Aaron Sorkin’s “The Newsroom” features Jeff Daniels as an anchor on a cable-news program, who here goes off on the fictions of voter fraud and the not-so-fictional nature of tea parties as America’s verion of the Taliban. Of course, it’s only fiction.

question says
Two things:
1. Put this fairly comprehensive view of the damage the Tea Party has caused into a time capsule for later generations should they continue to be successful in taking over State Houses & God forbid, the White House…re how it all went so terribly wrong for this great U.S.A. experiment.
2. A ray of hope that will NOT be necessary:
Federal court REJECTS Texas voter-ID law
Associated Press – 8-30-2012
The GOP-backed law would have required voters to present photo ID to election officials before casting ballots in the November presidential election.
confused says
Fla requires a picture ID, what’s the problem?
Concerned says
The problem is folks like Confused who have so little understanding of our founding documents, and what it means to be a free people. Sigh…
ryan says
Freedom is more than economic. You cannot claim to believe in freedom and claim the states have a right to do what we resent the federal government for doing. the states only have a right to govern and pass laws if they respect the civil liberties and constitutional rights of their citizens.
Ben Blakely says
The 2012 vote comes down to obama’s BIG WELFARE and WASTE vs. Romdey’s BIG BUSINESS and PRODUCTIVITY
If you believe in big government controlling lives, huge wasteful spending, increasing welfare and dependency, increased taxes to support big government, ineptitude and cluelessness of big government officals, loss of personal freedoms and promoting laziness, goldbricking, unemployment and inflation, then you are an obama voter.
If you want economic health and growth, private business growth, increased employment, reduced government size and intrusion, promotion of personal independence and productivity, reduction of entitlement abuse and welfare fraud, respect for the constitution and rule of law, then you are a Romney voter.
tracy says
A bit confused aren’t you? Would that be personal independence except for woman? Ryan voted against Liddy Ledbetter fair pay act for woman, as in equal pay for equal job. Romney/Ryan do not feel that a woman should be allowed to make her own decisions regarding her own bodies. They would also like to do away with the largest US provider of Cancer Screening for women. If you would have done a bit of research you would have found that private business numbers are higher when Dems are in the office. Figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that the tally under Democrats since 1961 rounds to 41 million, Republicans 24 million. Personal Independence will be a bit difficult for seniors when that donut hole is put back. And insurance vouchers – great idea, we know medical prices never go up. Education gets cut under Republicans, perhaps they are hoping people will no longer be able to read and search for facts if they are ignorant and uneducated..