, 75, who murdered her husband in September at their Hammock trailer, wants to plead guilty and be done with it, Matanzas and FPC meet for a volleyball showdown.
Soccer Academy Takes the Pitch in Stepped-Up Bid for Belle Terre Swim and Racquet Club
Pro-Pathways Center of Excellence, a private Palm Coast academy that mixes soccer and academics, wants to run the Belle Terre Swim and Racquet Club, having outgrown its facility in the Palm Harbor shopping zone.
Palm Coast Man Accused of Stabbing, Strangling and Throwing His Daughter
In the latest in a series of alleged incidents, Charles Scott, 64, a resident of Roxton Lane in Palm Coast, is accused of strangling his daughter for having him take his grandchild to school the previous day, and stabbing her four times the previous week.
“Career in a Year”: Gov. Scott Wants $20 Million for Tech Schools’ Fast-Track Programs
Competitive grants, which would be geared toward programs that could be completed in less than 52 weeks such as licensed practical nursing, which takes 45 weeks and has 2,361 openings in Florida, and welding, a 39-week program that could offer a path to one of 583 jobs.
No Other Choice and Nothing to Lose, Flagler Beach Opts to Negotiate With Lone Golf Bid
Flagler Beach government will negotiate with Flagler Golf Management LLC to run the old Ocean Palm Golf Club, but a majority of commissioners have serious concerns and unanswered questions about the company.
Gail Wadsworth: Florida’s Court Clerks Spotlight Domestic Violence Awareness Month
According to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, there were more than 106,000 cases of domestic violence reported in Florida last year. While this statistic is alarming enough, the numbers only continue to increase when factoring in the countless incidents of domestic violence that go unreported by victims.
Tuesday Briefing: Florida’s Death Penalty Exception, Palm Coast Talks Arts, Kymora’s Memorial
Timothy Hurst is at the center of a case that may reshape Florida’s death penalty law. He was convicted of murder, and a jury recommended death by a 7-5 vote. Florida is the only state in the nation where a simple majority is enough for a recommendation of death. Hurst contests the process is unconstitutional. The U.S. Supreme Court hears the case today.
Daytona State College Adds Evening Courses in Auto Body and Collision Repair
Car buffs looking to break into the auto collision repair industry can now get their training during evening classes at Daytona State College beginning in January 2016. The new night courses leading to a vocational certificate in Auto Body and Collision Repairwill be offered at Daytona State’s Advanced Technology College (ATC) off Williamson Daytona […]
Big Oil, Big Tobacco, Big Lies
Exxon’s scientists knew by the early 1980s that human causes of global warming could be catastrophic, but quashed the findings and peddled junk science instead. It’s time to get Big Oil out of the policymaking process altogether, write Bill McKibben and Kelle Louaillier.
Targeted Attack on Sea Ray Boats Results In Damage to 50 Employees’ Vehicle Tires
One or more individuals blanketed a section of Sea Ray Drive with roofing nails early the morning of Oct. 6, damaging tires on 50 Sea Ray Boats employees’ vehicles.
Monday Briefing: A Raise for Bunnell Manager, Pink Army Run, Retiring 90 U.S. Flags
Bunnell City Manager Larry Williams is in line for a 2 percent raise, the Pink Army Run in Town Center drew hundreds of runners and raised thousands of dollars, Bunnell retires 90 U.S. flags.
Flagler Fish Company Celebrates Ten Years in Business
Flagler Fish Company was opened by Chris and Carolyn Casper in 2005 in Flagler Beach. The restaurant offers a wide selection of fresh fish and shellfish, choice meats, appetizers and dinner specials in an indoor-outdoors environment.
Flagler County Sheriff’s Office Accredited For Third Time
The Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation awarded the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office its third re-accreditation since receiving initial accreditation in February 2005.
Florida’s Clergy Did Not Need More Protection from Gays. They Don’t Bite.
Florida lawmakers in each chamber are plowing ahead with bills to protect the religious freedoms of lawsuit-fearing clergy in case the U.S. Constitution doesn’t. It’s entirely unnecessary, argues Nancy Smith.
No Privacy: What Your Smart Home Reveals About You, and Possibly To The World
As trends toward networked smart homes and connected cars continue, customers may not be aware of just how much information their devices collect about them and share with the world.
Floridians Say Overwhelming No to Guns On Campus, Big Yes to Medical Marijuana
73 percent of Floridians oppose allowing students with concealed-weapons permits to carry guns on campus according to the latest USF-Nielsen Sunshine State Survey. Support for medical pot climbs.
Jesus as Clown, Disciples as Dirty Stinking Hippies: City Rep Returns With “Godpsell”
City Repertory Theatre, Palm Coast’s only daring troupe, opens its 5th season with the rather surpriring and popular “Godspell,” with laughs and sentiment to boot.
A Hillary Clinton Playground at Old Kings Elementary: What’s the School Board Smoking?
The school board approved a $15,000 Hillary Clinton Playground for Old Kings Elementary, dismissing Clinton’s political candidacy as a non-issue and ignoring her hatred for women.
Evocations of Aliens, Yeats and Yin at Flagler Art League’s Saturday Evening With Artists
The wealth of work at Flagler County Art League’s signature annual judged show, opening Saturday evening with a free reception, makes it difficult for artist-sculptor Harry Messersmith to choose winners.
11 Bands for 11th Creekside Festival at Princess Place This Weekend
The Creekside Festival is an annual tradition that celebrates the natural beauty of Northeast Florida with live bluegrass music, a delicious variety of food, arts and craft vendors, historic re-enactors, family friendly activities, and of course every politician running for office this side of the Suwanee River.
County Administrator Is “Chastised” Over Cryptic Handling of Question in Open Forum
Flagler County Commissioner Barbara Revels said she felt treated like “a bad girl” speaking out of turn when this week when Administrator Coffey would not openly address a question she raised about legislative priorities. Coffey later explained he’d mishandled the matter.
Senate Panel Votes 11-0 to Remove
Confederate Flag From Official Seal
In the latest sign of a backlash against the symbols of the Confederate South, the official insignia would still include other non-American flags that flew over Florida.
Weekend Briefing: A Fitting Festival for Princess Place, Soccer Fall Classic, A Nobel for Tunisia, Godspell
A weekend filled with events in Flagler and Palm Coast, including “Godspell”‘s last three shows, the Flagler County Art League’s signature new show, Creekside Festival at Princess Place, and a lot more.
A Ben Carson Reading Room at Old Kings Elementary: What’s the School Board Smoking?
The school board this week approved a privately funded $15,000 Ben Carson Reading Room for Old Kings Elementary, dismissing Carson’s political candidacy as a non-issue and ignoring his Islamophobia. It’s a serious mistake.
Florida Lawmakers Consider Dumping Property Tax and More Than Doubling Sales Tax
If the state eliminated all property taxes, committee records indicate the state’s sales tax would have to go from 6 percent to 12.72 percent to cover existing state, local, school and special district expenses.
Thursday Briefing: FPC Chorus Solos, A Nobel for Belarus, Florida Senate’s Seal, Trump’s Diminishing Money
Flagler Palm Coast High School’s chorus in solos tonight, the Florida Senate takes up its Confederate-tainted seal, Belarusian author Svetlana Alexievich wins literature’s Nobel.
A Year Later, a Memorial to Deputy Delarosby Flickers Steps From Where He Took His Life
A few dozen people gathered at Heroes Park Tuesday evening to mark the one-year anniversary of Deputy Joe Delarosby’s suicide there, recalling memories, saying prayers and singing Amazing Grace.
Kymora Christian, 7, Killed After Being Struck By Vehicle at White Star Drive Bus Stop
Kymora Christian, a 7-year-old student at Wadsworth Elementary in Palm Coast, was killed after being struck by a vehicle in front of 2 White Star Drive, a corner lot that fronts on Whippoorhill Drive in Palm Coast this morning at 8:14 a.m.