Last Updated: 5:15 p.m.
A man was killed and a Flagler County Sheriff’s deputy injured this morning in a collision on State Road 100, just west of Bunnell, that also involved a special-needs school bus heading to Indian Trails Middle School.
The victim, Eduardo Luis Pacheco, is 64, according to a Florida Highway Patrol spokesman, and is from Bunnell. He was at the wheel of a 1999 Chevrolet van. The sheriff’s deputy is Christopher Lee Crego, 31. He’s been with the sheriff’s office for a year and a half. Crego was not wearing a seat belt at the time of the crash, the Florida Highway Patrol said, which contributed to the extent of his facial lacerations.
There was one 15-year-old girl aboard the bus, along with an aide and the bus driver. None of them was injured, though the bus was struck by some debris from the collision. The student made it to school. Her parents were notified. She was paired up with counselors as soon as she got there.
The bus was heading east. The two other vehicles were heading west. The wreck took place at 6:42 a.m. at the intersection of Black Point Road West (also known as County Road 5) and SR100.
The sheriff’s deputy was responding to a call, with his lights and siren on, when the collision happened. Deputy Steve Williams was also responding to the same call in a separate cruiser. Both were responding to another accident call in the area, according to Flagler County Sheriff’s Senior Commander David O’Brien, who would not comment further.
Sheriff’s spokesman Bob Weber said the call for the first accident–the one Williams and Crego were responding to–came into dispatch at 6:34 a.m. That accident was reported at 12500 West State Road 100. Weber did not have information on the outcome of that crash. There was an unconfirmed report that two sheriff’s deputy units were seen speeding past the Bimini bar area virtually side by side shortly before the crash at Black Point Road.
A Florida Highway Patrol spokesman at the scene said Crego was behind the van, riding up fast, when the van either stopped or maneuvered in such a way that the collision followed. The cruiser rear-ended the van violently. The school bus was not at the exact spot of the collision when it happened, the spokesman said, but was getting near.
Dirt tracks on the road, some 20 to 30 feet from the final resting place of the two vehicles involved in the collision, suggest that one or both vehicles may have swerved off the road and back on in the course of the collision. The deputy’s cruiser ended up facing east, in its final resting place. The van was on its roof. As of 9:15 a.m., Pacheco’s body was still next to the van, covered with a white tarp.
Deputies’ cruisers are equipped with GPS units, but Weber did not know how much data the units could provide. On Flagler County school buses, for example, GPS units provide a slew of data, including the bus’s location and speed at 30-second intervals, information that, in case of accidents, helps reconstruct the circumstances. If that data is available from the cruisers, it’ll be part of the FHP’s investigation.
The school bus’s windshield on the driver’s side was cracked from debris, the district’s transportation director later confirmed, and the left-front tire of the bus sustained a small cut that officials believe was from the wreck. The bus has an on-board camera, and video footage, but from inside the bus only. The footage is being turned over to the highway patrol for possible clues. But the wreck took place more than 20 minutes before sunup. It’s not clear whether there was light enough for the camera to pick up what was taking place, or for the angle to have picked up what was taking place outside.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the driver of the other vehicle and our deputy,” Flagler County Sheriff Jim Manfre said in a release at noon. Crego is scheduled for surgery this afternoon. He does not face life-threatening injuries. “We wish Deputy Crego a speedy recovery,” Manfre said.
In early afternoon the highway patrol released its first written sum-up of the wreck, though the release did not add new information. It read, in part: “The deputy’s vehicle struck the right rear of the white van. This caused the white van to overturn into the grass shoulder and came to rest on its roof. The deputy’s vehicle came to final rest in the grass shoulder. From the initial impact, debris from the patrol car and van struck the front of the school bus.”
But charges are pending additional investigation. State Road 100’s affected segment was closed for three and a half hours.
Flagler County Fire Rescue and the Bunnell Fire Department responded to the wreck, as did units of the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office. The Florida Highway Patrol sent several units to investigate. FHP District Commander Cpt. Jerrell Crews was also at the scene, an indication of the sensitivity of case. The Palm Coast Fire Police diverted traffic just past Bimini, onto Black Point Road East, to Black Point Road West.
Driver Ed. says
I’ve noticed reckless and careless driving in Palm Coast and the rest of Flagler County by many a Sheriff’s Deputy. I always pull to the side of the road as to not impede emergency service vehicles, but the erratic driving that I’ve witnessed first hand is ridiculous. Seems like law enforcement needs a little driver’s ed. in this county. They’re putting others in danger while trying to get to their calls. How about my safety? Prayers for the family of the man killed in this accident…
Anonymous says
I totally agree with the reckless driving by the cops. They come down my road way to fast and someone is going to get killed. I live on Florida park Dr and the speeding is out of control.
Cynthia L. Carter says
Yeah BUTT ! That is there job to respond as fast as they can . I have wittnessed it so many times, that people just don’t get out of the way as fast as they should. I was allways taught, that you Imediately get off to the side of the road and STOP!
standup says
The van was slowing down and pulling off to the side of the road – he was trying to get out of the way. The officer is at fault for this accident, no question. I’d bet money that the cop was going well over the speed limit and even the article says that he came up on the van “riding up fast”. I will admit that sometimes when I hear sirens or lights flashing, it takes a moment to figure out where it’s coming from and where’s the best place to move over and stop. In my opinion, somehow they will find a way to make this a “no-fault” accident or the driver’s fault for the accident when if it was any other person, it would be their fault automatically regardless of the situation. The officer should be held accountable for ending this man’s life. Prayers to his family.
Ruben says
Agree, classic rookie mistake assuming the public will react the way they believe they’re supposed to.
RE:Driver Ed says
I have noticed 100 times more old people in this county who drive recklessly than any law enforcement officers. Law enforcement officers have been through a more rigorous “Drivers Ed” than most people. Perhaps instead of automatically blaming the police you take a step back and look objectively at the situation.
Samuel Smith says
Meaning that police officers should be held to a higher standard exactly because they have more rigorous training and experience than the average driver.
christina b says
Boy, you said a mouthful. I have witnessed these Deputies all over US 1 on a regular basis, riding without safety belts and speeding (and not “speeding with their sirens on”, either).
They need to start obeying the traffic laws they enforce so vigorously for the rest of us.
Whodat says
Life is so precious. One minute you’re alive – next you’re gone. My thoughts and prayers are with you though I never met you.
Leslie says
to Whodat thank you for your thoughts i am a family friend
Frank says
WOW Ed, So now its numerous deputies in the county. People are so quick to throw the blame around. Deputies drive 3 times as much as regular citizens do which puts them at a higher risk and they are also (like in this case) responding to help people like good old Ed when they need it. So what do you know, if your driving down the road and see a deputy driving (Erratic) as you say. You don’t know where he is going or what he is responding to. Please….I’ll tell you this, us citizens should be better people and thank the S/O for their service to the community and recolonize that the job they do is very dangerous and they do it for poverty wages.
Ben Dover says
This is Palm Coast, sitting in parking lots eating McDonalds and Duncan donuts , or parking in the median , is not exactly the Bronx, and thanks to this city counsel there are thousands of residence here wishing they could make half what these deputies make, there`s no jobs here so don t go whining about the dangers or their poverty , there`s plenty of people here much worse off, I grew up in neighborhoods where going to school was more dangerous then their job and had to do it for nothing
Stan U Ground says
Poverty wages my ass !, Let these yahoos work in Brooklyn or the Bronx for a week and lets see how fast they come crying back with a more profesional and sympathetic attitude to the TAX paying community, I have seen them at high rates of speed weaving in traffic to get to a call but they have to weigh the results, A serious child injury, multi car collisions with serious injuries FINE But I dont want to here sirens over a cat in a tree, They cant help any body if they dont make it there ! My sympathy to the driver and his family, May the rest of the reckless deputies see this travesty as a lesson.
Solo says
I know a number of deputies who came from bigger city law enforcement agencies. I also know a few that were NYPD.
Solo says
Also starting wage for a deputy is $35,000. Half of which is $17,500.
Popp3084 says
Hey drivers Ed you must yield to emergency vehicles get a life you’s are all so fast to critize the police until you need us and the you still wanna complain I’ve got an idea if you don’t like it move
So Sorry says
That area has a very soft shoulder. It can be difficult to quickly get off the road in a safe manner.
Samuel Smith says
I think if you simply stopped killing people due to reckless driving people would be more apt to stay here
Anonymous says
the driver of the van was hitting his brakes andmoving over and the damn cop still hit him….. ive been driving in a 45 mph zone and yet one of u cops no lights no sirens come flying past me at 80. u guys are all crooke in your own way, so i dont wanna hear ur bullshit that cop should be in jail for life for killin someone. i know if i hit the back of that cop and he died id be in jail for life. so why is it ok for him to talk out with nothing. cause he was a cop screw u guys
ernie says
Not only do the cops drive to fast but the residents do also and the cops do nothing about it, this is the mayor’s fault for not enforcing the speed limit. They will say there are cutbacks but not when it comes to red light camera’s
Will says
Ernie – who are you blaming? The mayor of Bunnell? They don’t have red light cameras there.
RoadHawg says
Thoughts and prayers are with the family of the victim driving the van as well as Deputy Crego and his family. Accidents are called such for a reason. Perhaps awaiting the verdict of a thorough FDLE investigation before casting blame on this officer is more appropriate at this time. I would think this tragic accident as well as his own injuries is enough to endure at this point in time, without blaming him or casting aspersions on his character or abilities in his job. He was responding to an accident, and I’m sure if you were the one he was responding to, you would appreciate Mr. Crego’s urgency in arriving.
You are right Whodat. Life is very precious. Please pray for both families as I’m sure this is an unbearably, difficult time.
Nancy says
Our family thanks you for your thoughts and prayers
Voice of Reason says
Whatever happened to compassion? Drivers Ed. Police officers protect and serve and the reason they have lights and sirens is to hurry to save all. Whatever happened to respect of people that risk their lives to serve and protect you all everyday and that is exactly what he was going to do before this unfortunate accident happened. Were you there when the accident occurred? There is a reason they are called them “Accidents” and that if it could have been avoided it would have been. A few other instances of seeing a deputy speeding does not apply here so please have some compassion when it is needed. Didn’t your parents teach you people anything. My mom always said! Don’t believe anything you hear and only half of what you see. Prayers need to go out to the family and loved ones of the man that passed and also to the deputy that was injured and his family.
Are you serious says
Knock it off…..you know what they are saying about cops driving recklessly, there are many that do protect our streets the correct way. There are also many who do not. Those are the ones we are referencing here. Please…..don’t be one sided because you have a relative who is in law enforcement.
Leslie says
thank you well said i am a family friend
Get it together says
Why would this Deputy be dispatched to a call across the county from the west side? This fatility occured not too far from the Bimini Bar and the other accident was near Flagler Palm Coast High School on the other side of the town. I would also like to know why was this officer was in such a hurry, what was he going to do when he got to the other accident? The med unit and Bunnell PD was closer than he was for him not to have to cause a death as he did. My heart goes out to the man who lost his life in this senseless event.
Reread the article says
He was headed WEST away from Bunnell to an accident on West State Rd 100 (near a farm about 12 miles west of Bunnell) which is NO WHERE NEAR the high school.
FormerVolFF says
At GET IT TOGETHER …. the accident that the officers were responding to was well west of the Mondex heading towards Palatka. FCSO is not perfect but they are there doing a job that not alot of other people are willing to do. It is sad that a life was lost, but you do not know the circumstances that led to the accident. GOD BLESS FCSO, FCFR.
Say What says
Maybe you should Get it Together. If you read the whole article it states that the deputy was responding to another accident at 12500 west SR 100. That is nowhere near the high school. It also stated that he was headed west on SR 100 not east. What he would have done when he got the other accident was help the victims of that accident. The only thing I agree with you on is that this was a senseless event, but my heart goes out to both Mr. Pacheco’s family and Deputy Crego’s family.
Go back to NY says
Yes, that’s correct, Bimini Bar and FPCHS are basically on the opposite side of town from each other……oh wait, they’re about 4 miles apart. Wow…..
Anonymous says
My payers are with the Deputy who was seriously injured while trying to help others in need.
SST says
He really helped didn’t he!!!! Cops are to protect and serve not killing people on the way to do it!!!
family member
Claire Voyant says
11 and 100 (between San Mateo and Bunnell) are two deadly roads.
R-I-P Mr. Pacheco. My sympathies to his family and friends.
inthesky says
I have witnessed first hand on numerous occasion people that WILL NOT move out of the way for emergency vehicles. When you call them for help, you don’t want them to be held up, just because someone is in a hurry and won’t move over. Flagler County has the BEST Emergency Services in the United States!
It is so sad, and my thoughts and prayers go out to the family of the gentlemen that lost his life and to the officer and his family.
I don't think so says
It doesn’t give the right for the one with the badge to run them over. Maybe this man didn’t hear him and when he did he panicked. The driver should have control of their vehicle at all times. This COP was driving carelessly.
family member says
Thank you. He was a very good and calm man
family member says
The strech of road, where the accident happend, has almost no easement and a ditch. It is hard to pull over compleatly when there is no where to go. The family understands that it was an accident. We also have other family memebers that work as emergency personel in the county. We know he was doing his job in resonding to another emergency. We also feel that he may have been a little wreckless when doing so. We are all still in a state of shock at losing such a wonderful man in such a tragic way.
standup says
Maybe in a few small cases that you have seen a driver purposefully not pull over but the majority of the time in a case where they don’t stop or pull over, it’s because they aren’t able to due to maybe a bridge railing, or cars stopped on both sides of them. There are numerous reasons/situations that can come up when a driver can’t immediately get out of the way safely. I always try and move over, stop, get out of the way but I myself have been in a situation where I had no where to go to get out of the way. Sometimes you can hear sirens but can’t see where they are coming from – your furiously scanning the roads trying to make sure you aren’t in the way and that takes your attention off your driving, which isn’t safe either.
Yes, we want emergency personnel to get to those in need as fast as possible but we also need to understand that if they are responding to a call, they should do it in a safe manner so accidents like this don’t happen.
Ben Dover says
Would love to hear more about this other alleged accident , its pretty clear this deputy ran into the back of this poor mans van, what were they doing racing??? why were they side by side going past the bar, bet this gets swept under the carpet , Manfre is in office less then a month and his officers are running people off the road , killing innocent people, lets see how honest he is about this , he was pretty good at finger pointing over the Fischer case
tragic says
Talk about sweeping things under the carpet….3 high profile cases heard by a retired judge? the judge who was supposed to be there was on “Vacation”. such a charade!
Realist says
If the officer was responding to an incident that involved a Family member of Mr Driver Ed He couldnt have gotten there fast enough,enough of the Bashing the Guys that Risk there Lives every Day to do the best they can to keep the Public Safe and Protect Our property,Thanks To FCSO for all You do..
Anonymous says
No one knows how hard a police officer or Deputy works unless they are one themselves. You never know if you are going to come home when you go to work because of the kind of work you do. Yes they do go fast when responding to a call because they do not know how serious the call is until they get there. But what ever it is, they put their life on the line all the time to help others. It is a thankless job at times because you just can not please everyone. I have been there and retired but I never forgot all the people I did help that appreciated it. I feel sad for the person that died. But I also feel sad for the Deputy that is hurt also. Accidents do happen where we like it or not.
Retired says
I spent 27 years in law enforcement and will tell you from first hand experience that a good percent of elderly drivers will freeze jam on the brakes and drive in confused state when approached by an emergency vehicle in full response mode ,I wish Godspeed in the sheriffs recovery and am distraught at the families loss
Samuel Smith says
Law enforcement doesn’t even make the top 10 when it comes to most dangerous jobs, and Warren v. District of Columbia demonstrates that the common belief of “serve and protect” with regards to the community is a fallacy. To quote, “…government and its agents are under no general duty to provide public services, such as police protection, to any individual citizen.”
jennah says
This sounds like it could have been an avoidable accident. Granted ,none of us were there but witnesses saying they were side by side on SR 100 raises an eyebrow. I would like to see the dash cam footage of the patrol car not the school bus. My condolences to the man’s family.
Ok says
Yes people should get out of the way as soon as they hear or see the lights, I have pulled over and have seen cars pass me in front of an ambulance or police officer and not get out of the way but I have also seen police run red lights without their lights on or sit at a red light turn their lights on and run it and then turn their lights back off once they cross the intersection. Police do speed and drive out of control when they are not responding to calls happens in every county, look at all the police they caught speeding on highways doing over 100 with out lights on or responding to a call. They got many police on camera for running red lights when not responding to a call. It goes both ways and always will. Prayers go out to Pacheco family
Outsider says
Get it together, you are confused. The first accident was in the western part of the county, and the van and cruisers were headed west. It would have taken them quite some time to get to an accident by the high school driving westbound. My thoughts and prayers go out to all involved.
Frank says
@ get it together how to u make such assumptions? Deputies are posted on the west side of the county and most of the calls are not covered by Bunnell PD. Bunnell was closer? How do u know this? Bunnell has 2 cars on duty and they are patroling a ghetto. Most likely they weren’t available. When the cops arrive they are told they came too late, and when they rush, they drive too fast, lol What an unforgiving public we have.
@ben dover And Ben is using this as a forum to take a political shot at the Sheriff….that makes a lot of sense. I’m sure the deputies were taught to run people off the road. Really? Citizens need to put down the cell phones and drive responsibility.
Ben Dover says
I`m just saying Manfre used the unfortunate Fischer accident to further his political career, I did not say they teach deputies to run people off the road , just pointing out that now he has tough decisions to make , lets see how honest he is about one of his deputies involved in an accident causing death , was a lot easier pointing the finger when the shoe was on the other foot, hope he steps up to the plate when its his feet in hot water
deana carmen says
Ben…you do realize that FHP is conducting the investigation? Give me a break, I don’t think the trropers would be lying to save Manfre!
Anonymous says
Another one who believes everything they read( very unfortunate accident, I would wait unitl the investigation is complete by the FHP, not the investigation of the news and what they decide to write about it. The report will have facts! Not to discredit the media but they are not reporting all the facts as they have not been released yet.
Mary says
My only thing if the officer did in fact have lights and sirens on then why was the bus also moving and coming towards them in the opposite directions School bus would have had to move over and stop as well think there is more to this all papers report differnt stories. My thoughts with the family that lost a loved one and to the officer has well for his recovery.
James Wigington says
I know this officer personally. I grew up with him. Hes not a hot head and is a very calm guy. People make mistakes. On both sides. Whether it was the cops fault or the man who passed away. It doesn’t really matter now. Both sides are hurt by this accident. No need to make the event worse by negative comments and rude allegations. God Bless all involved.
Someone who does not judge says
The Deputy involved is a good man. He served his country in the armed forces and was injured in Iraq. Came to florida to continue to serve people by becoming a police officer. The media and certain people are just heartless. I pray for both the man who passed family and also the police officer and his family.
ET says
No matter how you put it, the cop ran into the back of the deceased truck and killed him. It sounds like the truck pulled over and stopped and was hit from behind. Of course if that is the case it will be covered up like everything else in the county.
gator says
It is weard but, are you sure he as headed to a nother accident, cause have not hear about it who worked that accident if every one was at this one,I’m sorry but something don’t sound right here, I move over and every thing, but this story don’t sound right , cause no one knows about the first accident, and yes it was an accident,and yes lifes got hurt, but it would be a shame if their was no accident in the first place.
Anonymous says
I know Mr.Pacheco most of my life he was a good Christian,husband, and father. I’m sure he would forgive the officer for this transgression against life. But since he is no longer among the living and it seems a s if this article and the police statement defends the officer I will say something. Who will care for his widow, who will watch over his family. I have a feeling this corrupt county will rally around a dirty police department. This is a scene out of a Hollywood thriller. Buy your tickets to the show, may god show no mercy to the individuals that make any remark against Mr. Pacheco.
Mamabear says
Prayers to the family of both the drivers and the police office.
Pamela Zill says
Oh for HEAVEN’S SAKE! PEOPLE PLEASE WAIT UNTIL ALL, THE FACTS. ARE REVELED. I wonder why a sheriff’s. Deputy, was not wearing a seatbelt ?Flaglerlive will investigate, and FHP, and probably The Feds too, do to the Deputies grave infraction of the seatbelt Law . So, as I read between the lines, these Deputies are so stressed. Out with all the jockeying. For position and, some sense of a future they, are willing to race each other…Please confirm or denied the witness who described 2. Sheriff. Cruisers side by side. Thank you, and I am so in commune with the victims soul.
Tracy says
My Thoughts and Prayers go out to the Pacheco family and friends.
jespo says
I didn’t realize there was a parade or something on W Sr 100 this morning…so many people on scene to witness the accident and accurately describe what happened. I bet these are the same wankers who call about cats in trees. Driving fast does not mean driving recklessly if you’re trained to drive fast. Your adrenaline may be pumping but not an experienced first responder’s. You’ve never paid attention to other drivers if you’ve never seen older people slam on their brakes at the first sign of trouble. Whose fault was this accident? I DON’T KNOW AND NEITHER DOES ANYONE ELSE YET. That’s the answer so don’t be so fast to lay blame and wreaths just yet. Let the professionals handle the matter…you know…the people you call when you’re in trouble.
PJ says
The sad part is a person died here and all you naysayers are doing is complaining about the deputy and city of Bunnell cops and something about a getto.
When you all get the facts straight please say someting that has meaning and substance.
Let’s not forget forget that an innocent person died here.
My prayers for Mr. Pacheco and the Deputy injured…..PJ
Claire Voyant says
Bigotry has a lot to do with it.
If it was an anglo-saxon with a British name who perished– you’d see more sympathetic posts.
Somebody says
I would just like to say, NOT ALL COPS but a lot of them in Flagler dont do their job correctly. Some like to hang out around the drive thru store in the Mondex for hours at a time because they simply have nothing better to do. Also some of them will sit there and tell you how they will get so bored that they like to race in their cruisers just to pass the time.
Prayers go out to Mr. Pachecos family.
roger says
all i want to say about this is anytime you hit someone in the rear end of thier vehicle you are fault regardless! It is a sad thing yes but if the police officer hit the vehicle in the rear He is at fault!
really? says
I would disagree. If someone cuts in front of you, slams on their brakes and then you rear end them are you are fault? No. They are because “cutting in” is a violation. Please let’s stop throwing around garbage. As for who is at fault for the crash, I have confidence that the FHP will report the facts and that report will be made public record for anyone’s review.
Deep South says
This is not aimed at Mr. Pacheco, but perhaps if drivers would get off their cell phones, stop texting, and turn down the radio, and pay more attention to driving and be more aware of what’s going on around them these unfortunate accidents would not happen. How can you not hear and see sirens and flashing lights. People take driving for granted, and do not pay attention to what they are suppose to be doing DRIVING.
once again says
As the article stated, “Crego was behind the van, riding up fast, when the van either stopped or maneuvered in such a way that the collision followed. The cruiser rear-ended the van violently” – it seems to that Mr. Pacheco was trying to move over and get off the road. It seems like Officer Crego was coming up so fast that he slammed into the van that was trying to get out of the way. Accidents aren’t ALWAYS caused by cell phones, texting, listening to the radio, and not paying attention. Mr. Pacheco was probably NOT doing any of the things you have suggested but was trying to get out of the way. As others have stated, it is a very soft shoulder. I’m sorry but the officer is at fault, period. Not trying to bash him in any way but based on what FHP has said so far, it’s pretty clear he is at fault.
I have lived in this county for 29 years and I can tell you, I have seen a lot of reckless driving by police officers in this county many many many times. Sometimes the “power” of the badge goes to their head and they think they are untouchable yet not responsible for their actions.
Prayers to the family of Mr. Pacheco and to Officer Crego for a swift recovery.Hopefully, he will shed honest light on what really happened.
reader says
The first reaction is always to try to find who was guilt. It was a fatality. Mr. Pacheco, a good man, grandpa, great and honest worker was going to his work, early as always – to accomplish his duty and provide for his family. I think the same happened with this officer… a good man, great and honest worker, trying to accomplish his duty and provide for his family. Along the same way an accident happened, a deadly one. I am so sorry for the Pacheco family, may God be with them. About officer Crego, may God be with him.
Leslie says
The Driver of the Van was a Dear Family Friend also it was my Aunt’s mother’s brother. His death was a total shock to all of us. It was so unexpected. RIP Eddie My Prayer goes out to his family from Florida and Massachusetts.
I can Believe these People comments on here for Both Eddie and the police officer. Some People have no soul. If you where not their at the since of the accident you don’t know what had happen only people knows is Eddie and the officer.
And on Behalf of the Mr. Eddie Family Friend thank you for your prayer and thoughts i will let the family know.
Leann says
There is an officer that lives in my neighborhood and he drives 50 MPH down our road in his police truck…I have a 7 year old I would like to send out to play but can’t. To be BRUTALLY honest, he is the ONLY person who speeds thru our neighborhood. I have considered calling the sheriffs office regarding it, but, I have a feeling it would fall on deaf ears.
rickg says
The police officer wasn’t wearing his seatbelt??? Come on man any person who consistently works auto accidents should know that the first thing to do is to lock the seatbelt.
Charges says
Either way, if the officer truly was not wearing a seatbelt and is the cause of the accident and the death, then he should be punished. I hope the sheriffs department will do their jobs, investigate, enforce the law, and charge him with manslaughter if he is responsible. He or any other police officer is not above the law although they sometimes like to think they are. My prayers with the victim’s family. What a sad and terrible day!
Amanda says
Aren’t LEO supposed to take defensive driving courses? Wouldn’t this have been an instance where that training might have been useful? I doubt that the PO purposely ran into the van. However, this does seem to have been an avoidable accident as the article reads that charges are pending.
My condolences to the VICTIM.
ET says
I also feel bad for the victims family, as far as the cops go they think they are the kings of the road. As someone else stated they do sit in groups at the gas stations, under trrees and at the parks instead of patrolling the streets and giving speeding tickets to keep our roads safe.
I have lived in many cities in my life and Flagler by far is the worst as far as the cops doing there jobs.
As Mayor Netts told me, he does not like to give speeding ticks because of the economic problems we face and going 8 mpg over the posted limit is the only time a ticket will be issued. What a crock of S..T
Steves says
Good thing Netts can write tickets…
KimberlyL says
Unless you were an eyewitness to this tragic accident, commenting on how it happened is fruitless. Harsh words towards a Law enforcement officer who was responding to an accident (AKA doing his JOB) are useless and plainly cruel. Who that has posted has been in that same position? Who has had to make a split second choice between left (head on with a school bus) or going right and hitting a van in the rear? This was an ACCIDENT…..sadly they do happen. I am sure this officer had no idea ahead of time of the outcome, and will carry this with him long after you have all forgotten about it. My heartfelt condolences to the Family of Mr Pacheco on their loss. My sincerest wishes for a speedy recovery to Officer Crego. My heart goes out to both families involved.
Wow says
Why is the public so quick to fry the cop. In every instance no matter what, what happened to people actually supporting the police and the ones who protect and serve. Crego is a great guy and cop one of the best rookies out there. How about thinking that this cop was reaponding as a first responder to another crash with injuries that might have been your family that needed serious medical help, oh ya and the fact that cops drive 10x more than the average person, accidents are going to happen. I guess you gotta love the ignorant people who know all around here and wanna fry every cop.
Mel Bronson says
It’s a shame this, it’s a shame that. Meanwhile, the cop was driving just under the speed of light and he was OUT OF CONTROL to hit and KILL another driver.
But the usual police blather will ensue and nothing will happen, nothing will change, and the police will continue driving in the usual manner ignoring the rules of the road with immunity.
The only thing that will change is that Mr. Pancheco will not enjoy any more sunny Florida days thanks to the irresponsibility and wild speed driving of Deputy Crego.
be real says
First my sympathies go out to the family if the driver who lost his life and I wish a speedy recovery to the injured officer. I’m not going to speculate on the facts of the loss. I would like to know why the officer was not wearing his seatbelt as that is against Florida law. Some cops drive too carelessly and some don’t just like everyone else. until the scene investigation is completed it would be unfair to suggest a cover up.
I would hope police officers and columns alike will learn from this situation in an effort to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Also, regardless of the final liability decision, I would expect this officer to be cited for not wearing his seatbelt as the rest of us would be.
For get it together says
By and then maybe the van pulled back onto the road but didn’t see the next deputy coming and it just all happened in a second. So for all the people pointing fingers at the deputy or the van driver . Go do what this poor van driver and this poor deputy that both had jobs to do that morning and go get yourself a job and stop saying so many negative things about the accident that’s why they are called accidents.
really? says
I would have to disagree. This event was not an accident, but a crash. A crash that was caused by some form of error by one or both drivers. Unless of course it can be proved that it was a mechanical defect.
Ogreagain says
the officer is getting a 178$ ticket for not wearing his seat belt right?
observant says
So many posts about reckless driving and speeding by the deputy………I was unaware that the FHP had released the deputies speed at the time of the collision. Does anyone know how fast he was going? Many have said it, but I couldn’t resist my own two cents……….stop judging until the facts come out. Every statement here and every assignment of blame is based purely on assumptions and speculation. None of them have any real merit or bearing. I wish the best for all involved.
Jack says
Duh people he’s a cop. He doesn’t have to wear a seat belt, can have dark tinted windows, drive like a jackass, speed down streets pull people over in the middle of the road. Like they can’t wait for a safer place to make a traffic stop. But then when this cop shows up quick cause u called 911 and he’s your hero or did a good deed then we praise them. They will always be in the public eye. They will be hated and they will be loved. They will write u a ticket for all the things they do wrong too. There’s only one thing you can do and that’s go get you a badge then you can be judged your whole career too.
roger says
well just look at the front end of the cop car tells you he was speeding!!! and like i said once already ANYTIME you hit someone in the rear your at FAULT!!! I have had cops ride me back bumber at 60mph on that road and if i had to stop they would hit me in the rear!!! i know this police officer also he is a good guy but IF he hit the other driver in the rear HE is at fault!!!
shocked says
Isn’t it the law to wear a seat belt? Can somebody tell me why the officer wasn’t wearing one?
cj says
If you don’t like the police, next time call a criminal to help you… All I see here are people throwing stones… I’m disgusted…
really? says
A lot of comments on unknown facts at this time. The school bus video should be reviewed and the black box data (if pulled) should be examined. (This should have recorded speed and seat belt use.) I’m not sure of all events prior to the crash but Florida State Statute is very clear in regards to speed:
“316.183 (1) No person shall drive a vehicle on a highway at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions and having regard to the actual and potential hazards then existing. In every event, speed shall be controlled as may be necessary to avoid colliding with any person, vehicle, or other conveyance or object on or entering the highway in compliance with legal requirements and the duty of all persons to use due care.”
If speed was such that due care was not heeded, then a policy change needs to be enacted regulating it.
Nucola says
First off we are all human no matter what badge or name header you have.. No one knows what happened and it was said that at one point that both was riding side by side. RECKLESS!!!! Humans with license is a death trap… Humans with police cars are MORE OF A DEATH TRAP… I have seen some of these new ones don’t even know how to drive and they are highering some out of school with no street courses. Or even crash course. People are jus thrown into these cars with big ego and not what it was ORIGINALLY put in place for to respond and protect.. I have seen some come up on me and there is a whole clear lane next to me… I used to teach truck driving and a lot of the S/O need to add driving into their training along with attitude adjustment…
Madcyn says
Prayers go to both families.
flaglers finest says
From a reflection of all the negative posts here I say lets get rid of law enforcement and let the people fend forthemselves or go to the police academy and hit the road as a cop themselves. Any takers? Oh thats right no one wants to do it and its easier to complain about something which they have never done.
LOST says
Wheres the other deputy……….curious to know what he says…..should be #1 witness…….how did the deputys car end up heading east bound when he re-ended from the west? Somethings not adding up here.
Bostonian says
An Absolute Tragedy. Mr. Eduardo, 64, worked hard his whole life and was ready to retire and enjoy his grandchildren. This officer was driving recklessly and killed that man. He should be held responsible for that.
Samuel Smith says
Well, don’t worry. I’m sure if it ends up being the officer’s fault, they’ll do the right thing and suspend him with pay for a day or two as punishment.
Outsider says
Lost, vehicles frequently spin during a crash and end up facing in a different direction than they were originally traveling. In an offset frontal crash, both vehicles could end up facing the opposite direction of travel. We really need to wait for the results of the investigation, as there could be unknown extenuating circumstances. For example, were all lights working on the van at the time of the crash? I’m not implying this was the case, but it’s just something that could make you say, “Oh,” and change the whole scenario.
christina b says
Look, someone else has said it more than once–when you rear-end someone you are always at fault.
(that is, unless insurance fraud is the cause, and that’s pretty easy to discern in a thorough investigation–and we know that’s not what occurred here, so it’s a moot point anyway).
It’s also been noted that there’s nowhere to go on that stretch of 100, whether you see or hear lights or sirens or not.
It’s also been noted that the officer was “side by side” with another.
It’s also been noted that he was NOT wearing a seatbelt.
Given all that, it’s pretty easy to rush to judgement and blame the officer.
And I also in agreement with really?, because this was not “an accident”, it was in fact “a crash”. We’ll never know what was in Mr. Pacheco’s mind at the time, since he did not survive the crash. All we will have is the word of the police and our own experiences with older drivers. Trusting the word of the police is not an easy sell, particularly in this county. All things considered, however, my heart goes out to both Mr. Pacheco’s family for his death, and it also goes out to the Deputy involved. I pray for him a speedy recovery, and that he does the right thing and tells the actual truth about what happened.
Paul Medford says
I have an old school buddy who teaches Officers/Deputies driving techniques. One thing he stressess over and over again, is that “they don’t see you or hear you until you are next to them or head on”. In jurisdictions that use only blue colored lights, he tells them they are invisible during daylight hours.
He also told me about many departments instituting speed limits on officers, depending on the circumstances. One dept. only permits 10mph over the posted limit, unless in pursuit. Then was a whole policy covering the pursuit scenario. I want the police/sheriff there as quick as possible when I call, but not at unnecessary risk to the officers or others.
The modern day sirens have been quieted from those of years ago, to comply with OSHA regulations. An AC or heater fan set on high will obscure the sound of a modren day siren in an intersection scenario.
I won’t take a side in this incident, but will make the following comments. Our/some of our Deputies do not follow the traffic laws as they should. Some of our deputies type on their CAD while driving. Some of our deputies talk on cell phobes while driving. I have seen a deputy typing and talking. He was in a Suburban, (Supervisor?) passed me driving down Old Kings, swerving, and almost took the median curb.
Perhaps Sheriff Manfre needs to review some things with his folks. Make sure there are clear expectations, and that those expectations are met. Loss of life, loss of taxpayer assets in the form of the cruisers, and possible legal actions, are too much to risk.