Circuit judges S. James Foxman, Kim C. Hammond, Patrick G. Kennedy and A.W. Nichols will be retiring at the end of 2010. Circuit Judge Raul A. Zambrano will rotate to the criminal division now assigned to Hammond. The candidate who wins the election for Hammond’s position–Dennis Craig or Joe Horrox–will be assigned to the civil/family division now assigned to Zambrano.
On the Volusia County Court bench, Judge-Elect Robert Sanders will be filling a seat currently occupied by Volusia County Court Judge Mary Jane Henderson. Sanders will preside over a civil division in Daytona Beach currently assigned to Volusia County Court Judge Bryan A. Feigenbaum. The civil division currently assigned to Henderson will be relocated to New Smyrna Beach and assigned to Feigenbaum.
Also in Volusia, Circuit Judge Frank Marriott will move to Kennedy’s criminal division in Daytona Beach. The person appointed by the governor to fill Kennedy’s vacancy will preside over a juvenile dependency division in Daytona Beach.
The family division currently assigned to Foxman in New Smyrna Beach will be relocated to DeLand and assigned to Circuit Judge Hubert L. Grimes. Circuit Judge James R. Clayton will move to Grimes’ unified family court division in DeLand. Circuit Judge Randell H. Rowe will take over Clayton’s DeLand criminal division. Circuit Judge-Elect Matthew Foxman will preside over Rowe’s family division in DeLand.
“These judicial rotations are routinely made in order to permit judges to become more familiar with different aspects of the law and to ensure the efficient operation of the court system within the Seventh Judicial Circuit,” said Chief Judge J. David Walsh.
Zambrano was appointed to the circuit court bench in October 2005 to fill a new judgeship created by the Legislature earlier that year. Before his appointment, Zambrano was an assistant state attorney
and DeLand division chief for the Office of the State Attorney, Seventh Judicial Circuit. He earned a bachelor’s degree and two master’s degrees from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
Zambrano received his juris doctor from Stetson University College of Law.
sue says
I hope he listen better on the criminal bench then he did in family division. I heard rumored he was in a race to become a rocket docket like Judge Soad in Jax- His goal is to close 25 foreclosure case per hour. Hope Flagler finds some where to house all the homeless
Smart Girl says
Judge Zambrano is completely incompetent. If you have ever had to go before him for a ruling, his writing and decisions do not make sense and he is incapable of being fair. I thinks he’s lazy and looking forward to voting him out of office. This judge needs to go back to Law school to study Torts, Family Law and Business. He is lazy in making decisions and also lacks making a decision within a reasonable amount of time. He was lucky to be appointed by our former Governor Christ, but he needs to be voted out in the next election!
raw deal says
I agree! Judge Zambrano has made poor decisions and his rulings do not make sense. I don’t think he knows what he is doing in family law when it comes to the children. He seems to put the man first not the child’s best interest. He should be taken out of the courts completely after seeing what he does in Family Law.
Anonymous says
I Pray and believe Judge Zambrano will do the right thing on our court date coming up for our grandson..
Laura Petrarca says
You are all right. I lost custody of my son. My ex husband was physically abusive. It was proven in court. Judge Zambrono screamed and yelled in the most unprofessional manner. He would not allow my sister to testify that my ex husband sexually assaulted them. He took my income from a dating website. I was a stay at home mom at the time of my divorce. I pay child support based on a 50,000 dollar a year income that I do not make. My ex husband is a contractor for the government. He and Zambrono both had affiliation with Embry Riddle university. The judge should be in prison.
chris p says
He found me guilty and gave me the max. I have never been arrested before and I was attacked by the officers even though they knew I wasn’t who they were looking for… they set me up on jury pick trial I only got 3 strikes against jury and state got 9??? ive never been through this before but I know that’s not fair! I also can prove I was innocent with evidence and witnesses now… im hoping my appeal goes through even though I lost a year of my life and my sanity is gone. Jail was a terrible place for me I stuck out like a sore thumb