Thwarted in attempts to change the outcome of a razor thin race, U.S. Rep Allen West early Tuesday conceded to his Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy. The concession increases Democrats’ pick-ups in the House to eight, for a total of 200 seats to the GOP’s 233.
In a statement, West said he would drop further efforts to change the outcome of the Nov. 6 election in which Murphy appeared to win the Congressional District 18 race by less than 1 percent of the vote.
After a recount of early voting ballots did not make a significant dent in Murphy’s lead, West said it would be imprudent to ask his contributors, who had already given his campaign more than $17 million, to spend even more with only a slim chance of success.
“While a contest of the election results might have changed the vote totals, we do not have evidence that the outcome would change,” West said in a statement.
Following a bitter campaign and weeks of uncertainty, Murphy’s campaign was quick to respond.
“I appreciate Congressman West’s gracious concession today,” Murphy said in a statement. “I am truly humbled that the voters of the 18th district have entrusted me to represent them in Washington.”
The West-Murphy race was one of the nation’s most expensive, and most brutal, Congressional campaigns. Combined, the two candidates raised more than $21 million. Outside groups added millions more.
Elected amid the tea party wave in 2010, West had collected more than $17 million in contributions from across the country as conservative contributors opened their wallets to the often-controversial freshman.
Trailing Murphy by 1,907 votes, or 0.58 percent, the West campaign last week filed a complaint in St. Lucie County Circuit Court asking a judge to order a recount of all 37,379 ballots cast in the 18th Congressional District race in the county during early voting.
State law allows counties to retabulate votes if unofficial results may contain a tabulating error. St. Lucie Elections Supervisor Gertrude Walker said that while mistakes were made in uploading results, the errors were corrected and she remained “confident that every vote has been counted.”
The final tally posted on the Division of Election website Tuesday had Murphy with a 1,904 lead out of more than 330,000 votes cast. Still behind by less than the 0.5 percent that would trigger a recount, West threw in the towel.
“While many questions remain unanswered, today I am announcing that I will take no further action to contest the outcome of this election,” West said. .
The certification deadline for the race was Tuesday morning.
–Michael Peltier, News Service of Florida
Angela Smith says
One less embarrassment for the state of Florida; next on the “BUH-BYE!” list is Governor Scott.
Fred Peterson says
Its sad that it was this close………………………But thankful he’s Out !!
Dawg says
Guess the “tea” party’s over. Bye Bye. And yes Ricky, your next!
John Boy says
Thrown out by the US Army, thrown out of Congress, what’s left, probably will he be thrown out by his wife. He is the perfect example of the “Peter Principal” someone who rises beyond this capabilities and eventually collapses under his own arrogance and stupidity. Good by and good riddance, I hear McDonald’s is hiring a 29 hour per week “Outside” man. Luckily he doesn’t qualify for a Congressional Pension or other Benefits.
Bert says
That that Kid N’ Play hairdo and hit the road sucker!
Karma says
Jessie Jackson JR wins in a landslide and Allen West loses. Houston, we have a problem!
John Boy says
The winner was a Democrat, the loser was a Tea Bagging Republican, what more do you need to know?
Magnolia says
I don’t want to hear one more word about racism from your readers. The Democrat party leaders spent a small fortune to defeat Allen West and Mia Love, both great Republican candidates, both black.
I am so tired of the hypocrisy.
Dorothea says
The only hypocrisy here is the Republican leadership that did not repudiate Allen West’s many infamous remarks. West’s statement that 80-90 members of the House of Representatives are Communists, is not only a blatant lie, but serves to represent the callous disregard that tea-bag politicians have for anyone who disagrees with them.
As for the small fortune that the Democrat’s supposedly spent to defeat West, again you aren’t aligning yourself with the facts. Money spent to defeat West was a reaction to the $17 million that West received in campaign contributionas and had nothing to do with the color of his skin. Four million dollars was a paltry sum for the Democrats to spend in comparison. A dangerous idiot is a dangerous idiot whatever color they are. One prime example was Joe McCarthy who waved his list of alleged Communists and set off a witch hunt of the innocent, condeming them to blacklists, and ruining their careers. McCarthy was white.
Magnolia says
Dorothea, West was one of the top targets in the country and we all know it. This is still a free country and we have free speech. People are going to disagree.
A member of the Senate yesterday dropped a bill which would allow the government to have access to all your email without a warrant. This should bother you more than party affiliation and name calling. Notice I didn’t say which party, what skin color.
Can we please just drop this black and white stuff? I find it very distasteful. Haven’t we all spent our adult lives trying to end it?
Dorothea says
Go back to your own comment where you were the first to mention that Democrats allegedly targeted two BLACK House Republicans. You brought up race, and for what reason I don’t know, since you find it so “distasteful”. (your word, not mine) Free speech does not give anyone the right to slander others. Calling 80 Democratic members of the House Communists is not merely name calling. Go back and read my comment about Joe McCarthy and what happened when he waved a piece of paper supposedly containing the names of numerous individuals that he said were “Communists.”
Magnolia says
Here’s a little history for you on one of our early Speakers of the House of Representatives:
Note his party affiliation, please.
I’m willing to bet 99% here did not know this, were never taught this in school. I’m also willing to bet that many here don’t remember that Martin Luther King was a Republican.
Can we please end the hate, on both sides?
Samuel Smith says
One less war criminal in office.
jespo says
Sad part is that there were enough morons around to vote him into office in the first place….and they’re still around. This underbelly of ignorance needs to shouted down and voted out every time it raises its ugly face…this guy never should have held office to begin with.
confidential says
Lets keep up the good work for 2014 and lets get out AGAIN IN DROVES and vote, all these Tea Party 2010 elected, out of office, if we want to improve our economy, recover jobs, defend our SS, Medicare and Medicaid, preserve minorities, women and gays rights. Defend our children rights to education and affordable higher education. Defend our labor rights and the right to access health care by taking America back from the firm grip of greedy multinational corporations, billionaires and millionaires.
The middle class working and spending is what creates jobs and not the wealthy and multinationals fat bank accounts in the Cayman Islands and other heavens.
Bill May says
So now the voters cannot stand honesty, confidence, intelligence and someone who clearly is lightyears ahead of those running against him. Amazing. I would vote for this guy for almost anything he ran for.
Old Harley dude says
You people do not have to hate the tea party who want smaller gov. You have 4 more years of Obama and a dem senate. We will be just like Greece in 4 years except for 1 thing. Greece is small and can be bailed out by other nations. We are too large and nobody can save us. Get ready.
Karma says
Thank god President Santa Clause won and got some new helpers. With all the layoffs and closing around the country, he will need a lot more help handing out EBT cards,phones and unemployment checks.
Now tax cheat Timmy Geithner said we should borrow to infinity.(anyone heard of Greece) Yes, we need more spend crazy Democrats. Look how many jobs Obamacare has taken already, not to mention all the people who will have reduced hours in their jobs. The cost to go out and eat will also increase thanks to this wonderful act. Talk about a job killer.