Click on the image for the story
- IRS and FBI investigating Rubio and GOP
- Huckabee lectures Crist in Lakeland
- Crist campaign denies scrubbing GOP references from Web site
- Jacksonville officer disciplined after youth shot
- Water bill passes with home builders support
- Powerball nears record with $252M prize
- Senate committee approves derivatives oversight bill
- Ben Stein: Same Old: Liberals Then and Now
- Obama on abortion issue: Court nominee must back women’s rights
- Drill, baby, drill: workers injured in oil rig blast
- Reports of Scud missiles in Lebanon heighten tensions
- The Problem With Palin
- Why Iran won’t attack Israel
“Some places are deep red states. Some are dark blue states. Florida is blotchy and looks kind of pinkish-purpley with green polka dots.”–From Mark Lane’s latest.
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