As Gov. Ron DeSantis weighs when to move ahead with lifting additional coronavirus restrictions, a report issued Tuesday by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlighted how contagious the virus can be in group settings.
The CDC studied an outbreak that stemmed from a choir practice in Washington state. Adults attended one or two 2.5-hour sessions in early March in Skagit County. While the report said no one reported having physical contact, choir members sat near each other, shared snacks and sang during the session.
“Among 61 persons who attended a March 10 choir practice at which one person was known to be symptomatic, 53 cases were identified, including 33 confirmed and 20 probable cases (secondary attack rates of 53.3% among confirmed cases and 86.7% among all cases),” the CDC reported. “Three of the 53 persons who became ill were hospitalized (5.7%), and two died (3.7%). The 2.5-hour singing practice provided several opportunities for droplet and fomite transmission, including members sitting close to one another, sharing snacks, and stacking chairs at the end of the practice. The act of singing, itself, might have contributed to transmission through emission of aerosols, which is affected by loudness of vocalization.”
The CDC report said the incident is a reminder of why certain activities need to be discouraged. “This underscores the importance of physical distancing, including maintaining at least 6 feet between persons, avoiding group gatherings and crowded places, and wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain during this pandemic,” the report said.
Florida last week started the first phase of reopening its economy, a move that allowed many retailers and restaurants to reopen after being closed for the previous month. Barber shops and hair salons were allowed to reopen on Monday. Florida has not mandated that people wear face coverings as part of the reopening.
–FlaglerLive and News Service of Florida
Getting grumpy due to Covid says
Ok…ban any and all choir practices. All other businesses and activities which don’t require standing shoulder to shoulder and singing “Kumbaya My Lord” should not have to suffer due to this specific case-study.
Jewels says
It amazes me on the degree of selfishness that the majority of the public shows. This group of people did social distance during the choir practice and were infected by a A symptomatic person.
Wow says
Yeah who cares if people die.
Vicky says
Probably bullshit again. When is this going to stop? If the truth really mattered there would be a lot of silence among those who vowed to do no “harm”.
Louanna Towery Flauto says
The point is not singing, the point is close group settings . there is going to be ann uptick in cases because of the group ” infringing upon my rights” to gather and to wear a mask. So those that want to refute ALL MEDICAL SCIENCE, think their rights are greater than the entire country’s safety. They are the problem and will be the reason when cases jump. They need to read about the cases where those who were hosputalized are still struggling with probable permenant lung or heart damage. Those people will now be on disability and require care throughout ttheir remaing life.
Alice says
Sharing snack’s? standing shoulder to shoulder? singing? This Is call stupidity… Sorry, take that back.. this happened in March? They didn’t know how contiguous this virus really was/is..
Karen Jackson says
Notice this is in March. Where are current outbreaks relevant to Florida?
Joseph Gillespie says
If you had stopped at “shoulder to shoulder,” I would have no problem. When you add “singing ‘Kumbaya My Lord,'” your comment shamefully denigrates people of faith. Repent.
Richard says
I guess everyone will blame Trump for not shutting down the state when it should have been the governor of Washington State to do so but since it is a liberal state governed by liberal people of course it’s not THEIR fault. That was a HOT zone back in March. Now we are in May, things are very much different today.
Tired of partisan politics says
It’s natural for people to look to their president for leadership ans guidance. Around the beginning of the year, Trump consistently downplayed the severity of the outbreak and did not do much to prepare as covid started spreading in the US. It’s not about liberal or conservative. It’s about doing what’s in our country’s best interest in the middle of a global public health crisis.
Tee Jackson says
Band “all” Social Gatherings! Indefinitely!
Debra Roberts says
All need face mask on. All should be in a 2week lockdown except ER.
Pedro Costilla jr says
like the other churches that do gathering they think God is going to protect them but God cannot protect them from this virus no matter who you are
chelle says
People are not taking this pandemic seriously. Church cannot protect anyone from these germs.
Mary says
The curve has been flattened. People are still going to get this. If you are older and have underlying conditions, use common sense and maybe NOT go out. People need to learn to be responsible for their own health. You cannot expect the young people to stay home and starve or watch their children starve. So sick of hearing it’s selfish to get the economy going.
So effing tired says
No, it’s not selfish, but getting the economy going has to be done responsibly, without setting the stage for a second wave. In order to do that we need more access to testing and a nation-wide plan to implement it. Nobody wants babies to starve and people to be unemployed. But no one wants hospitals to be overrun either.
Ronald says
The virus is mutating! Also children are now dying to unknown illneses related to covid 19.
Children are being permanently damaged from this disease and you say its selfish to try and protect the children? No, selfish is trying to get a paycheck over keeping children safe! No child will starve because they are giving away free meals. But children will die if we open the economy too early. Bunker down, give it a few months and keep the children safe!
Bob says
So on March 10th a choir member infected several people. Ok…fast forward now. Would this same group practice proper social distancing, social distancing , gloves, and gallons of disinfectants or would they behave as they did in March. Pointless article.bob