Senate President Kathleen Passidomo cheekily referred to it as “the most popular bill of Session.” Now the measure, which will honor beloved tropical troubadour Jimmy Buffett, is ready for the Governor’s signature.
Lawmakers approved legislation (HB 91) to rename all 340 miles of State Road A1A as “Jimmy Buffett Highway” from its tip in Fernandina Beach to Mile Marker 0 in Key West. The change affects signs in 13 counties, including Flagler County, where A1A signs have had something of an iconic look and presence along the only extended stretch of ocean highway in the state unobstructed condos, hotels, shops and other coastal walls between eyes and sea.
It won’t be cheap: a legislative analysis puts the cost to the Department of Transportation at $1,800 for each pair of signs at any given location ($900 for each sign in each direction). “Therefore, the bill has an estimated negative fiscal impact of $1,800 to the State Transportation Trust Fund. However, this cost can be absorbed within existing DOT resources,” the analysis states. The department is directed to install the signs by August 30.
There’s a caveat. “Markers may not be erected until the appropriate city or county commission passes a resolution in support of the particular designation.,” the analysis states. “Additionally, if the designated facility is located in multiple cities or counties, each affected local government must pass a resolution in support of the designation before DOT can install the markers.” It is possible that some local elected officials in Flagler County may be reluctant to replace the A1A signs.
But it isn’t yet clear if the Buffet designation would be in addition to, or as an entire replacement of, the existing signs. A Transportation Department spokesperson said that had yet to be investigated, as the bill’s passage was so new. In some, if not most, locations, memorial names are added to numeric highway designations, which still stay on the books.
In Tallahassee, it didn’t matter whether the lawmakers’ fins leaned left or right; every vote in the Capitol was for the change. Buffet was also honored with a specialty “Margaritaville” license plate added to the state’s inventory, with proceeds going to a Buffett charity, Singing for Change.
Senate Democratic Leader Lauren Book, the measure’s sponsor in the upper chamber, said it’s a fitting tribute to the self-proclaimed Parrothead who is now “off searching for his lost shaker of salt.”
The chamber voted 40-0 for the measure.
Ahead of the vote, Book recognized radio personality Savannah Jane Buffett, Buffett’s eldest daughter, who appeared in the Senate chamber gallery with her husband and Judith Smith, who runs the Singing for Change Foundation that Jimmy Buffett created in 1995.
The road choice is especially suiting, Book added, considering Buffett’s fifth studio album was named “A1A.”
“Jimmy was an icon to so many,” said Book, whose father, lobbyist Ron Book, was a longtime friend of the singer-songwriter. “My dad wasn’t there when I was born because he was with Jimmy Buffett. It’s family lore at this point.”
Book noted that the bill directs the Florida Department of Transportation to place the first marker along the to-be-renamed highway by Aug. 30, the first Friday before Labor Day. That action is a nod to Buffett’s classic song, “Come Monday,” which references a Labor Day Weekend show.
“As Jimmy once said, ‘It’s a sweet life living by the salty sea,’ and we could not think of a better way to honor him than by memorializing him along Florida’s coastal highway,” she said.
As had happened last month, when the House voted unanimously for the legislation by Republican Reps. Chuck Clemons of Newberry and Jim Mooney of Islamorada, several Senate members Tuesday offered punny comments on the Buffett bill.
Zephyrhills Republican Sen. Danny Burgess called it “fin-tastic.”
Sen. Gayle Harrell, a Stuart Republican, invited celebrants to join her at a nearby Margaritaville restaurant for a “wonderful day in the sun with fun.”
Buffett first became a star in the 1970s with songs that blended country, folk and rock. Though he was not born in Florida, he became ubiquitous with the Key West lifestyle.
Buffett also became deeply involved with environmental causes in his adopted home state and campaigned for Democratic candidates.
After his death at 76 in early September following a four-year battle with skin cancer, Gov. Ron DeSantis ordered flags in Tallahassee and Key West to be flown at half-staff.
–FlaglerLive and Florida Politics
Gary says
What a waste of money !!!!!
TR says
What a waste of money.
Bob Ziolkowski says
I hope the A1A signs stay – they can add whatever they want below it though.
Concerned tax payer says
This is BS. Leave it alone. No wonder we are so in debt as a country. How much to honor a person that doesn’t even know it and at what cost to the people? This is wasteful spending at it’s finest and 900 dollars a sign? What the heck??
Steve says
Likewise the mania to name everything after Ronald Reagan, such as Washington National Airport and Florida’s Turnpike. I’m not crazy about naming things after people, at least, beyond the Founding Fathers.
JimboXYZ says
Sorry, A1A will always be it’s numerical engineering designated road number. I like Jimmy Buffet more or less as the next person, but A1A existed a long time before Jimmy Buffet appropriated the road for his music. Where it starts in Nassau County, it’s SR-200 in Callahan => Yulee, FL. In Fernandina Beach it’s known as Centre Street, which becomes A1A at S Fletcher Ave. Call it what one wants up & down the coast, where does it really mean anything Jimmy Buffet until anyone arrives in Key Largo and extends to Key West, FL ? In Miami Beach it’s Collins Ave, Homestead to South Beach it’s US-1. Really nothing controversial to debate. Like a road renamed after MLK Blvd, that’s what they choose to call it there, the State Road numbering system still identifies it as what it really is.
Laurel says
Jimbo: Excellent point! Glad you caught that. Collins Ave was an old hangout for me, so I should have caught it myself. Now, however, I wonder if by the renaming, does that mean all the names you brought up will be replaced by the “Jimmy Buffet Memorial Highway”? Considering who is involved with this renaming, it seems to me that they are more interested in selling cheeseburgers in, what once was, paradise, than they are in preserving Florida’s history.
Steve Ward says
I agree 💯😊
TR says
I would like to add to my previous comment. Don’t get me wrong, but what did Jimmy do for the state of Florida and the people to have this happen? They are also going to honor him with a license plate, which IMO is enough. But to spend that large amount or money is ridicules. Take that money and give it to the counties for their road repairs. I’m sure there are plenty of other people in the counties that have done something more productive for the county they live in and they don’t get a major road (heck any road for that matter) named after them. Besides at 900.00 a sign to take down a sign with 2 bolts and put up a new one using the same bolts is stupid. Hell I’ll do it for 300.00 a sign and have it done is half the time and give the rest to the county the signs were changed in.
Laurel says
So, whose behind this moronic idea, the Margaritaville (spelled wrong) hotel chain? Of all the Floridians, who have had historic importance, these numb-nuts pick someone who sings about being shitfaced in some small Mexican town! So, according to the Republican politicians, the Chamber of Commerce, the vacation rental industry, real estate companies and developers, Florida is nothing more than LaLa land, just one big party house in Tijuana. Yes, let’s celebrate drunkenness to the point of unconsciousness.
Florida is NOT one big party house in Tiquana, it has history, the Everglades, springs, families, beaches, wildlife, forests, multiple ecosystems and so much more than most peoples who move here have a clue about. This name change is so offensive to Floridians that I cannot not really express it enough.
To any real Floridian, A1A has always been A1A, and will always be A1A. It’s in many company logos. It’s in our minds and our hearts. So it will continue to be A1A, and if you cannot find A1A, too bad! Another waste of taxpayers’ money, and a slap in the face.
Stupid is as stupid does, and apparently, currently, there is no end to stupid.
David Schaefer says
Laurel you forgot something that thing at West Palm Beach Trump…..
Chip D says
Since you are so picky about spelling, I have a question. Where is Tiquana?
Laurel says
Chip D.: What an impressive rebuttal!
To answer you’re question: Kokomo.
James says
Could be worse Laurel… they could have honored Eric Clapton by renaming I-95 “Mainline Florida.”
Just say’n.
Btw, “Mainline Florida” is in my opinion one of Clapton’s best… although I always thought there was some kind veiled drug reference behind it, reading the lyrics, apparently there isn’t any.
Great song nonetheless in my opinion.
Laurel says
James: I was fortunate enough to see Eric Clapton when he was with the Yardbirds, in Miami Beach! :) There was an old bowling alley turned into a dance hangout for teens called The Image. It was $3 admission, with a stage, a dance floor, a coffee room and a mix and mingle room. Heck, we never cared who was playing, we just went every Friday and Saturday night. We saw so many of the top groups, my God, we were lucky!
william s middleton says
Waste of money
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Disgusting waste of taxpayer’s money. Jimmy Buffet ( may he rest in peace) was not born nor did he chose his final home as Forida. He lived in Long Island NY. We have many hard working Floridians who did much for our state such as Marjorie Stoneman Douglas, Henry Flagler, The BeeGees who chose Florida as their home years ago ( Barry Gibb only remaining one has lived here for YEARS…Famous well loved Governor Lawton Chiles or just leave A-1A alone
We need this money for many other things such as cleaning the fifthly overpasses and underpasses along I-95 with mounting accumulating dirt since 1964. FDOT does not believe in pressure washers nor resurfacing all their roads in a timely manner,
This is another example if the great many idiots we have in our legislature ( in my opinion)
Land of no turn signals says says
Really?that’s all FB has to worry about? What a waste of money.
Roy says
FB? What’s FB?
Mark says
$1800!!! They would be better off calling it “Honorary Jimmy Buffet Highway” with a sign so many miles apart and leave the State Route designation A1A. Does that mean everyone on Oceanshore Boulevard gets to change their address at cost to the business’ and home owners? Then an automobile license tag that promotes drinking and being wasted on the beach on top of that. Great musician but a little over the top compared to what Gamble Rodgers did and was honored for.
John Finch says
If you click on the highlighted HB 91 in the article you can read the entire bill, its only 1 page and directs the highway department to do exactly what you suggest. There is no mention of taking down any signs, changing any names or designations. This would just be a few signs along the highway in various locations. It seems the article is intended to stir things up instead of giving much information. The confusion seems to be no exact locations or number of signs mentioned in the bill, only what is deemed appropriate by the highway department.
Tony says
More wasting of taxpayer money by Trumpeteers
David Schaefer says
I would gladly purchase a new license plate for our cars but name change is going a little bit to far.
Crystal Lang says
I agree another waste of money. I wouldn’t know Jimmy Buffet if he was right in front of my face. I did like listening to SOME of his music while I was vacationing in the Islands but that is about it. And once the street name is changed how will GPS get that information and how long will that take. I was not born and raised in Florida but I live here now for the past few years and when I drive down the road to Flagler Beach and see the A1A sign right in front of me I know where I am and I put the biggest smile on my face. I love that A1A sign, A1A is the beach baby. I agree with Bob you can put whatever you want below the sign and it would probably cost not even a fraction of the cost a new sign. Here is a suggestion for a sign BELOW A1A (his first name, last name and a margarita glass.)
JustBeNice says
How about the legislature use the money to lower insurance premiums and using this time to find companies that will do business in FL? I will remember the politicians who wasted time in this come election time.
Local says
I will do it for $1,500 first on and save a lot of money. And make a lot of money at the same time.
Hmmm says
The guy wasn’t even from Florida!!!!
And going to rename one of the longest roads in Florida after a guy thats famous for making songs about getting drunk? Crazy.
Kevin says
Did anyone know this….he was not born here. He never lived here save for a few months renting Hunter S Thompsons apartment in Key West. He did not die here, died in New York. He did not go to school here. He was a drunk who sang about drunks. I can’t believe the whole thing is named after this guy.
Me says
A1A should be left ALONE, not that I don’t like Jimmy Buffet but sorry A1A needs to REMAIN. Jimmy has enough named after him.
RobdaSlob says
The article states it isn’t clear whether the A1A signs will be replaced or this will be in addition to….and that local municipalities will have to agree. Sounds like there is an opportunity to have the airing of grievances at the local level.
In Flagler County A1A is Ocean Shore Blvd (north or south). of course if someone tells me Ocean shore Blvd I have to do some sort of translation in order to recognize oh yeah you mean A1A…
Shark says
It will always be A1A to me !!!! How many signs will be stolen as mementos ?
Local says
It doesn’t matter if they are stolen….they are only 18OO$ each to replace.
Billy says
Who thinks up this dumb bs!
Flatsflyer says
I guess the GOP law makers aren’t aware of his support and work on Climate Change issues.
Bill C says
Wasted away in Margaritaville? Yeah, what a wasted songwriter who encouraged drunkenness, and what a waste of money renaming A1A after him. How about someone who raised people up like Mary McLeod Bethune?
Johnny Q Taxpayer says: says
A couple of comments Please.
1. Jimmy (all you can eat) Buffet is from Alabama, Why not rename a street over there? His Sister has Lulus restaurant in Gulf shores, AL very successful his empire is worth hundreds of millions. If they want his legacy remembered and a high up politically liberal JB fan OK’s it, Im fine with adding it so long as the Family trust pays for EVERY DAMN SIGN.
2. These signs will be voraciously stolen and resold on Ebay as every fan of this guy tends to be affluent and would prize such a sign over his pool bar.
3. The Estate of Jimmy Buffet will pay for every replacement of every stolen sign.
Otherwise, Carry on get it done
Johnny Q Taxpayer
Wow says
Am I misunderstanding something? If each pair of signs costs $1800, how can the TOTAL cost be $1800? Wouldn’t it be $1800 x every pair of signs?
“ … a legislative analysis puts the cost to the Department of Transportation at $1,800 for each pair of signs at any given location ($900 for each sign in each direction). “Therefore, the bill has an estimated negative fiscal impact of $1,800 to the State Transportation Trust Fund. “
FlaglerLive says
It’s for every pair of signs.
DUTCH says
From what I have read, the signs will cost $1800 a pair to change the name of A1A. For 340 miles of road, let’s say they need 500 pairs of signs, minimum. So, to rename this road, it will cost Florida taxpayers almost $1,000,000 for new signs. I would rather see that money go to feed the hungry, help veterans, help shelter the homeless, or anything like that. But hate seeing it wasted on some dumb road signs that are not needed. Do any of the politicians own a road sign company? Just wondering.
BeachGuy says
I can hear Vanilla Ice now: “Margaritaville Beach Front Avenue!!!”
Laurel says
The new Mar-a-Lago address! Wasting away…
dave says
I was always a Buffet fan, but I really don’t think he would want to spend this money wastefully on signs. I think Buffet would rather the money go towards environmental issues which he supported full time, or our Fla Vets. . Signs, we don’t need any stinking new signs.
DFrancis says
Florida as a whole is quickly becoming a laughing stock around the country because of stupid and wasteful “legislation” in Tallahassee. With all the challenges the state faces with infrastructure, homelessness, etc. they can’t allocate that money for something more worthwhile? I like Buffett, I like the Parrot Head concept and the revenue that it generates, but this is just plain wasteful.
Laurel says
DFrancis: Agreed. Florida has tuned into a laughing stock of the country, and we need to get the current politicians out of office. If you have noticed here, even Floridians, both Democratic and Republican, refer to Florida as “Floriduh.” As a native, I have never heard it before, until recently, and it hurts each time I see it. Florida was a wonderful place to grow up, which is why it is so shameful to see people who only care about the money they can make from it that they are willing to destroy it’s wonder and beauty. I watched it all my life.
Republican politicians (not necessarily Republican voters) are steamrolling over Floridian residents’ wishes in order to line their pockets. They are against Florida Home Rule, and this is just another example, renaming teh most famous highway from the north border to mile 0. Good Republican politicians are leaving office because they will either not be voted in again, or they are frustrated by the current circus.
dave says
“”Florida has turned into a laughing stock of the country,”” That’s why “Approximately 1,218 people move into Florida each day”. And ” From July 2021-July 2022, nearly 444,500 people moved to Florida” So I guess people like a laughing stock state, or just don’t care. I’m going with the , just don’t care.
Leila says
Not sure that Jimmy would approve of such a stupid bill. We worked very hard to receive the coveted American Scenic Highway designation. I doubt that many of those in the state legislature understand what that means. Seems a bit arrogant to me to force a name on all 340 miles to adopt this.