Alan Lowe, the 59-year-old candidate for Palm Coast mayor challenging Milissa Holland’s reelection, had never registered to vote until February, when he registered ahead of the presidential primary, and before he declared his candidacy. He did not vote in the presidential primary, according to an audit. He voted for the first time in his life in the August primary, when he was on the ballot.
When he was 31 years old, Lowe declared himself a “sovereign citizen” who did not follow the U.S. Constitution, the laws of the United States or the 14th Amendment, according to a “declaration” he filed with the Flagler County Clerk of Court. He declared he was a “foreign state to the United States, as well as a nonresident alien to the political community thereof, and that no judicial, legislative or executive agents had authority over his decision.
Lowe today said he had long ago repudiated his “sovereign” status, calling it “ridiculous” even as he conceded that it was not a youthful mistake–he was 31 at the time. He had embraced that stance. Then he had abandoned it, finding he could grow spiritually by “rendering unto Cesar what is Cesar’s” without losing his faith.
“That’s my past. It is what it is. I own my past,” he said.
Lowe said it was “a very short mindset” that he abandoned, though he stuck to his refusal to take part in the political process, and said today that one of the reasons he jumped back in to run was from being “incensed” that the supervisor of elections’ office had mailed postcards encouraging residents to vote by mail. “I’m not saying voting by mail or absentee voting or anything like that is a bad thing, I’m also not saying that I don’t trust our voting office here, I think it’s spot on,” Lowe said. But the postcards nevertheless incensed him. “I feel it’s important to vote in person,” he said. He also rejects the lockdown approach to coronavirus containment.
Far from a youthful misjudgment, Lowe’s association with the sovereign citizen movement was central both to his convictions at the time, however briefly, and to his battle with the Internal Revenue Service, which was pursuing him over unpaid taxes and through a protracted process. “Sovereign citizens” believe they don’t owe taxes and don’t recognize the IRS as a legitimate agency. But belief and association with the movement then and now carries a virulent hatred for government reflected in Lowe’s language at the time, language that left nothing to doubt regarding his convictions, and echoed in the movement’s violent acts then and since.
Lowe in September 1993 declared himself an “Ambassador for Christ,” following only God’s law. In a subsequent, more wordy “Declaration of Independence for the People of Yahweh,” he declared the American government and its instruments “destructive through the usurpation of the govern,” making it his duty to reclaim his rights and separate from “the abominations” of early politics because the government “has no conscience and shows little mercy, it is an uncontrolled beast that has been loosed to serve it’s [sic] own whims.”
The declaration goes on to outline grievances against the United States, at times incoherently (“You offer due process in your courts yet you control the judiciary… You protect against slavery and trick everyone into vluntarily becoming slaves”), at times hysterically (“Through unrestricted spending you have enslaved the ignorant and sold the labor of their children and their children’s children which are yet unborn to pay for your Beast’s ravenous appetite”), all in the arcane if incendiary language of the sovereign citizen movement.
Lowe said he never officially repudiated his declaration because it was never recognized anyway, and he’d not abjured the rights of citizenship–such as a passport. But he still never registered to vote until a few months ago.
The movement would not have garnered mainstream attention in the early 1990s–Lowe signed his “Declaration” on June 6, 1994–had its tenets not gained notoriety following the Oklahoma City bombing of a federal building that left 168 people dead in April 1995: Terry Nichols, a co-conspirator in the bombing, had declared himself a “sovereign citizen.”
The movement to this day is associated with far-right anti-government militancy that has led to other bursts of violence, targeting government and law enforcement especially, and leading the Southern Poverty Law Center to declare it a hate group and the FBI to declare it a “domestic terror threat.”
“For example, many sovereign citizens don’t pay their taxes,” an FBI bulletin stated. “They hold illegal courts that issue warrants for judges and police officers. They clog up the court system with frivolous lawsuits and liens against public officials to harass them. And they use fake money orders, personal checks, and the like at government agencies, banks, and businesses.” (Federal officials are linking the plot to kidnap and try Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer to the movement.)
Nothing suggests violence in Lowe’s past (a misdemeanor battery charge in Flagler and a rstraining order resulting from a domestic dispute in Volusia County were both dismissed). But other similarities between the sovereign citizen’s fundamental tenets and Lowe’s in the 1990s are not a small matter. They defined his conduct toward government at the time.
Lowe’s declaration occurred as he was in a bitter dispute with the IRS over unpaid taxes and liens. (He ended up owing nearly $30,000 in unpaid taxes, according to an IRS lien.) Two letters Lowe wrote the IRS and himself filed as official documents with the Flagler Clerk of Court illustrate to what extent Lowe had asserted his “sovereign” citizenship, objecting to a lien filed against him and accusing the IRS of illegal acts, among them sending documents to his mother’s address. Two weeks later he wrote another letter that “I am not even classified as a taxpayer and that I am not liable for any tax whatsoever.” He claims that he had won agreement from a “Mr. Gear” (his role is never identified in the letters) that “the Internal Revenue Service is not even a governmental agency, bureau, department, section or service of the Government of the United States of America.” He makes explicit his rejection of the IRS’s authority to collect most taxes and demands that the lien be removed. The letters make just as clear his intention not to pay taxes.
Lowe claimed in an Observer interview that he had no idea there was a lien on his house. The documents he filed with the clerk of court suggest otherwise. Lowe today said he knew of one lien, not of a second one, which may have caused the confusion, and said he eventually paid off one of the liens in 2005, while he lost a home to foreclosure in 1996.
Lowe has been critical of Holland’s misjudgment and what he continuously refers to, without evidence, as her “corruption.” Holland has made misjudgments of her own. In 2017, as an employee of Coastal Cloud, the local tech company, she wrote two ultimately innocuous and fruitless emails that could be interpreted as sales pitches. She wrote them from a city email account with her mayor’s signature. She has owned up to the mistake, though she’s continued to be attacked through innuendo and unsupported claims. Last week, Lowe again attacked her over a television commercial that undeniably included a frame that was racially insensitive in standard dog-whistling fashion. Holland removed the frame.
But if Lowe is casting stones at Holland’s judgment, he’s doing so from a house of glass, opaque though it is: Lowe’s past remains a glaze of questions and shade.
All along in his campaign, Lowe has portrayed himself as a community member of 37 years who “has no other boss other than you, the citizens of Palm Coast,” while distancing himself from what he called “skewed” information in his past, including the unpaid taxes and the record of a misdemeanor charge that was not prosecuted, that an anonymous website compiled. At a forum in late September he said what happened decades ago has no bearing on who he is now. He applied the same reasoning today when asked about not voting all his adult life, and about his “sovereign citizen” days.
“I really never wanted to be involved in politics,” he said. “I never even wanted to pay attention to politics. I don’t like politics. I was living my life and I was kind of happy with the way things were going until the government started interfering with people’s lives, and with President Trump’s election coming up this year, I decided” to register.
He did not himself make the connection between not voting and his sovereign citizenship days, rather placing those days in the context of his “awakening.”
“At that time I began to have a spiritual awakening and began to delve heavily into reading the Bible and so forth, and attempting to learn, I should say, my place in a spiritual world with relation to the Bible.” When he got to the part about being “Christ’s ambassadors,” he realized he was battling his own dichotomy between his civil and his spiritual allegiances. Without counsel or guidance from a minister, he felt he had to “make a decision of which side I ought to be on, and went a little bit overboard in the spiritual realm.” Spiritual awakenings are not uncommon. Renunciations of earthly laws in the name of God very much are.
A few months later, Lowe said, he realized he could have his belief system without rejecting the rest. “I realized that stuff was foolish and not what I wanted to live by,” he said.
Lowe did not let Holland off after she conceded to a mistake with the television commercial last week. Holland returned the favor today.
“The information that has come to light in regards to Alan Lowe is of great concern to me, along with the voters of Palm Coast,” Holland said in a statement issued late this afternoon. “The fact that Mr. Lowe decided to give up his citizenship in an effort to avoid paying taxes while still living in the United States is absolutely unsettling. It seems to explain why he never felt obligated to register to vote, because he did not consider himself an American. For him to suddenly decide to seek public office, after decades of skirting his responsibilities, is abhorrent. It is extremely disrespectful to our men and women in uniform, including my own son who is currently serving overseas, who sacrifice daily for the freedoms we cherish at home in America. Choosing to seek public office means you must answer to the people, and at this point Mr. Lowe needs to address these two matters.”
By Wednesday, Gail Wadsworth, a Holland supporter (she’d appeared in the television ad) and active member of the local Republican Party (both Holland and Lowe are Republicans) had sent a letter to local media about Lowe’s absence from registration rolls all his life. “Alan Lowe,” Wadsworth wrote, “decided to register to vote when it was convenient for him, not when you, the fine people of Palm Coast, actually needed his participation.”
Lowe charged back, calling Wadsworth a liar for “falsely” claiming she had not endorsed Holland (Wadsworth says nothing in Republican Executive Committee rules prevents her from endorsing personally, as she has). “Even worse,” Lowe said, “she has violated Ronald Regan’s [sic.] Eleventh Commandment that reads: Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.” (The so-called commandment actually originated with Gaylord Parkinson, leader of California Republicans in the 1960s. Reagan adopted it, though in words only as his brutal campaigns against Gerald Ford in 1976 and George Bush in 1980 attest.)
“He’s somewhat out of school and I’m not a liar,” Wadsworth said of Lowe his evening. In a written rebuttal to Lowe, she said: “If he is the staunch Republican he claims to be, why would he have never bothered to vote for any Republicans over the course of his life?”
Mike Cocchiola says
We cannot let this man become mayor of Palm Coast. He is toxic. He is so far into the weirdosphere that he makes Trump and Mullins actually seem to be relatively sane.
Palm Coast voters have a choice. Read this article carefully. Then make your choice as to who is best able to lead our city for the next four years.
Percy's mother says
Well, at 9:00 pm on Thursday evening, I’ll be brief (for now) . . . This guy, Alan Lowe, is a complete LOSER.
Not only is Alan Lowe a loser, but what kind of “adult” renounces his citizenship? One’s citizenship is part of one’s identity and should never be taken lightly.
Not only is Alan Lowe a loser, but what has this guy EVER really accomplished in life? Nothing.
The fact that Alan Lowe had never ever registered to vote until he decided to run for office because he was annoyed speaks volumes for his weak character and morals.
What idiot would vote for this guy!?
As stated, it’s late Thursday evening. I will continue tomorrow.
Palmcoaster says
Gail, simply because he is not a Republican among other things, he is just a Trumper. We are not voting for Trump in our city mayoral or council races as well as we are not voting for Trump in any of our county, senate or congress races. Those voting for Trump or Biden can only do it on the presidential race. As for myself any Trumper candidate running for local government does not get my vote. Mayor Holland… I expect to keep in office to continue her responsive government to the people of Palm Coast for our safety in health in traffic and law enforcement. Also for better planned growth and to save our golf courses and our Palm Coast amenities.
Debbie Mott says
And refused to answer any questions during his live interview🤔
Deirdre says
He’s so perfect for the Trump cult!
Longman says
This bozo cannot hold office…
Steve says
Perfect for FPC. He and Joe Mullins will have field day. They can achieve all kinds of out of the norm accomplishments in their own alternate Reality minds. It would be entertaining at least to watch them try and outdo each other in the weirdorama scheme of all things Apolitical.
Mr. Deeds says
What a choice for Mayor. A candidate who has ethics problems or a whack job. Think I will write in a name.
Jimbo99 says
This article suggests, never really addresses, one of the many reasons that voting is a waste of time. These are choices we all get. the weirdos or the self serving corrupt is the article. It is the human race though.
MRC says
This guy has serious mental health issues and should not be allowed anywhere near a political office. I am surprised that he was even allowed to run for office. His past behavior is totally indicative of his present state of mind. His past behavior clearly indicates his disdain for government and other extremist beliefs which oscillate from one extremist group to then a religious cult type group. He attempts to brush it off as a youthful discretion like he was a teenager. I beg to pardon, but he was a 31 year old adult who should have known better, IF he had any moral fiber to begin with. Leopards do not change their spots. Can you imagine this fool in office and the total havoc he would create? He doesn’t pay his taxes and yet he would be in charge of making decisions about how tax payers money is spent? That does not make any sense! PLEASE do not cast one vote for this mentally deranged kook-a-lou! We do not need that kind of headache in a town that already has issues.
BB says
At last the truth of Alan Lowe finally comes out. I bet there is even more we haven’t heard about yet! Sounds like a real con-man, wack-a-d00!
J Shabotz says
He rejects America while stuffing his pockets with the liberties that are provided to the citizens of this great nation. Does this mean his not even a US citizen anymore? Just because the government didn’t recognize it doesn’t mean I won’t, Mr. Lowe go to hell. I knew you were slimy but how did you forget to mention any of this? You only registered to vote in 2020!!? He cheated the banks, cheated the IRS, cheated investors out of thousands and cheated on three wives… you are exactly what we all though you were, a big fake nothing.
Don Lowe says
The only waste of time is Alan Shepard Lowe and his self serving actions. I love my country and I fought for it overseas while this tool slaps all veterans in the face with what he thinks are youthful mistakes? This guy better disappear for a few years… maybe stay out of politics for the next 58 years like you did for the first 58!?
Jeff Sica says
Just another Trumplican Loony Toon character. (My apologies to Bugs, Daffy and the rest!) The sad part about it is these real life unstable candidates are no longer funny. They represent a clear and present danger to our democracy, as flawed and in need of improvement as it is. Vote Democratic down the ballot, and hopefully save the American Experiment! Note that there is no “Q” in democracy or liberal. It does seem to be showing up more frequently on those Trumplican clown cars and trucks careening around town.
Min Shan Lin says
If Palm Coast politics were underwear, Mr. Lowe would be the skidmark.
Every time we read about Mr. Lowe, its another layer of the story of just how corrupt he really is. He forgives himself for joining a movment hellbent on the end of the USA as a 31yr old man-child?
But then he found God!!?
Matthew 7:3 “Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” You Mr. Lowe must have half a forest blocking the view of how pathetic you are.
Let us enlighten you:
His big issue with the current mayor is her two Mayoral emails she acknowleged and addresed 100% the first time sahe was asked. Thats called transparency.
His (non)issues: regestered to vote a few months ago at the age of 59, admittedly only a US citizen because the government ignored his childish foot-stomping, defrauded SunTrust local bank, refused to pay tax money to IRS because he is better than everyone else, failed with 8 or is it 9 of his busniess, stole from investors near and so far and has three divorces. So far.
Do note that even when this was exposed to Mr. Lowe he tried to sidestep the issues. We only learned of this because enough people who know him spoke up and did their homework.
You are a pathetic, insigificant child.
CB from PC says
You don’t like him?
All the more reason to vote for him.
No worse than that lying, senile, self-serving corrupt Biden that you and your Party, along with Harris dismantling the Constitution, are attempting to push into office with fraudulent votes.
Zuffalina says
The dangers of the sovereign citizen movement and it’s relation to white supremacy, gun violence, fraud, refusal to pay taxes, financial fraud, attempts to evade criminal prosecution, and other socially destructive causes that run the gamut from the far right to the opposite end of the spectrum should be frightening to any American who cherishes our democracy. Basically, wherever they stand on the spectrum, sovereign citizens believe they are above the law…any law. I have long studied and been involved with legal matters ranging from financial fraud to murder involving sovereign citizens and the fact that someone who espoused “sovereignty” is running for mayor of Palm Coast is frightening.
Steve says
Nice projection. I have to say you folks are relentless and tenacious but it doesnt matter how many times you say it its still a lie. Good luck in Nov. Whatflavor koolaid today? LOL
Mike Cocchiola says
Already voted for Biden/Harris. But enlighten me. How is Biden, our Party along with Harris dismantling the constitution? Give me an example. And can you give me some examples of fraudulent votes?
RitaMay says
What qualifications does Alan Lowe have to run Palm Coast as our Mayor? It looks like he has never held a political office ever! Oh, I forgot, he does not need any experience/qualifications because he will have Ed Danko and Dennis McDonald telling him how to do it and how to vote. All three of these jerks are cronies of Joe Mullins.
This man is a joke for any political office. Residents of Palm Coast, I can only hope you do your due diligence before you cast your vote. The future of our beautiful city depends on us to vote for the most qualified candidate, not someone who disengages from America to avoid taxes! A real patriot he is not! In his entire life, he has voted one time. Became a registered voter for first time in February of this year.
hawkeye says
I can …in early 2019 I recieved a letter from the flagler county democrats trying to enlist my mom ,who had been dead for 3 years at the time to enroll as a democrat. As I said she had been dead for 3 years and had never been a resident of florida,she lived in pennsylvania, and was an ardent trump supporter. I responded to this letter explaining she was dead and dont try to get dead people to vote as was rumored about the democratic party . I recieved a letter from you personally , apologizing and making excuses about trying to enlist dead people to vote. Less than 2 weeks after that 2 people wearing “flagler county democrat” t-shirts showed up at my house ,looking for my mother ,who once again… lived in PA never in FL, I told them she was dead , get the hell off my property, the man was respectful and started leaving right away ,the woman got nasty and belligerent and I had to warn her that I had no trespassing signs in my window and if she didnt leave ,pronto, she would be dealt with ,she finally left , grumbling the whole time.This episode was captured by my security cameras and I have copies of the letters as well .If you try to deny this ,I call you a liar in advance, as I said ,I have the evidence as to how the democrats operate.This is one of the reasons that even though I am middle of the road politically ,I tend to lean away from the democrats.And yes,this is voter fraud.And yes ,I sent copies of these letters to trumps campaign.
Shark says
Sounds like a spitting image of t-runp!!!!!!
starryid says
When will Flagler Live publicly scrutinized Milissa Holland’s life since 1993?
In the Know says
This is a pointless question.
This question is worse than pointless because it’s only made to cast doubt on Holland’s past and not actually discover anything or enlighten the voters. Smoke and mirrors.
If you know something declare it as a fact, don’t play 2020 politics and hint at it with no proof.
Fact with proof: Lowe went out of his way and filed paperwork to declare what his beliefs are, that he is above everyone else. He’s untouchable for not paying taxes because he’s an Ambassador for Christ! His words in his handwriting and filed with the courts.
Alan Lowe overplayed his hand demanding she quit the race because of the wrongs he feels she has done with his holier than thou speeches.
He runs on a platform of representing and leading the people of FPC while knowing he’s never registered to vote, never owned a successful company or held a job in 40 years. Three divorces tells everyone of his commitment to others, and his true religious beliefs.
Crawl back into your hole Alan, everyone can see through your lies and what the facts really are.
Trailer Bob says
If one really wants to look like a radical fool, all they have to do is continue to bring up (OrangeMan) Trump. The story is about a very disturbed nutjob who is attempting to get elected into office. THAT is what the story should be about. It is really immature, childish, low IQ, to throw the Trump card into any stories or articles one reads.
I will guess that approximately 75% of registered Republicans do not approve of some of the crazy and unorthodox things the President says. Most of us sort of cringe at the articles that we read during the election year. But we also balance out what the elections results mean with regard to taxes, the military, homeland security, jobs, job, and jobs.
As proven by the editors writings, this guy, Mullins, and friends, have been behaving like nutjobs way before there was a President Trump. So try not to call others on their foolishness, then go on to try and sell your own and equal bias and hatred. It’s a child’s game and you should realize that. My God!
Sunshine says
Not necessarily a fan of Holland, but this guy is a nightmare.
Denali says
So now that we thought we knew all there was to know about this poor excuse for a US citizen, he makes a flagrant display of his lack of respect for our constitution.
A couple of years ago, tRump was directed by the federal court that he could not block individuals from commenting on his Facebook or Twitter accounts – something about the First Amendment prohibiting such actions by ‘political’ figures. Apparently Alan Lowe did not get the memo or he, like tRump, does as he sees fit.
Our sovereign citizen, bible wielding, not interested in voting mayoral candidate has now blocked certain members of the public from his Twitter/Facebook accounts. O guess a call the the ACLU is in order. These people (?) have no shame and will stoop to any level to stifle the truth.
Diana L says
Sovereign Citizens claim that they don’t follow the Constitution, the laws of the United States or the 14 Amendment.
Alan Lowe, also deprives a citizen, that he wants to serve, their First Amendment rights. When I posted the Palm Coast Observer’s article and simply asked for his response, no rude remarks, just an ask for an explanation, he has now prohibited me from commenting on his social media account.
How can someone that does not support the Constitution of the United States-even think about running for office?
Diana L says
First off, I would like to send my condolences on the loss of your Mother. Losing a parent is extremely difficult.
Next, any voter information that parties receive come from the voter rolls, which is all public information. My question is, when did your Mother register to vote in Flagler County?
hawkeye says
Never, she lived in pennsylvania
hawkeye says
what I meant to say in my first reply was, never ,she lived in pennsylvania, and was dead 3 years at the time ,thats why I think there was some funny business going on
Stephen J Smith says
If he declared himself a non citizen foreign state then he is unable to run for office.
When he was 31 years old, Lowe declared himself a “sovereign citizen” who did not follow the U.S. Constitution, the laws of the United States or the 14th Amendment, according to a “declaration” he filed with the Flagler County Clerk of Court. He declared he was a “foreign state to the United States, as well as a nonresident alien to the political community thereof, and that no judicial, legislative or executive agents had authority over his decision
Concerned Citizen says
You know it’s a sad state of affairs when we are reduced to voting for the lesser of two evils in this country. I try to keep hope that one day the right candidates will come along and do the job properly.
This guy is taking pages from the Dennis McDonalds ” The Law doesn’t apply to me” handbook. Neither one will get my vote. And I also won’t vote for Holland because I feel it’s time for change.
I’m with some of the other readers. When will we see an article on Mellisa Holland?
John Mason says
Why would anyone even contemplate voting for this guy?
No political experience. No formal education of any type. No job performance or work history for 40 years.
All I see is a narcissist surrounding himself with his self-righteous indignation.
No insightful ideas for the future of FPC except “Out of the box problem solving.”
He cheated investors, local banks, and the IRS and yet declares that “I will be responsible to the taxpayers of Palm Coast.” …Well that would be a first for him.
FACTS: https://www.notolowe.com/
Check out his own website Lowe4Mayor (as he has ironically misspelled the word ‘Responsible’?)
• I will be responsibile to the taxpayers of Palm Coast.
Or how about this one: “I want to serve our city in the best interest of our citizens and lead others by example.”
Lead by example, um… yeah not a great idea coming from you.
Your example would have us all bald-faced lie, financially cheat others, and steal as much as you can fit in a duffle bag getting on to an international flight in the Dominican Republic.
FACTS: https://www.notolowe.com/
We do not need FPC citizens not paying their taxes, Mr. Ambassador or its citizens not participating in democracy, Mr. first time voter.
You told FlaglerLive that you gave it up on the Sovereign thing after a few months?
• “A few months later, Lowe said, he realized he could have his belief system without rejecting the rest. “I realized that stuff was foolish and not what I wanted to live by,” he said.”
If that were true, how did you file yourself as a “Sovereign Citizen” in 1993 and then use that standing as a status to claim that they “did not need to pay income tax related to tax lien filed in 1997.”
A few months is not 48 months? 48 months is enough time for you to have five more children you ignore and abandoned.
Your words Mr. Lowe.
Every convenient lie you thought you had gotten away with has bitten you on the ass. No one needs lessons from a moral-less, three-time divorced, Ambassador for Antichrist, petit thief, international con-man, dead beat daddy.
We don’t need this walking mistake in FPC at all in fact, for any reason.
Go hang with Hunter.
Diana LeBrun says
I suggest that you call the Supervisor of Elections at 386-313-4171, Democrats, like all parties, get their information from public voting rolls. If anything is funny here, the SOE’s office could help you with that information. Good luck.
Marina Danforth-Ebbrecht says
This is a flavor of freak PC cannot afford to elect. Seriously, what the what?! 2020 strikes again.
Shelly B says
How did we end up with two, bizarre and bad choices for mayor anyway? Can we just vote “No Confidence” and pick all new candidates?
Just a man says
I was reading my Bible this morning and I came across these rather fitting verses in Proverbs 26:11-12
“As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.” as well as “Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him.”
The application of these lessons is not lost on Alan Lowe who has played the fool for most of his life, believing himself to be better than all. He shall destroy Palm Coast if, given a chance to, it’s as if everything he touches sours because of his conceit.
May God have mercy on us all.
hawkeye says
thanks, I will try that ,maybe they can help me find out why the democrats tried to enlist her 3 years after she died , and never lived in florida,however ,I sent copies of the letters and her death certificate to the trump campaign and havent heard nothing from them as of yet , maybe too late.
Steve says
YOU said it a very disturbed nut job trying to get Elected to Office = Trump 2020 fits like a glove. Perfectly related to said article LOL
jadobi says
the questions were answered, just not posted to Flagerlive as they are subject to change there… fyi
Carolyn A. Guggenheim says
People do change through a relationship with Jesus Christ. That change will make him a better Mayor.
FlaglerLive says
The questions were not answered, and they were not “subject to change.” The only editing that takes place is as a courtesy to candidates, for clarity and style, as Lowe was made aware in the letter that accompanied the questions. He has chosen to falsely claim that he would be edited for content. It’s not his only falsehood, as subsequent reporting has indicated. He has also illegally stolen the questions, and a FlaglerLive-owned picture that he’s used in his campaign despite being asked to stop using it.
BB says
Perfect description of exactly the person Alan Lowe is. He needs to leave town with his tail between his legs.