The alleged offenses were first reported to Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies on July 8, 2016, when the investigation was turned over to agency detectives: Thomas Jay Binkley, then a 60-year-old resident of Forest Park Street in Bunnell, was accused of molesting two young girls in his charge, over a period of a year and a half.
The last alleged incident had reportedly taken place three days before, involving either of the two girls, who were 6 and 8 at the time.
On Friday, Binkley was booked at the Flagler County jail on $200,000 bond and charged with two counts of lewd and lascivious acts on children younger than 12, each a first degree felony that carries up to a 30-year prison sentence if convicted. (The court docket lists his charges at four.)
At the time when the allegations were first reported, Binkley lived in the same house with the alleged victims and their mother, helping to take care of the two girls and their brother whenever their mother was at work.
One day the girls’ great-grandmother observed the youngest of the two girls masturbating. She asked the girl where she had learned to do so. The girl told her that “Mr. Tommy” had taught her, according to Binkley’s arrest report. The information was relayed to the children’s mother, who alerted authorities.
The children were interviewed by the Child Protection Team at the Flagler County courthouse on July 12, 2016, and both disclosed that Binkley rubbed their genitals over their clothing while they laid in front of him, watching television. The girls said it happened on many occasions. (When it comes to molestation, the law does not make a difference whether the act is separated by clothing. The law does not make a distinction. Last June, 39-year-old James Taylor was sentenced to life in prison after a jury found him guilty of touching an 11-year-old girl over her clothes for a few seconds, though the severity of his sentence also reflected prior convictions.)
It was not until January 2017 that detectives were able to interview Binkley at the small house he rented at 1737 Forest Park Street in Daytona North, also known as Mondex. He told detectives that “he cared for the kids by getting [them] ready for school , feeding them, and even making sure they were showered,” according to his arrest report. The children “would come into his bedroom and lay on his bed while they all watched movies together as a family.”
At first Binkley denied all allegations that he acted inappropriately and told the detectives that he had no idea why he was being accused. But as the recorded conversation went on, he “confessed to rubbing the vagina of both victims over their clothing with his hand,” his arrest report states. He said it happened twice with each girl. “He claimed it was accidental and once he began doing it he would stop because he knew it was wrong,” the report states. He said he was never touched sexually by either girl.
It’s not yet clear why the investigation and the arrest were separated by such a lengthy span of time. Circuit Judge Dennis Craig signed the warrant for Binkley’s arrest on March 23. Binkley is to be arraigned on April 23: that he is reported to have confessed to any acts during his interrogation by detectives doesn’t mean he will necessarily enter a guilty plea at arraignment.
Binkley has no prior criminal record in Flagler County. But in Volusia County he’s faced a few minor charges, including for failure to pay child support, a guilty plea on a minor drug possession, and in 1987, a fine and a withheld adjudication for a charge of “molesting a trash container,” according to the court docket in Volusia.
Richard says
Obviously a VERY sick man who knew exactly what he was doing and needs to be put away FOREVER preventing him from harming anymore young children.
Anonymous says
He looks as though he is stoned as it is possible to be.
Brian says
“molesting a trash container”…..gotta love that Mondex – lock up your daughter, lock up your wife, lock up your trailer, run for your life!
Curious... says
Were exactly is this “Mondex” I keep hearing about with the methlabs and now this? I have lived in Palm coast for a few years and have no idea where Daytona North or Mondex even is? Maybe post a little map or something? Inquiring minds want to know.
Female Veteran says
Gotta have nothing but love for people like @ Brian.. has absolutely no other comment about a sick twisted individual who has ruined little girls life’s forever. Only stupid comment is about a location where people live at.. wow.. and no i do not live there so this is not why I am saying something before you go there… are you a Florida native? Probably not. I’m sure you come from up north who lived in a small place or apartment but due to property values being higher there people get a lump some of money and move down here where you can get a bigger, nicer home with good lawns and things like that for a much less amount of money and still have a nice little chunk of money left in the bank. So now all off a sudden they are “wealthy”, high all mighty and anyone who does not fit their LITTLE box of perfection are nothing but trash.. and no.. i an not a FL native either .. I moved from NY years back.. my question is this… if these people are sooo wealthy and so much better than others because of where they live, work at or where they are born.. why are you in or why do they have so much interest in little ole Palm Coast?? Shouldn’t all of you be living somewhere like Boca Ratón, Delray Beach or some other beautiful multimillion dollar location?? Oh I might have the answer.. they probably can’t afford it and would have to live somewhere on the outskirts in a place that is considered THEIR Mondex. So people please stop being so ignorant and blame every story on here or any crime reported to a certain location where people live at… for example.. the Mondex, the R section, the P section, the F section and all the ones that you do not consider up to your standards.
I’m sorry to everyone for the rant.. but it just gets exhausting reading the same comments from the same type of people who have nothing valuable to say but to trash where others live.
south florida says
this behavior is intolerable and despicable.
palmcoaster says
Failure as well too often of some women mothers engaging in new relationships with sex offenders or violent men that abuse and at times kill their children or their pets. A real tragedy.
carol says
Molesting a trash container? Didn’t know that a trash container has a vagina? Or did this guys tried to have sex with the trash container? Got to love this country, even the trash container has rights!!!
Trailer Bob says
You cannot undo somethings…my question is where was his mind when he decided this would be a fun thing to do? I sometimes question the punishment when it involves a 16 year old girl, or stuff like that, but the ages of these two girls are way out of any type of explanation.
David S. says
Female Veteran: Great point couldn’t agree with you more..
Pogo says
@Female Veteran
Your comment is one of the most astute, and humane, I’ve ever read on this site.
MannyHMo says
This type of crime is rare in Singapore that has the Singapore style caning.
Jeffrey says
Fat Jesus has some explaining to do.
Mike says
I’ve known Tommy for over 40 years. This is a real shocker. Would never have seen this coming. May the Lord have mercy on his soul.
bob says
sick sin rereprobate going after 6 and 8 year old how sad and
corrupt is the heart of man. repent or perish
Brian says
Dear @Female Veteran – Please take a deep breath, relax, and don’t have a stroke. My comment was intended as a humorous jab at the stereotype of illegal activity that the Mondex has become over the years. And I hope that you continue to pontificate on here – that is humorous as well.