Jason Sands is a candidate for Flagler County School Board, District 3. He faces one opponent, Colleen Conklin. Two seats are up. Four candidates are running for the District 5 seat that Sue Dickinson, who’d been in office since 2000–like Conklin–has chosen not to run for again.
This is a non-partisan election. That means all registered voters in Flagler County, regardless of party or non-party affiliation–Democrats, Republicans, independents and others–may cast a ballot for both races, regardless of district. Whoever wins with a simple majority is the winner of the race: there is no runoff. The races will be decided on Aug. 30.
Flagler County School Board members serve four years. They’re paid $31,900 a year.
FlaglerLive submitted identical questions to all candidates, with the understanding that additional questions might be tailored to candidates individually and some follow-up questions may be asked, with all exchanges on the record. The Live Interview’s aim is to elicit as much candor and transparency as possible. We have asked candidates to refrain from making campaign speeches or make lists of accomplishments. We have also asked candidates to reasonably document any claim or accusation. Undocumented claims are edited out. Answers are also edited for length, redundancy, relevance and, where possible, accuracy. If a candidate does not answer a question or appears to be evading a question, that’s noted.
But it’s ultimately up to the reader to judge the quality and sincerity of a candidate’s answers.
The Questions in Summary: Quick Links
- Basics
- Qualifications
- Temperament
- Powers
- Successes and failures
- Discretionary tax
- Technology
- Art v. sports
- Transgender bathrooms
- Censorship and school authority
- IB program
- Code of Conduct
- Jacob Oliva
- Board affinities
- Background check
- Preparedness
- Kerri Sands
Place and Date of Birth: Daytona Beach, November 17, 1971
Current job: Technology Support Specialist, St. Johns County Schools.
Party Affiliation: Republican.
Net Worth: $19,310 (see financial disclosure).
Website: www.electjasonsands.com
1. What makes you the best person for this public service job? What is your vision for public education in Flagler County? If you’re not the incumbent, about how many school board meetings and workshops have you attended in the past 12 months? If you are the incumbent, how many have you missed?
I have children in the school here. I also have what no other current board member or candidate has, I work in technology in a school in a neighboring county. I see first-hand how policies affect the students, teachers, staff, and administrators. I see best practices in action every day and I will bring a fresh perspective.
I would like to see Flagler Schools become one of the top 10 school districts in the nation.
I would say I’ve attended 10 to 12 meetings and attended numerous school functions. However, I watched all the archived ones online.
How does a tech support employee sees policies affecting students, staff and administrators beyond the scope of his job in IT? We would all like to see the Flagler school district be among the top 10 in the nation, but if that’s to be a realistic goal rather than a noble hope (or an appealing but costless campaign pitch) perhaps you can give us one example of how, within the scope of your job as a board member, you intend to get the district there: what specific policy would you institute or change to that end?
I see the effects of testing on students and staff. I see the budget restraints in regards to the need for technology. I see how teacher evaluations affect both the teachers and the administrators. I believe my role as a technology support specialist is much different than you are imagining, as I do not sit behind a computer all day. I am in and out of teacher’s classrooms helping them to learn new software, be more efficient, solve problems, and brainstorming ways that technology can support their instruction and increase engagement and achievement. I do also have the traditional tech support responsibilities one would imagine.
As for policy changes, one example would be to create a policy to evaluate how we are using technology. This would not be an evaluation of the teacher. This would be an evaluation on how the technology is being used across the district, as it relates to student achievement. If Flagler Schools can develop an effective means of evaluating the usage of technology and develop plans to better implement its usage, we will become a school district the rest of the county will be looking towards to emulate.
In both your answers you did not mention that your wife, Kerri Sands, was a teacher and is currently an assistant-principal at Flagler Palm Coast High School, an odd omission given the context, and the position you’re seeking: Does she not provide insights into perspectives on school issues?
Jason Sands did not answer the question.
Jump to Colleen Conklin’s answer.
2. Tell us who you are as a person—what human qualities and shortcomings you’ll bring to the board, what your temperament is like: what would your enemies say is your best quality, and what would your friends say is your worst fault? Give us real-life examples to illustrate your answer.
I think I’m kind and compassionate. I want a better place for our children. I work to understand the other side of a position, even if I disagree. I always want to hear others’ thoughts on an issue, as their viewpoint may have a different perspective that I hadn’t thought of. I’m always looking for ways to make things easier and more efficient. Although I’m always looking to understand all sides of an issue, I’m also not afraid to do what needs to be done. My enemies (hopefully I don’t have any) would say my best quality is admitting when I was wrong. I’m a workaholic, dedicated to the cause. My friends are often disappointed that I choose work and family over spending time with them.
You have proven yourself in conversations to be what you say you are: eager to listen and debate, but you are using workaholism as one of those qualities candidates love to veil as flaws, when in fact it’s a flaw only in countries blessed with the 35-hour week: surely the analytical mind you speak of possessing in this very answer can probe a little more candidly into your flaws, and how those may affect your capabilities on the school board.
In addition to being a workaholic, I also tend to over think things and worry about decisions made. I spend a large amount of time contemplating possible outcomes. It’s not always the decision that is tough, but trying to figure out all the unforeseen consequences of the decision.
Jump to Colleen Conklin’s answer.
3. Besides the obvious—leading by example, remaining ethical, listening to constituents and to your fellow-board members–describe the scope of your job as school board member as you understand it: what’s your primary responsibility? What’s in your power to influence on a day-to-day basis? What is not in your power to do?
As the governing body of the school district, it is the responsibility of the board to create policy and procedures, while remaining fiscally responsibility. Every decision should support faculty and staff, as they work to increase student achievement and ensure equity. Meet with superintendent and district leadership to make sure that what the district is doing supports the goals set forth by the school board.It is not in the power of the board to direct or push their personal views or agendas on the staff or administration of any school. If a board member feels strongly enough about an issue, the board member has the right and responsibility to try to create policy changes in regards to their view.
“Every decision should support faculty and staff.” Really? Board members are elected as the only independent agents of accountability for the largest employer in the county, the largest local tax authority and the most consequential influence in the lives of 13,000 children, next to family. Since when are you as a board member to be a cheerleader for the system rather than its most serious and accountable supervisor, understanding that the two are not necessarily mutually exclusive? Your answer suggests that the superintendent is infallible, whatever he or she may propose, as long as he or she deems it in support of faculty and staff. It may be how the administration wishes it were. But that’s not how we understand the responsibility of elected board members, accountable to taxpayers, not to their superintendent or his administration and staff. Do we have it wrong?
As a board member I do believe we support faculty and staff. I was assuming that the district and school visions aligned. We as a board, pass policy and procedures and it is our job to support these decisions, as long as they increase student achievement and ensure equity. No policy, procedure, or initiative is beyond reproach. What was good five years ago may not still be what’s effective today. This being said we are also agents of accountability, if the superintendent or his administration are pushing for something that is against our vision, mission, policies, etc. it is our responsibility to intervene. All of my decisions as a board member will be fiscally responsible. It would be a given that I would be accountable to tax payers, and the community I represent.
Jump to Colleen Conklin’s answer.
4. What are the district’s three brightest successes and it’s the three failures that affect students most? What will be your three chief priorities regarding student achievement, within the limits of the doable—that is, four years from now, what can we look back to and say: you were responsible?
The brightest successes are the one-to-one technology initiative, the flagship programs, and acceleration opportunities. The three failures would the insufficient learning gains, inconsistent communication with the community, and lack of competitive salaries for support staff. Priorities: Increase career and technical opportunities. Strengthen communication and community involvement. Develop ways to harness the power of technology to increase student engagement.
Where do you see the district having communication issues, particularly since it recently created a position, filled by Jason Wheeler, to expand communications? Is the one-on-one initiative you mention at the beginning of your answer designed to harness the power of technology to increase engagement?
The district has made great progress since hiring Jason Wheeler, in regards to district communication. I believe the lack of communication is currently on the school level and teacher level. The 1:1 technology initiative places devices in students’ hands, which is a great success and step in the right direction. The 1:1 technology initiative does not address the instructional usage of this technology, which I feel is where we are failing.
Can you tell us what you mean by lack of communication on the school and teacher level?
Jason Sands did not answer the question.
Jump to Colleen Conklin’s answer.
5. The school board’s discretion to raise revenue locally has diminished drastically in the last few years, but it still has some authority to do so. Would you support a referendum to raise the local property tax by 0.25 mils (or 25 cents on $1,000 in taxable value, what would add $31 a year on a $150,000 homesteaded house), raising $2 million that could be spent on educational programs at the local board’s discretion?
I feel as though some board members are more concerned with getting more money for the district, rather than making sure we are doing what is best with the money we have. I feel that if increasing taxes is necessary, there needs to be a clear and transparent explanation to the community. I don’t ever feel as though the community is against helping the schools, but they need to be sure we are not asking for money for the sake of getting more money. If I felt as though a referendum to raise the local property tax was necessary, I would work with the community to gain support for this. This is something the community supported before and I don’t feel would be opposed to supporting again for the right reasons.
Which board members “are more concerned with getting more money for the district, rather than making sure we are doing what is best with the money we have,” when have they done so without providing a rationale for the need, and if they did provide such a rationale, what parts about it did you disagree with?
This question puts me in a position to make a negative comment against a board member. That being said, I will say the same thing I tell anyone who asks me, any questions about any board member or candidate, “I’m not here to talk about them, if you want to know about them google them, look them up on The Palm Coast Observer or Flaglerlive.”
Mr. Sands, you opened that door about board members: you make a very serious accusation, yet you’re not willing to be accountable for it. We’re not fond of McCarthyist tactics in local elections. We hope you’re not either. Please answer the question.
Jason Sands did not answer the question.
Jump to Colleen Conklin’s answer.
6. Almost two decades ago the late educator and theorist Neil Postman wrote: “Forty-five million Americans have already figured out how to use computers without any help whatsoever from the schools. If the schools do nothing about this in the next ten years, everyone will know how to use computers. But what they will not know, as none of us did about everything from automobiles to movies to television, is what are the psychological, social, and political effects of new technologies. And that is a subject that ought to be central in schools.” Provide us with your analysis of Postman’s statement. Tell us if you think Flagler schools are too infatuated with technology, or not enough.
What Postman is saying is that regardless of the effort of the schools, technology will be used by everyone. What the schools should focus on is the effects of this technology. Unlike Postman, I don’t think the psychological, social, and political effects of new technologies should be central in our schools. However, I do feel it is very important for our students to understand the history and effects of technology. It’s also essential that we teach our children (and continue to teach) them how to be responsible digital citizens.
Flagler Schools has plenty of technology. What they should be working towards is finding effective uses for this technology. We need to look closer at how we use technology to promote critical thinking and problem solving.
You’re suggesting that the technology is not being used effectively. Please give us two specific examples of specific technologies being used ineffectively in specific Flagler schools. Is the county’s disproportionate and national (if not international) success with its many problem solver programs an indication that technology in the service of critical thinking and problem solving is having demonstrable results in the district?
I feel as though most teachers are using technology at the substitution level. For example, instead of using a paper worksheet, the students have access to the same “worksheet” on a computer. I have also seen where some teachers don’t use the technology at all. I’m not sure why you are tying technology effectiveness to the problem solvers programs. I have always said that Flagler Schools does great things in pockets. Assuming there is a correlation between technology usage and the problem solver programs, then we need to spread these instructional practices throughout the entire district.
Jump to Colleen Conklin’s answer.
7. The district has put a premium on art education. But now we’re in a deep recession. We can have art or football. Not both. What goes?
Art goes, because by keeping football you keep the arts. The arts meaning music (which is band), dance (which is cheerleading and color guard), and photography (sports photography). By keeping football, you also support journalism and sports medicine. All of the aforementioned activities foster a sense of belonging and create an environment where teamwork and communication is important. I would then use all the revenue from the football games to support traditional art education. So by keeping football you’re creating revenue to support the entire arts program.
You get points for sophistry with chutzpah, but looking just past both we get to the relatively obvious: the cost of insurance alone for sports programs at FPC is $60,000 for the coming year, more than all the revenue all sports programs at the school could hope to generate, not just football, so in a recession year, if any sports revenue were to go anywhere, it would–as a start, go to ensure its own continuity, especially where students’ health is concerned. If we’re to get to the cost of, say, the band program, we’re getting into six figures (with music scores alone costing $13,000 this coming year, and that’s just at FPC). So by keeping football, it’s unclear how a band program could exist, let alone all the other programs you cite, just based on what little football revenue might generate. Given the numbers, you would dispense with the arts in favor of football all the same?
At an average FPC home game, there are about 2,000 spectators (I’m guessing do to the timeline to return my replies). So 2,000 times $7 a ticket is $14,000. Six home games this year $14,000 x 6 = $84,000. Your $60,000 for athletics insurance covers all athletics and not just football, so by eliminating football you would still not eliminate the $60,000 insurance cost. By no means am I suggesting that football could support art, but it could help. Since a large portion of the student population at both high schools are involved in the arts and a large portion of the schools are involved in athletics, eliminating either program would only cause the district to lose more money. Parents who want their children in either the arts programs or athletics programs would simply school choice their children to other districts (provided they could get their student there) or private schools, which would cause the district to lose more FTE money. A plan to cut a program to save money would ultimately cause the district to lose money because they would simply take their children elsewhere.
Jump to Colleen Conklin’s answer.
8. You’re at a school event with your 5-year-old child or grandchild. You take that child to the bathroom. A transgender person who was clearly not born as the gender represented by the bathroom you’re using enters as well. What do you do? How would you change current policy to address the issue?
So just to be clear I (being a male) take my 5-year-old child to the men’s bathroom. While in the restroom a female (biologically) comes in to use the restroom. I would then finish using the restroom, wash my hands and leave the restroom with my child. Please note this question doesn’t not ask how I feel about transgender children in a K-12 school environment. Currently there is not a school board policy on this topic to change. If a situation should arise it would be handled on a case by case basis to better meet the individual student needs.
How do you feel about transgender children in a K-12 school environment? There is, of course, a board policy on non-discrimination, and it is changed from time to time, to address evolving issues. In fact, the board’s last revision made just such a change: “No person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, age, marital status,sexual orientation, pregnancy, disability, political or religious beliefs, national or ethic origin, or genetic information, be exclude from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity, or in any employment conditions or practices conducted by this School District, except as provided by law.” The word in red was added in last October. If you support that statement, and that addition, would you support the addition of the words “transgender persons”? If not, why not?
I believe I answered this with, “if a situation should arise it would be handled on a case by case basis to better meet the individual student needs.” I do support that anti-discrimination statement, I would also support a school board policy that states, “No person shall, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to any discrimination under any education program or activity, or in any employment conditions or practices conducted by this School District, except as provided by law.” I don’t believe any person should be discriminated against on any bases, except as provided by law.
Jump to Colleen Conklin’s answer.
9. Twice in the last six years Flagler Palm Coast High School was the scene of high-profile conflicts between free expression and censorship: the censoring of the staging of “To Kill a Mickingbird,” and the censoring of a student’s art work in a student display. After a long controversy the play was staged and whatever fears had been claimed over it proved groundless. The student’s art work was never displayed alongside its peers’ works, even though administrators recognized its accomplished value. In both instances, Jacob Oliva—as principal in the first case, as superintendent in the next—asked that staff’s decisions at the school itself be respected, though the school board is an avenue of appeal. Would you readily defer to staff? Please provide examples of when a school board should override a staff decision in certain controversies?
I’m not sure who “staff” refers to. If you’re referring to the principal, School Board Policy Chapter 3 rule 302 states, “The principal is assigned direct and primary responsibility for his/her school and serves as the administrative and supervisory head of the school.” So that being said, both principals were within their rights to do what they did. The art was permitted to be displayed in the high school student art exhibit (off campus). I absolutely agree with that, you go to an art exhibit to see art. I don’t think you would expect to see that piece on the way to bringing your child or children to have breakfast with Santa at FPC, which would have been the case. The school board has the right and responsibility to override any staff decision that violates school board policy.
Is there no avenue of appeal past principals or the superintendent in matters of free expression? Can you give us an example of when the board has the responsibility to override administrative decisions?
The school board has the right and responsibility to override any staff decision that violates school board policy. In regards to the play “To Kill A Mockingbird,” both the community and some school board members were against the decision to not have the play. All parties came to an agreement and the play was presented.
Jump to Colleen Conklin’s answer.
10. Briefly explain the mission and scope of IB program. What is your opinion of the program and how committed are you to its continuation?
Freshmen entering high school can apply to be placed into the pre-IB diploma program. If accepted into the IB diploma program, the student must take specific courses, complete a 4,000 word extended essay, have at least a B average in their academic classes, and participate in an intensive community service project. I fully support this program as it gives extremely motivated and high achieving students an opportunity for real world challenges, global readiness, and the possibility of earning college credits.
Jump to Colleen Conklin’s answer.
11. What two items would you strike out of the current student code of conduct, and what two items would you want to see added? Amendments would work as well, if you prefer a less dogmatic approach.
Please keep in mind that the majority of the student code of conduct is determined by state statues and doesn’t lend itself to much opportunity for removals. After reading the 50+ pages of the student code of conduct I don’t see anything that I would replace and nothing seems lacking.
Are you comfortable with the district’s zero-tolerance policy as it stands, though it continues to disproportionately affect black students?
I don’t believe the zero tolerance policy is effective. Every situation is unique and should be handled as such. It should however be known that policy of zero tolerance is state mandated.
[Note: The principle of zero-tolerance is state-mandated. The individual policies, and the definitions and scope of zero-tolerance, are not. State law requires zero tolerance only in the case of a student bringing weapons to school or making false threats.–FL]
Jump to Colleen Conklin’s answer.
12. Evaluate Superintendent Jacob Oliva, specifying how supportive—or not—you are of his administrative approach, and his focus on the flagship program.
I’m very supportive of Jacob Oliva. I think he has made many positive changes during the short time he has been in this position. We live in an instant gratification world and change doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time for culture shifts to happen and results to be proven. I think Mr. Oliva’s focus on the flagship program is moving in the right direction. The flagship programs are all aligned to Flagler County’s targeted industries, so that we can better prepare our students for the needs of the community. This way we can keep the talent right here in Flagler. They add another layer of personalized educational opportunities that our students would not normally have the chance to experience. I do however think the district needs to better define the flagship programs and how they correspond to current curriculums.
Jump to Colleen Conklin’s answer.
13. Who on the board currently is the board member most closely aligned with your idea of a school board member and why?
This is a tough question, I admire Andy Dance and Janet McDonald for their involvement in the community. Trevor Tucker looks at all decisions through the lens of the fiscal impact on students and staff. If I must pick one I would pick Andy Dance. I feel his support of technology, community involvement and his desire to get all the information on an issue before making a decision are more closely aligned with my personal beliefs.
Jump to Colleen Conklin’s answer.
14. Have you ever been charged with a felony or a misdemeanor anywhere in Flagler, Florida or the United States (other than a speeding ticket), or faced a civil action other than a divorce, but including bankruptcies? If so, please explain, including cases where charges did not lead to conviction.
Jump to Colleen Conklin’s answer.
15. Question customized for Jason Sands: You have no management experience, no supervisory experience, no budgetary experience, and have apparently not served on so much as a government advisory board: how does that argue for replacing an incumbent with the most experience on the school board, with deep and proven working relationships in state government, with extensive budgetary, supervisory and teaching experience, and one who’s been at the forefront of the district’s most substantive conversion to technology with the one-to-one initiative of the last four years, among other initiatives?
I’m not sure on what information you based this assumption, I would like to think it is simply a lack of information on my part. Let us address the “no management experience, no supervisory experience, no budgetary experience.” My entire life, until 2008, I worked in construction, hence my strong belief that college isn’t for everyone. For many years, I worked as a construction superintendent, in both residential and commercial construction. For example, I oversaw the construction of an average of 25 homes at any given time. I was responsible for the budgets and labor involved in the construction of these homes. The average cost of these homes was $250,000 to $350,000. That being said, I was in charge of supervising approximately 100 to 125 contractors and was responsible for about $7.5 million dollars ($300,000 x 25 homes) in inventory. My job was to complete the job ahead of schedule and under budget. Later in my construction career, I worked in an estimating department, where I estimated the materials and labor needed to build the presented building. If the bid was accepted, I created line item budgets for the project. You are correct in saying that I have “not served on so much as a government advisory board.” I have however served on the Board of Trustees at my former church, back when I lived in Orlando. Now let’s look at experience the current board member had when she first ran for office sixteen years ago. I’m not speaking negatively of Mrs. Conklin, I’m just pointing out that she also started with no government advisory board experience.
Jump to Colleen Conklin’s answer.
16. We only learned subsequent to this interview’s publication that you are Kerri Sands’s husband. Did you not think it relevant to mention that you are married to an assistant principal at Flagler Palm Coast High School? Or to note the fact in answers to a couple of these questions above–the one regarding supporting staff, for example, or the one about your communications, or the one about an administrator’s decision to censor a work of art–as they touch on potential conflict of interest issues you are likely to face as a school board member? Curiously, you do not mention the fact on your campaign website, either. As a board member you’ll be approving staff transfers, promotions, demotions, pay increases, you may be asked to rule on an administrator’s decision, and your decisions or evaluations of the superintendent may be influenced by his power of evaluation over your wife: why not have revealed that situation more openly, and how do you intend to handle it on the board?
Jason Sands did not answer the question.
Brad W says
First, I think Jason is a great option for our School Board and a much needed fresh new face with sensible thoughts and opinions.
I also wanted to touch on 2 great points he made regarding technology.
1. Yes, we have one-to-one computers fro students, but performance has declined mainly because there has never been a clearly defined comprehensive strategy. This goes back to the question about Postman. Yes, computers were designed to be simple to learn, but like any tool if not taught how to use it properly there is little gained. In today’s world of social eliminating the line between offline and online and effective uses of PCs and the internet being a must-have requirement for almost any job, our schools must be out in front of being able to teach effectively how to use these tools. They aren’t. Not only should their be the teaching of the mechanics of operating and navigating there needs to be a “Digital Citizenship” component which there is not. Again, this was the schools going the political route to score points and ended up putting the cart before the horse. And, I’m sorry but Apple was never the good choice. Apple is the most closed systems around. They put up barrier after barrier. So why? Well, one was nice trips from Apple to California. And 2 was that our schools insist on thinking they can develop everything on their own (which is often inferior to existing solutions and more costly in the long run) and it’s much easier to just hire developers writing for one OS. BUT Apple equipment is often much more expensive and has a number of barriers especially when it comes to external cloud solutions because Apple wants to own everything.
2. Communications. This has been the biggest failure in my opinion. I 100% agree that a position should have been created in 2015. The position should have been a Director of Communications. In stead an “information specialist” position was created for $60k/year and had no clearly defined objectives at the time of hiring for that position. What this position should be doing is leading the charge and developing strategy for the communications for the schools on all channels. It’s not. And there is no strategy really at any level. Instead, communications has simply become about hiring a cheerleader after the schools suffered a “black eye” moment during the 2012 disastrous referendum failed vote. And, I am sorry, but our School Board should not be the point people of school communications with the public which they often are (or let’s just call it what it is . . . perpetual campaigning).
What I like about Jason is that he is not afraid to speak up about what is wrong and talk about solutions. He doesn’t think he has all of the answers, and no one person does. He’s about bringing ideas together and that’s what we need.
Colleen Conklin has served her 3 terms and 12 years, but this last term has not been positive and has shown that it’s time for change. And I think she is a good person, but objectively she’s lost focus and perspective which has lead to very costly and poor decisions. She lead the failed charge on a referendum vote that should have been on the 2012 ballot and instead was held in 2013 costing the schools not only over $2 million in tax revenue but also over $80k for the expense of the vote itself. A $60k position was created and hired for which has produced little because again there was no clearly defined goals and objectives and no accountability that there be any prior to hiring and paying out $60k (more than most teachers get). School performance has declined. And she was for keeping a financial drain which is the Belle Terre Swim Club which could have been sold and tht money put back into education. It’s time for change.
woodchuck says
Jason will be a breath of freash air to Flagler schools.His tech outlook is youthful and inspiring.
Rita May says
Having a IT specialists on the school board would bring a great prospective to the functions of the board as a whole. Having the same person on the school board year after year gets stale, no matter how great their ideas are. After awhile it’s just grandstanding. The curriculum’s in our schools have changed so much. Just because you have a degree in computer science does not mean you have blinders on and do not see or interact with the other teachers and their concerns. The discipline required to get a degree in computer science will help him when it comes to the other skill sets he will need for this job. I like him and his ideas and from what I read above, he is flexible and a quick learner.
John Birney Jr says
I’ve known Jason for some time now, as well as his wife Kerri. He absolutely has my vote come August 30th because I know him to be a critically thinking and empathetic person. He is always willing to have a one on one discussion, and thoughtfully listens to the other, even when he is in total disagreement with them. He is transparent, and his background gives him a wholly unique perspective on how our public schools function. This is the exact kind of person we need to have a voice on the School Board. We should have some variety among the board members, and Jason is certainly that breath of fresh air that we deserve to have representing us.
Donald Trump's Tiny Fingers says
Today I got a phone call from 1-888-888-8888, with the name “DOCTOR LOVE” as the caller. I assumed it was a robocall from a sex toy company, but guess what? I was a robocall for jason sands, asking me to vote for him. What’s up with that, doctor love?