As the Florida Department of Transportation, Volusia County, Flagler County and the City of Flagler Beach continue to move forward with several projects along State Road A1A, the transportation department today issued the following update on the numerous projects ahead, with relevant links to each project details. The list does not include Flagler County’s ongoing dune-rebuilding, taking place in segments north of Flagler Beach:
- Beach Renourishment Project in Flagler County. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is on schedule to advertise the project for initial construction in spring 2024, with work beginning in summer 2024. The USACE federal project extends approximately 2.6 miles from 7th Street South to 28th Street South in the City of Flagler Beach. Flagler County is currently working on extending the project as part of initial construction south of 28th Street South and north of 7th Street South pending additional discussions with multiple parties including USACOE, FDOT, the City of Flagler Beach and the Flagler Board of County Commissioners. See: “Army Corps Issues Permit Notice for New, 828-ft Flagler Beach Pier, Detailing Construction and Seeking Public Input.”
- Buried Seawalls in Volusia and Flagler counties (FDOT project numbers 452443-1 and 452444-1). The project team is continuing work to secure the necessary environmental permits and is working on design of the walls. FDOT is still hoping to be able to begin construction in late 2023 or early 2024. Currently, the project team plans to begin work on the Flagler County portion of the walls first. For questions, please contact FDOT Project Managers Ty Garner at [email protected] or Joseph Fontanelli at [email protected].
- City of Flagler Beach Walkovers and Pier. The City is continuing work to restore the walkovers that were damaged. The City reminds residents and visitors to stay off walkovers that are closed, even if they appear to have been repaired. To be safe for public use, the walkovers must have the handrails installed. The City’s project team is also progressing with design of the new fishing pier. Construction is expected to begin in summer 2024. For more information, please contact the City of Flagler Beach Deputy City Clerk Kathleen Settle at [email protected].
- Volusia County Walkover Repairs. The County is actively restoring walkovers that were damaged in 2022. Major repairs to walkovers located within the planned seawall areas in northern Volusia County will not be made until after the walls are constructed. Volusia County is also placing sand in critical areas and expects to partner with the USACE in late 2024 on a beneficial reuse plan related to the Ponce Inlet and Intracoastal Waterway dredge projects. Questions about beach restoration and walkovers should be directed to Volusia County at Beach Access and Recovery (volusia.org).
- S.R. A1A Resurfacing from Osprey Drive to north of Mariner’s Drive in Flagler County (Project number 439124-1). This project is finishing design and is expected to begin construction in summer 2024. Improvements include repaving the roadway and adding new midblock crossings at Varn park and just south of Westmayer Place. Both crossings will be equipped with pedestrian activated signals knowns as Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons. Improved crosswalks are also planned north of Painters Walk and north of Driftway Terrace. For questions, please contact FDOT Project Manager Joseph Fontanelli at [email protected].
- S.R. A1A Resurfacing from South 8th Street to North 18th Street in Flagler County (Project number 448795-1). This project is still early in design. A public information open house about the project was held in July and the project team is reviewing feedback to evaluate potential changes. In addition to repaving the roadway, the project proposes to add new midblock crossings at several locations and make improvements at some intersections to enhance safety for drivers and pedestrians. The design is expected to finish in fall 2024, with construction beginning in spring 2025. For questions, please contact FDOT Project Manager Joseph Fontanelli at [email protected].
- S.R. A1A Resurfacing from Sandra Drive to the Volusia/Flagler county line in Volusia County. (Project number 450946-1). This project is just starting design. Planned improvements include repaving this segment of S.R. A1A. the project team will also evaluate safety enhancements that can help manage speed along the corridor, as well as locations for new pedestrian crossings. A public meeting will be held during design to present the proposed plan and receive community feedback. For more information, please contact FDOT Project Manager Marcus Lisicki at [email protected].
- S.R. A1A Resurfacing from north of Granada Boulevard to Sandra Drive in Volusia County (Project number 442874-1). This project plans to resurface this segment of S.R. A1A and provide pedestrian enhances such as six new midblock crossings equipped with Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs), wider sidewalk on the west side of the road, and new sidewalk on the east side of the road north of Standish Drive. Additionally, small medians will be introduced to help encourage safer driving speeds. This project is in design and expected to start construction in late summer 2024. For more information, please contact FDOT Project Manager Marcus Lisicki at [email protected].
Doug says
I’m glad someone finally showed the buried seawall in the north end of Flagler Beach, and wouldn’t you know, IT WORKED! That’s what’s needed along the remainder of our fragile coastline, not a bunch of sand renourishment that will be washed away in the first major storm. Get it right Flagler County.
Gary Ross says
It seems that success is not common with submerged breakwaters and assume critical that they are designed properly. Maybe they have a more gentle slope and then backfilled with smaller pebbles and then covered? This seems reasonable , are any specs. available for this one that has success?
BobZiolkowski says
A survey team was in front of the Surf Club condos today; however, I do not see any mention of a project in this area. Or was that in preparation for the significant offshore replenishment in 2026?
Dbhammock says
When are they going to build the long term plan for dredging rather than tricking sand that only ends up back in the ocean when the next hurricane hits. Im originally from New Jersey moved her in 2009 befor Superstorm Sandy but I have been back every year since. First year there was absolutely no beach, then they dredged, now you have to walk almost 100 yards to get to the ocean, the on,y so,union long term to this prob,em is dredging, yet we hear nothing about those plans.
Dawn Dougherty says
Who’s bright idea was it, to have the entrance to Caliber Car wash on John Anderson? When there is a side road that could have been used? As I watched a car cross over into CVS parking lot, without looking or stopping. They almost got hit by a dump truck. But then again it’s all about money. 11/20/23. Progress??