Satanists are among those now seeking to share “holiday” space in the first floor of the Florida Capitol with a Christian nativity scene.
The state Department of Management Services has received three more applications to put up displays after approving a banner for the Freedom From Religion Foundation and an aluminum pole — made of empty beer cans– – to mark the parody festival Festivus.
Ben Wolf, a spokesman for the department, said the three latest applications remain under review. The Tallahassee Atheists have requested a 4-foot-by-5-foot sign that says “Happy Holidays” and “There are many reasons for the season, celebrate the one that you choose.” The American Atheists Florida Regional Directors want to put up a similar-sized poster that says “Celebrate the true meaning of Xmas!” Meanwhile, the Satanic Temple has requested space for a 5-foot-by-5-foot poster. However, it remains unclear what the group intends to display.
The applications are a reaction to the nativity scene depicting the birth of Jesus Christ that was put up last week by the Florida Prayer Network. South Florida political blogger Chaz Stevens, who wants to make a point about the need for a separation between church and state, applied for the Festivus pole, which is expected to be installed Wednesday morning. Festivus, celebrated Dec. 23, is a “holiday” created for the TV sitcom “Seinfeld” as a non-commercial festival “for the rest of us” in the Christmas and year-end holiday season.
The Satanic Temple’s application says “religious symbols and images that adhere to community standards.” The temple is also asking Oklahoma lawmakers to allow it to build a monument at the state Capitol in Oklahoma City. A monument to the Ten Commandments already sits outside the government building. Lucien Greaves, a spokesman for the temple effort in Oklahoma, filed the application for the floor space in Tallahassee.
–News Service of Florida
Reaganomicon says
If you want to put up a christian nativity scene on public grounds then you’d better be willing to allow any and all faiths or non-faiths to put up one as well, just saying.
Diana L says
I am a Christian but i think there should definitely be a separation of church and State.
Oklahoma City Lawyer says
Reaganomicon i am agree with you.i think it’s not good for humanity.
Sam says
Flagler County is full of Satanists, or Wiccans. They are experts at poisoning people, trust me I saw all of this when I was young. Flagler Beach attracts them for some strange reason. The way to tell them apart is due to the symbols they post everywhere. This is a warning. Be aware of what you eat and drink at various eating establishments around the area.
rhweir says
This is getting out of hand. Next year, no displays by anyone. This year, tie up the satanist request until after the first of the year when all the displays are down. I’d like to see what a NORML tree would look like! Probably look pretty good! I mean they have a beer tree, why not a weed tree? Party time at the capitol!
Geezer says
There’s always those individuals who ruin it for everybody.
Stupid Satanist tricks.
James says
Our government at work, doesn’t want God anywhere, and can’t create jobs.
Raul Troche says
Jesus birthday IS the reason for the season! Beer is good but better in the summertime and as far as Satan goes the only good time for him is when he is bound for a thousand years.
Kris says
Christmas is a Christian holiday! Don’t they understand that Christmas is the celebration of Jesus’ birth? Do they not all have their own birthday’s with the freedom to invite anyone they want to come and celebrate it with them? We Christians simply want to and enjoy celebrating the birth of Jesus. Why can’t the atheists and satanists get their own holidays and leave Christmas alone! What is so wrong with that? Jealousy? Go find your own holiday!!
ryan says
Great, another idiot who doesn’t have the guts to go after cults or violent forms of religion, trying to make a point. It is not a violation of church and state, just a nice holiday gesture. The beer pole shows where his idea came from. Just another drunk jerk with a miserable life taking advantage of the system. Find a real cause.
Shocker says
Hence the reason he is called “Satan” he is here to ruin it for everyone… just lik the stupid apple they ate.