Dick Holmberg has turned in his “shoreline analysis” to Flagler Beach government, a job the Flagler Beach City Commission hired him to do last year, for $50,000, as a step toward installing an erosion-control mechanism Holmberg himself is proposing. County government provided the money at the city’s urging. Jane Mealy, who chairs the city commission, isn’t impressed by the results.
“What I saw,” Mealy said, “was a whole lot of stuff that I’ve been seeing over and over again since 2005. I know it was before I was on the commission but I was involved before that. The only thing I saw that was new was some Google maps where he thought he’d put the project, but I don’t know why he picked those or what it’s actually going to entail.”
Mealy is holding out hope that when the commission and Homlberg meet Thursday to go over the report in an open meeting, more questions will be answered than further raised, as has been the case with Homlberg in the recent past. He owns Holmberg Technologies.
Fellow-commissioner Steve Settle wasn’t thrilled, either. “I’m going to be flat out honest with you, I was very disappointed in the product we got,” Settle said, noting that in light of what the report was supposed to be—a crucial first step to a much bigger contract–, “is very much lacking. What’s going to come next, we the commission are going to have to sit down and give some serious thought to that.”
Settle’s disappointment is especially telling: Settle, as the city’s representative on the county’s Tourist Development Council, was key in advocating for—and securing—the $50,000 through the council that made the shoreline analysis possible.
When the Flagler County Commission in November approved a $50,000 grant request from Flagler Beach to “study” a project to combat beach erosion there, commissioners were weary. They had been reluctant to approve the grant, and the county’s Tourist Development Council had initially turned it down. He essentially went on a limb for Holmberg. “Yes I did, and I wish—I’m not sure what to say about that, other than I’m disappointed,” Settle said.
But Carney also concedes that Homlberg’s lack of polish complicates matters for him, and for the city’s case, as the city explores alternatives to dredging.
Holmberg wasn’t likely to tell the city that his technology was a no go there: he is estimating that his technology’s installation would cost $10 million, which, his report claims, would “end the need for erosion related expenditures in the future.” He projects six square miles of beaches in the city rising by “at least two feet” of sand, with an accumulation of 2 million cubic yards of sand per mile in a year. “If we conservatively estimate that the city purchased this amount of sand for $10 a cubic foot, the cost would be $120,000,000.”
The Holmberg analysis is rich in pictures, history and schemas of where the stabilizers would be installed, and virtually half the pages are devoted to picture after picture of previous installations of Holmberg’s product—in what appears to be more of a presentation showcasing his technology rather than anything remotely resembling an analysis.
The report also makes an outright error: “The above illustration,” it notes on page 5, “shows what has happened to Flagler Beach’s shoreline as dredging has occurred.” But there’s never been dredging offshore of Flagler Beach. The report also claims that the sand just north of the pier was, 50 years ago, “even with A1A and extended to the end of the pier,” though no supporting documentation is offered.
Holmberg is the inventor of the technology he is pitching to Flagler Beach as the solution and savior of the beach. The technology, called “undercurrent stabilizers,” entails installing “fingers of concrete-slurry-filled geotextile fabric that project outward into the ocean perpendicular to the shore,” and that, over time, naturally and richly rebuild the beach’s sands. At least that’s the proposition. Whether it can work in Flagler Beach is an unanswered question.
But it’s an alternative to dredging and beach “renourishment,” the favored approach of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which entails dredging up sands offshore, dumping it on the beach and, judging from recent and repeated history, watching it wash back out to sea over time. Renourishment, as the name implies, has built in futility—and enormous costs: Flagler County has so far spent upwards of $3 million on the Corps’ own renourishment “study” for Flagler’s shore. That study’s results is due later this month or next.
The county is wedded to the Corps. Flagler Beach is not. It’s willing to give alternatives a go. In comes Holmberg, who’s been pitching his technology to the city for years, with no success.
Homlberg, the county and the city held a joint workshop in July, when the inventor had the chance to explain his technology and his methods. It didn’t go very well. He was vague. He was non-committal about the details commissioners on both government panels were asking him for. And he was curt. Holmberg doesn’t like to be questioned very much.
But he has friends in Flagler Beach, among them the earnest activist behind the city’s small but dedicated Save Flagler Beach group, who adopted Holmberg as their beach’s knight in shining stabilizers.
Holmberg would have to secure all federal and state permits before becoming eligible for more money from the county, which drew a line in the sand at the $50,000: no more money until it has clear proof of the technology’s benefit, and its permitted use. The county made its weariness about Holmberg clear in the agreement it drafted in November, with Flagler Beach, that framed the $50,000 grant. It specified in that agreement that at a July 31 meeting last year, there was “no resolution on some of the questions raised by the county and some of the members of the Tourist Development Council, and that Flagler County itself had not “made any further independent assessment of [Holmberg] or the approach [Holmberg] is recommending.”
The county also noted that “the state has advised that based on its present information, the project could not be permitted under state and federal law,” though it allowed that Flagler Beach’s confidence in the project, and in Holmberg, was higher. On Tuesday, Flagler Beach City Manager Bruce Campbell was non-committal about the study. “Don’t have anything to compare it to. I have no comparison to say this is what $50,000 worth of study should look like,” Campbell said.
Much m,ore will be said, with and by Holmberg, when the city commission holds a meeting on the analysis at the Flagler Beach City Hall chambers Thursday, at 4 p.m.
“People in Flagler County are going to have to make a decision,” Carney said. “Dick’s project might have cost us $50,000, but the army corps is up to $3.5 million, and we don’t have a report yet.”
Holmberg Shoreline Analysis for Flagler Beach, February 2013
DoubleGator says
Hopefully, the 50k will be the end of this folly.
Fungus Amongus says
Hawaiian shirts make the man.
palmcoastpioneers says
Perhaps some of the information acquired by Levitt I.T.T. about ‘The Palm Coast Project’ from the Technical University of Norway at Trondheim can be helpful for compare/contrast.
An Approach to a New City: Palm Coast,
Dr. Norman Young and Dr. Stanley Dea.
( Reprinted from Environmental Affairs, Volume2, Number 1, Spring, 1972.)
ITT Levitt Ad 6904A P-B102-292
Page 138
L. Beach and Sand Dune Preservation
Studies: Historical records of the tide information regarding hurricanes and northeast storms were accumulated. Historiclal Beach dynamics were summarized, isolating the littoral drift, which apparently is to the south during most of the year and to the north during the summer. These data indicate that at Matanzas Inlet there is considerable drift into the waterway. Accompanying this report are the records on what happened at St Augustine Beach and Crescent Beach during the Hurricane Dora, along with storm winde and swell diagrams obtained from the Corps of Engineers.
Solutions. Minimum building elevations were set based on the data obtained. ———–>Aerial photographs taken in 1943 were compared with current photographs to determine the amount of beach erosion in this area. Dr. Per Bruun of the Technical University of Norway , at Trondheim, was retained to coordinate this data and to make recommendations for construction in beachfront areas. Palm Coast has about six miles of ocean front, approximately twenty miles on the Intracoastal Waterway, and will have significant man made water areas.<———– Again, these will be reviewed in the main body of the text.
Now to a brief description of the terrain. Like other areas along the east coast of Florida, the property was formed primarily by sand dunes that have been build up by the interaction of winds, waves, tidal cycles, and ocean currents. This continued accretion of land as a repetitive process has caused the creation of lagoons between the new dune and the existing land mass. It is from these lagoon that the present salt water lagoons and marshlands evolved
Robbie says
I realize that I only have a Bunnell High School education but I was taught that one square mile is 5280 feet by 5280 feet (27, 878,400 square feet).
I don’t see an explanation as to how installing his system in 2 locations along our beach is going to cause sand to build up on all 6+ miles of the beach. The best that I can see from the pictures in the study of locations where he has installed his system, the sand builds up in the immediate area of the system.
Meet me at 4 says
Can’t wait to see the final outcome
SeaBee says
There is NO way of “magically” replenishing the beach sand without dredging from other places ( including 3 miles off shore ) and bringing that sand back to Flaglers Beaches and pumping it back. And that is only going to last until the next MAJOR hurricane that hits this area. And we are WAY over due !!!!!
marylou baiata says
The ice caps are melting, the ocean is rising, the storms are way more severe, and man can not stop it, not with underwater stabilizers, or dredging. The unfortunate reality is that we might need to move A1A further west.
Claire Voyant says
I didn’t know that Jimmy Buffet was in Flagler Beach!
dyan says
If putting something on the coastline makes the beach get wider why haven’t the coquina outcroppings at Washing Oaks State Park transformed that area into a mega shore? Groins do nothing but make people groan.
Mary Ann Clark says
This proposition is an “exercise in futility.” Mother Nature rules! The ocean takes away the sand and returns it in her own good time. This money could and should be spent for a more worthy purpose such as education of our children.
glad fly says
i think i’m going to go into the shoreline analysis busine$$…
kicked bak-n-watchin says
Looks like the big man in charge got some mud on his face on that one. Tee hee!! They tried to warn him. Silly rabbit, tricks are for kids!! A couple more of these and our dreams come true. Yay us! Pay attention commission. Its not his first…………wecubc
concerned citizen says
Well I must say Mr. Settle and Mrs. Mealey neither of you are qualified to make any decisions about this project. Where are you getting your information from? Have you ever done any beach erosion studies? I’m proud to say that I have and personally think that you are just gossiping about this and attempting to keep yourself in the spotlight. Why don’t you look at what biggger citys have done in the past instead of trying to make Flagler Beach it’s own lil city. You cant do this alone!!!
NortonSmitty says
Oh yes! i woukd trust him much more if he had a tie!
Deep South says
I told you so. But nobody listened.
Charles Smith says
You just paid $50,000 for a mediocre new business pitch. There is no analysis. Nice job.