Meeting again for the first time since their blistering verbal brawl two weeks ago, Palm Coast City Council members Eddie Branquinho and Ed Danko were mutedly civil Tuesday evening. But the city administration was not taking any chances. The two men had been separated on the dais by as many bodies as logistically possible, with Danko, still wearing his Trump mask, now sitting at one end–next to the city attorney–and Branquinhio at the other, next to the city clerk. His mask looked more surgical.
The audience was not in as genial a mood. People tuning in to the two public comment segments bookending the council’s hour-long and otherwise workmanlike meeting might have mistaken it for a rogue transmission of the Alex Jones show, the nation’s leading purveyor of conspiracy theories and bogus information.
There was no common thread running through all the comments other than an accusatory, hectoring tone that echoed similarly rancid rhetoric repeated and disseminated on social media for months during the electoral season. Some of that was on display two weeks ago, ruining what was to be the council’s ritualistic swearing-in of new and re-elected members. The repeat performance of chip-on-the-shoulder grievances Tuesday suggests that the noxious and often fallacy-filled and slanderous rhetoric may not have ended with the election, but merely morphed into a new form, using the council as platform, and council members as punching bags.
The fallacy-filled and slanderous rhetoric may not have ended with the election, but has merely morphed into a new form
Ironically, even some of the speakers hectored council members for incivility in tone and language that defied the very decorum they claimed to be speaking for. One individual–a member of the factional group calling itself Flagler Liberty Coalition–at one point brandished his phone as if it were a weapon, taking video of the council members up close and prompting Cmdr. Williams, the sheriff’s liaison with the city, and its security detail during meetings, to ask the man to step back from the podium. There’s nothing illegal about recording or taking video at a public meeting, but coalition members have taken to using the act as an intimidation tactic, or at least imagine it to be so, and proximity as a silent hiss. The man then turned the camera on Williams and told him he was filming him. “That’s fine, sir, I’m asking you to step back,” the commander said.
The show started with James Lee of Palm Coast, asking council members for a “formal investigation” into Council member Victor Barbosa, ostensibly because “the entire time that I saw him campaigning he was not wearing a mask, as soon as he became elected city council, he has fallen in line with the city council saying that we have to wear a mask.” Lee was also wanting Barbosa investigated for allegedly boasting of keeping his Man Cave barbershop open in defiance of the governor’s April order that all non-essential businesses had to close.
The city council or the city administration have no investigative authority over council members, has no say about their mask-wearing habits beyond city properties, and no say over whether or how they operate their businesses. And Barbosa was ahead of his time, at least in Florida, where heedlessness toward covid-19 is now state policy: The governor now forbids any mandates that would restrict business activities or enforce mask-wearing, undermining communities like Palm Coast where such voluntary directives are in place.
Next was Michael Arnold, who described himself as a “registered representative” of Next Financial, the financial services firm, claiming that he’d reported to the Securities and Exchange Commission a “manipulation of the enterprise fund” in the city. The city has several enterprise funds–city operations that are funded through fees, separate from the general fund, which is largely supported by property taxes. The water utility is an enterprise fund, so is the stormwater operation. Arnold didn’t specify which had been allegedly manipulated.
But his was an old story, repeatedly discredited. Over the years, a few people, especially candidates at election time or their proxies, have claimed–without evidence–that the city was misusing its enterprise funds. Innumerable and independent audits have debunked the claim. But here was Arnold–a new proxy in that tilting at windmills: he sat near Alan Lowe, who just lost a bid for the mayorship on a campaign powered by similar windmills–making vague allusions of financial malfeasance and saying he’d filed “a formal grievance with the FBI as well as the MSRB.” The obscure Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board has more to do with how banks deal in municipal securities than how a 90,000-population city spends money from its water utility.
Robert Young approached the podium with his mask hanging from his left ear. He took it off as he slapped a manilla folder onto the podium. “I know you’ve heard of me,” Young told the council, referring to code enforcement issues. “At this point I feel like I have been harassed beyond control,” he said, also without explaining. He turned to face the audience. “I think a lot of people here are talking about similar things, and tyranny is what I see around there, and I’m kind of fed up, so I’d like to actually ask you people–”
“Sir, sir, you have to speak to the council, that’s our rule,” Mayor Milissa Holland said. She’d been called a lot of names by detractors in recent months, but tyrant was a new one.
“I can speak to them too, in fact they own this city, you don’t, you work for us,” Young protested. He ignored Holland and turned again to the audience to ask something. City Attorney Bill Reischmann reiterated the mayor’s request. Young turned back to the council. His next statement was anticlimactic. He wanted the council to talk about the appropriateness of homeowners’ association rules. The council has little authority over HOA rulemaking, as long as it doesn’t clash with city ordinances.
The denunciations continued as if on parade.
“Mayor Holland,” Maria Darcy said, taking her place at the podium, “it seems like there are some people that are unhappy in the room and I don’t know if I’m going to be able to follow that.” But she did. She brandished a picture allegedly showing Holland at a victory party, without mask or social distancing even though “everyone else in this city must live by your dictatorial mandates and your recommendations,” Darcy claimed. After repeating dog-whistling claims of “corruption” at City Hall, she then inquisitorially asked four questions about the pictures and a mask she brandished and asked for an explanation.
Holland didn’t provide it just then. (“There was no party,” Holland later said. “That is why I was not going to dignify it with a response.”) She explained in an interview that the owners of a restaurant in St. Joe Plaza–El Pollo Colorao–wanted to make her and some of her volunteers a traditional meal after the election. About a dozen people attended, were temperature-checked, were spaced out at three tables set in a row, and, as in every restaurant, ate without masks on, since eating with a mask can be difficult for most. A picture of Holland seated at the table, without a mask, has been circulating on social media like a crumb in search of a scandal.
Reischmann paused the public comment segment to remind the audience of the requirement to wear a mask. “And they have to wear it above the nose,” the mayor said, leaning over to Reischmann. When he’d spoken the same reminder at the previous meeting, it had not gone well: several people in the audience became defiant, delaying the start of the meeting then walking to a hallway outside to conduct what seemed like a semi-organized huffing session as long as they could find an audience of one or two city employees to validate their outrage.
Megan Rizzo was next. She took Branquinho to task over his clash with Danko. “This is the first time I felt a serious need to actually come to a city council meeting, and I’m gravely concerned if this is your true personality that you displayed at the swearing in, Councilman Branquinho,” Rizzo said. She noted Danko’s large margin of victory over “incumbent Sims Jones” (Jones was not an incumbent, but Rizzo had admitted it was her first council meeting) and threatened Branquinho to turn that majority against him in two years. She at no point referred to Danko’s language, which had been equally abrasive and disrespectful of his fellow-councilman, but lectured Branquinho to “respect the city council seat,” and lectured the rest of the council to “have your moral compass.”
Leslie Johnson repeated much the same complaints but with more fabrications (“He said in FlaglerLive that he’s going to have to take it rectally. I’m trying to be nice,” she said, referring to language Branquinho had allegedly used. He used no such language.) “Mayor Holland, I’m going to request that you remove him if he does another outburst that disrupts this council, that disrupts these meetings,” she said. “I respectfully ask that you will put your gavel down and that you will stop him in minutes and escort him out of the building.” The mayor has no such authority over council members.
The show’s finale, coming in the second public-comment segment, was provided by Chris Martin of Palm Coast who, wearing a Trump hat, referred to the election’s fraud. “There’s some severe issues with the voting machines, and I don’t see any need for having computers involved,” he told the council. There’s never been “severe issues” with Flagler’s voting machines, and this year’s elections, primary and general, were near flawless. “It’s been proven in Florida that at least 20,000 votes were switched,” he continued, again repeating an entirely fabricated story.
“I heard that there may have been some issues in the local election as well.” There were no such issues. “Please, is there any way that you guys can just let us have paper ballots, which are pretty traceable, and we can have receipts?” The election is conducted with paper ballots, which are then tabulated by scanners, and receipts are provided. Holland suggested to Martin to take up the matter with the supervisor of elections, who runs the city’s elections at the voting end, though Supervisor Keiti Lenhart has not had much patience for spurious theories.
In an interview this evening, Holland said she was dismayed by the tenor of the meeting’s public-comment segment. “This is not a political debate forum,” she said. But explaining the composure she’s maintained throughout the last two meetings, she said she had no intention to give that sort of comment the satisfaction of a reaction.
Rick G says
The most telling remark about this article is that one might have mistaken it for a rogue transmission of the Alex Jones show. If this is where the public discourse is going now thanks to the guy in the White House we are all on the ship of fools. Conduct the meetings properly. Use Roberts Rules of Order. I don’t know why any credible business would want to relocate to Palm Coast with a Council like this.
Trump/Covid 2020 says
Good grief…. is this the future of Murica? Time to start Baker Acting some of these loonies.
Really says
As stated before and told I was wrong and I’m not. The Political shit show runs down hill and now this is what you get. I am not surprised by it kbowing the personality of FPC residents in general Just more of the same. Ploys to disrupt accuse cause confusion and continue the Bull about the Election because Biden won. The largest most secure Election in US History Deal with it Get over it or not dont care. See you at the Inauguration. lol
Brian says
What a bunch of goofballs.
Diane Cocchiola says
Since Danko wears a trump mask it is clearly his intent not to represent me as a Democratic I, therefore, request that none of my tax dollars go toward his salary.
Sardone says
I absolutely agree with you. That guy Danko does not know what a democracy is. Plus he works for the people and there is no room for politics. I would like to see him out of the office.
Michael Arnold says
I am sending a response to the editor with how the findings came to be. The reason why it is believed to be debunked is because no one ever linked it to the bond issues which is regulated by the MSRB, and enforced by the SEC. At first I considered it all to be political jargon and never paid it any mind, but once I contacted a retired FBI Agent & now a highly regarded contractor for the FBI and US State Dpt. Homeland Security, this person helped break it all down. So no this is not my own conspiracy theory but is supported by one of the most influential minds in criminal justice. He spends the bulk of his time between Philadelphia and DC.. Regardless of how someone may view individuals in the crowed I sat next to Alan Lowe and others in that space because I recognized them. I did not report this because of Alan Lowe or any of his ties to Palm Coast, I sat there because I know him personally and professionally. Most others in the crowed I only know them via Facebook or other social media resources not in person and most I could not recognize them especially with a mask. I realize Holland has her supporters and none of this is an attempt to sway you from your beliefs as does any person I am confident you have a position based on your own stance be it politics or personal. I actually have a very strong back round in the financial markets in leadership style roles in the most influential offices in Manhattan. So yes this is a road I have run down before, unfortunately. None of my findings are an attack on Holland but only findings through a strong back round in the financial system for the two most influential financial institutions in the world in the most influential offices in the firm working on extremely market sensitive projects, yes the kind that effect global economies. I have performed work in several countries from South America to Asia and all across Europe, all by the time I was 24 y/o. So if you want to question intellect or debate my knowledge please feel free. I am open to discussing further at any time. Lets see if Flagler live wants the whole story!
Pierre Tristam says
Mr. Arnold, I’m not interested in debating your knowledge or intellect, nor is it particularly relevant if you’ve met with retired FBI agents or have Chad Wolf on your speed dial. As the editor of this news site I’m interested in verifiable facts and evidence, unclothed by other pretensions. You keep referring to “findings.” But you presented none to the council, none here. You allude to nefarious issues with Palm Coast’s enterprise funds–an allegation almost as old as the city, never made with so much as one or two numbers’ worth of evidence. You can make all sorts of allegations at the council. They have to give you your three minutes. Absent evidence, you may not do so here. This is not a First Amendment zone. This is not about beliefs or allegiances either. If you have hard evidence of misuse of funds, by all means, present it and we’ll be happy to investigate wherever the chips fall. But unfortunately and increasingly, as your own appearance before the council Tuesday, and that of so many others, attests, we’re contending with a revival of gruel-grade McCarthyism amplified by social media’s megaphone to disinformation where individuals–some of them candidates for office, some of them in office–claim to have lists of wrongs tucked away in their breast pocket, when all they have is lint and unrequited grievances. It’s tiresome, it’s embarrassing, and it’s corrosive of what we are or ought to be as a community. So once again: if you have evidence of wrongs, produce it. You can email me here. Otherwise, you’re welcome to discuss or comment on any issue you like. But baseless claims have no place here.
Denali says
Pierre – my friend, you have done it again. “What have I done now?” you may ask . . . Simple, you have ruined my fun. As an over 65 retired guy who doesn’t get out much these days (because of the “bug”), one of the few pleasures left to me is reading the comments section and taking the occasional pot-shot at our latest self-proclaimed savior. You did such a thorough job in guiding Mr. Arnold in the proper direction that there was no meat left on the bones for the rest of us to pick over. Please try to leave us a few table scraps in the future. Thank you . . . Oh, if I don’t get the chance later, we wish you and the family all the best for the coming year.
“Gruel-grade McCarthyism” – best line I have heard in a long time!
Proton Beam says
Please, don’t debate his intellect – Mr. Arnold cannot compose a complete sentence nor use correct grammar to save his life- lets hope he’s better with a calculator than a keyboard. A quick search of Mr. Arnold through through FIRNA is telling of his “vast” experience and also pretty sure he is not (by the rules he cites) supposed to be representing himself the way he does…talk about professional ethics violations that I am sure FIRNA and SEC would love to be made aware of. See the irony here, anyone can do it and its just as meaningless.
Edith Campins says
Facts, Mr. Arnold, facts, not allegations. If you have the facts your “back round” is irrelevant. If you indeed have any proof , any facts, contact the proper authorities and present them otherwise stop wasting everyone’s time.
David Schaefer says
Sounds like the Trump administration all over again. We do not need this crap in this city…..
mark101 says
Looks like we have children at play in the audience and on the board
Brian says
Mr. Arnold, you indicated twice that you have a “strong back round” regarding things. What does that mean?
Mike Cocchiola says
We still have a lot of anger, mistrust and disinformation out there. Recovery is going to take awhile. And it won’t begin until our current political turmoil calms down. And Trump masks don’t help a bit.
New PC Resident says
Mr. Danko, lose the Trump mask. Your candidate lost (by a LOT) but more than that you send a strong signal that you are not in office to represent those of us that didn’t vote for the guy you worship. Time to face reality, do your job, and represent the majority of us that voted differently than you. It’s like a petulant child still wearing a Halloween costume at Christmas.
Cindi says
Mr Danko, I agree. Lose the mask. I am a republican. Trump lost. I am over it, why cannot you do the same ? You are no better than the idiots who still have Trump signs up in their yard, or those with Biden signs as to try and prove a point. I voted for you because you looked me in the eye and told me you were different. You lied to me. Why am I shocked ? Get your ass in gear and do the job you were elected to do or step down.
My heart goes out to Mayor Holland who has to drives the clown car also known as the Palm Coast Council Board meetings.
How do you morons expect to get anything accomplished ?
Palmcoaster says
Pierre and New PC Resident hit it right on target describing these disruptive and baseless accusatory Trumpers attacking the Mayor, Council, Administrators and not representing us all that didn’t vote Trump with his T masks on while seating in the council. Danko only represents Trumpers while fueling the fire after elections are over! Why doesn’t he start working in resolving local issues? DC is not PC and “sour grapes” not our favorite fruit but just a loser’s display!
Infinitely tired of it says
Sigh. Just sigh.
Shake my head says
I only have 1 thing to say to Mr. Arnold, I think the word is crowd not crowed. As smart as you may have been at the age of 24, we now have something called spell check. LOL