Wesley Jackson, a 28-year-old Palm Coast resident with a history of violence and abuse, was jailed Friday on a felony charge of animal abuse for allegedly kicking and killing a 4-month-old puppy chihuahua.
Jackson admitted to police that he kicked the dog while Jackson was trying to masturbate, because the dog was trying to play with him. But Jackson, who has a 2005 conviction for battery, at first denied knowledge of the brutality and took a roundabout way of eventually owning up to what happened.
The 4-month-old Chihuahua puppy called Little Man was dead on arrival at Florida Animal Hospital in Flagler Beach on Sept. 16. The dog was severely bruised. It had a broken back right leg. Blood was seeping from its mouth and nose. There was little question that it had been either brutalized or been the victim of a terrible accident.
Little Man’s 50-year-old owner, Mark Mitchell, was very upset. He requested a necropsy, the term applied to autopsies of animals.
The death appears to have been no accident. The veterinarian determined that the dog had died of “severe pulmonary contusions caused by blunt force trauma,” a police report states. It’s possible that a dog could have received such injuries from being stepped on, a Flagler County Sheriff‘s investigator was told. But a person would have had to step on the dog with significant weight. Without treatment, Little Man could not have lived more than an hour after being injured.
It appears, the veterinarian told police, “that the dog could have been forcefully kicked or possibly thrown against something like a wall.” The veterinarian suspected abuse.
Mitchell had left for work Friday morning (Sept.16) at 7, when Little Man was in good health. Mitchell’s 12-year-old son left at about 8 a.m. when the dog was also fine. Mitchell’s 13-year-old daughter got home from school at 2 p.m. Jackson was at the house. Jackson is the boyfriend of the girl’s older sister. He was standing over Little Man in the computer room, just looking at the dog, the younger girl reported. Little Man appeared to be choking and bleeding from the mouth.
The girl asked Jackson what happened. He’d just come to the house to get on the computer, Jackson told the girl–according to Jackson’s arrest report–and the dog was just lying on the floor by the front door. He said he picked up the chihuahua and brought it to the computer room to figure out what was wrong with it, and that’s when the dog started choking and bleeding.
The girl spoke with her parents by phone and conveyed Mitchell’s message to Jackson that the dog was to be taken to the animal hospital immediately. Mitchell would meet Jackson there. At first Jackson refused to go, the report states. He had to be urged several times to do so before he complied. Jackson, on the way to the hospital, told Mitchell by phone that the dog had died in his arms.
A Flagler County Sheriff’s detective intervened, and had an interview with Jackson, who spoke voluntarily.
That day, Jackson told the detective, he’d gone to the Mitchell residence in the C-Section to use the bathroom and the computer. It was about 11:30 A.M. He was in a hurry to get to the bathroom. Running down the hallway, he stepped on the dog with all his weight. The dog yelped, screamed and ran off to a bedroom.
Jackson did not check on the dog subsequently. He got on the computer. Then he left to have lunch with his girlfriend. When he got back to the house at 2 p.m. he saw the dog lying in a pool of blood. That’s when Mitchell’s 13-year-old daughter got home from school and saw him there. He said he didn’t want to admit to the girl that he’d stepped on her dog, so he didn’t tell her what had happened.
But as the interview proceeded, the details Jackson provided were “inconsistent,” according to his arrest report. The detective and the deputy told Jackson that his explanation of stepping on the dog was not consistent with the severity of the injuries observed: he is not a large man. He wears size 9 shoes and weighs just 160 pounds.
Only then Jackson owned up to what had happened to Little Man.
Jackson told the investigators that he’d gone to the Mitchell house to “relieve some stress.” He was at the computer–masturbating with a sock. Little Man kept jumping on Jackson’s leg. Jackson got “very annoyed” at him. He reacted angrily. He kicked the dog. The details of the reaction, two lines’ worth, are redacted from his arrest report. But he told the investigators to look for the sock as proof that he was telling the truth. The investigators documented the sock’s presence.
He never checked on the dog. When he returned to the house at 2 p.m., he saw the dog lying in a pool of blood. He tried CPR by performing chest compressions (but not mouth to mouth resuscitation, he said), and he “admitted” to doing something else that may have aggravated the situation: the detail is redacted. That’s when the dog became unresponsive.
“Because Wesley Jackson intentionally kicked the 4 month old puppy to cause it harm and caused great bodily harm and death to the puppy,” the arrest report states, “he will be charged with felony animal abuse.”
He was released on $2,000 bail.
Other than his 2005 battery conviction, for which he served probation (he violated probation but that case was dismissed), Jackson was again charged with battery in 2009. That case was dismissed. He was charged with domestic battery, criminal mischief and obstructing an officer without violence in 2012. The battery charge was dismissed. Adjudication was withheld regarding the two other charges.
In 2013, he was charged with abuse of 911 when he repeatedly called the sheriff’s office and abusively complained that deputies were not showing up at his house so he could report damage to his property. He cursed and insulted the dispatcher as he called 911 five times. That charge was dismissed. Two months later, he was charged with dealing in stolen property, a second-degree felony. That charge was dismissed. He was also charged with fraud, a first-degree misdemeanor, and was found guilty but assigned to pre-trial diversion, which means the charge would be dismissed if he behaved for a period. Other than a half dozen traffic violations since, he’d behaved.
Until Friday.

A.S.F. says
This is one very sick man and his violent and acting out behaviors are apparently escalating. His “girlfriend” needs to be made aware (and this father needs to realize) that the girlfriend, and/or some member of her immediate family, could, no doubt, be prime targets in the future. There’s a reason why he chose to act out like he did at their home.
Umm says
Dismissed, Dismissed, Dissmissed! how is anyone gonna long if everything gets dismissed? What a joke the court system is here
JoJo says
What! Say it ain’t so.
Retired FF says
Lets see, every thing this guy has done has been dismissed. Are you kidding me? This guy is a violent individual that needs to be incarcerated! What is wrong with our legal system?
Freaks says
OFF with his head…….no the other one !!!
Groot says
This is wrong on so many levels. Mr Rosy Palm here needs to be locked up for at least 5 years. What the heck, he uses his girlfriend’s computer, her dad’s home to get off and then kills the dog. What total garbage. Too many people around here have a sense of entitlement and no respect for others. Mr Palm here, used these people on so many levels, it’s ridiculous.
Msbcart says
He’ll get more time than if he killed a child.
Seminole Pride says
I wonder what he was watching on the computer, to get him so horny ?
Anonymous says
Pornography is my bet.
Helen Ramos says
This article made me so sick I could not even finish reading it.
If I lived in that house I’d throw out every sock in the place.
Jolene Byrne says
the justice system in Flagler county is lacking in so many ways. A family member of mine has been arrested on domestic violence (of a person) MULTIPLE times. Always very low sentence, if any punishment at all. This guy will get away with this. Sad but true. Justice system in this county needs to be revamped to mimic other areas -send a message violence against human or animal WILL not be taken lightly.
Obama 2014 says
Somewhere a stoner is in jail because he sold a little weed and this guy who continues to be a menace to the public does no jail time. Maybe time with his own kind in a cell will teach him a lesson.
triedoflowlifes says
Maybe someone should kick him a few times and see if he likes it!
tiredoflowlifes says
The trouble with this is some people will say “it’s just a dog”. What’s next a kid or an old lady, because this guy would never try kicking a man that would kick his ass.
Steve says
At home masturbating at 2:00 PM? I guess he works second shift…
Kaci Lipthrott says
This is disgusting, and the amount of similar crimes that happen in Palm Coast like this one makes me ashamed of being from the town. He needs to go to jail for a long long long time. No children should EVER be around him, because that is his likely next target when hes angered. He needs to go to a mental hospital in my opinion. Acting out of rage this frequently, much less targeting an animal of any kind shows he is no where near mentally stable. If the court system dismisses this, I have lost hope for humanity.
HorseWith Aname says
LMAO , well then shaking my head. Then raising my fist against all these dismissed charges. I spit on the sidewalk and got 20yrs. Sounds like i can get away with anything in flagler county.
This guy killing puppies and jerking off in the middle of the afternoon , how long before he is back in the news for committing a sexual crime. Let me guess that will get dismissed as well?
Come on people wake up it’s election time. Time to overhaul things. Just get out there and vote against anyone that holds a position, time to refresh the system, the newcomers deserve a chance to do better than those in power now. Surely they cannot do any worse. I will be keeping a eye on this one. If they dismiss it I am moving to the other side of the state. Someone needs to update the crime statistics for this area as well I moved here after reading the rates, but since i have been here I have heard so much to the contrary. This is no better than detroit just on a smaller scale.
Dantel says
Scary to think what could have happened had this Pig not relieved his “stress” before the 13 yr old daughter came home. Read between the lines. It’s just a matter of time….keep dismissing charges and the offenses will only escalate. He’s sending clear signals by his actions.