Gov. Ron DeSantis said Monday the state needs to investigate the apparent attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump this weekend in Palm Beach County, alongside a federal probe.
Without giving specifics, DeSantis said the incident Sunday at Trump International Golf Course in West Palm Beach appears to include multiple violations of state law.
“We also believe that there’s a need to make sure that the truth about all this comes out in a way, you know, that’s credible,” DeSantis said Monday during an appearance at Lawton Chiles Elementary School in Orlando.
“I mean, I look at the federal government with all due respect to them, you know, those same agencies that are prosecuting Trump in that jurisdiction are now going to be investigating this,” DeSantis added. “I just think that that may not be the best thing for this country. Nevertheless, they have their prerogative, but we have our prerogative.”
Federal prosecutors have accused Trump of trying to interfere with the 2020 election results after he lost to President Joe Biden. He also was charged separately with mishandling classified documents at his Palm Beach home. A federal district judge dismissed the classified-documents case, but the ruling has been appealed.
In Sunday’s incident, Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, is accused of pushing the muzzle of a rifle through fencing at the golf course. He was spotted and fired upon by a U.S. Secret Service agent and was later captured after driving away.
The FBI also is investigating an assassination attempt against Trump in July in Butler, Pa.. Routh was charged in federal court with possessing a firearm despite being a convicted felon and possessing a firearm with an obliterated serial number. Additional charges are expected as the investigation continues.
Outside the White House on Monday, Biden told reporters that Congress needs to provide more personnel to the Secret Service.
“Thank God the president is OK,” Biden told reporters. “One thing I want to make clear: the service needs more help. And I think Congress should respond to their needs.”
DeSantis first announced a state investigation Sunday night, posting on the social-media platform X that, “the people deserve the truth about the would be assassin and how he was able to get within 500 yards of the former president and current GOP nominee.”
In a statement issued Sunday by the Secret Service, Rafael Barros, special agent in charge of the Miami Field Office, thanked “all of our law enforcement partners, including the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office and the Martin County Sheriff’s Office, for their involvement today.”
“Former President Donald Trump is safe and unharmed following a possible attempted assassination shortly before 2 p.m. Sunday at Trump International Golf Club at West Palm Beach,” Barros said in the statement. “U.S. Secret Service personnel opened fire on a gunman located near the property line. The FBI has assumed its role as the lead agency investigating this matter.”
come on....getting serious AFTER the event says
Yep, why don’t we have State laws to protect ALL OF US from this potential violence (reversing Parkland strides forward on gun control)? How much will it cost us to look into what the FEDERAL Government is already looking into?
Jim says
This is just DeSantis continuing to push the narrative that you can’t trust the federal government. Meanwhile, he and his cronies do everything they can to tamp down any dissent from their right wing policies. Note they want to politicize school board elections (already done anyway…), have passed legislation tamping down on any protests against government (more than 3 people is a riot), put a wingnut in as Surgeon General for the state (for God’s sake, don’t get a Covid vaccination), want to build golf courses on state parks (fired the guy who got that word out), ban school books, ban transgender care, ban all abortions, etc. However, on the positive side, they did lower the age to buy a gun to 18.
So I’m glad DeSantis has this investigation going. He is so trustworthy that I’m sure this is another good way to spend my tax dollars.
Denali says
One of the bigger questions here no matter what your political mood is has to be “why was the FBI shooting blindly into a hedgerow at a person whose only crime at that moment was being a felon in the possession of a firearm”. The law does not allow the use of deadly force simply because you think that someone might commit a crime. What if that object that “appeared” to be a rifle barrel turned out to be a kid with a broomstick? And what if those blind shots by the FBI agent had hit that kid? Firing blindly with no clear target and no clear evidence of a crime is in itself a crime.
I personally have no doubt that this whack-a-nut had every intention of putting a bullet in the former President but without him having fired a shot, the road from intention to conviction is one which is both long and winding. Then again, to quote J. D. Vance,”It’s just a fact of life”.
Jim says
I don’t think any of us should be questioning why the SS agent took the shot. We were not there and did not see what he saw. We don’t know if he determined that Trump was in danger. Despite the bad press the SS has gotten lately, I think those agents are very well trained.
Let’s give it a break unless information comes out to support questioning the action.
Laurel says
I disagree with you Jim. Denali simply brought up a good question. Something is off, possibly. Keeping in mind that Trump’s support grew bigly after the first attempt, then way down when Harris got into the race.
That said, I think the former Trump voter supported Ukraine, which rejected his joining their army. He very well may have believed that shooting Trump would end the threat of Trump Turning Ukraine over to Putin.
The whole fiasco should be thoroughly investigated.
Jim says
Didn’t say it shouldn’t be investigated. Said we shouldn’t jump to conclusions. None of us know the details. I’m sure the questions you both have will be asked and answered.
DaleL says
Denali, Secret Service Agents are also people. They have a right to defend themselves.
From what I know, Mr. Routh never had a line of sight to former president Trump. Mr. Trump is estimated to have been 400 to 500 yards away from Mr. Routh and in no real danger. The agents in question were ahead of the Trump golf group. They were looking for possible danger and spotted what appeared to be a gun barrel. I assume, one or more of the agents had binoculars and were able to see clearly that it was a gun pointed in their direction. It would be standard procedure for the agents to yell in the direction of Mr. Routh for him to drop the gun. Whether he heard them or not, he presented a clear danger to the agents. This is presumably what caused one or more agents to open fire.
The agents were quite justified in firing on an armed person who was concealed and pointing a rifle in their direction.
Nephew Of Uncle Sam says
RonDUH being a poser, again. He just needs to let the big boys handle this and stay out of the way.
Deborah Coffey says
RonDUH needs to learn how to mind his own damn business. He’s just feeling bad that America doesn’t like him at all and he’s not getting enough attention. His political career is finished.
The dude says
The only quantifiable “need” for the state of Floriduh here is for Meatball Ron to engage in jackassery… as always.
Deborah Coffey says
Well said, Dude.
DaleL says
Donald Trump is a polarizing person. His rhetoric and written posts are inflammatory. His choice of venues and golfing locations make him harder to protect. He plays golf more than any other president or past president. Mr. Obama, while president, frequently played at the golf course at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. Obviously a golf course on a military base is far easier to secure than a private golf course in Florida. Trump attracts potential assassins and makes it difficult for the Secret Service to protect.
I do not want any person to be murdered, including Mr. Trump. Assault style rifles, with detachable magazines, were used in both Trump assassination attempts. They also have been used is just about every mass shooting in America. This includes the Georgia school shooting that left two teachers and two students dead. Were their lives any less precious than that of a 78 year old convicted felon?
Boosting the security protecting presidential candidates is okay. The real solution is to reduce and restrict the number of weapons that are suitable for assassinations and mass shooting. Let us have a “…well regulated Militia….”
As for DeSantis, he is no longer relevant. This is his version of: “Look at me, here, here, I’m over here!”
Laurel says
DeSantis is an ass, imo. ““We also believe that there’s a need to make sure that the truth about all this comes out in a way, you know, that’s credible,” DeSantis said Monday…””
You know, in a way that is spin-able.
Let’s see, two attempts at assassination (one had no shots fired) of Former President Trump. What do these guys have in common? Both voted at least once for Trump. Both had been registered Republicans. Both had questionable firearms. Yet Trump, predictably, blamed President Biden’s and Vice President Harris’ supposed “hateful rhetoric.” Yet, five Capital Officers died because of Trump’s January 6th assault.
I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT! Crybaby. Maybe Proud Boys, or some other wack-a-dos will get the hint. They had better not, Trump (popularity wise) will not survive any actions against her.
Furthermore, do you undecided, or persuadable voters, realize that if anything happens to 78 year old Trump, whether assassination or stroke, should he win, that the completely inexperienced, totally awkward, woman hating, Heritage Foundation’s Vance (or whoever he is) would become President? That would certainly make billionaire Peter Thiel even more powerful than he is now. Thiel has given Vance his whole career. DEI? As it is now, the very real positioning power of Elon Musk is mind blowing.
Ah yes. Trump gets you.
Laurel says
Do y’all know that Vance said that Haitians are from “Haitia”?
Real Presidential material there.
Meanwhile, Vance, the Senator of Ohio, has made it difficult for children to go to school in Springfield, Ohio, due to 33 bomb threats, because of his admitted made up story about Haitians eating pets. A made up story that Trump doubles down on.
These people are not normal, and do not belong in the White House.
Samuel says
Not once did DeSantis speak about safety for all in the State of Florida, like banning sales of all assault weapons? He was just easily ready to criticize the federal government.
DeSantis doesn’t seem to care about young children getting shot and murdered in classrooms in the State of Florida.
It is costing $93,000.00 a day to have security protection on Trump. The best idea for his safety is for him to stay off the golf courses.
He claims to be so rich if he doesn’t trust secret service he has the money to hir his own security.
Tom D Hutson says
“Credible” State Probe
Hey there Little Mussolini Governor of Florida, Commander of your own state army. Mind your own business, you and your minions are way out of your league on this one. I am sure the Secret Service, FBI, and Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office is more than capable of conducting this investigation. Find something else for this want-a-be army to do. AS for you “GET A LIFE” start looking for a job, somewhere out of FLORIDA. Oh yes, this suspect was a REPUBLICIAN and had voted for Daddy Warbucks in the past. Think about that!
Joseph Barand says
Maybe Trump and De Santis should play golf together. There are plenty of shooting ranges where the could practice both their short and long games.