Less than 48 hours after insulting Commissioner Greg Hansen at a County Commission meeting, Commissioner Joe Mullins unleashed another string of worse abuse on Hansen, to his face–at an event commemorating the death of 3,000 victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks.
Mullins has continued insulting both Hansen and Commissioner Charlie Ericksen on social media, leveling grossly false accusations at them–that they were trying to arrest anti-mask protesters at last week’s commission meeting, when, in fact, neither Hansen nor Ericksen attempted (or said) anything to that effect, though Mullins was himself responsible for throwing fuel on the fire as the sheriff and deputies were trying to control the protesters.
The incidents have added momentum to a censure motion Hansen and Ericksen want the commission to take action on when it meets again next week. Other elected officials, including a Flagler Beach city commissioner, a school board member running for a commission seat and another candidate running for the same seat, all say action against Mullins is necessary.
“I think there’s a growing wave to try to do something here,” Ericksen said, “so the next meeting might be eye-opening.”
But Commission Chairman Dave Sullivan and Commissioner Donald O’Brien, who have been close to Mullins, are demuring. They refused to rebuke of Mullins’s frequently offensive and bigoted behavior online when constituents asked for action last February, a silence that appears to embolden Mullins further. This week, Sullivan and O’Brien in interviews said they were not ready to discuss the matter of censure, though Ericksen and Hansen repeated their wish to have Mullins censured.
Mullins has been embroiled in controversy since before his election, his veracity often in question. The controversies and falsehoods haven’t ceased, at times infecting fellow-commissioners and the county administration. He has frequently fired insults at elected officials, particularly Hansen, but from his social media platform or the half-hour radio commercial he buys every week. That changed last week when he insulted fellow-commissioners at a commission meeting.
Shortly after he’d incited a small crowd back to rowdiness at the beginning of last week’s Flagler County Commission meeting, called Hansen a “fat sonofabitch” and belittled Ericksen about his age, Mullins seemed to apologize to Hansen, though he still ignored Ericksen.
O’Brien had taken Mullins to a back room and given him a talking-to. “I took him in the back and told him that his behavior was inappropriate,” O’Brien said, recalling classes every commissioner takes through the state association of counties at the beginning of their term, teaching them how to behave. The classes include videos of commissioners behaving badly. “The message was you cannot behave like this, ever, because it’s just not appropriate, and I reminded Joe about it when we had that little discussion about it.”
Mullins had also called Sheriff Rick Staly to apologize for undermining him. It was Staly who had managed to calm a group of 12 to 15 anti-maskers (several of them Mullins acolytes) who were loudly and rudely defying Commission Chairman Dave Sullivan to put on masks or leave the room.
Email Them:
“I said, well, commissioner, I appreciate the phone call to apologize,” Staly said, describing his exchange with Mullins in an interview. “I did think I had it calming down and was explaining the rights of everyone, and it kind of went out of control, and he basically said, ‘I know, I shouldn’t have said it.’ Then I gave him political advice: you know, you’re only 20 percent of the vote on the commission, and to get things done you’ve got to build relationships with your colleagues.”
The lessons, the talking-to and the apologies did not stick.
On his Facebook page, Mullins accused Hansen and Ericksen of attacking “residents using what they deem as political supremacy,” said Ericksen “makes Biden look more alert and smarter than Einstein,” and doubled down: “This stuff has been going on tense and going on for a while with these two clowns. But attacking the citizens is enough. I gladly stand by my words and actions and will always be by the people of Flagler. Especially when two commissioners are pushing our great chairman to have the sheriff arrest our good hardworking residents.”
As Mullins himself had conceded to the sheriff, and the sheriff confirmed, the only problem was Mullins’ inciting the anti-maskers himself–not Ericksen and Hansen, who had done nothing more than agree with Sullivan: if Mullins wanted to leave the commission room, he should. A further Mullins posting–”I will always stand with our sheriff and our community”–contradicted the way he literally stood against Staly as he was inciting the group Staly was calming down.
“He just can’t tell the truth,” Hansen said.
Less than 48 hours later, the Elks Club was preparing for its annual 9/11 ceremony. It took place Friday morning. Mullins’s next outburst took place about 20 minutes before the event, set for 8 a.m.
Palm Coast Mayor Milissa Holland, one of the speakers at the event, described in an interview. how it unfolded in front of her.
“The first person I saw walk out of the Elks building was Commissioner Hansen,” Holland said. “I said hello, we were just conversing back and forth. Commissioner Mullins walked out at that point, and asked the question about if Commissioner Hansen and I had discussed funding [sheriff’s] deputies, if the city of Palm Coast had funded additional deputies in this year’s budget. I stated yes, we had discussed it,” and that the city was funding five deputies–two when the next fiscal year starts, a third through the Town Center redevelopment agency, and two more in the second half of next year.
Mullins wasn’t happy that Holland and Hansen were talking about deputies.
Hansen said he asked Mullins: “Why do you want to know? And then he just blew up.”
“He began to launch into an entire continuous, derogatory comments towards Commissioner Hansen, and I just stood there in between them, as that took place,” Holland said.
“Milissa was right there, she was taking the brunt of it,” Hansen said, quoting Mullins’s tirade as: “You don’t know what’s going to happen, I’m bringing the whole world down upon you and you’re not going to have that seat much longer.” Hansen said he didn’t recall the exact words Mullins used, but that he used offensive language. “He’d obviously lost it. He was shaking.”
Holland was hesitant to repeat the language she said she heard Mullins use. When pressed, she said: “I recall him saying that he [Hansen] was fat piece of shit whose gut is hanging out so far that he was going to die because he was so fat, and that he was going to come after him and make sure he takes him out, that either him or someone else more powerful was going to run against him in two years. And he repeated his weight several times.”
“He absolutely said that,” Holland said, rejecting any possibility of misunderstanding or an attempt at crass humor on Mullins’s part: she said he was adamant. “I would say Commissioner Hansen felt there was something else going on with him and has relayed that to me.”
“Commissioner Hansen was incredibly restrained,” Holland continued. “Both of us sort of stood there silently, there was very little reaction. It came in rapid progression. He was very animated and obviously very upset.”
“I’ve been in tougher situations,” Hansen said.
Hansen relayed the incident to Staly after the ceremony. Staly confirmed it, and said Hansen had not been concerned for his safety. “Hansen is a retired Navy Captain, he can take care of himself, I suspect,” the sheriff said.
(Contacted last week for an interview, after the original incident, Mullins replied a day later in an email, “Sure have someone from observer or News journal reach out [sic.],” and in the following line invited FlaglerLive’s editor to appear on his radio commercial. “We have had many that want us to do that. It will be a great event. I would Do a sizable donation to cancer in both names.” The astoundingly crass reference to cancer aside, it is contrary to FlaglerLive policy for reporters to appear on paid commercials of any sort.)
Others, including commissioners, quickly learned of the incident at the Elks Club. Sullivan and O’Brien were not there, but Sullivan had heard about it. He wouldn’t comment about it, “because it all connects” he said, referring to the possible discussion of a censure at the Sept. 21 meeting. “I really must say for a whole bunch of reasons, no comment, it could be something we discuss in the future, my answer right now is a hard no comment,” Sullivan said. “It could be an item that comes up at a future meeting where a decision will have to be made.”
Sullivan–whose campaign Mullins helped down to planting signs with him and contributing at least $1,000–wouldn’t say whether he even wanted the matter to come up. “Especially as me being the current chairman,” Sullivan said. “I know it’s an issue that had some publicity recently due to our last meeting.”
O’Brien said he had “not really thought about” the matter. “It’s a dangerous road to go down, I don’t even know if we’re allowed to do that.” He said if someone behaved as Mullins did, he should suffer the political consequences, an echo of O’Brien’s position in February, when he said Mullins’s Facebook behavior was beyond the commission’s ken.
“I don’t even know what the commission as a legal body, what our rights or abilities are, unless it’s a simple vote we can say, we don’t like this behavior, we don’t condone it,” O’Brien said.
Al Hadeed, the county attorney, said it is entirely within the commissioners’ purview to censure one of their own. “There are no rules that govern censure, there’s no statute, but the board can make motions as it wishes, at their pleasure,” Hadeed said. “They can adopt certain actions. Now, there’s no ability for a body to remove one of its members. That power is solely in the hands of the governor for a commissioner. We don’t have a recall process. A commissioner can make a motion to censure somebody, see if there’s a second.”
“I’d have to think about it,” O’Brien said, “and I’d have to listen to the discussion, so hopefully somebody would second it so we can have a discussion about it.” O’Brien said Mullins’s behavior was “pretty uncalled for,” then explained how he took him to a back room to tell him so.
“Do I get emails about it? Damn right I do,” O’Brien said, including emails about Mullins potentially being the next chairman. “It’s not the first time it’s come up, let’s put it that way.” Mullins is in line to be the next chairman of the commission, starting in November. But that decision is up to his colleagues, who vote on their chairperson. It’s usually a rotation. Ericksen has declined it twice. “If there was a time for us to consider breaking the tradition that has been in place since the reign of Jim Darby, this might be one of those times,” O’Brien said, his strongest suggestion yet that he’d oppose a Mullins chairmanship. (Darby is the former commissioner whose immovable tenure as chairman, year after year, resembled that of a potentate.)
There has never been a censure vote on the Flagler commission in recent memory, if ever, though in the early 1990s Marcus Strickland Jr., known as Junior Strickland, was removed as chairman by his colleagues, who had become disenchanted with the way he ran meetings.
Various commissioners and others have talked to Hadeed about censure.
“I don’t want to discuss the conversations that I have with commissioners on issues because I want them to continue to feel free to confer with me about issues in a way that they can have confidence, a) that the advice I’m giving them is as objective as I can determine, b) that I’m not going to share it with other commissioners, that they can trust my discretion, and c) that the advice I give them is always going to be framed by what’s in the public interest and not for a partisan outcome or some other outcome that’s not related to what’s best for the public interest.”
Along those very lines of public interest, Hadeed was pressed about whether Hansen was crafting a censure motion. “He did discuss with me that he was working on wording but I didn’t formulate a motion for him nor did he formulate the exact wording of the motion that he might employ,” Hadeed said.
Other elected officials or candidates for the commission have condemned Mullins.
“Mr. Mullins behavior at the recent Commission meeting was out of line, not becoming of a County Commissioner and should be addressed,” Andy Dance, the school board member running for Ericksen’s commission seat, said in an email. (Ericksen is not running for reelection.) “Regardless of our personal feelings toward certain Commissioners, we need to put them aside and treat each other with respect in order to do the business of the people. We can disagree all day long, but we can not stoop to personal insults if Commission actions do not go our way.” (Mullins contributed $500 to Dance’s campaign last December.)
“From my experience on the Flagler School Board,” Dance continued, “effective elected boards occur when the five different personalities focus not on their personal differences, but on the mission and vision of the board. The board members must remember that they are servants and stewards to the public, and the work of the Board must be placed ahead of personal differences.”
Dance is facing Corinne Hermle in November’s election for the Ericksen seat. Hermle went a step further than Dance: “What we all witnessed was Commissioner Mullins threatening his fellow board members in the board room, in front of the public,” she said. “The board should censure him, and the board recommend the governor suspend him from office. Robert’s Rules state that a deliberative body has the right to make and enforce standards of conduct of its members, and to punish any offender of that body. The county commission board is well within its rights to censure a member for their unprofessional behavior before the board and public.”
Hermle added: “As a state employee, when I once witnessed very similar threatening behavior occur in the past, the state employee in that instance was immediately suspended and eventually terminated from employment.”
The Flagler Beach City Commission a few weeks ago approved a new civility ordinance that addresses commissioner, employee and public conduct at its meetings. Commissioner Eric Cooley, who supported the ordinance, is among the few elected officials in Flagler who have confronted Mullins over his aggressive or boorish behavior toward others.
“Using bullying, harassment, personal attacks, threats, physical intimidation, etc. to change outcomes of official decisions being made is highly unethical and in some cases illegal,” Cooley said. “It is important that we as elected officials recognize this type of behavior as a threat to the integrity of our local political system and address it. It is critical that representatives feel they can make the best decisions possible for the taxpayers. Unacceptable and unprofessional personal conduct at county meetings aside, it is imperative that the chair and all elected officials in the county intervene to ensure that the integrity of our local decision making process is protected. There is too much at stake to let this continue. Flagler County is better than this and now is the time to make a correction and move forward before further and possible permanent damage is done.”
Laura Shaver says
Can we “un-elect” Mullins? He is an embarrassment for Palm Coast.
Steve says
Yeehaw right there at 2709 on a 9/11 Day to Honor those we lost. Classless. This guys a loose cannon and for a diminutive man he should be careful who he plays with. I suspect he has a substance abuse/alcohol/Mental health problem just an opinion. By the way is it just me or does he look like a hamster with his pouches full.Lol This is no way to attract new residents, Conpanies, Corporations etcto the area… Folks read this shit and are appalled. You all need to straighten out your Politics pronto. Meanwhile I watch from a distance with a smile on my face sorry Good Luck
Another one lost says
Joe obviously has substance abuse issues. He has has been open and frequently spoke on this topic while forming (and abruptly abandoning) The Flagler County Opioid task force after his election. He claimed that a 2 week stint in rehab several years ago did the trick. In articles from other publications it was revealed that he has been in and out of rehabs several times over the years. He seems to now have found a new addiction. In one of his recent paid radio “commercials” Joe was being Joe and touting to his guest how successful he was in everything he does. His latest triumph is in the area of physical fitness. He bragged about being in such tremendous shape that he has achieved an astounding 3% body fat ratio. This feat is usually reserved for world class athletes including marathon runners, Triathletes etc. It can also be achieved through the use of a variety of anabolic steroids. Jack LaLane, the most recognizable health fanatic and “natural” body builder of his era was only able to achieved 5% body fat ratio in his prime (and he trained 7 days a week for several hours a day). Incidentally, the facial distortion that you refer to is known as “moon face”, a common side effect of steroid use. The “roid rage” is as obvious as the cheeks on his face.
Corinne Hermle says
It is important that elected bodies maintain professional standards of behavior. It is what helps grease the wheels of cooperation and helps our democracy function.
When elected officials are allowed to get away with behaviors that cause their fellow board members feel threatened or intimidated, collaboration and cooperation becomes incredibly difficult.
And how can a board succeed if its members no longer feel comfortable collaborating?
Corinne Hermle
County Commission candidate for District 1
Palm Coast Voter With Ethics says
Mullins is – and always has been – an embarrassment to our Commission. You fools who voted for him should have paid more attention to the people in Georgia who ran him out of town on a rail. SMH. Silly sheep. (No, I am not a Democrat.) Vote him out next time! Pathetic.
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
Could someone PLEASE put a muzzle on Joe Mullins and send him back to his home, which is Georgia, not Flagler County. I can’t believe taxpayers are still footing the bill for this loud-mouthed do-nothing. He should have been ousted long ago. The picture at the top of this story is ingrained in my mind forever. Can’t wait for the next commissioners election.
Get Real says
Palm Coast Mayor Milissa Holland, one of the speakers at the event, described in an interview. how it unfolded in front of her.
“The first person I saw walk out of the Elks building was Commissioner Hansen,” Holland said. “I said hello, we were just conversing back and forth. Commissioner Mullins walked out at that point, and asked the question about if Commissioner Hansen and I had discussed funding [sheriff’s] deputies, if the city of Palm Coast had funded additional deputies in this year’s budget. I stated yes, we had discussed it,” and that the city was funding five deputies–two when the next fiscal year starts, a third through the Town Center redevelopment agency, and two more in the second half of next year.
Mullins wasn’t happy that Holland and Hansen were talking about deputies.
So much for the Sunshine Law.
FlaglerLive says
Hansen is a county commissioner. Holland is Palm Coast’s mayor. The conversations of elected officials from independent government bodies are not subject to the sunshine law’s open meeting restrictions.
Trailer Bob says
Yes, it looks like he is sticking his middle finger out in the picture. Probably is.
I won’t be condescending towards him at this point, because I believe he is suffering from mental illness.
Still, we are getting sick and tired of the embarrassment by an elected official in Flagler County…something none of us deserve and something that is NOT necessary.
Think before you choose who to vote for next time you vote. Don’t just vote by party affiliation, Don’t just vote based on a candidates income or assets, and do a little research about the candidates (it’s called Google).
I guess the entertainment will end in two years…two years too late.
capt says
Again the people have expressed their concerns on Mr Mullins deplorable behavior so its up to the other Commissioners if they have the balls to act on the removal of Mullins or as a group put a muzzle on this jerk.
Just me says
His behavior seems like ‘Roid Rage to me.
Sherry says
Censure and then begin the process for a “recall election” for Joe Mullins immediately! His conduct is reprehensible and completely unacceptable!
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Title X
Chapter 112
View Entire Chapter
112.51 Municipal officers; suspension; removal from office.—
(1) By executive order stating the grounds for the suspension and filed with the Secretary of State, the Governor may suspend from office any elected or appointed municipal official for malfeasance, misfeasance, neglect of duty, habitual drunkenness, incompetence, or permanent inability to perform official duties.”
The Commissioners and County Attorney are all well aware that they have the law as well as a legally worded Resolution ( sent to them all twice and published by Flagler Live -thanks ) prepared for them to act- all that appears to be missing is their brains and b…..s to do so (in my opinion
deb says
Commissioners Sullivan and O’Brien grow up and do something instead of kissing Mullins butt. Do what’s best for this county.
Paula says
Mullins reminds me of someone….oh, yes!
It’s the current President of the United States.
TR says
You mean someone who gets things done. I would rather have someone in office with a big mouth and does what he/she says he/she will do instead of someone who has no clue about what he/she is saying or doing because of the puppet strings they are attached to.
Who does that remind me of…. oh yea the guy hiding from the public who thinks he will be President.
TR: The problem is that Mullins has a “BIG MOUTH” about all the wrong things and what backdoor deals has he uncovered or says he will uncover in the future! He hardly sits still at a FCBOCC meeting and when he is not getting up from his seat to walk away he is on his cell phone, he is the least bit interested when citizens come to the podium to speak and he has a look of disgust on his face, he votes the same way on agendas as his 2 buddies vote, the only thing that sparks his attention is when Jane Gentile Youd is at the podium as she speaks the truth about the corruption going on, oh yeah he sure has a “BIG MOUTH with Jane who sees right through all of them but the rest of his buddies are too intimidated by Jane’s insight and realness to speak up, which is why they would love to shut her down. Mullins also called Jane old and senile-sounds familiar? He has done NADA with the flight school noise nuisance tin can planes which continue to hammer communities day and night and his buddies who work at the airport have the same mindset and arrogant BIG MOUTH attitude toward the citizens of this community.
SAY WHAT? says
TR you are exactly right when you say Mullins gets things done, he has certainly managed to divide the citizens in this county with his divisive language that he and his buddies foster!
E. Hoffa says
Mullins is a Adam Schiff want-a-be! He talks like Maxine Waters instead trying to improve Palm Coast! Time to STOP the name calling and work for the people!
Sally says
No, sir you are mistaken. He has fashioned himself as a Trump wanna be. Insults, nicknames, boorish behavior- sound familiar?
Cancel Joe Mullins says
Joke F. Mullins, in my opinion, was never eligible or fit to run for office in this county. He’s a carpetbagging shit kicker that should go back to Georgia, if they’ll have him.
Dismayed says
Mr. Mullins seems to be a graduate of the trump school of conduct. He behaves like a little Napoleon and someday someone will resort to punching him out if he continues his adolescent antics. It’s embarrassing to the county and especially to those of us in his zone. “Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?”
Larry Blankenship says
The commission needs to find a way to kick his ass to the curb and move on with business.
Right says
I am a Republican. I never cared for Mullins. I thought he was a bullsh!tter from the very evening he took the stage at European Village during election. His behavior after that, and now this recent outburst, has been appalling. Those of you that are part of his flock and follow him blindly thinking he’s just outspoken and doesn’t take any crap, open your eyes. Its a behavioral issue and when he really cracks, you, who swear by him, will not have a thread of credibility left in the party. On the other hand, if you condone this latest behavior of making fun of someone with cancer, calling him fat and telling him he’s going to die, then by all means, follow Joe right off his political cliff.
THE 3 STOOGES Do they not have any integrity or respect for their fellow constituents. Stooge O’Brien is a complete joke talking about how he reprimanded Stooge Mullins and showed him videos about how he should behave and conduct himself as a public figure, are you kidding us? Mullins clearly needs some kind of interventions and videos for first graders are not going to work for him! Stooge Sullivan has a perpetual wise a-s grin on his face and seems to be enjoying the circus. It is clear that Mullins is Mullins, his behavior is not going to change so PLEASE everyone show up at this important meeting as there are powers in numbers. And please everyone take a look at Corinne Hermle, her credentials are flawless, she is a scientist and a brilliant woman at that don’t just vote by party affiliation, vote for what is good for our county and its people!
Paul Harrington says
Joe Mullins,
I may not always agree with decisions you make as well those of Commissioners Hansen and Sullivan however I don’t resort to insults or taking to social media with comments regarding your physique. What would I accomplish by doing that? It is encumbent upon you to maintain a suitable discourse that brings consensus, a positive outcome.
Contention brings no results and divisiveness has it’s consequences. Resorting to insults and threats is childish.
Both Commissioner’s Hansen and Sullivan are veterans. Commissioner Erickson is not running for re-election. Get off your Show Pony and give a little respect.
Dedicated American says
Why are Commissioners Sullivan and O’Brien protecting Mullins. With all the complaints brought before the board by residents since Mullins took office, nothing has been done. On many occasions there were Agenda votes that were voted on where Sullivan and O’Brien or Hansen and O’Brien were voting yes and Mullins was the third yes. Mullins has had a drug problem and he probably is still does. Check out the pouches on both sides of his cheeks. Sullivan and O’Brien should be voted out of office in November and Mullins should be replaced by Governor DeSantis. And as far as Hansen goes check out all the campaign contributions he received and voters don’t you think payback favors are expected. Enough is enough for the taxpayers of this county.
Flipflop Guys says
Why is he still here? He attacks everyone who doesn’t agree with him, no matter what the issue is……do the right thing…. and save our county from more embarrassment…..REMOVE THIS FOOL !!!!!!!
Vincent Lyon says
I honestly wonder if he’s fallen off the wagon.
Mike Scivo says
As an attorney that works at the law firm that represents Mr Mullins how can you publicly speculate about something as serious as someone falling off the wagon? Seems quite unethical to me
Roy Longo says
Really? You claim to be Mullins’ attorney and call someone else unethical?
SKEVO and KAREN : You’re joking right? Talking about public speculation? It’s Mullin’s who makes a PUBLIC SPECTACLE OF HIMSELF. After what he called Commissioner Hansen that I don’t even want to repeat and how he made horrific reference to Commissioner Ericksen’s mind! AND we have a whole bunch of other very disturbing references that he had made to people of color and to gays!
Karen Joiner says
Me too….
Concerned Citizen says
And the circus at the BOCC continues all on our dime.
Instead of calling on their consituents to “step outside” these commisioners need to do their job. You need to handle your busniess professionally and ethically at all times. Not just when the media is paying attention.
As one of those citizens Mullins wanted to put on a bus (No we haven’t forgotten) I’m not surprised it has come to this. This BOCC does not know how to behave properly. Much less handle a little man child that is acting out. And guess what. We hold the entire BOCC responsible. Because you all have the power to remove him. If he is making threats have him arrested.
All the bickering and fighting and name calling needs to stop. If I or any other readers working in the private sector acted this way we would be unemployed.
I have lost faith in our entire BOCC.
Concerned citizen: Mullins DID FORGET by showing his ugly behavior at a 9/11 commemoration and also THEY forgot as they allowed flight school planes soar over a community on 9/11. Question to Mullins: Why do you have your crony’s hovering over people’s facebook pages which is very sick and demented, instead of Big brother is watching in 1984 what we have here is Little Mullins is watching in 2020. Mullins, at the end of the day it’s what’s in a person’s HEART that counts and not about physical appearance, what party they belong to, how they identify as gender, the color of their skin or ethnic background, I can go on and on about you and your crony’s embarrassing name calling to citizens in our community, and as for people saying that Mullins has a mental health issue we think not, this is just who he really is!
Bethechange says
Finally! Something Democrats and Republicans agree on.
Mike Cocchiola says
Mullins must be stopped! The Commission must approve a motion of censure on Monday. Be there This Monday (Sept. 21) at 5:00 pm and speak up for censure. If we get a crowd (wear masks!!) we can get censure.
marlee says
Mullins needs to take a medical mental health “leave of absence”.
Eith Campins says
Republicans knew he was bad news but as one Republican I knew put it, “…a bad Republican is better than a good Democrat.” I guess Commissioner Sullivan and Obrien are waiting until Mullins resorts to physical violence. Mullins is disgusting, vulgar and rude. The bottom line is that for all his talk that he has attended this amd met with so and so, he has accomplished nothing for the citizens of Flagler County. Time for a recall.
Percy's mother says
Mullins’ followers running for political office in November:
1. Victor Barbosa, a Mullins man. Running for Palm Coast City council.
2. Alan Lowe, a Mullins man. Running for Mayor of Palm Coast.
3. Ed Danko, a Mullins man. Running for Palm Coast City Council, District 1 (Bob Cuff’s seat).
Ed Danko was run out of Dare County and forced to resign from the Dare County Republican Executive Committee for threatening a future constituent. He is a carbon copy of Mullins.
People, don’t make the same mistake twice.
palmcoaster says
Boot the Bully request that governor recalls him and if DeSantis doesn’t, censor him. He copies Trump behavior. C’mon Sullivan and O;Brien are you that afraid of his swampy base? Substance abusers are violent and unpredictable…don’t do commissioners receive random drug test too if not I think is need as workers/the people can’t refuse them and after all they work for us the people.
John Stove says
No matter which party, right or left you support…..this is unacceptable! This is just not normal behavior for a regular person let alone an elected official who is supposed to represent us.
Why is this allowed to continue? How in the world can this go on? The other commissioners need to stop enabling this behavior now!
Enough already….he is a bully and an embarrassment
tulip says
I wonder how many Trump supporters here that are rightfully complaining about and ripping up Mullins are still planning on voting for Trump who is 500 times worse? Maybe the lightbulb will come on with some of these people. Mullins should be dismissed from the BOCC immediately and I wonder why Sullivan in particular seems to “protect” Mullins.
Right says
Can we have ONE conversation about local politics without bringing National…you know the thing… politics into it? Come on man.
Koreanvet says
Let’s not forget when Mullin was stopped by police on two occasions he tried to use his office and sheriff Staly ‘s name to get the officer to give him a pass????he is on something and thinks laws don’t apply to him .what he needs is to threaten the wrong person and he will receive what’s coming to him.
When he threatened comm Erickson he was
totally out of order
for that he should be removed from OUR commission . Personally I think he is a blow hard .Remove him before something really bad happens like down in South Fl.
John Brady says
It is hard to believe that some of his behavior has not risen to the level of criminal. A sheriff with guts would have arrested him when Mullins was menacing Commission Hansen and when he was interfering with the conduction of a public meeting. Mullins must be muzzled. Also Sullivan and O’Brien do the right thing
Mythoughts says
Mr. Napoleon is at it again, the bull in a china closet, he is a walking time bomb.
He is like Trump whether their names are in the news for bad stories they are just happy their names hit the news.
As far as Gov. DeSantis removing Mullin ain’t going to happen they are both Trump puppets and only listen to Trump they have no brains of their own.
Ron says
Since the commission is too weak to control Mullins I just sent an email to the Governor recommending his removal. I guess that the upcoming meeting may involve a boxing match. Mullins VS. Flagler County. Mullins is here for one purpose only. That purpose is to increase his wealth by using his position on the commission.
Kim says
I am embarrassed to live in a community where not only this completely unqualified person was elected, but where we all waste our time putting up with him like helpless victims. Action can and should be taken. Would you personally just stand down and let someone treat you this way? Well, we are all doing just that! Get some self respect, Flagler County. Especially our other elected officials. Shame on you!
Percy's mother says
Well, we also have and had a completely unqualified Flagler County school board member with a fake PhD and supposedly a license to practice in a mental health capacity. In actuality that license doesn’t exist and never existed. What does that tell you about voter intelligence and mentality in Flagler? Luckily, said school board member with the fake PhD and nonexistent license to practice just was voted OUT.
Self-respect in Flagler County? What’s that?
Thoughtful consideration in Flagler County? What’s that?
Coherent and critical thinking in Flagler County? What’s that?
Allyn Feinstein says
Order a random TOX screen on every member of the council at the next meeting. The results should be interesting.
ASF says
The people in this town wanted a Donald Trump. They got one.
Eva says
Appalling. It is not at all about party or politics, it is about the duties of an elected official. This man has failed on all fronts. This latest behavior is bordering on mental and scary. I would hope the commissioners do their JOB for us the people of Flagler County. It is past time for censure, and request recall. Do you JOBS, Commissioners, or go down with this appalling ship of a man!!
Blerbfivefamily says
Are elected officials required to pass a pre-employment background check and drug screening before they take the oath of office? It is only fair as most applicants in both the private and public sectors are probably required to submit to these tests as a condition of their employment. And what would happen if something did show up in either one of these screenings? Could they be barred from taking office which would mean an additional election and additional costs. That is why it is so important to research the candidates before casting your vote.
FlaglerLive says
The county has a drug-testing policy. It does not apply to elected officials.
Disgusted in Minion says
This little piece of a short man looks stoned out of his pathetic mind, he’s laughing at what he’s getting away with. Please remove him ASAP. What an absolute disgusting person.
Ron says
This is the reason why I stay away from 9/11 events. Keep politics out of these events. I for one do not care what you have to say. I honor all my brother firefighters and all those that loss their lives by praying.
steve says
It is important for city representatives to remember why they took the job. To serve, period. Discussions regarding our city challenges and future needs should be had as a group, not just the mayor and one person, this is a lack of leadership from the top. If those who have been elected are more interested in personal attacks and feeling like they have power then they need not be in office in our city. You are stewards of our community. Your meetings should be productive discussions on how to better our community. If you cannot do this then you all need to step down and let those of us who can put the city and it’s citizens first, do just that. Please refrain from your schoolyard spats on my tax dollar. In other words, grow up!