A little over an hour into the Flagler County Commission meeting Wednesday, Commissioner Joe Mullins addressed the county’s health director about the coronavirus. “I hate seeing what it’s doing to each other,” Mullins said. “What we’re doing and the way we’re talking to each other, the way we’re treating each other.”
It was a strange thing to say in light of his earlier behavior. About an hour before, after Mullins had stormed off the dais, ostensibly to join anti-maskers who were refusing to mask up inside, he stormed back on, walked in a fighting stance behind the chairman of the commission toward Commissioner Greg Hansen, and said of Hansen: “I’m going to be very clear, that fat sonofabitch here is not going to tell me what to do.”
Mullins also called Commissioner Charlie Ericksen a “useless old man,” according to Ericksen.
“He called me a fat sonofabitch, and then he started to walk away and turned around and said I’m fed up with your wife, too,” Hansen said in an interview. Mullins was referring to Linda Hansen, who’s taken issue with Mullins’s behavior in the past and alerted the county administrator about it, only to draw an intimidating notice from Mullins’s local attorney to leave him alone.
Mullins’s insult of Hansen is clearly audible on a video of the meeting. His insult to Ericksen is not clear. Hansen remembered it as Mullins “talking about his addled brain,” Meaning Ericksen’s. Ericksen, who’s been going through several medical issues, has spoken publicly about his recent struggles with memory.
For Mullins, Wednesday’s display of aggression and the kind of demeaning insults that target individuals personally is nothing new. He’s publicly demeaned a former elections supervisor over her weight, his targets have included transgender people or people he thought he was insulting as transgender, his verbal attacks on local Democrats are legion, including a wish to have them transported out by the trainload–a slur some took as an allusion of Auschwitz-bound cattlecars–he continuously used anti-Semitic tropes to caricature the editor of this site, and he so intimidated Ericksen last spring that Ericksen felt it necessary to contact the sheriff to seek guidance.
Ericksen spoke of that incident in an interview in May but said he was afraid of the repercussions if it was placed on the record. Ericksen removed the restriction in an interview today, saying he was afraid what might happen to others if it wasn’t known. “He’s leading up to the possibility of something that could be damaging to somebody,” Ericksen said today. “He loves to intimidate people. He’s got that little-man complex.” Ericksen called him “dangerous,” describing Mullins on Wednesday as having “fire in his eyes.”
In May, Ericksen said Mullins was lambasting him for supposedly not showing up at advisory or committee meetings to which commissioners are assigned, though at the time few if any such meetings were being held because of the coronavirus. “He’d decided I was something like a sorry ass,” Ericksen said at the time. “I barked back at him and told him he was full of shit and he’d better not threaten me or I’d bring this up before the whole commission. That seemed to infuriate him more.” Ericksen then hung up on him.
He grew afraid–”he scared the piss out of me”–and said he contacted the sheriff. “He just reassured me that if [Mullins] ever showed up at my door, they’d respond. I did not file a complaint against the character but I did feel worried, I did feel scared.” He called Mullins “a punk” who is “going to be dangerous.”
Staly confirmed the account today. “I do remember Charlie Ericksen calling me with concerns,” Staly said, “and I said that if he felt threatened that he should report it, we’d have a deputy take the report. He indicated he didn’t want to do that. I think he said something like ‘I’m concerned he’s just going to show up at my house,’ and I said if that happens you need to call us and a deputy will respond.”
Mullins, who has not responded to interview requests since FlaglerLive reported last November on his company buying a parcel of land from County Administrator Jerry Cameron for over $400,000, did not respond to an email requesting an interview about his run-ins with Hansen and Ericksen.
The incident on Wednesday took place as a commission meeting was being disrupted for 30 minutes by anti-maskers who refused to follow county-building rules and mask up in order to stay in the chamber, where there were upwards of 50 people, despite repeated entreaties by Sullivan and the sheriff. The sheriff at one point had the group calmed down–until Mullins spoke up and vaporized the calm Staly had worked toward with the group.
The meeting was scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. Mullins, maskless, walked in to take his seat just as Sullivan was explaining the rules to the crowd. Mullins didn’t put one on even after Sullivan said everyone in the room had to wear one. “We have over 50 people in the room,” he said. “Big Difference,” Ericksen said. Mullins finally put a mask on. The anti-maskers kept their seats and stayed maskless. Staly walked up to Sullivan, they spoke. “No, I don’t think they should be arrested, but yeah,” Sullivan is heard telling the sheriff before adding: “I don’t know what else I’m going to do except say I’m not going to start the meeting until everybody has a mask on.”
People just sat there, unmoved by Sullivan’s entreaties, unmoving from their chairs. Staly then went before the anti-maskers and began calmly and for over three minutes speaking to them to defuse the situation. He told them there was no enforcement component to mask measures local governments have enacted, but after telling them that he was all for defending their constitutional rights, he noted building rules. Some of them told him they “owned” the building as taxpayers.
“I said you might technically own the building as a taxpayer, but the manager/custodian or the management of this building is up to five county commissioners and the administrator, they have every legal right to make any rule that they want for entry,” Staly said he told the group. “I had them calmed down, or getting close to that anyways. I said look, if you cause a commotion here, and refuse to follow their rules, you can be asked to leave. I said then if you don’t leave you could be arrested for trespass. I think that’s when Mullins stood up behind me, I really don’t know.”
It is.
“Guys I want to, I want to weigh in on this with it as well,” Mullins told Sullivan and fellow-commissioners, his mask dangling from his right ear. Both Sullivan and Hansen tell him no. “We haven’t started,” both say, both of them gesturing him off.
“I’m weighing in as a citizen,” Mullins says, ripping the mask from his ear and slamming it down on the dais, “so y’all are going to tell me I can’t as a citizen? Then I’ll walk out with them as well.”
“Well, good, go ahead, Joe,” Sullivan tells him, a rare public rebuff by Sullivan of a man he’d generally coddled, as has the administration. (“I was very proud of Dave for standing up to Mullins,” Hansen told Ericksen later, leaning toward him.)
The anti-maskers Staly had just calmed applaud Mullins, who gets up theatrically, picks up his mask, his bag and other items, says “I’m not going to allow this,” and exits stage right. (But not really. He only walks to the area where County Administrator Jerry Cameron and County Attorney Al Hadeed are sitting.) But by then he’s roused the anti-maskers again, who start making declamations about the ineffectiveness of masks or how they cause harm (both untrue). “This is America, land of the free,” one yells out. Staly was still at the front of the room, his work invalidated by Mullins.
“I think that’s when Mullins stood up and it all went south,” Staly said. “I don’t really know exactly what Mullins said, but it wasn’t calm anymore, and that’s when the chairman shut it down, cleared out the room.” Hansen saw the situation as Staly had: “Dave Sullivan was handling it very well, Rick Staly was there, they kind of had it under control,” until Mullins spoke up.
By then 12 minutes had passed. “Here’s what’s going to happen, I’m going to call …” Sullivan tries to say.
“I think you’re forgetting that you guys are public servants,” one of the anti-maskers yells out.
“I’m not forgetting it at all,” Sullivan shoots back. “But anyway, you’re not recognized. You’re not recognized. You’re speaking without a mask on. Just follow the rules, we’ll be happy.”
“You guys have had it easy way too long,” someone says.
“Public servants!”
“We’re adjourned, we’re adjourned,” Sullivan says, “and at this point I want the room cleared.” No one gets up until a deputy orders them to.
Two minutes later, as deputies are still trying to clear the room, Mullins, who’d never left, storms back onto the dais, puts down his drink can and unleashes his insult at Hansen.
Hansen, who maintains a stony calm, apparently explains something procedural.
“I don’t care. Let him say it. You don’t,” Mullins now yells at Hansen directly, “you don’t! You don’t!” (In fact, Mullins had been addressing all commissioners–”guys”–when he sought to speak and was shut down.) Mullins then walks behind Sullivan toward Hansen in a clearly aggressive way, approaching Hansen halfway between Sullivan’s chair and Hansen’s, pointing and continuing to yell. Ericksen immediately catches the attention of a deputy, who was dealing with the crowd. The deputy intervenes and asks Mullins to walk away from the commissioners, back toward his seat. Mullins complies. The deputy speaks to him. Mullins stands, his hands on his hips. The video cuts off at that point.
It’s not clear if it was this interaction with the deputy or another one within that time frame that angered Mullins, but at one point, Staly said, Mullins approached him to complain about the deputy. “As a result of that Mullins came up to me and basically wanted to complain on the deputy,” Staly said. “He was, let me say, animated. And I told him: ‘Commissioner, they work for me, not for you. I will look into your complaint.’”
Ironically, toward the end of the meeting six hours later, Mullins made a long speech about the importance of supporting law enforcement and, after a meandering speech rife with political overtones about “socialism,” “the radical left” and violence, looting and crime (which has been non-existent in Flagler, where crime is at a historic low) made a motion to have the commission fund four extra deputies, though the commission was preparing to approve the settled budget it had worked on in the first of two hearings later that very day. Mullins’s grandstanding is often transparent. In this case it startled even the commissioners. Mullins’s motion died.
His end-of-meeting statement had been leaden with inaccuracies (“Seattle defunded their police department, they voted unanimously to do that,” he said, prefacing his call for more deputies locally. Seattle had not: it had cut $3 million in a $409 million police budget, stopping far short of earlier calls to cut the budget 50 percent, according to the Seattle Times.) He said 36 children had been rescued from sex-traffickers in an operation in Georgia, and that some of those children could have come from Flagler, though in fact only 15 of the children had been linked to sex-traffickers (the others were merely missing or runaways), and there’s been no cases of sex-trafficking in Flagler in recent years–”not by that definition of sex trafficking,” Staly said (meaning the selling or pimping of individuals or foreigners for sex). “We have not made any cases or received any information for sex trafficking in that way.”
He also offered an apology “about my reaction and to the police,” saying: “I just never want to be in a situation where we have our law enforcement going against citizens as I know you guys don’t either, and I apologize for that, my reaction to it.” But neither the commission nor the four deputies and Staly had any intention to arrest individuals–unless it got to the point where they were trespassing and refusing to follow deputies’ directions, which had been more patient and indulgent of the individuals’ behavior than if deputies had been confronted with similar rule-breaking intransigence elsewhere.
In fact, Staly and Sullivan had gone out of the chamber and turned negotiators with the anti-maskers to enable the group to speak its mind: the group was allowed back in, unmasked for the most part, several people spoke, and when they were done, were asked to leave unless they masked-up. They complied.
Hansen took Mullins’s insult in stride. “It was a dustup, he completely lost it,” Hansen said on Thursday, though he said he’d never seen anything like it in a long career in the public and private sector, in the military, the federal and local governments. “It’s a shame, he came up, he was very apologetic afterward, but it was what it was, it wasn’t appropriate, to Charlie and me.”
“It’s very unprofessional,” Hansen added. “There’s nothing I can do about it. He is who he is. It’s just Joe Mullins. He’s very unprofessional in almost everything he does.” Hansen said he was all for censuring Mullins, but that he didn’t have a majority to do so.
Sullivan has refused to censure Mullins in the past after constituents complained to commissioners of his divisive and insulting behavior on social media or through email, calling it “mostly a private matter.” Asked about censuring Mullins in light of his insults to fellow-commissioners on the dais, Sullivan on Friday evening said: “I’m not going to give an answer on that. I’m just not going to give an answer on it right now. I’m obviously not happy.”
Next month Mullins is in line to be the next county commission chairman, unless fellow commissioners vote otherwise.
Disgusted says
Mullins is dangerously stupid. How I miss Nate McLaughlin.
Koreanvet says
Residents, you got what you voted for . The newspaper
From Georgia warmed about this guy . He is not what our county is use to . It’s time for Mullins toGO.
Frodo says
He may be stupid….but he sure knows how to get hot
‘Uber’ drivers that drive MILES to drive him. Lol
Karen Knights says
I think it’s time for him to go
Steve Robinson says
This is what happens when months of hate speech by a public official are ignored, excused and dismissed as “That’s just Joe.” It has been suggested that this imbecile has aspirations to higher office. Why is a call to the sheriff about his threatening behavior back in May only being reported now? We are living through an era in this country in which we see how inflammatory rhetoric from demagogues and would-be demagogues like this fool Mullins can incite violence. What is the process for impeaching a county commissioner, and why has it not begun? Is this man’s behavior acceptable to the state GOP? Many questions that need to be answered.
jim dana says
Wow – we have gone from bad to worse. This Mullins does need to be relieved of any and all public positions – he is out of control. What happened to respect and being professional? Boy we have some real winners.
Jimbo99 says
Palm Coast & Flagler County politics at it’s finest.
deb says
this horrid sorry excuse of a man is NOT fit to be a commissioner in Flagler County. Remove him from office.
Chris says
He wanted the anti-mask crowd to speak, but I believe that’s his secretary in the very front readying herself to speak. This sounds like it was set up by Joe himself. I wonder if that’s the whole “Flagler Liberty Coalition” that came together to do nothing but show their arses?
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
Mullins needs to GO, preferably back to his true residence in Georgia. It’s outrageous that Flagler County taxpayers are having to pay a lavish salary to such a dishonorable puke.
Hey Frodo: Maybe Joe wants to give it a go!
Shelia hinds says
This is what you get when you think this county is run by Republicans! Are these really the kind of Republicans and leaders we want in this County? I think not. This drug-induced stammered that he continues to rant and Rave and insult people needs to stop. He creates hate and diversion. He needs to go back where he came from. He ran Nate out of office and now this is the hate we have period. Someone that cares about her County cuz he knows absolutely nothing about it. Just a little man who wants to have a big name.
Kat says
The last line of that says “next month Mullins is in line to be county commission chairman unless fellow commissioners vote otherwise”. I think any functioning adult can agree that this man needs to go, many other comments reference that as well. And instead we are looking at him heading up to Commission? We need to email the other commissioners and ask that they intervene to prevent this from happening.
Nancy N. says
There is no process for removing a county commissioner in a non-charter county in Florida. Mullins can only be removed by the Governor. Somehow I don’t see DeSantis doing that…do you?
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Below is the draft of a self explanatory effort to shield 113,000 Flagler County residents become future victims of ANY elected official’s violative defamatory behavior, in addition to protecting the county commission from potential liability of a defamation (slander/libel lawsuit).
It was submitted via e-mail a week before Wednesday’s ‘3 ring circus’ to the Chair, Dave Sullivan who was asked several times to place this on the agenda. He never did.
But, but it was partially read into the record during Community Outreach ( uhhuh until the military buzzer sounded- -several hours before Mullins went into a tirade as well as slandering the author of this resolution…. Actions speak louder than words ( except in Mullins case -his mouth is deadlier than any weapon known to mankind ( in my opinion)… If anyone wants to improve on this feel free to do so – doesn’t matter anyway does it?…………
The following actions shall be deemed unacceptable by Flagler County elected officials effective this date ___________ as per Florida Statute 112.51
A) Using Flagler County resources, and/or social media to sign in their Flagler County Official Title to generate and transmit any unofficial libelous, negative personal remark(s)* ( as defined in Blacks Law Dictionary at page 915 to include defamation ridicule, demeaning, maliciously written to injure a person’s reputation) *
B) Using Flagler County resources and/or social media to sign in the Flagler County Official Title to generate ad transmit any threat* ( as defined in Black’s Law Dictionary at page 1480 to include ‘a communicated intent to inflict physical or other harm on any person or on property. A declaration of intention to inflict pain ….on another by the commission of an unlawful act.*
C) Using Flagler County resources and/or social to sign in their Flagler County Official Title to generate and transmit a course of conduct defined as “Harassment,” as defined in Federal Statute 18.U.S.C.A.$ 1514 (c)(1) and “ *Blacks Law Dictionary at page 717 : engage in a course of conduct directed at a person that causes emotional distress for no legitimate purpose.
D) Using Flagler County resources and/or social media to sign in the Flagler County Official Title to generate and transmit to infringe upon a person’s right as defined in *Blacks Law Dictionary page 780
An elected official’s first violation of any or all of the above prohibitions as determined by a majority vote of the sitting commission at a public meeting, in compliance with any or all definitions as provided per Florida Statute 112.51 , shall result in an oral and written reprimand issued to named elected official on each separate offence concurrently with other named offenses.
Any subsequent violation of same named elected official of any or all of the above prohibitions as determined by a majority vote of the sitting commission, in compliance with Florida Statutes 112 will result in a mandatory official Flagler County request to the Secretary of State of Florida and Governor of the State of Florida asking the removal of said public official forthwith with cause
The effective date of this Resolution is September 9, 2020. It is not retroactive.
Signed and Dated this _________ day of 2020”
And the show goes on and on… until “we the people” say we’ve had enough. 3 commissioners can vote to ask the governor to remove a fellow commissioner from public office. Wishful thinking, right?
Realist says
I voted for Mullins and regretted it ever since. I cannot wait to vote against him to correct my mistake.
E. Hoffa says
CRAZY Times! Everyone chill out and work together to make life better!
Really says
Mullins is guilty of the Napolean Syndrome. He wears it well and combined with some Wealth and an affirmative nod by the State and Federal GOP that you can do whatever you want attitude to normalize insubordination on a National scale this is what you get. I see it every time I can stomach watching the news from any outlet.
But, IMO the handwriting is on the wall the die is caste the first stages of the last gasps of a GOP I dont recognize is in motion because real Americans from whatever side of the aisle are sick of the bullshit. Go out and Vote and rid our System of the renegade Far Right followers.
Donald Trump says
If Gardner had investigated Homestead Fraud charges against him this past spring he might have been removed from office and could possibly still be sitting in the Green Roof Inn. I don’t know if this was a timing issue, a clerical mistake or a criminal act but a Palms condo and a single family house in Bunnell clearly both listed to the same person where both listed on the CountyAppraisers Website as being Homesteaded. I’m not trying to throw him under the bus but the public deserves an explanation.
Dennis says
Children need to calm down a day act as adults, if that’s possible
really says
One last point as a bully he will fail they all do.. If a Drug Test could be required due to his erratic behavior that would be one wayto rid the Council of Cancer. Bottom line All Flaglerites are Electing these idiots. Stop the madness save your Town. Mother used to say “Give some People enough rope they will hang themselves.”
Dennis C Rathsam says
Its my observation that all these men need to go! This commision is useless,selfcentered,and little by little, they are ruining this county. Dont blame Joe, although, he is no prize, these old geezers are out of touch with reality. This is why nothing gets done here! To hell with them all….Lets start fresh, with a new set of assholes!
palmcoaster says
If the sign at the building entrance reads to wear a mask why law enforcement didn’t enforce it. Looks to me that the few get exempted while the rest of the present residents and officials except Mullins wore a mask? Why isn’t Mullins recalled for his insults to his FCC ? Are we being rule also a local level by aggressive dangerous bullies?
John Stove says
In what world is this allowed?…especially from public servants? This guy is the epitome of NOT HOW TO LEAD or act! It is an absolute disgrace and he is creating the very definition of a “hostile work environment” for his fellow commissioners (Flagler HR and Attorney take notice of what I just said).
First of all, Mr. Mullins should immediately be publicly censured and made to apologize on the record, second he should be put on notice that any further outbursts of any kind will lead to an immediately call for his resignation and if he doesn’t resign then legal steps should be taken to remove him.
This cannot go on…..how much longer is Flagler going to enable this person to thinking that this is acceptable behavior?
Homer says
Mullins is an embarrassment to our county – it is unfortunate that he is not up for reelection in November as we would surely vote him out of office. He only got elected because he paid someone to stand with a sandwich board on Palm Coast Parkway and got name recognition from it. How we could have ignored the newspaper warnings about him is hard to understand. We would be better off with a dog in his seat,
art schwartz says
Hate has replaced debate at every level, thank Drumpf.
tulip says
No one on the BOCC censures Mullins or anything–just like no one censures Trump. What the heck is the hold Mullins has on our commissioners? They can’t stand up for themselves and correct the wrong Mullins is getting away with? They continue to be untrustworthy to do the right thing.
Bill C says
Mullins clearly has a mental problem and is unfit for office and should be removed. Imagine if this were a corporate setting he would have been fired the same day for his behavior.
sonny says
good for him maybe he can stop them from buying another condemned building for the sheriff’s office
Mr. Deeds says
Mullins is a bully wanaa be. What a embarrassment. There you go Palm Coast voters you are stuck with this buffoon.
CB from PC says
There is a dire need for mental health treatment facilities in this County.
For both Commissioners and Citizens suffering from TDS.
E, ROBOT says
Don’t leave out the Flagler Beach commission. They’ve been out-of-control for a long time.
Martin says
Someone did not do their homework when they voted for Joe Mullins (It wasn’t me and I had some help with the homework.). Was it his boldness and the large quantity of signs that you read that made you vote for him? I see boldness and a huge display of signs/flags for Donald Trump. I am one vote and I have a question. I would like to know why I should vote for Donald Trump. I mean a real reason, without anger, without feeling threatened. Could someone just take a breath and explain to mean in a civil voice why Donald Trump is the better choice? Thank you.
Enough says
This guy is as pathetic as his wanna-be hero, Trump; in fact, this is precisely who he is copying. Unload this cretin and start to get some one who is professional and who represents ALL the people,not just his cronies!! For Heavens Sake!! Get with it!!
Mike Cocchiola says
Joe Mullins, a provocateur and a disrupter, has brought to Flagler what his idol, Donald Trump has brought to America…. hate, fear, division and chaos.
Mullins created and financially supports the Trump club and has seriously divided the Flagler County Republican Party. Using the Trump Club as his center of power. Mullins now seeks to take over Flagler and its largest city, Palm Coast. We cannot let that happen. What you saw in Wednesday’s meeting is what is in store for our once peaceful and cooperative County if Mullins and his Trump Club take power in November. We’ve already seen the disruption of peaceful protests, vile insults and physical intimidation on our streets.That is but a small taste of what’s in store for our citizens if the Trump Club and its leaders take over. There will be no peace in Flagler County for years.
All reasonable and rational Flagler County citizens, no matter their political leanings, must band together in the November election and vote for our home, our community, our Flagler County. Keep Mullins’ most radical supporters off of our city councils and the BOCC. We are all much safer with them on the other side of the dais.
Rxx says
Flagler politics is just a metaphor for old white men yelling at each other while nothing gets accomplished.
Wow says
Trumpism abounds. Let’s all be just as nasty as possible. We’ll say he “speaks his mind” and applaud such behavior. Your kids are watching.
Tim says
Mullins sounds like a cancer that needs to be removed. Everyone is replaceable.
Inverna Lockpez says
Please don’t you see that he is just a reflection of national politics, a liar and a narcissistic bully.
I fear what is going to happen to our community is he is allowed to treat his fellow commissioners with such a tremendous disrespect ?
What will he do to us, bregular citizens?
john mac says
trump 2020
ProtonBeam says
Look at the Mullins groupies in this deranged Club – Alan Lowe, Ed Danko and Victor Barbosa. If you want more of this insanity, lies and disrespect then put these three in office. They are joined at the hip with the same ideology and behavior – don’t take my word look at any of their pages.
Sherry says
Perhaps we can pursue a “recall election”. That is likely our only recourse because DeSantis is also part of the larger “trump cult” problem. Michael C. is this something you can take the point on?
You are absolutely correct when you indicate that despicable Mullins and his ilk are just symptoms of a much greater problem, one that promotes fear and hate and divides us as a once great nation. However, the Mullins situation is within our collective influence and control. What can we do to join together and have him removed from office?
Trailer Bob says
I wouldn’t agree with that. Mullins was who he is way before Trump arrived on the scene. Trump didn’t change me. But I will say that though Trump gets a lot of bogus raps do to partisan politics, Mullens is far more dangerous. Surprised he hasn’t been kicked out by the people by now. Trump is much, much calmer.
Paul says
This what you get when a cult leader runs the country. Any commissioners that allow Mullins to become chairman should be voted out at the earliest possible. Rudeness and intimidation are great for banana republics, but the antithesis of democracy. In case Mullins doesn’t know the meaning of “antithesis”, could an adult please explain it to him.
Trailer Bob says
I agree…they seem afraid to tell him to act like a normal human being. I was on the city county up north for years, and this wouldn’t have been tolerated. He is extreme,with a touch of mental illness. Sorry for him, but more sorry for the rest of us decent people who have to hear it. Two more years, then vote him out, as I don’t think I was the only fooled by him before he decided it was OK to share his insanity with the rest of us.
Trailer Bob says
Actually, I don’t think Mullens is copying Trump, as Trump is a much nicer human being and HAS does some really good things for most Americans. I doubt even Trump would approve of our mini-man nutcase.
So, this is about Mullins, not Trump. Once you put the two in the same sentence it becomes political. I think we can all address the issues with Mullins without having to add Trump, Trump, Trump to the conversation.
The Voice Of Reason says
Research who you vote for. Do your homework! IGNORE political signs on the side of the road. In the age of trump, blind party affiliation voting is dangerous and self destructive. Mullins is a menace and his type need be exorcised. He is now a festering sore on the soul of Flagler County. On election day, if you’re not informed on an issue or choice of candidates, it’s OK to leave it blank. Stop shooting yourself in the foot.
Percy's mother says
Thinking ahead to the November election, those voting need to carefully consider NOT voting Mullins’ followers for Palm Coast City Council.
By that I mean, we have THREE Mullins people running for City of Palm Coast government:
1. Victor Barbosa, a Mullins man. (PC City Council, not sure which district he’s in)
2. Ed Danko, a Mullins man. (PC City Council District 1, Bob Cuff’s seat)
3. Alan Lowe, a Mullins man. (PC City Mayoral candidate).
As a Republican, I will be voting AGAINST all three candidates noted above.
Regarding the District 1 Palm Coast City Council seat, I will be crossing party lines (if allowed) and will vote AGAINST Ed Danko, and FOR Mr. Sims E. Jones, a Democrat.
I will vote AGAINST Victor Barbosa, and will vote for David Alfin.
I will vote AGAINST Alan Lowe, and will vote for current Mayor Milissa Holland (as much as I don’t like the woman and think she needs a strong city council to make sure she doesn’t run roughshod over us all).
Can you imagine a Flagler County Board of County Commission AS WELL AS The City of Palm Coast both being run by Mullins and his followers?
This has to be stopped.
Abus Schlage says
I find Commissioner Mullins actions reprehensible, but the Governor is unlikely to take any action against an ally of his. The commission should formally censure him. If not, commissioner O’Brien has NPA challengers in the general election. Andy Dance should likewise publicly denounce Mullins for his actions, if not he has a Democratic challenger. We have to prevent this man from becoming Chairman at a minimum so vote accordingly in November.
White Bronco says
Well, we certainly aren’t living in any renaissance era, are we? I remember losing hope for the future of our humanity in small doses of the years of my life. I only hope that these false idols find themselves on the opposite side of history where they belong. Anti-Intellectualism has become a common theme among leadership in society, in every facet, at every level. When will we stop catering to vile, poorly developed characters with zero leadership attributes, to make a political point? The age of the blowhard will soon be over. It’s never been, and will not continue to be who we are. We’re better than this. It’s sad to watch an unrighteous man be lifted so high his deluded ignorance, while the rest of us stand in shock at the mere audacity of his behavior. See a doctor, Joe. Just, wow.
Mythoughts says
Mullin is a walking time bomb. Everywhere he goes trouble is right next to him. It is just a matter of time before he has an attitude with someone that isn’t going to put up with his little Napoleon attitude.
Governor DeSantis won’t fire Mullin that are all little Trump worshipers.
So it is sad to say Flagler County is stuck with Mullin until someone runs him out of town and sends him back to Georgia where he came from. And, I would bet Georgia doesn’t want him there either.
Mythoughts says
I always enjoy reading your comments, you tell the truth and everything you always write I totally agree with. Keep writing.
Concerned Citizen says
I’m tired of it.
These BOCC members continue to waste time on our dime. And nothing gets accomplished. All the name calling,threats and fighting. It’s pointless and counter productive. These are grown men and they act like 3 year olds having a pissing match in a sandbox during rescess. Mommy mommy he called me a bad name. Grow up and do your damn job. If I did what just happened at my job I would be fired on the spot. And rightfully so.
To Our BOCC,
You are being put on notice. Your consituents are tired of your behavior. We are tired of you continuing to fail to fairly and ethically represent us. We are tired of the criminal dealings and corruption. And we are tired of the shady back room politics. And even more tired of this Flagler County go F yourself attitude. I can do what I want because I’m a Commisioner.
You are not irreplaceable. I intend to try and vote most of you out this year. And for the ones already elected a recall is sorely needed. I also intend to start making phone calls Monday morning. My first one is to the Governor’s Office and then on down the list from the AG to the FBI. It’s time to clean house. And by the way I’m not intimidated by lawyers. I have a very good one of my own. Who loves stuff like this. So please make your threats.
To The Citizens Of Flagler County,
How much longer are we going to let these tired,corrupt old men run our county like this? How much longer will we allow the criminal and unethical acts to go on? These “Commisioners” will run this county into the ground with their unethical behavior. And we will have no one to blame but ourselves.
We need change. And we need it fast.
tulip says
Nate was no saint. He had his ways of pulling sneakies, lying etc. That’s some of the reasons he got voted out. He couldn’t be trusted or believed. However, he did have more class while he was doing it that Mullins does so that counts for something. I wouldn’t be surprised if he isn’t sitting back laughing and just waiting to run again in a couple of years.
By the way someone mentioned getting rid of some of the BOCC. A lot of a times a person who is an independent or NPA will have their name on the ballot in the general election. When we get our ballots we should look and see if anyone like that is running against a BOCC incumbent. Just a thought
Concerned Citizen says
Could not have said it better myself. You have one who tried to use her power to slander a rape victim. Then one who beat on his girlfriend at work and got it on camera. Then ran her out of town and leaned on her to drop charges. And let’s not forget the self annointed code enforcement officer/commisioner who has a “drink or two” at a bar. Then drives home and runs over a bicyclist. And then gets out of it because of the good ol boy network. If it was you or I we would still be in jail waiting on a court date. But hey if you’re on the BOCC in this county you are untouchable. A regular deflon Don
Erin A says
He’s a small man with no place in public service. It says something about the mentality of a populous that elects someone like him – we need to do better and hold each other to a better standard.
Paul Harrington says
Divisiveness has it’s consequences!
ASF says
Vote otherwise! Mullins is actually proud of being a doubled-down version of Donald Trump. He thinks it makes him special and his supporters think it makes them special. All it does is empower their sense of entitlement, their authoritarian attitudes and their disrespectful behavior towards anyone who might dare get in the way of their bullying.
Disgusted and Reviled says
Mullins needs to GO, like as of yesterday. However, complaining on this site makes little difference to him or his rabid followers. Make your complaints heard where it counts! Contact the other commissioners and complain about this blight on our county. Email the other commissioners NOW and demand Mullins be removed! You can accomplish all four emails in just a few minutes. Go to this website and click on each commissioners link, and let them know you are very unhappy with Joe Mullins and all the hate and division that he stands for. http://www.flaglercounty.org/government/test.php
If anyone on this FCBOCC allows a person like this Mullins to remain in his seat will only prove to we the people how they feel about us and about our community, therefore when the November elections come up vote as if your lives depend upon it!
CB from PC says
Yeah we know, The Democrats have certainly done much to bring everyone together.
That is why they pursued “separate but equal” segregationists policies until Federal authorities forced integration in the schools.
They continue to try to excite their minority constituents, but many of them are determining that the Democrat Party has nothing to offer in terms of economic independence, and a livelihood for their benefit and the future of their children.
So the Democrats have to find a new source of voters, which is why they are pushing for the illegals to be able to vote. The problem of course is that many of these people do work hard, legally or not, and they ain’t buying the rhetoric either.
Which leaves a bunch of privileged white punk-asses whose only accomplishment is being able to navigate a screen and sound like Attila the Hun on social media using their atrophied fingers.
Anna Mac says
Trump is nasty? Please expand your news viewing habits beyond the Dim/MSM complex. If you don’t, you have no idea what’s happening in the country much less the scope of the President’s accomplishments. The media to a man are nothing more than Democrats with bylines, ensuring that nothing hits the news detrimental to Democrats.
Trump's Sharpie says
Open letter to Joe F Mullins:
You brag about donating your BOCC salary. No one will blame you, Dude, if you keep some to get help for yourself.
You finally lived up to the slogan – you got people focused on Flagler. They are laughing at us. What a disgrace.
Any BOCC member that votes for you as chair is going to lose a lot of votes. My Mom has had a red Trump had on her desk for the past 3 years, and it’s gone now. Your kind are ruining everything you touch, and your previous supporters are finally seeing that.
If you resign because of personal issues, no one will hold it against you. We’re close to the same age so I’ll use a reference that I hope you’ll understand, “Joe, don’t go away mad. Joe, just go away.”
mark101 says
Mullins crawled out from under a rock a long time ago, we have seen this man’s true colors and they are NOT in the best interest of Flagler County but our voters put him in office YET AGAIN. What gives voters ?, how do you like your man now. This county needs to take measures with our Governor and remove him from office.
Heidi says
We had a man like Nate for years who loved this county and all the residents and businesses inside it and we gave it up over a guy with a lot of signs and a bad disposition. What a mistake. Childish name calling during a meeting should never be allowed and an apology should follow.
Willy Boy says
No one in their right mind would vote FOR Trump, they are voting AGAINST the insanity of the Left.
Patricia Thomasey says
Mr. Mullins is dangerous and needs to be voted out next election. If the county commissioners are smart, they will not voted him in as Chairman. The man is certainly not representative of the people of Flagler County. Miss you Nate!
CB from PC says
Certainly does. Plenty of out of staters here have their second homes homesteads…fraudulently. They are not physically here 183 days. Their vehicles are registered in the other state, and I doubt they have Florida Drivers Licenses or Florida Voter Registration. What they do have is a fraudulent Domicile document on file with the tax collector office. So local tax collector, start making these wealthy 2 home owners pay their share of property taxes and maybe we can clean up the overgrown city owned utility areas with the increased revenue.
Mythoughts says
Mullins is guilty of the Napolean Syndrome. Mullin is a walking time bomb, just a matter of time before he lands himself in the Green Roof Inn.
steve says
If lil minnie me napoleon syndrome mullins heads up your Commission there in Flagler beginning of end IMO GL with that wow
Mark A. Youd says
My wife ran NPA for the same seat as Mullins knowing she would not get help or open support from either the Republican or Democratic parties. It cost Mullins over $160,000 to beat her by 10,000 votes . (Jane had a total campaign of $10,000) ; and she remains grateful to the over 19,000 people who did vote for her as she continues to this very day, as a citizen, to watch just about every expenditure and every deal the county makes.
Jane has had to endure , and continues to suffer threats of lawsuits , gag orders, humiliation, harassment, privacy invasion, and slander from Mullins. He needs to be removed now. My wife has prepared a resolution she submitted to the county commission whereby they can petition Governor DeSantis to remove ANY elected official from office with cause ( i.e. Mullins)
To date the county commission has refused to hear this resolution.
( FlaglerLive has been kind enough to print this entire proposed Resolution in this comment section)
MotherWorry says
Name 5 things that trump has done that has benefited the average worker.
Dedicated American says
Every person voicing their opinion here should be calling Governor DeSantis regarding Mullins actions. Mullins in the past has had drug problems and should be tested for drugs now. He could be back on them with his actions lately. Do you ever watch how many times he gets up during the meeting to go on the back.
Before someone gets hurt, Sheriff Staley and the commissioners should be acting now to get him removed. Every person on this site should show up at the next BOCC meeting and DEMAND he be removed.
Martin says
Interesting. And I say that honestly and calmly because it’s really hard to tell when I see “TRUMP” all over the place. Anyway, I’m really trying to learn here. If you care to, would you mind telling me what the insanity is of the Left? And do you think all Democrats are insanely Left?
palmcoaster says
This time I have to strongly agree with Percy’s mom:
1. Victor Barbosa, a Mullins man.
2. Ed Danko, a Mullins man. (PC City Council District 1, Bob Cuff’s seat)
3. Alan Lowe, a Mullins man. (PC City Mayoral candidate).
As a Republican, I will be voting AGAINST all three candidates noted above.
Regarding the District 1 Palm Coast City Council seat, I will be crossing party lines (if allowed) and will vote AGAINST Ed Danko, and FOR Mr. Sims E. Jones, a Democrat.
I will vote AGAINST Victor Barbosa.
I will vote AGAINST Alan Lowe, and will vote for current Mayor Milissa Holland.
capt says
Well it appears the people of Flagler County have voiced their concerns, now we have to wait to see if the other County Commissioners have the balls to act towards removing Mullins from office.
Stephen Smith says
Joe Mullins is the perfect example as to why you should never blindly vote for someone just because they claim to belong to particular political party. Vote the man not the party.
Call me Ishmael says
Call your sponsor, Joe.
really says
HEY Genius he just said it in the media on tape today. Take the tinfoil hat off and join reality lolol
Charlie F Ericksen says
Just amazing how, you all like to ridicule those elected AFTER, they are elected,, Did you forget to do your homework before elections???
Corrupt?? There are 5 Commissioners, so none of us ” do what we want””It’s all voted on..Come on out and stop crying
C’mon man says
I know this deputy. He told me the commission all wanted Mullins to leave and that Mullins appeared a to be leaving anyways The deputy said let’s go I’ll walk you out. Mullins accused the deputy of kicking him when in fact he didn’t and tried to complain on him for no reason.
Kat says
I voted for your wife before and will be happy to do it again, she is appreciated.
jane Gentile-Youd says
Sherry – just show up at the next Commission meeting next Monday 5PM – we need to convince 3 out of 5 commissioners to request governor remove him. All commissioners are also Republican so any argument about sour grapes is nil…..
But unless 30 people ( i.e. voters) show up – ya can fagetta about getting rid of this ‘thing’… Read the proposed Resolution in this comment section. It tells you what can be done. thanks
Kat says
Thank you for including that link. I have emailed the remaining commissioners as well as governor DeSantis. I will fall out of my chair if I get anything back other than a form letter reply.
Charlie F Ericksen says
It’s really sad to see people so confused, they have to write responses like you just did..Perhaps you should come down , prior to any scheduled meetings and introduce yourself and discuss anything you don’t understand ..Clearly you’re off base. As you know, we are projecting the tax rate for the coming year to be in line . with that of today’s rate …even with the population here having gone up 10%+ ( More people, more services, more costs
Criminal and unethical ) Come on, this is not New York or Jersey..Please bring your lawyer , so he can explain common sense..to you..Fighting serves nothing good..
PS, when someone calls me a name and takes a physical shot at me. I should push em back, but then I’m a fairly big guy..I’d be glad to talk further with you in person..
Haw Creek Girl says
I think we all know how to get hot “uber” drivers like Mullins does, it’s as easy as browsing the Escort pages and having lots of cash!
Haw Creek Girl says
I hardly would call 50,000 dollars a lavish salary. I do agree, though, that he is dishonorable and an embarrasment to our County. The only thing he is being paid with is praise and adoration for his grandiose delusions.
John Brady says
As person who developed and taught for any years and the main coping method was to ignore bad behavior. These behavior appear to be rising to the level of criminal behavior. Joe should have been arrested. Did he interfere with the conducting a public meeting and threatening and intimidating. Sheriff Staly you observed what could be considered criminal behavior. Joe needs to face the consequences of his behavior and unless or until he faces consequences he will continue. Whatever the cause of his out of line behavior can be figured out by the criminal justice system.
John Brady: At the next meeting the rest of the commissioners should vote to put out an agenda for the governor to remove Mullins, O’Brien is his buddy and most likely will vote no but he is also coming up for reelection in November and we as citizens will not vote for him in that case and this leaves it up to Sullivan’s vote which I don’t know WHY he would ever not vote to remove him!
Concerned Citizen says
Take all the shots you want. I call it like I see it
I did not vote for you either time. And will not vote for you again. You all repeatedly fail to do your job ethically and get butt hurt when called out. So yes I have done my home work.
Per your second comment below.
I see you are quick to make threats. Just like you have done to the author of this paper.
Are you really calling on me to “step outside’?
A lot of bluster and bullying from a public official. Who gets offended when called by the people he is supposed to represent.
Sherry says
Percy’s Mother. . . Sage Advice! Congratulations on your “mask opinion” evolution!
Concerned FC Citizen says
Another bully. Your mother would be proud – not.
anon says
Yeah, tired ol bs – democrats have changed how they are from 50 years ago. That type of democrat left their party after they were elected democrat to become republican, and those are all right winger republicans today (former segregationist democrats). I saw it happen many times over the 1990s/2000s. Cut it off at the knees your fake propaganda conspiracy theories, blind and brainwashed one.
anon says
Here we go… news flash! Trump read Adolf Hitler’s autobiography of evil as his bedtime reads when he used to read. He ADMIRES Hitler, just as he admires insane, bullying, corrupt, murderous dictators like Putin, Kim Jong Un, Erdogan, and China’s Xi. He has said as much. He has given national secrets to Putin. He confers with Putin all the time, refusing to allow a recorder in there as he plots the utter destruction of our country.
Republicans voting for him are voting for the russian takeover of our government. He lets you all know what he’s doing and you refuse to believe it because of your utter brainwashing by the corrupt millionaires at Fox news and redstate and daily caller (tucker carlson’s startup) and other national enquirer-type news.
Mac says
Governor Desantis needs to be removed. He has his nose so far up “The Orange Emperor’s @$$. It pathetic.
John R Brady says
I regret that I didn’t run for this office. turns out O’Brien is a weakling in my opinion
Eva says
This is how it all is playing out for sure. :(
eva says
Andy Dance did publicly denounce Mullins for this and other actions. Andy’s one of the moderate Republicans that has never stooped to ugliness. And always represents ALL the constituents he serves!
John Brady: It’s called ” Let’s make a deal ” , with those 2!