As we’ve done every year on Christmas, here’s the story behind Town Center’s Fantasy Lights in Palm Coast, now in their ninth year.
Tiffany Lynn Butler was 8 years old the Christmas of 1996 when she traveled with her family to Evansville, Ind., her mother’s hometown, and saw for the first time the city’s famous Christmas lights drive-through festival at venerable Garvin Park–60 displays of lions, flags, dragons, steers, rocking horses, reindeer, golfers, giraffes, peacocks and of course Santas bulbing up the night for thousands of visitors. It’s Indiana’s biggest Christmas-lights display, annually drawing some 60,000 visitors to the 80-acre park. Back in Palm Coast, Tiffany and her sister Brooke, who was seven years older, would watch a video of their excursion through Garvin Park. Why, Tiffany asked her father, couldn’t there be a similar festival in Palm Coast?
Tiffany, who was born in DeLand, never made it past her 14th Christmas. An eighth grader at Buddy Taylor Middle School at the time, she’d battled a weak heart her entire life. She died two days after surgery in a Miami hospital on Nov. 3, 2002. “That makes me sick, I can’t stand that word,” her mother, Libbie, says. “She didn’t die, she went to heaven.”
Christmas died that year for Tiffany’s parents, Bill and Libbie. They buried themselves in work–Bill as a landscape architect for Palm Coast, Libby back in school to earn an education degree (she taught at Bunnell Elementary, and now subs there.). “Trying to get over the grief of not having Tiffany here,” Bill wrote in a subsequent account, I kept thinking about her excitement with the Christmas light display.” And a way to deal with the grief.
What the Seals shine up in Indiana
A few months after Tiffany’s death, Bill joined the Flagler County Rotary Club. Two years later he proposed the idea to the club’s board: why not follow Evansville’s example? The Indiana light display was launched in 1993 by Easter Seals Southwest Indiana. Corporate sponsors pay up to $5,000 for each light display (in exchange for a small plaque advertising their name and sponsorship). Visitors pay $7 to $25 for the drive-through, depending on the number of people in their vehicle. The money ($142,230 in the 2008-09 Christmas season, $1.9 million since the Fantasy of Lights began) all goes to the Easter Seals Rehabilitation Center in Evansville.
Evansville, the third-largest city in Indiana, has a metro population of about 350,000 and will celebrate its 200th anniversary in 2012. Palm Coast likes to think it’s a city, but it’s barely 10 years old and still wet behind the scrub. However worthy the cause (the money would be donated to the Rotary’s Polio Plus fund, among other charities) Bill’s challenge was to convince the Rotary board that businesses would underwrite light displays ranging from $600 to $13,000 each and people would turn up somewhere (it wasn’t clear where, back in 2005) to look at giraffes, donkeys and golfers made of light bulbs.
The board went for it. Businesses didn’t, quite. At least not at first. By mid-September 2006, three months away from Palm Coast’s first planned Fantasy of Lights (the local version was renamed Holiday Fantasy Lights) Bill had not a single sponsor. Then three signed on in one day. It happened to be Sept. 13, Tiffany’s birthday. She would have been 18 that day. Bill is convinced she pulled a few strings.
The rest is a history of light switches.
The first display was held at one of the last places in town that inspires roasting chestnuts, eggnog or Nat King Cole: the Indian Trails Sports Complex on North Belle Terre Parkway. But Town Center didn’t quite exist yet. It still doesn’t, though its build-it-they-will-come fervor is written on every vacant sidewalk and gaping lot, and it is a fabulist’s dream (down to the daring plagiarism of Frederick Law Olmstead‘s fabulous park. Garvin Park, like the original Central Park, is listed on the National Register of Historical Places). So Town Center was a natural fit for Tiffany’s lights.

And there they’ve been, some three dozen light displays, depending on how you count a clever double-bill of Nativity scenery that, because it’s sponsored by private organizations, appears to get around the prohibition on religious displays on public land; it doesn’t, but no one is about to badger the Wise Men and the amped-up creche with legalese (especially as it is one of the statlier displays). That’ll happen as Palm Coast and Town Center mature past their youthful presumptions.
Unlike Evansville’s festival, Palm Coast’s is free (it draws a few thousand people), thanks to the Rotary’s sponsorship and its nightly corp of volunteers (including, on Christmas Eve and Christmas night, braving hints of polar air, Thea Hein-Mathen).
For Bill Butler, it’s a closing of a circle of sorts (or halo, as Bill might see it: Tiffany’s favorite show was “Touched by an Angel”), like the circle around the park pond that forms the Fantasy Lights circuit. “My wife and I,” Bill wrote in his account of the history of the lights, which appears every year in the Rotary Club’s program, “purchased a display depicting an angel tossing stars from heaven and dedicated it to Tiffany’s inspiration and memory.”
An there she is, between the Teddy Bear Snowball Fight and the elf waving a checkered flag, her smiling face on a small placard next to the tossed stars, just her smile and a brief dedication to her. Visitors who don’t know her story are nevertheless seized by the only meaning the dedication conveys. A pang of grief inevitably flickers across the lights, tightening the heart. It’s brief. It’s Christmas. Tiffany is still pulling strings.
Tiffany’s Fantasy Lights will be on display through the end of the month, nightly from sundown to around 9 p.m.
A parent says
What a lovely heartbreaking story. I want to thank Bill and Libby for seeing this through to fruition. My family and I enjoy this display every year. And this year is most special to us…Our son’s artwork was chosen to represent BTMS in the schools mural display…the Elves Rock Band. We’re very proud of him. And it wouldn’t have happened if not for Tiffany and her mom and dad. Thank you for sharing your daughter and her dream with us! Many blessings!
Orion says
Great article..
DWFerg says
Congratulations for making this a holiday tradition Bill and Libbie- Thanks flagler Live for keeping the story alive and fresh in new people’s minds.Talk about turning a negative into a POSITIVE–A memorial of Lights for the whole community to enjoy, in the spirit of Tiffany—The success of the sponsorship, the volunteerism of Rotarians and the growth of the exhibit is remarkable. Merry Christmas Flagler / Palm Coast
Cindy D. says
Thank you for bringing ‘light’ to the reason and passion behind the beautiful Fantasy of Lights. My boys and I look forward to it every year.
Pamala Zill says
We enjoyed this truly sweet, thoughtful display. Quite unique. Snowpeople playing catch with snowballs, unusual violet. Lights, lights are good for you. Don’t. Miss it! We loved it and also how Love through immeasurable. Grief shines on. THANKS!
Rick says
A very inspirational story Bill and Libbie & I thank you. My family & I look forward to the leisurely & colorful walk every Christmas season.
Best wishes for the New Year.
justaperson says
Every year i look forward to this display with my children and every year I remember Bill and Libbie’s daughter Tiffany. Thanks to them both for sharing their story and showing that there is always a silver lining in the darkest cloud. My heart goes out to them. xo
Ariana says
I worked with Tiffany at Bunnell Elementary, n she was an absolute joy–always sunny n smiling. Seeing this display every year is a way of keeping her with us; n watching children’s faces light up at seeing the displays is a reminder of that ready smile Tiffany had for us all each and every day. God bless u n ur family, Tiffany. I know Heaven does send its little star down to the Holiday Lights Display every Christmas, n we are thankful.
Anonymous says
great article indeedy
Anonymous says
While that may be a nice story….. it hides the fact our city has the crappiest Christmas decorations I`ve ever seen , they are hidden in some park most people in town ever go to , our main street has cheesy flags hanging off poles , they used to light up all of Palm Coast Parkway when ITT was here , less people , less money in budget , but much better decorations , once again our thieving city counsel pocketing money on decorations, I hope to see the day they arrest these dirty no good crooks!!! even Bunnell has better lights across their roads , pathetic like everything else these A-holes do.
Shelia says
Tiffany was one of the first special needs, young girls that played in Flagler Fast Softball League. Our mission was to included ALL young ladies in our sport. She had to wear a chest protector to keep her safe from being hit by the ball in the chest but that did not stop her. She loved hitting the ball and running to first base, every time. We all cheered her on, both teams rooting for her. She is an angel in heaven now.
Ruby durian says
Where is stars of Palm Coast Xmas decorations?
I live in Flagler Beach.
Ruby durian says
Where is stars of Palm coast Xmas decoration?
I live in flaglerbeach. Thanks
Ruby says
Do you have its address so I could write on GPS. I live in Flagler Beach and snowbird. Don’t know where it is. Thanks
Tom says
They are located in Town Center, just behind the Flagler Palm Coast High School (which is across the street from the airport).
And Anonymous, shame on your for trying to bring down a fantastic article. Go complain elsewhere.