Flagler County Health Department Director Bob Snyder is ardently for a mask mandate. So is Dr. Stephen Bickel, the medical director at the Flagler and Volusia health departments. Palm Coast Mayor Milissa Holland has been a mask advocate, wearing a one during town halls and public meetings alongside her city manager and fire chief. County Commission Chairman Dave Sullivan supports a mask mandate, So does Jane Mealy, who chairs the Flagler Beach City Commission and brought up the matter at a meeting a week ago. And Jonathan Lord, Flagler County’s emergency management director, has been repeating the mask-is-your-friend mantra for months as he’s plotted the trajectory of the coronavirus emergency in Flagler, where he considers infection counts far below what they really are.
Yet not a single government in Flagler County has a mask mandate even as governments all around and across Florida, including Daytona Beach, New Smyrna Beach and St. Augustine, have adopted mandates (St. Johns County rejected a mandate this week). The scientifically inaccurate and risky but trendy notion among some that masks are “bullshit,” as County Commissioner Greg Hansen described it–citing, also inaccurately, “half the medical community”–has held sway in Flagler, at least officially.
“We’re going to be kind of last county in the state to probably do this, I don’t know, the way we’re going right now,” Sullivan said today, more despairingly than approvingly.
That may be about to change. As Florida hit another record number of new infections in a day according to figures reported today by the Florida Health Department, exceeding 10,000, and Flagler County following apace, with 61 new infections in the last six days–15 recorded just today–and 116 in the last 13 days, and with state daily death counts increasing (67 today), top officials are now lining up to ask for a mask mandate. (The nation hit a single-day record too, today, exceeding 53,000 new infections.)
Palm Coast Mayor Milissa Holland is asking the City Council at its Tuesday meeting to pass such a measure. Mealy will be asking the Flagler Beach City Commission to do likewise at the commission’s meeting on Thursday. Sullivan said he will be calling either Lord or Jerry Cameron, the county administrator, today or tomorrow to get their input. But he wants the county to enact a mask mandate, and says it can be done by the administration through its current state of emergency.
“I will be asking the council on Tuesday for what I feel is an appropriate ask of our residents in order to keep our businesses from shutting down again,” Holland said, not long after she’d been in communications with a top AdventHealth Palm Coast official who told her that “their numbers are reaching a level that’s higher than April.”
Just last week the city issued a joint proclamation with other governments imploring–but not requiring–residents to wear masks. “However, the numbers are the numbers and we have to be mindful of that, and we’ve always said from the beginning that when they reach a level we know is critical for us to take a different approach, we will, and we have to.”
Florida has become the epicenter of the nation’s Covid-19 crisis, with a spike starting in June, weeks after the state quickly ramped up its reopening, overwhelming numbers seen during the first wave in April. Well over half the pandemic’s infections have developed in the state since its Phase 2 reopening. The proportion in Flagler is just under half the county’s 340 infections.
“The numbers are very concerning and I do believe it’s time we take action,” Holland said today. “It’s unfortunate we’ve gotten here again, but we must as a community. We are each individual responsible for the wealth and wellness of our community as a whole. Again, for us not to have a total shut down of our economy, I think it’s absolutely necessary to find ways to help mitigate the spread and the positive cases right here in our community. But I would really like the council to weigh in, what they feel is appropriate, especially because it is mandate.”
The mask item was not on the Flagler Beach City Commission agenda a week ago. Mealy brought it up during commissioner comment. The commission seemed divided or non-committal. “The very next day St. Augustine and Daytona passed theirs, and I was like, couldn’t you have done it a day earlier?” It’ll be a commission item next week.
Sullivan said he would bring it up for a vote at a commission meeting, but there isn’t one scheduled until July 13.
“I have told everybody that I’m in favor of wearing masks or we’re going to have to close everything down,” Sullivan said. “We should enforce mask wearing. I don’t care who hears me or whatever. I will approve it if it gets to me, but It can be done without my approval.” He said the county administration and its emergency management division can declare a mask mandate immediately–which is what he wants. “It’s time that we mandate mask wearing if we want to keep things open. If we don’t do it, we’ll end up closing everything down again. I don’t know what else I can say. Most of these decisions have been made without having come before the county commission.”
Sullivan repeated almost word for word what Bickel, the county health department’s medical director, has been stressing for weeks, and spoke of again in an interview Wednesday: that it is not a choice between keeping the economy open and keeping people healthy. Rather, the only way to keep the economy open is to keep people healthy, through minor inconveniences like wearing masks, which won’t eliminate but can significantly diminish the rate of infection, and through a coordinated effort and message from local policy makers.
“We’ve just never embraced this seriously,” Bickel said. So while the health department is having to significantly increase its staffing to do the required contact tracing when new infections are declared, its officials watch a community still refusing to do its part on an individual level to slow down the community spread–and governments so far refusing to ratify the message by codifying it. “If you care about your local economy, you should wear a mask,” Bickel said.
Sullivan hadn’t spoken to Bickel recently. But he echoed his logic. “If you want to keep things open, make masks mandatory. It’s not an either or,” Sullivan said, conceding that a month ago, when Flagler’s numbers were not as concerning, he would not have been as adamant.
Holland echoed Bickel as well. “To Dr. Bickel’s point, we really none of us want to see us go back down to where the governor shut down the entire state of Florida. If we each do our part when were out and having to be indoors, it helps mitigate the spread of this very deadly virus.”
“I don’t know why Bob Snyder can’t almost do it on his own, he just comes out and says it’s a medical emergency,” the chairman of the county commission said.
Snyder has repeatedly spoken in favor of a mask mandate. He spoke with county and Palm Coast’s administrative leaders and did not get a sense that they were willing to go with a mandate. But he said he himself cannot impose one unilaterally. It’s a policy decision.
“I don’t know what else to do. I’m getting calls from people around town, upset, don’t think we’re doing the right thing about Covid-19.” He’s even been getting calls about Flagler Beach making buses available for July 4 revelers. People often confuse the county with its cities, though the county has very limited authority over city events.
Flagler Beach has been taking flack for making shuttle buses available this weekend for visitors to the beach, even though several counties in South Florida have shut down their beaches for the holiday and Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top federal infectious disease expert, this week urged Americans to limit their July 4 activities and warned of the potential for 100,000 daily cases ahead in the nation. Flagler Beach’s buses had been contracted ahead of the emergency, with the fireworks in mind. The fireworks have been cancelled. The city is still paying for the buses.
“The busing was supposed to make the parking safer, because you saw what happened when we first opened the beach, people were parking every where and on people’s grass,” Mealy said. There’s also been a change in regulations: when the city first announced the availability of buses earlier this week, it said masks would be optional. No longer. Masks on board will be mandatory, and buses will run at a maximum of 50 percent capacity, Mealy said.
JohnBOY3181 says
BS. Even the ADA says you cannot mandate a wearing a mask and can fine an establishment, $75,000. It is also unconstitutional.
Steve says
might want to read it again there cowboy
Denali says
Please quote the section of the ADA to which you refer for I cannot find it. It would lend credibility to your statement. Thank you.
Bill C says
Please ! The real reason you refuse to wear a mask is because Donald Trump says not to. All the rest is smoke. He has also said to ingest bleach or take hydroxycholorquine. If you want to follow him over a cliff, fine, but don’t drag the rest of us down with you.
Ewa Benavides says
I dont care what he says, mayor in each city or state governor can make it mandatory to wear masks..
Ewa says
person not wearing a mask
Is a person threatening my life, and my family’s life..
And that is criminal act.
Italian job says
Why haven’t they already done this? Masks need to be mandatory and do you know why? Because that certain segment of society that do not give a shit about others will not voluntarily wear a mask to protect themselves and certainly not others.
There needs to be repercussions to violating a mask mandate. How about an nice fine with an arrest and misdemeanor charges and all the things that go along legally with that. The money obtained from this fine should go to providing masks to all members of the community.
The people I see today not wearing a mask do not impress me as “rebels” or “freedom fighters.” They are misinformed, possibly narcissists, and ignorant. They might as well have “I am a real asshole,” on their hats.
Lynnette Capriotti says
I couldn’t say it better myself. Well put! Let’s make American Safe Again!
erobot says
You do understand that wearing a mask ONLY protects others from you. It does NOT protect you from anything, but it does cause you to breath in your expelled air and that is very detrimental to YOU.
Don’t worry the virus scam has run its course and in a couple of weeks we’ll be worried about an invasion from space aliens.
HereWeGoAgain says
And by saying this you admit you do not care about protecting others. How American of you…I suppose there is not a single person you know that has a higher risk of death from this that you’d care if they passed.
BTW, everyone knows masks protect others—that’s why the mask wearers wear them. I had COVID and still have mild symptoms—headache, no taste or smell, periodic sore throat. I wear my mask because I have no idea if I’m still contagious. No one really knows that aspect. Should I risk your health or your families’ health by taking off my mask? Hmm? Do you really want me un-masking and risking the health of someone you want protected? If you don’t care then it says more about you than those of us wearing masks.
You are the person that needs the, “Im a mask-hole,” t-shirt, not that you wouldn’t be easy to spot. You’re the person ignoring the one-way rows at Publix probably coughing in people’s faces and getting aggressive when someone asks you nicely to mask up.
Also, what you state about masks is a right-wing lie brought about by the same anti-vaxxer types. When I hear this claim about masks all it does is show ignorance. I worked in the medical field for 6 years. Wore masks everyday. I have excellent lungs and am in perfect health. They have not harmed me. I’ve never had a single health problem from wearing a mask. If anything I have better lung function because it trains you how to breathe better. I had zero breathing issues with COVID and I doubt it was because I was lucky. But go ahead and continue doing what you’re doing, listening to fake news and lies from people who are literally tested every day because it’s just a scam, right? Tell that to the families of the dead while you’re at it. I’m sure they’d love to hear that sentiment from a troll.
Wondering says
When you wore a mask working in the healthcare field, whom did you try to protect? Where you contagious in any way that you had to protect the people around you from you? Just wondering…
Italian job says
YOU do not understand. Wearing a mask is Not detrimental to the wearer. Are you an expert? Doubtful. I’m a nurse so let me explain. Wearing a proper mask with a tight weave of quality fabric and a pocket for a filter will indeed protect the wearer as well as others. There is not 100% protection unless you are wearing a gas mask. Not wearing a mask provides zero protection to you or others. This is fact. Wow, why do you, with such an ignorant comment have to make it so easy for me? C’mon, this is no challenge. At all.
Dennis says
So doctors and nurses that do procedures are breathing in their exhaled air. Wouldn’t that make them liable if they mess up because of that? I couldn’t help myself, dealing with a mask denier.
Retired says
Exactly, it protects others from you. I work in a grocery store where we now have 3 employee confirmed cases. One who came into the employee lounge coughing with no mask while people were eating lunch. Science has show droplets will circulate for up to 6 hours. How many were exposed just walking in not knowing what just happened because you didn’t have a mask? Selfish!!!!!I will were a mask alllllll day just to protect my older co workers and their families from me.
Montag says
That’s what they want to leave in the gray area… how can a mask protect in on only one direction.
If it can’t get out it shouldn’t be able to get in. If so then you have the wrong mask
Cori says
Nope not going to wear one! Unhealthy. Can’t force people to wear one.
Trailer Bob says
Face Shields are not “unhealthy”. Just a piece of plastic that protects your mouth, nose, and eyes. So you may have to come up with another excuse. Or maybe you have to google “face mask” then revise your comment.
Jsmith says
Nope I will not be forced to wear a mask that I believe not only does not do any good but rather is hurtful to my health!
KrissyKat says
Please educate yourself from reliable medical and scientific sources.
Jsmith says
I have and thank you
Lee brickser says
So are the powers that be saying they want mandatory masks before the holiday weekend? A bit late for that. I can’t believ all these public officials are even debating this issue. It’s a no brainer. The virus is on a rapid rise and on its way to flagler beach this weekend where the beach sidewalks bars and restaurants will be jam packed with people not caring a bit about distancing or masks. I witness it every day driving through town. Our town is much to small for this many people anymore. I know the businesses love it but you can only serve so many people in a day the rest just take up space. I predict another shut down coming after this and a lot of people getting sick including the servers who have to weave there way through rowdy loud maskless crowds to make their hard earned money. It’s a perfect storm brewing and the whole weekend should have been canceled in the name of safety. There will always be another fourt of July if you live to see it!
Wondering says
I agree that we probably have a lot more infections after the holiday weekend. BUT, what is so bad about it? Most people contracting it now are of younger ages. People testing positive now show very little to no symptoms. Those people are still functioning and are not in ICU and on ventilators. Have you ever had any concerns like this with the flu? If you didn’t then you are just falling into the trap laid out for you. Think about it. The more people testing positive now without getting gravely ill, the sooner we will reach herd immunity. That is what we need. We do not need vaccines for all. Of course, people with compromised immune systems are at greater risk, but they have always been at greater risk, even with the flu. Older people especially are endangered, but they always are, from the flu to a cold to pneumonia. This is not new. We need to care for older people and protect them from Covid 19 as much as possible. But please, don’t throw the baby out with the tub water. We have a large part of our population who will handle Covid 19 just fine. They will get sick, like we all do from time to time. They get cured and they become immune. The people who can’t afford that kind of immunity will profit from the development of vaccines. In the meantime, the world hase to continue to exist and not ruin the livelihood of a vast amount of the population!!!
Lance Carroll says
@ Wondering, go jump into the crowd and gather up the antigen. It seems that Mr Brickser is concerned as to the health and sustainability of the community. Go jump and dance with the crowd; go fetch the herd.
Willy Boy says
It sounds like you have given this some rational thought, and let’s hope your reasoning is correct, because this is what is going to happen anyway despite the best efforts of whomever. We are overpopulated as it is. The strong will survive, and inherit the wealth of their weaker elders. The weak who perish were reeking havoc on the health system. Harsh as it sounds it is most likely the reality. This from someone who is high risk.
Balfour says
Wondering, Google the cases of Nick Cordero and Gregg Garfield. they’ve had body parts amputated. Ine of them is 41 one is 54, neither had medical problems. one was an athlete. There are more options than just dying or getting all better. There’s severe long-term medical problems for many many many people. By the way. After after 85 days in the hospital Nick cordero died yesterday. 41 years old no medical problems previously.
Denali says
How typical of so many spineless elected officials wanting someone else to take responsibility. What they are really saying is that they do not want to take a chance of offending their base. In this case, one elected official ponders why the local health official does not mandate we all wear masks. They need to take the bull by the horns, call a special meeting and by proper legislative action, require masks in ALL buildings (except private residential units), out-of-door gatherings and public spaces. Those of you who say they are in favor of a mask policy, PROVE IT.
Time for our elected officials to be proactive and do everything they can to protect the people. We do not need hand-wringers and whimpering. I for one am tired of lip service and will remember their failure to act at the next election.
Kim says
Could not agree more, well said! I wrote to city, county and state regarding this, and to their credit, I did hear back from the Flagler Beach city council folks. But they did say to please contact the county commission as well, which I had already done. Not one answer from the county nor the state.
Steve Robinson says
An oft-heard complaint from non-maskers is that any ordinance mandating masks is “unenforceable.” This is nonsense, and it’s also irrelevant. No one is suggesting that Flagler deputies put the cuffs on those who refuse to wear masks. The fact is, most people are law-abiding, and if a mask ordinance is passed the vast majority of people will obey it, which is the whole point. Added to this will be the ability of retail establishments to refuse entry to the unmasked, and that intangible enforcement effort called “peer pressure.”
Stacie Strausser says
Thank goodness
If adult people can’t use common sense and show empathy for those in danger;
Then the governing powers MUST step in!!
Thank you for keeping us safe!
Christina says
Yes please!!!
Glenn Sims says
To quote a great statesman, “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Ben Franklin had it right. If we as citizens, allow Flagler County to make masks mandatory then we no longer deserve our freedoms! Its a principle so much bigger than just masks!
F. Baum says
So is wearing a seat belt giving up an essential liberty? Is not being able to text and drive giving up an essential liberty? No it’s for everyone’s safety just like wearing a mask. I get my information from expert, infectious disease experts, not ‘social media’ experts. And yes, I do believe for some, wearing a mask can do more harm than good. But, again, according to the experts, that is a small percentage.
kip says
@ F. Baum you cant relate driving and wearing a mask. Driving is a privilege that can be revoked and has requirements to obtain and maintain that right.
KrissyKat says
Entering private establishments indoors is also a privilege and not a liberty. With a mask mandate indoors businesses will have to require them or you lose your privilege, not liberty, to enter the establishment.
Integrity or Ego? says
Living in America and having the freedom to make choices is also a privilege. If you’re unable to put aside your own wants to save the life of or perhaps prevent the suffering of another human, then that shows what kind of person you are. How do you want to be seen? Remembered as? Wearing a mask isn’t about you.
bob says
How about comparing mask wearing to being required to clean up after my dog. I don’t do it for me. I do it for you. Just like wearing a mask.
Glenn Sims says
In some ways wearing a seat belt is giving up an essential liberty. I don’t agree with that law either. I think it should be left up to the individual. We used to have helmet laws but the people finally spoke up enough and got that law mostly turned around. Now can you say it’s safer to wear either? In most cases yes. But again it should be up to the individual. My body, my choice – right? There are other ways to encourage the use of safety equipment that would not infringe on anyone’s rights. For example, car insurance. Insurance provider’s could charge a premium for people that don’t wear a seat belt. I bet most people would choose to wear one to save money on their premiums. This is the way to give people the choice. However, we could go even deeper and question why does the government even require insurance? There’s an argument to be made there. Today it starts with a mask mandate. Who enforces that? And what if the mandate becomes a law? Right now, I think it should be left up to the merchants to decide. That way, it gives me as a consumer a choice of where to eat or shop. I can tell you that I already have made some changes in where I shop due to mask requirements at some stores. I’m ok with that as I still have a voice/choice in it. I’m not ok with the government “mandating” it. Again to quote Benjamin Franklin, ““They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
Wendy says
Florida residents have already lost freedoms due to not doing a very simple thing like wearing a MASK . Residents of Florida can not travel to New York or New Jersey. So much for freedom .. The US is banned from traveling to other countries because of stubborn people who don’t put on a mask which has lowered the rate of cases in other countries. Way to go at preserving your freedom … You wear a seat belt and don’t drive drunk because both save lives and it is the LAW
Wondering says
You are overlooking the political game being played. Trump closed the US to travelers from other countries, including Europe first. Has little to do with wearing masks.
The New York governor was so smart the way he treated Covid 19 patients that he put them in assisted living homes. And then he made the biggest deal out of assisted living homes being the ones impacted the most. Unless you know ALL the facts involved, no judgement possible.
Linda says
There is no reason to wait until Tuesday for a formal meeting. Make the declaration now, to be in effect for the July 4th weekend – and limit access to our beaches. No shuttle busses. Just because they are paid for doesn’t mean we need to use them. When parking runs out, shut it down. this needs to be enforced.
Charlotte Tomey says
I am very much against a mandatory mask order. That is definitely a violation of everyone’s civil rights. If you are concerned and wear your mask then you are protected from me. I do not think it is a healthy idea to wear masks and recirculate your own bad air into your body. Furthermore in the not too distant future how many respiratory problems will there be because of lack of fresh air.
This entire notion is absurd. Think about what else you might be exposing people to because they are re-breathing their expelled air.
Trailer Bob says
So I guess I should be able to walk around naked anywhere I like…right? I get your point, but for many who wish to wear a mask it is made more difficult by having to be the only one sitting at a bar or in a restaurant with the mask actually on. Makes you look weak when in bars with a bunch of rednecks (I’m a redneck) not wearing them. So it is mostly this mob mentality that is stopping many like myself from wearing any type of protection in certain places. So one way to do it is to mandate that the bars, restaurants, grocery stores, convenience stores, make notice that entry requires a mask…period!
KrissyKat says
Masks do not protect you. They protect others if you have the virus and don’t know it. So people are only protected if everyone around them wears a mask. Not 100% protected, but much more than not having everyone wear one. Masks are not harmful to you. Please educate yourself from reliable scientific and medical sources. I’ve worn one up to 13 hours a day.
KrissyKat says
You’ll have to wear one only indoors in public. It won’t be for that long at a time. You shouldn’t be going out to places indoors for hours at a time right now anyway, during a pandemic. You’ll be fine.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
We need a county attorney eith a brain which.in.my opinion we do.not have
Scott says
really says
Why not wait longer until it magically disappears before you do something. That would make way more sense right? In stead of having done it weeks ago when lives could have been saved. What is wrong with you people. Lead follow or get out of the way. Incredible.
Wondering says
Which life is worth saving more? The live of someone who contracted Covid 19, or the lives of the people that got ruined due to the shut down? What about the domestic abuse going through the roof right now, what about the people who need therapy, cancer treatment etc? Why is everyone concerned about Restaurants, bars and stores. Shutting down the economy kills people too!!!! It kills livelihoods, it ruins families, it endangers our kids who are exposed to unloving environments at home. How can you people pretend to care for people and then you only want to protect people from Covid 19. There are many threats to society out there. Covid 19 is just one of them. It shouldn’t be the reason for drastic measure anymore then any other health issue.
Many of us with good common sense and concern for our community saw this coming with the irresponsible, hasty re-openings that took place just in advance of Memorial Day. We will see the same, if not worse, following the 4th activities. Just wait and see the numbers by July 18th or so. An avoidable mess had there been patience and forethought. It’s a crime that seniors and those with medical issues have been continuously punished throughout this pandemic by the behavior and lack of consideration of others.
Wondering says
Hi Anna,
I am not aware that seniors and people with medical issues in our city/county have been continuously punished due to Covid 19. It is true that we had several death and several infected people, just recently in some of the senior homes, but by far not any numbers that warrant the steps the city and county have taken to stop Covid 19. Over 8000 people lost their jobs, kids can no longer go to school and are missing out on important education and social contacts, domestic abuse in Palm Coast is through the roof, many families suffer financial hardship and last but not least, due to the shut down, many more people, who have been struggling with addictions and medical conditions have died – not because of Covid 19 – but because they were left without any support. Everyone is just so concerned about the spread of Covid 19. What about all the other health concerns people in this town have? Are they less important? Covid 19 should not be the ONLY concern. However, it has become the only one thing tearing our people apart. I wonder what it will take for people to wake up and understand they are being played against each other.
Lance Carroll says
Meanwhile the beach is open for 4th of July and shuttle buses will courier folks to beach side from mainland, free of charge.
Dennis says
I personally think the mask is a bullshit waste of time and is unhealthy to the wearer.
Cathy says
With all due respect, I will take the advice of the health experts over your ignorant opinion.
Balfour says
If you personally think wearing a mask is BS and unhealthy, then you clearly haven’t done an Iota worth of research about it. Because you’re wrong. I bet your OWN doctor will tell you you should wear a mask. I bet you haven’t even asked him / her.
Trailer Bob says
There are better options, like a face mask made of plastic that covers your entire face, yet you can still sip your beer. There, fixed that for you.
mark101 says
Commissioner Greg Hansen needs to grow some balls and support his area of the county. I wear a mask in public for three reasons.
1. HUMILITY : I don’t know if I have Covid or not as its clear that people can spread the disease before they have symptoms.
2. KINDNESS: I don’t know if the person I’m near has a child battling cancer, or cares for their elderly mom. While I might be fine , they might not.
3. COMMUNITY ; I want my community to thrive, for businesses to stay open, employees to stay healthy. Keeping a lid on Covid helps us all.
Make mask mandatory. Its really so very simple.
Lil bird says
The cloth bandana doesn’t protect from inhaling cigarette smoke or farts yet particle size of any virus is much smaller.
Masks “may” help prevent COVID when social distancing is not possible AND encounters last longer than 15min. Who spends 15min around any stranger at the grocery store or a server at a restaurant?
That’s why bars are closed (again) and hairdressers have to wear masks.
It’s pretty twisted when local government markets a symbol of “freedom” but then mandates it…
Jp says
You are correct about not protecting you from inhaling. The covering is to protect others around you from what you exhale. Just like a Kevlar cest “may” protect you, so will a mask.
Rob P says
Republicans, Democrats, black, white, brown, jew, Indian, Muslim, Christian, old,young, bald, short, tall, fat , skinny…..this virus doesn’t discriminate….some think that it’s a violation of their rights, trying to be safe is good for all, it will help businesses stay open, kids back in schools, etc….I wear a mask because I care for all. Come to flagler beach and you will see 75 percent of the people walking around with no mask….love , love and love.
Wondering says
Nicely put Rob, but if you are so loving of humankind, where is your tolerance?
It’s me says
Florida Statutes 876.12 Wearing mask, hood, or other device on public way.—No person or persons over 16 years of age shall, while wearing any mask, hood, or device whereby any portion of the face is so hidden, concealed, or covered as to conceal the identity of the wearer, enter upon, or be or appear upon any lane, walk, alley, street, road, highway, or other public way in this state.
Sorry Palm Coast, state law trumps city ordinance if you make it mandatory. 90% of people in this county don’t wear the mask correctly anyways, go to the store how many employees have their little noses hanging out how many pull their mask down to talk so no I will not be a sheeple and wear a mask because you are afraid. If you are so afraid of this virus stay home.
How many people are in Florida and in the country yet we are freaking out over a very small percentage of people getting sick and even smaller percentage of people dying. How many millions get sick a year with the common cold or flu but you people don’t go after those like this. People who are freaking out I feel sorry for you because you let fear and the government control you and you do not think for yourself. They throw numbers out saying it’s so bad and you let them control you through fear. Think for yourself do research and you will see stuff isn’t adding up.
So if this is all about public safety then we should also mandate open carry because that protects society, or ban driving to prevent deaths and accidents for public safety. Or banning fluoride in the water that’s a public hazard. Ban using all tobacco or vaping in public for public safety.
If you are afraid stay home
Dr. Fine says
The start of mind control. Make everyone wear mask. Make everyone follow the arrows around the store. All people become sheeplike. Now do what the government says is good for you. Now you don’t have to think for yourself.
Holland is now worried about hurting the economy; while at the same time demands no more Dollar Stores be built in Palm Coast.
Government Control
Only the brainless sheep will follow
Glenn Sims says
Did not know about the State Law. Thanks for sharing!
Ruth says
I’m printing that statue out and carrying it on my person to use if I have to. I’ll be kind and carry a second copy in case some kool-aid drinker need a legal mask… ;-)
Questioning? says
Let’s not forgot that a bandana or a crocheted mask (as I saw yesterday) or even many of these homemade cloth ones, really do not protect others. Then there is the littering of masks- I saw 2 on the ground in front of Publix. That is a legal fine but no one is enforcing that! And yes, I see many lifting their masks up- touching their faces so how does that really protect them? It should be left to the individual.
A Concerned Observer says
@ It’s me says — Florida Statutes 876.12
A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. If anyone would care to Google that particular statute, they will first see the chapter heading; CHAPTER 876: “CRIMINAL ANARCHY, TREASON, AND OTHER CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC ORDER”. Are any “No Mask” proponents worried about nefarious criminal’s committing anarchy, treason, and other crimes against public order while wearing a mask? I will do my level best to protect myself and my family from this highly contagious and too often deadly virus. As long as any business is doing whatever they can to protect the health of their employees and customers, I will happily support that business. I will NOT support any business that does not!
• Non Mask proponents claim that is unhealthy to wear a mask because it recirculates the wearers germs back into their body. Guess what folks, if you already have the virus within your body, you are not recycling anything your body which is not already there. Wearing a mask does,, however, limit your propagation of the virus to any innocent people near you. A clean, properly worn and maintained mask can limit the chances of the virus from getting into your body.
• If you DO already have the virus within your body but are blissfully unaware, wearing a mask will help you not to spread it to others; maybe a member of your own family. Can you live with the knowledge that a beloved family member suffered through the extremely uncomfortable and possible deadly virus because of your nonsensical, irrational belief that wearing a mask is on no value and you chose not to protect them? Refusing to do anything you can to protect anyone in your immediate proximity is a selfish act. It’s a hurray for me and to hell with anyone else attitude.
• If anyone believes wearing a facemask is of no benefit, I am compelled to ask would you acquiesce to nurses and doctors in an operating room performing surgery on you or a loved one without wearing a mask? I think not.
• Is barring smoking in any school, hospital, restaurant or bar unconstitutional? Do laws we live under every day prohibit that? Is the possibility of negatively affecting the health people near a smoker any more likely than passing on COVID-19 virus?
I am not afraid of any requirement to wear a mask because I care about myself, my family and those with whom I interact in close proximity. Segregation has a very negative connation in today’s vocabulary but if we could segregate an area where anyone not concerned with their own health, that of their friends, coworkers and family could happily congregate with blissful ignorance, I would happily allow them to do so. The rest of our community would be safer and those within that confined area would sooner or later cease to be a problem.
Exasperated says
Hello!!!! Exactly the point. Well said.
For those who don’t wish to wear a mask for the sake of safety and precaution, not to mention avoiding another shut down; go hang out in your maskless , free, unconscious to humanity comfort zones. I care about my parents and wish to keep them around a bit longer.
snapperhead says
I guarantee most of the whiners of their constitutional rights being violated for being required to wear a mask are perfectly fine with big gubmint dictating what a woman can do with her body. Wouldn’t the sky wizard condone wearing a mask to protect the life of one of his chilren? Every life is so so precious right?
Sherry says
STOP Taking your news from the rumors and conspiracy theories on social media. Wearing a mask is NOT bad your health:
This from the Associated Press:
Does wearing a mask pose any health risks?
No, not for most people. Babies and toddlers should not wear masks because they could suffocate. The same goes for anyone who has trouble removing a mask without help.
Others can wear masks without risking their health, according to experts, despite false rumors to the contrary.
In areas where COVID-19 is spreading, health experts agree that wearing masks or other face coverings in public helps reduce the risk of spreading the virus when people can’t socially distance by staying 6 feet apart.
The coronavirus mainly spreads through droplets that are emitted when people talk, laugh, sing, cough and sneeze. Masks lower the likelihood of those droplets reaching other people. Even if you don’t have symptoms, you could be carrying the virus and could spread it.
When it’s humid outside, it could feel like it’s harder to breathe if you’re not used to wearing a mask, said Benjamin Neuman, a professor of biology at Texas A&M University-Texarkana. But he said masks don’t meaningfully decrease oxygen in the body.
“The body is quite good at adjusting to keep oxygen levels where they need to be,” he said.
There’s also no evidence that the use of masks causes fungal or bacterial infections, according to Davidson Hamer, an infectious disease expert at Boston University. Disposable face masks are meant to be used once, then thrown in the garbage. With cloth masks, it’s a good idea to wash them regularly.
Wearing a mask may be uncomfortable, but health officials say you should resist any urge to touch your face. That could bring germs from your hands into your nose, mouth or eyes.
Wondering says
There is pros and cons to every approach. Usually, level headed people weigh the pros against the cons before they reach a decision or judgement. Unfortunately, that is no longer common practice. It’s my way or the highway. Just because the Associated Press states their side of an issue, doesn;t make it the only acceptable argument.
Mike Cocchiola says
Mandating masks is not a constitutional issue. It is a public health issue. Civil authorities clearly have the legal authority to mandate the wearing of masks just as they have the authority to require stoplights, crosswalks, anti-littering, or no alcohol or dogs on the beach to name but a few of the myriad of laws that can be construed as infringing upon 1st amendment rights. But we give them that authority for the common good and that authority has been upheld for over two centuries under our constitution.
To cry “unconstitutional” with masks is to cry unconstitutional with any community standards… even clothes!
Annie says
You have it backwards. MY wearing a mask protects YOU. MY wearing a mask shows that I care about YOUR health and safety. MY wearing a mask shows that I live in a community and care about the people around me. Yes, my mask minimally protects me, but it absolutely protects YOU. It has nothing to do with taking away YOUR freedoms, but because you choose not to wear a mask you are not only taking away MY freedom, you could be potentially taking away my LIFE.
Sherry says
Please cite precisely where in the constitution is says you have a right to endanger the life and health of others by not wearing a face covering and social distancing.
Also, by wearing my mask while out in crowded public places, “I” am NOT creating a higher risk of illness and death to others. It is those who refuse to wear a mask who should stay home!
If you do not have a “CERTIFIABLE” health condition that prevents you from wearing a face covering, and you still REFUSE to do “the right thing” to protect others, you are a despicable cowardly outcast and pariah on society!!!
Sherry says
But sorry, anti-mask readers, you should have also read Florida statute 876.155, which was enacted decades later. It states specifically that the previous statutes only apply to people who are wearing masks with the intent to intimidate others, deprive others of their civil rights or commit a crime.
“Intent matters,” said Dave Aronberg, the state attorney for Palm Beach County. “The statute in 876.12, enacted in 1951, does prohibit people from wearing a mask. But 30 years later, 1981, the statute was limited to people who were doing that with the intent to intimidate other people, deprive them of equal protection under the law, and with the intent to engage in criminal conduct. So, yes, intent matters.”
Sherry says
YET AGAIN. . . . As with Spring Break. . . . our local government officials (I refuse to call them leaders) have “DESIGNED” the timing of their protective actions to be “AFTER” money is raked in during a major holiday. This obviously places MONEY over PEOPLES lives and health. This should be completely UNACCEPTABLE to us all!
Wondering says
Dear Sherry,
You are so wrong. No money is raked in during the 4th of July. You want to know why? All bars are closed, no fireworks anywhere, no fireworks for individual households either. But St Augustine has fireworks, and guess what? People will take their money to St Johns county for this holiday and Flagler County and Palm Coast has to wait to receive money from the cares act to keep the city/county going.
Linda H. says
Interesting how people want government to order everything. Have you lost your common sense, the ability to think for yourselves? WASH YOUR HANDS! Wear a mask in all stores, which are already observing social distancing. Stay away from crowded indoor spaces. And if you are at risk, STAY HOME! STOP INSULTING OTHERS.
What this article and others do not mention is approximately 50% of those being tested HAVE NO SYMPTOMS, yet they are being quarantined for 14 days. What proof is there it can be passed on? None, that I know of. Those who are sick describe a much milder flu.
We must find a way to live with this virus and more shutdowns will not be acceptable.
Tim B says
I don’t like to wear a mask but have complied in every business that requests one be worn. Businesses have the right to ask me to wear a mask and make it my choice to comply or not enter. That is how it should work. We do not need a law.
KrissyKat says
Wearing masks and distancing IS how we live with the virus. As well as quarantining people waiting for their test results and people who test positive, regardless of symptoms for either. Did you know the flu is contagious for days after infection and before you show symptoms? Based on current studies (there aren’t many because covid is a NOVEL virus) it takes a few days longer to show symptoms once infected than the flu does. Some people also think they’re asymptomatic but do in fact have mild symptoms that they brush off as something else. They can spread it to someone who could have a much more serious illness from the virus. And not all at risk people can stay home. We have to work, buy food, and go to the doctor too and not all of them can afford delivery for everything . Everyone wearing masks and social distancing is how we keep the economy open and the population from getting sick. The problem is, most people HAVE lost their common sense and sadly can’t be relied upon to do the right thing and to care about their community. And it’s sad. Really sad.
Only Me says
It is pathetic that Governor DeSantis along with Donald Trump are playing politics about this virus and not caring about the health of the people, they will beg you to go out and vote for them during re-election time. DeSantis is following Donald Trump not taking responsibility and leaving it up to others to do their jobs that they are in charge of. They are failures to their positions big time.
Please County Officials, Mayor Holland, and the Mayor of Flagler Beach act now stop waiting until we end up having to shut down the county again. Stop dragging your feet and take action.
Florida records of this virus have proven to be out of control, wake up now.
Donald Trump only cares about himself, he gets tested every day with his staff, does he care about the long lines in every state of people wanting to get tested, absolutely not. He brags we have better tested than any other country, that is a complete lie. The guy doesn’t know how to tell the truth for one thing. He has failed our country and DeSantis is following right behind him.
Sheila Zinkerman says
Let the Majority Rule with Mandatory Face Masks. For the unfortunate Maskless Minority, your cake awaits.
“In over half a dozen recent national surveys, however, overwhelmingly majorities of Americans, Republicans, and those who support Trump, say they always or regularly wear masks in public.” Business Insider.
Calm Post says
That’s me! A Trump supporting… hand washing…social distancing..MASK WEARING guy. So are my friends.
Sheila Zinkerman says
Calm Post
This is me! A Biden
hand washing…social distancing…
MASK WEARING gal. So are my friends. Thank you and all your friends for following CV-19 recommended guidelines. We are all an example of how compliance works regardless of political affiliations. I hope others will be inspired to follow our example and help keep us all safe.
Me says
Here we go again! Mask wearers “drink the koolaid” again, first batch must not have been strong enough! You listen to your city followers that tell you when and where to wear a mask, and all of a sudden you become the “mask police”, give everyone a break! Why, when you wear a mask, do you become an expert on the subject? Does this mean before the “pandemic” arrived, you were ignorant? Probably, and even more so now! Are you listening to the numbers by experts? Bullshit, cant be! There are no matching numbers anywhere! Even the experts are conflicted with one another, this number, that number, who knows… not you! Sooo, if you “koolaid drinkers” are wearing a mask, then arent you protected from me, and me from you? Then why are you all being such assholes, you should be proud, of yourselves, anyway, for doing your part. Not downing the people who dont drink the koolaid. Your comments suggest you have always been a fearful person who cant think or act on your own, fine, so be it, but frankly I enjoy my freedoms of choice, and dont need someone like you to tell me how irresponsible it is to not wear a mask. I have lived this long without you, and I’m sure I will continue to do so. By the way, you probably will too! Most of you might want to think about wearing a mask properly before saying anything to anyone. Thought… they should invent a mask when you put it on, it completely silences you!
Woah Woah Woah says
Woah, hold up a minute… Masks are not safe to wear??? Oh holy cow please help end the decades of torture we’ve placed on the shoulders of nurses, doctors, surgeons, dentists, etc. I can’t imagine what it must have been like for some of them to be operating at times for 12/14 hours a day on brains and hearts in such dangerous contraptions! Thank you to our local heroes who have shed light on such horrid requirements!
KrissyKat says
For all of those concerned about keeping the economy afloat, masks can help with that. Look at this study about the economy from Goldman Sachs.
Wondering says
It is really interesting to see, how wearing a mask to protect yourself, to wearing it out of love and care for mankind and your neighbors health, now warped into saving the economy. Kind of cool; “the power of a face mask”!!!! What will it take to wake people up and smell the coffee? They are all being played. The puppetmaster’s know exactly what they are doing, and good puppets fall in line. We are tearing each other apart over face masks!!!!!! None of us really has access to the facts. They are kept well hidden from the public, but every now and then the facts slip outside into the world. Like the the great study at Yale which found that covid death cases are well under reported. Reason being is, scientists compared the numbers of total death in the US from the time of Covid 19 with the total death numbers of previous years. They found that the difference in reported death during the Covid 19 period does not match the actual number of increased death. They came to the conclusion, that the covid death rate must be under reported, because there’s no way that maybe other factors like higher suicide cases, death from overdose, domestic violence, riots and shootings could have anything to do with it. The only explanation, according to the Yale study is under reported Covid 19 cases. That makes you wonder, doesn’t it?
Anne says
Can we sue the county if we contract corona virus on the shuttle buses? Also please make mask madatory before the holiday or you will be known for your horrible leadership.
STAN says
R2D2 says
They should have kept restaurants as takeout only. Every day on the St. Augustine restaurants page there are restaurants closing due to employees testing positive. You’re going to require a mask in public but as soon as they get to the table to eat, they’re allowed to take it off…so what’s the point? Everyone is so scared about getting sick but then in the next breath they’re talking about where they’re going to eat tonight. I don’t think it’s fair to mandate masks unless you’re going to close dine-in service.
capt says
The I don’t want to be told what to do crowd, well, good luck with your health. Darn shame we won’t know when you get admitted to the hospital with the virus symptom, or your wife or one of your children or grand kids. Sure go ahead and possibly infect them all, or your neighbor kids, but hey you didn’t wear your mask so you got what you wanted. OR did you !
Ewa says
Richard G Sweet says
Concerned Palm Coast Citizen: I value my life, as well as others. I have been in the field of Science and Communications for over 50 years. Have seen multiple deadly health issues over the years, however, this one is the worst. I am an aging Hippie, who disliked the “establishment” during my early years. Still am a free thinker. Also, an out of poverty intelligent human. My education (multiple degrees) and street smarts have taught me that if I need to wear a mask, wash my hands and stay 6 ft. apart to keep others and myself safe from COVID-19 , it is a wise decision. Please keep your family and friends safe during this time of crisis. You, your Parents, Grandparents and especially the Children (yours and others) need to safe.
RC says
Comedy hour, reading all these comments from all you know it alls!! FYI, no mask mandate for Flagler County, just saw from the Observer.
Sherry says
For the unfamiliar/uneducated. . . . the restaurants and shops in Flagler Beach have been open for weeks. They are supposed to create some space for social distancing but there is ZERO enforcement. Therefore, those of us who actually live here, see tables jammed together and people practically on top of one another all the time. I have written to DeSantis, the BOCC , the Palm Coast Mayor, and the Flagler Beach City Commissioners about the need for some kind of leadership on mandating health safety measures. With extremely little response. So, YES, this will be a big revenue holiday weekend for the businesses in Flagler Beach. There is only one bar and it should not be open.
For those who copy and paste social media gossip/lies and FOX talking points about face coverings being unhealthy, please cite a CREDIBLE MEDICAL EXPERT who says wearing a mask is unhealthy. Remember, doctors and nurses in hospitals wear them for hours on end. Maybe, just maybe they know a little more about it than your Facebook pals. . . or, you do.
Live Simply says
Why is this so difficult? Live simply so that others may simply live. Please wear your mask.
John F. Pollinger says
I watch these comments and think…..federal guidelines prohibit smoking on aircraft even though there were “smoking sections” on planes. Smoking is prohibited in grocery stores, department stores, movie theaters, heck every public indoor place. Light up in Walmart, Costco, BJs? Unthinkable. It’s mandated by law. Are the laws designed to protect the smoker? No, it’s designed for the protection of others and we accept it. So is a mask. Wear the damn mask for the sake of others. Elected officials? This is a public health crisis. Accept it and do what you were elected to do. Mandate it for the sake of others.
Steve says
I know some are posting for effect ,reaction cuz noone is that ignorant even in Flagler
Grandma Mattie says
After reading ALL the comments from your ” apocalyptic Sherry “, I decided to just stay in my home and NEVER come out again. Its not worth it anymore. And don’t come to my door and knock because I won’t answer you. I have enough water and the toilet still works. I can eat my cats if I get hunger enough.
E F says
We are all in a terribly difficult situation. Covid is not going away anytime soon. If we all wear masks that will slow the infection rate so we do not overwhelm hospitals. It will also help people get back to work which is absolutely necessary for the livelihood of our youth, our communities and our country. If older and compromised individuals need to stay home to protect themselves so be it. I and my husband fall into this category. Life has to go on especially for those who have their whole lives ahead of them. We will all most likely be wearing masks for a long time. I don’t think we will return to anywhere near normal until there is a good vaccine and herd immunity. If we slow the infection rate we will not reach herd immunity anytime soon. A good vaccine with enough doses to inoculate most people is at least a year away, probably more. I feel very sorry for businesses that need crowds to survive.
John says
Not sure what the big problem is saying it’s not enforceable. Why not let the heath department do it along with the business owners they do it now with “No shirt, no shoes, no service” just add no mask no service.
JJ says
The simple fact is that TRump won’t wear a mask because it would mess up his makeup. Soooo many idiots think it’s for a quantitative reason.
JMC says
If klick or ticket then mask it or casket
Karl Marx says
YES. Let’s close the beach, shudder the restuarants, shut down the stores, destroy the economy, and lock up all of those Trump loving egomaniacs for not wearing their masks. We certainly don’t want that monster Trump or his cronie Ron DeSantis to be re-elected. Of course if you want to march with the BLM protesters, riot, loot, burn police cars, or destroy statues, then you do NOT need to wear a mask. Step right up and tear down this horrible country of ours. No mask required
Will says
Wish Holland would put this much effort in protecting our woods/forestry….
Sherry says
Dear Grand Ma Mattie,
If indeed you are a grandma, those of us who are passionately trying to state the convincing medical facts that prove wearing a mask makes us all safer are doing our best to protect YOU. You are likely at an age that contracting Covid 19 could cause you very serious illness. I’m quite certain you do not want to be sick and possibly be in the hospital. Is it really too much to ask everyone to wear a perfectly “legal” and “safe” face covering and to “social distance” which is proven to lower the risk of spreading such a terrible illness? Stay Safe and Healthy, whoever you are!
JM says
In reading all of these comments, you’re either a kind, loving, caring for all around you person if you wear a mask, or a selfish, hateful uncaring, defiant person if you don’t wear one. It’s all become political. Well, there are a few other reasons for not wearing a mask-claustrophobia, autism, ptsd, to name a few. Both sides of this argument have considerate people, as well as idiots. As in everyday life, you don’t know what someone else is going through, you can’t make snap judgements, and still call yourself a caring human being.
I have acouple of scenarios for all of you. It is a little long, but bear with me, and please, read to the end before judging: Two people walk into a supermarket or a restaurant. One wears a mask, the other doesn’t. In each scenario, the person who wears a mask hasn’t sanitized before entering. In the supermarket, touches numerous produce items before taking what they want. Does the same in the meat section. Goes to the bakery, but the clerk can’t understand what they are saying. Pulls mask down to speak, breathing into the air. Goes through the store, ignoring one way directions, gets close to others. At checkout, doesn’t stay behind plexiglass. Doesn’t keep six feet apart. In the restaurant, enters with mask, sits down to wait for table. Pulls mask down to talk on phone, then puts mask back on, but it’s now under their nose. Decides not to sit down again, but stands close to someone else while waiting. Proceeds to table when called. Doesn’t sanitize hands. Touches menu, & rests hands on table, hoping it’s been sanitized between patrons, drinks from a glass that again, hopefully, is clean, same with utensils. Hands waitress their card for payment, uses pen provided to sign, hands payment booklet back to waitress, goes home.
Person without mask in supermarket, sanitizes hands before entering. Grabs a bag of produce instead of sifting through individuals. Only purchases the first package of meat they touch. Keeps distance throughout the store, does not cough or sneeze the whole shopping trip, tries to do things quickly, follows one way signs, doesn’t crowd anyone while shopping, stays behind plexiglass at register, doesn’t crowd the bagger, sanitizes again when they get to the car. In the restaurant, sanitizes hands before entering. Stays a safe distance while waiting for the table. Sits down, sanitizes hands again before touching menu or utensils. Hopes glasses, menu and utensils have been cleaned well. Hands waitress card for payment, wipes it down when they get it back, uses their own pen to sign. Sanitizes hands again before leaving.
Now, in these scenarios, the person wearing the mask is more the villain than the one who isn’t. Is it fair to assume that all mask wearers are evil and non mask wearers are good? No. So why do so many of you who wear a mask assume that every person that doesn’t wear one is the enemy? People can either wear one or not wear one, and still be a responsible, caring person, provided they practice common courtesy.
Sam says
Mask shouldn’t be mandatory
If people are scared then stay home
They all pile into the stores like they haven’t been there in like a day. U are told stand 6 ft apart so it don’t spread them wear a mask so it don’t spread so which is it
6 ft or a mask this isn’t law it wasn’t passed in court
I for one will look into a lawyer for my rights being violated
If u ever want this to go away people have to get immunity to it
Wearing a mask isn’t going to make the virus end.
If you are sick scared or a sheep stay home the rest of the people want to live life.
It’s all political and no one will convince people any drifferent
We will go back to school we will vote in person we will vote every single one out who keeps on putting these stupid restrictions on people
Maybe we need a county vote on what we want .
Like all the other garbage we waste money on in this county we should have a vote on and not leave it just to u overpower people.
tulip says
Keep this in mind–If a person that is not wearing a mask and is near another person not wearing one and that person coughs or sneezes, that persons “mouth and nose debris” could land right on your bare face. A mask would greatly help prevent that.
Sherry says
Sorry. . . . completely false equivalency. . . . assuming that a person who is willing to wear a mask will not also sanitize their hands and “social distance”. We ‘mask wearers” are logically much more likely to follow ALL the medical protocols. That includes hand sanitizing, cloth mask cleaning, social distancing, disinfecting all groceries before putting them away, sanitizing all deliveries, etc. etc.
Logically, those that do NOT bother to wear a face covering are much LESS likely to sanitize their hands or “social distance”, because they are obviously not taking this deadly virus seriously. They also desperately try to come up with an excuse. . . any excuse. . . for their unacceptable behavior, no matter how illogical.
JM says
Sherry, if you were referring to my hypothetical scenarios, I purposefully turned the mask wearer into the bad guy. Thought that it would get people’s attention. And it did. But let me say this: I have personally seen mask wearers who don’t sanitize their hands, crowd others, go the wrong way in one way aisles, wear masks below their noses, take the mask off to speak to someone, wear a mask into a restaurant, take it off and toss it on the table, etc. I made it general, just to make a point. You can’t generalize that all mask wearers do things 100%, and all non mask wearers don’t do anything, because it’s just not true. If you follow all protocols, great. It might be the logical way of doing things for you, but it’s not necessarily true for everyone.
I don’t wear a mask, because of extreme claustrophobia. It causes a panic attack for me. Excuse to you, reality for me. It doesn’t mean I have no common decency towards others. I keep distance, go one way in aisles, do not cough or breathe on anyone, sanitize numerous times, touch only what I buy. Does it mean that I don’t care about my fellow Palm Coasters? Or that I go someplace with an attitude about my rights? No, it doesn’t.
I thought I could shed some light onto what some of us go through, thought that maybe another side could be understood, but should have known that wasn’t possible.
palmcoaster says
Solution just manufacture masks that read TRUMP 2020 and all will wear it and problem solved!
Sherry says
Palmcoaster. . . . An absolutely brilliant suggestion! You are soooooo right! A MAGA mask would solve the whole controversy and keep us all safer!
Richard S. says
We buy insurances for our home, autos, health, dental, etc. every year and hope we never have to use it. You never know.
We wear masks to all public places and meeting friends or family. You never know.
It is safer to be on the side of caution than to risk getting sick and possibly dying.
You never know when that fatal minuscule germ is floating around in the air and will enter your body.