Palm Coast government this afternoon took delivery of 5,000 high-quality face masks from AdventHealth Palm Coast’s foundation. The masks will be distributed to 5,000 families during the major Feed Palm Coast food drop on May 2 at City Hall and at Parkview Church on Belle Terre Parkway.
The donation was enabled through Jacki and Brian Unger, Palm Coast residents who have long been supporters of the hospital, and who are among the foundation’s 20/20 Society–a group of 100 donors who pledged $1,000 a year over 10 years, to raise $1 million.
Two weeks ago the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of KN95 masks, which are slightly different than the N95 kind, for use in hospitals in an emergency measure. “Regulated by the Chinese government, they are almost identical in performance to N95 masks,” The New York Times reports. “There are slight differences in their specifications, like a variation in the maximum pressure the masks must be able to withstand as a person inhales and exhales. The C.D.C. lists KN95 masks as a suitable alternative when N95s are not available.” KN95s are also used by construction workers. (An earlier version of this article incorrectly referred to the masks as N95s.)
A few weeks ago Jacki called John Subers, the foundation’s director, “she said John, I have 10,000 masks in my garage,” around the same time that the foundation was itself raising funds for such supplies, ventilators and the like. The foundation acquired the masks and became a conduit for them to the city, since the hospital had its own supply. “Why not pass it through and put it in the community’s hands,” Subers said.
This afternoon in front of City Hall, the Ungers, AdventHealth CEO Dr. Ron Jimenez, hospital COO Wally de Aquino and Subers delivered the masks in five large cardboard boxes, and Palm Coast Mayor Milissa Holland took the delivery in yet another example of rapidly changing norms: the face mask is becoming one of the symbols of the era of coronavirus.
“This is so generous, and we cannot thank you enough: you are helping save lives here in palm Coast,” Holland told the donors. “I’d hug you, but we’re in a different time.” All participants were wearing masks, albeit not the N95 or KN95 kind, which are distinctive for the more substantial layer of protection they afford.
Jimenez explained it: the masks most were wearing today generally offer protection to others from the wearer–they would help contain a cough or a sneeze, keeping its potentially virus-laden droplets from projecting to others within a few feet. But they do not protect the wearer from others’ emanations. The masks’ fabric and fit is generally not designed to prevent droplet intrusion. N95 or KN95 masks are, so they protect both wearer and those around the wearer. There’s also a whole set of do’s and don’ts when it come to wearing masks, which you can see here or here.
Public health officials at all levels of government are now recommending that individuals wear masks–but not necessarily KN95 or N95 masks–when frequenting public places such as grocery stores, public transportation, or any place where the wearer expects to be in contact with others away from home.
A mask will be included in each of the 5,000 food boxes of a week’s worth of groceries the city and Parkview Church have been organizing for the food drop on May 2, all at no cost to residents of course.

Beth says
This is great but what about all the healthcare workers in Flagler County that don’t have N95 masks?
Concerned says
Perhaps they should donate to hospital workers who are told by their boss to reuse medical waste rather than provided what they need to protect themselves and others.
Workers are afraid to complain in fear of losing much needed jobs.
Tlc says
Wow. I work for a dr office for advent health and we are down to our last 3 masks for the office and there are 5 employees there. All masks are on backorder. They aren’t even the N95 masks. We have been told for a month and a half now that we are getting them. So, we do not have the proper equipment if we have to test a patient. But yet, they are donating 5000 masks to the public? Unbelievable
Judy says
Can anyone get food and a mask at Parkiew Church? This is the first I have heard of it do you have to register for it or just go there ? I Don’t have all the details!
Barry says
Just show up btwn 10AM and 2PM – NOTHING ELSE – pop open your trunk and they’ll put the items in there and close it.
Spoiled Rotten says
Can they pay my phone bill, NetFlix, car payment, mortgage, new swim trunks, and cash for a tat?
B says
The mask should be giving out now not in 2weeks makes no sense to wait
CB from PC says
Free masks and food. What a wonderful place this is. Seriously , why are frontline Medical personnel and First Responders doing without this basic N95 mask?
As far as 5000 families requiring free food, if this is truly the case that approximately 20,000 people in Palm Coast, based on a family of 4, require food to keep from starving, we have much bigger problems here in Palm Coasr. I wonder how many of these families will be arriving in late model SUVs.
JohnBoy3818 says
I thought that the “experts” said that improper use of these mask can kill. You need to be trained. I also agree with the above. Why are they giving them out to citizens when the health care workers need them?
A.R. says
What about all the essential workers here in Palm Coast that could use a N95 mask. They continue to risk their health so we can have the essential items we need. Don’t forget about the grocery store workers, bankers, doctors offices, pharmacies and fast food workers and all others.
They should be given to health care workers only.
MARY P.C. says
What about the people that have Diabetes ,High Blood Pressure , High Cholesterol , Asthma , and many more illness i’m 70 year’s old . I THANK GOD I DON’T NEED FOOD. BUT I DO NEED ONE OF THOSE MASKS .PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF I CAN GO AND GET OME .THANK YOU . PALM COAST RESIDENT .GOD BLESS ALL OF AS !!!!!
Smith says
How many families showing up for free food will be driving late model cars and designer clothing?
Is it ok that some families live beyond their means by wearing name brand shoes and owning big screen t.v.’s, driving the latest model cars, then execept handouts?
I have never seen a society more backwards.
I surrender says
So, I may have missed it but Advent Health in Palm Coast has enough N95 masks throughout all this time? If someone who works there could comment. Do our EMT’s, Paramedics, Police Officers, Firefighters, office Nurses and Dr’s, and other staff there have Enough N95 masks? What about Dentists and dental staff still called upon in dental emergencies? Anyone directly working to heal and protect life and limb needs these masks. Whose idea was it to give this type of mask, that should be “fit tested” to be worth a darn to random individuals who may not even have any underlying health condition or be over 18 let alone 65? Also, how did the people from the Advent Health foundation come to be in possession of thousands of masks? It’s nice and all, to give to the needy. I gave a food donation that I really can’t afford but I believe what you do comes back to you and we must look after rather than sabotage each other. This whole mask thing from the beginning is like a trip down the rabbit hole.
Upset RN says
This is upsetting in so many ways. So are they giving out free “fit test” too to make sure the mask even fits properly? Are the going to educate the public how to use one properly if it happens to be the right size? My guess is no. I’ve been a nurse for over 15 years. We are being made to reuse our surgical masks for a week at a time. Surgical mask not a N95. And yes I work and live in Palm Coast. I absolutely agree that ALL our essential workers need to be protected. They too are having to reuse their masks. That’s if they are lucky enough to have one. Even though the masks are a generic version of the N95, there’s certain people and workers that should take priority before passing them out like candy on Halloween.