By Chloe Medina
I teach my children to be kind and respectful and not to judge others — we’re all in this life together. Yet families like ours are often stigmatized when we need assistance to make ends meet.
My husband and I work hard for our four boys. We live above the official federal poverty line, but we struggle. And if conservative groups succeed in implementing Project 2025 under the next Trump administration, we’ll struggle a lot harder.
We live in a poor barrio in La Habra, California. While I work a full-time job at a nearby university, I don’t make a living wage. Our combined incomes keep us just above the threshold for most assistance programs, but we still can’t afford to move from our dangerous apartment building, get child care, or give our children all the opportunities they deserve.
The National Low Income Housing Coalition determined that we would need to make nearly $50 per hour to afford just a modest, market-rate two-bedroom apartment. And with four boys, we really need a three-bedroom apartment. This is out of reach for us and millions of Americans.
Still, some programs have been a big help to families like ours.
Our youngest, Diego, was born with autism. Thanks to Early Head Start, Head Start, and its special Transition to Kindergarten program, Diego will have more chances than disabled children did when I was growing up. But these programs would be eliminated by Project 2025 — just like the Child Tax Credit expansion conservatives eliminated during the pandemic.
When our tax dollars were used to expand the Child Tax Credit in 2021, for the first time we could afford to send our kids to enrichment programs like a summer day camp. And we had an easier time catching up on our utility bills, which air conditioning puts a lot of pressure on during the scorching hot summer. Most importantly, we had less stress and could be more present for our kids.
But that expansion was ended by conservatives on Capitol Hill who decided our kids didn’t deserve it anymore. Child poverty immediately shot up again.
At the same time, turf violence around our apartment block got worse. I fear for my kids’ safety. We’ve been on the waiting list for a safer apartment building for 13 years, which isn’t uncommon. Due to inadequate funding and supply, families nationwide have to wait years for federal housing vouchers.
We’re also anxious to move so Diego can get the Occupational Therapy he needs to eventually live independently. Studies show the earlier children get these services, the more effective they are for a lifetime. But the closest services are three cities away, and the commute is impossible for us.
This nation has the resources to make life less precarious, but it’s a question of priorities. Only 44 percent of Americans can weather a $1,000 emergency without borrowing money, but the safety net has been shrunk again and again so the wealthy and corporations can have more tax breaks.
If the architects of Project 2025 or other Trump advisors who vow to cut public programs get their way, life’s only going to get harder for working families like ours — all to fund more tax cuts for the wealthy people who need them the least.
We can’t keep going down the road of increasing inequality. Next year, tax cuts for the wealthy come up for renewal in Congress, so now’s the time to get our priorities straight and bring back the expanded Child Tax Credit.
Chloe Medina is a member of the Parents Advisory Board of the Automatic Benefits for Children Coalition.
Deborah Coffey says
Millions of us realize that Republicans don’t care about you and your family, Chloe. They haven’t cared for decades and, in fact, actually believe you’re poor because you’re lazy or on drugs and just want to live on government handouts…”welfare queens” as Ronald Reagan put it. Please know that those millions of us that DO CARE, will continue to work very hard to help you improve your lives and to give your children all that they need. Americans have to do better and, we intend to do just that. Project 2025 will make that difficult. Stay strong and don’t give up; a new way forward is coming.
Nicki says
I am still floored that those that will hurt the most actually voted for this. Something isn’t right.
Sherry says
Thank you Deborah! Hopefully Chloe will read your excellent comments and take heart. The good news is that she lives in California and therefore has access to some blue state social service programs. . . that is “if” horrific trump doesn’t make good on his intention to do all he can to stop blue states from continuing to protect and support the poor.
Pogo says
@Chloe Medina
You’re dreaming.
There is no help on the way; that is the way things are.
Joe D says
As a retired Registered Nurse with a Master’s Degree as a Clinical Nurse Specialist and a Certified Nurse Case Manager at a major East Coast International University Teaching Hospital. My 43 year career has seen many patients and families like the family described in the article. “Working Poor,” who are BARELY scraping by, but make just enough in wages not to qualify for many current assistance programs.
The incoming Trump administration has vowed to cut $1 trillion off the debt. Of course that won’t be by enforcing the IRS rules, and continuing the recent auditing of millionaires and billionaires ( no one with incomes under $450,000) and were able to recover multiple Billion dollars in unpaid taxes. It will be by raising the requirements for qualifying for many “safety net” assistance programs….and discontinuing assistance altogether. As a Nurse Case Manager, I was responsible for ensuring the treatment plan was established for discharge, only to find the needed services were NOT going to be approved by the client’s Medicaid (PRIVATE) Managed Care Insurance Co paid by government funds. More denied care, means more PROFIT for the Insurance Company….EXACTLY what is happening with MANAGED MEDICARE ADVANTAGE programs! The TV ads look great….extra services, food vouchers! But if you have a SERIOUS illness, you are VERY likely to be denied the treatment or care due to the “Pre-Authorization” department at the private Medicare Advantage Plan! You can fight it, but the appeal process can take up to 2 years!!!
This year was the first year more than 50% of Medicare eligible people CHOSE Advantage plans because they LOOK cheaper. The fear for the next few years, is that Medicare Advantage option choices, will be a REQUIREMENT, and no longer a CHOICE!
Hmmm says
This was a hard read. 4 kids, 2 incomes, and struggling. How much of this was a personal decision? What are you doing to improve the situation? Most people struggled at some point in life. Instead of relying on government handouts like its owed, focus of self improvement. Blaming Trump before he even gets in office for future shortcomings is not it.
Deborah Coffey says
Oh, that’s right, blame the poor. Sheesh!
jake says
Personal choices with bad decision making, all part of the equation. Were you born middle class or rich, or did you work for what you have?
Ed P says
Since project 2025 is not a Trump document and is in fact a think tank report, a wait and see approach might be in order. Maybe the sky will not fall. The proposed DOGE is geared to identify areas of waste, fraud, and duplication. Elimination of programs will be decided by lawmakers. Its intentions are to streamline government and bring it into the 21st century. One glaring example is that the government is spending about 3/4 of its technology budget trying to maintain aging computer systems, including some agency platforms over 50 years old in vital areas from social security to nuclear weapons security. One unidentified system still uses floppy disks!
The dude says
Project 2025 was never not the plan.
What remains to be seen is if they’ll stick to the entire plan, or create carve outs for the olds and Elmo’s company.
Deborah Coffey says
Do you ever actually stand for anything? Okay, we’ll just wait for the rapist, racist, tax fraud, insurrectionist and his oligarch sidekicks along with his power hungry cult cabinet to do whatever they’re going to do to our country. It should all work out just fine with you, right?
Ed P says
My only question to you, is why do you reject every positive comment posted that falls along the lines of common sense and reason ability? Even when a factual and logical argument is made.
Trump’s cabinet selections are rather diverse with many intelligent candidates who appear to have a patriotic calling. None may be perfect but right now we should give them a chance, if they pass confirmations. Some picks may not make the cut.
Continuous name calling does nothing. What’s left after you call Republicans a rapist, racist,Hitler, Lucifer, fascist, homophobic, Islamophobia, xenophobic, or even a morons?
We get it already and it did not sway 77 million voters.
The working middle class struggled over the last 6 years between Covid and the cost of just living. They needed a change they are financially drowning. We the people has voted.
Deborah Coffey says
Ed, yeah, you the people “has” voted. And, I didn’t call Republicans rapists; I called Donald Trump a racist…just as the judge did. Congratulations to you all for putting a rapist in the White House. You must be very proud of yourselves for what you will ignore because of all the change you desire. The only good news I have, is that you’re about to get that change and you will deserve every bit of it. Unfortunately, the rest of us will be included in the deeds of that Fascist regime. P.S. The “positive” comments you refer to are lies and, I’m sorry you’re having such difficulty knowing TRUTH.
Dennis C Rathsam says
Eddy, dont waste your breath, these brain washed communist democrats here have only 1 thing on thier minds BADMOUTH TRUMP! With all the proof out there, how TRUMPs economy, his tax cuts, his interest rates & no new wars were stellar political moves! America was safer under TRUMP, he put more money in your wallets, food was cheaper by 20 % gas was $ 2.00 Ed, Id like to buy you a beer, your a patriot, & a wise man! God bless you & have a MERRY TRUMP CHRISTMAS!
David Schaefer says
Mr know it all take your MAGA hat and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine. You Trumpers will be sorry come Jan 20th you will be crying in your beer…..
joe says
Not too intrude on your fantasy, but gas was lower due in large part to the PANDEMIC – not anything Trump did.
jake says
That’s all she knows, and she’s one of the favorites.
Lois says
I feel for you, but you are not my problem. Just maybe, 4 kids was too much? Just maybe you should had hit a better education? Maybe you are living beyond your means? American taxpayers can’t pay to raise millions of families, who often make poor life decisions. It’s just the way America has been forever.
Deborah Coffey says
A sickening comment that says much more about the author of it than the people in need.
Ray W, says
Actually, Lois, you are misinformed.
Fresh from graduating from university, around 1760, John Adams was elected to his village council. One of the first acts Adams performed as councilman was to approve the amount of the village’s poor tax. The council did not vote on whether to have a poor tax, it voted on the amount of the poor tax. All over the American colonies, village after village voted on the amount of poor taxes every year. Admittedly not every colonial village did this.
New England communities had an average tax rate three to four times that of southern colonies, so care for the poor can be considered regional, but it existed.
I suppose people like you have existed for the entire history of the nation, but many others disagreed with your ancestors, and they still disagree with you. Colonial America was comprised of thousands of small communities comprised of like-minded individuals who took it upon themselves to help those in the community who needed it.
So long as people believe we are a community of none, your ideals will thrive. The mythical “Marlboro Man” is a 20th century invention.
Sherry says
@lois. . . speaking of “education” perhaps you should go back and read your own garbled comment.
How very “hard hearted” to blame the poor! They already have 4 kids. . . which 2 should they abandon, lois? How wonderful for you, lois, that you and absolutely everyone in your “holier than thou” family has never made a poor life decision. What would Jesus say to those who are struggling?
BTW. . . Just in case you noticed. . . I generally do not capitalize the names of those I don’t respect. Saying that, we can always change and open our hearts. Perhaps a good counseling session with a psychologist or your religious leader of choice would be a good place to start. Happy Holidays!
Laurel says
Sherry, just wait until Justice Clarence, et al, make new decisions about birth control!
Sherry says
Absolutely Laurel!
In addition. . . I’m guessing that ole’ lois would be one of the first ones to vote against abortion/birth control. Sure, force women to give birth, and them blame them if they need any assistance at all in raising those kids. . . that is the twisted, horrific maga way.
EPC says
maybe they are a strict Catholic family and God blessed them with 4 children.
The dude says
Boomers, given a life that none coming after them are allowed, lecturing people about accountability and personal responsibility, while voting MAGA is peak irony, and totally on brand.
Laurel says
Dude: Stupid comment.
Al says
If you work for a university then why are you not paid a living wage? The liberals on campus are always protesting for your wages to go up, sorry they’re wanting the student loans forgiven. If your state ( CA ) didn’t use their resources fir the illegals then there would be more to help your family. You live in a bario with gang violence, has your city tried to remove these people or just turn a blind eye to the problem?
Illegal immigrants have cost this country billions. They keep wages down by working under the table and they eat up resources that should be going to Americans. How many children of illegals are in your child’s school? Do you think that the money spent on them being there could be better spent on your children? You seem to fit the stereotype of a typical left voter, don’t improve anything just blame the other side
Good luck with your child ( seriously ) , but until you smarten up and become more aware things won’t get better for you. First thing demand the university pay you better, they have free tuition for illegals they can afford a raise for you. Second move to a better neighborhood for your children’s safety. Third vote republican and straighten out California.
Laurel says
Al: Did illegals take away your bean picking jobs? Don’t worry, they will soon be available again. BTW, they pay into entitlemens that they will never recover. Look it up. And, BTW, illegal immigrants are not a new thing in just the last four years. Where have you been?
Billy says
I guess everything was great under biden? Lol such hateful people the democrats are.
Sherry says
@billy. . . the hate filled comments I see here are those directed at the author of this heart touching article. SOP (standard operating procedure) comments from self righteous maga Republicans blaming the poor!
Dennis C Rathsam says
BIDEN!!!! Made them poor! Everything cost double, triple under this demented fool! Americans voted this crap out the door, the WOKE, Electric cars, new WARS! TRUMPS 4 YEARS WERE PEACE! Prosperity! Look how much Biden fucked up our country…. We are not safe thanks to his poor policies, & his lack of a brain
David Schaefer says
How about your brain ??????
Ray W, says
Hello Dennis C. Rathsam.
All you have to do to bring a measure of peace to your existence is accept the fact that you are a pestilential partisan member of faction who is wandering through life fooling yourself.
Perspective might be gained.
Your many claims are simply not accurate. It may be that you have been lying so long that you know longer possess the capacity to discern the truth.
Biden, Trump and Powell are responsible for our economy achieving what was once thought near impossible. Not even a soft landing. I admit there has been a great cost. Nearly $8 trillion of debt was added during Trump’s years. Another near $8 trillion has been added during the Biden years.
Our children and grandchildren may come to greatly resent us.
Laurel says
Only a full blown intervention could help Dennis.
Laurel says
Billy and Dennis have no clue how the economy works. They just see what corporate bean pickers place on them and cannot see, or want to see, beyond that.
The dude says
The markets are, and have been, setting records daily.
GDP is up, up up.
Unemployment is down, maybe not here in central FL, the home of Florida Man, a species prone to addictions and illegally picking Palmetto berries instead of finding real employment. But unemployment is down everywhere else.
All the metrics point to things being “great” but MAGA has convinced you old fools things are not.
Yet suddenly in the last 3 weeks, things are now “great”…
Pogo says
@This is the way things are
See this — no waiting
Then, bend over
The more you know doesn’t matter when bullshit can pass for gold — but, ah hell, make of it what you will.
CommonSense says
She lives in CALIFORNIA. The Bluest state. Elect a Republican Governor and Legislature and it will get better for you.
Laurel says
My God, people are unbelievably jealous of California! It’s actually funny!
Sherry says
Good Morning Laurel. . . Yes they are! We are very, very happy here!
Judith G. Michaud says
How tragic for all Americans! Apparently, none of the Trump voters bothered to read any of Project 2025, because I think if they had he would not be president elect! He has even picked the originator of the policy as one of his cabinet members, so don’t think for one minute he knew nothing about it! Just another one of his lies! What were people thinking? He nearly destroyed us before and so many people died because of his ignorance! Everyone hold on tight because we are all going down together! He only ran to stay out of prison and thank itself is such a travesty of justice!
Sherry says
Thank you Judith!
WASHINGTON (AP) — As a former and potentially future president, Donald Trump hailed what would become Project 2025 as a road map for “exactly what our movement will do” with another crack at the White House.
As the blueprint for a hard-right turn in America became a liability during the 2024 campaign, Trump pulled an about-face. He denied knowing anything about the “ridiculous and abysmal” plans written in part by his first-term aides and allies.
Now, after being elected the 47th president on Nov. 5, Trump is stocking his second administration with key players in the detailed effort he temporarily shunned. Most notably, Trump has tapped Russell Vought for an encore as director of the Office of Management and Budget; Tom Homan, his former immigration chief, as “border czar;” and immigration hardliner Stephen Miller as deputy chief of policy.
Laurel says
I’ve always thought of Steve Miller as a nasty, little Nazi. Now, he is going to be in the White House.
Well, nepo babies and Senior Presidential Advisors, after Trump pardoned Kushner’s daddy, took their $2B from the Saudis, and their 40+ Chinese copyrights and hauled ass. Now, if only dumb as rocks Don Jr. would go away, a long with Melania, the FBI was in my panty drawer, crybaby. Oh, and take Lips Lara, too.
Geez, what a group!
Deborah Coffey says
Thank you, Judith. I’m proud to stand with you.
Ed P says
Quick question, how did Trump nearly destroy us before?
Dennis C Rathsam says
Atwp says
Happy Thanksgiving. Better late than never. I read the story. Sound like they are having a hard time. The sad reality is this is a story of millions of families in this country. Will it get worse, probably. The Trump team is proposing a lot of cuts. What will they cut we don’t know. I do believe a lot of poor people will suffer the most. Time will tell. When the cuts are implemented I would hope that a lot of his voters will get the negative brunt of the cuts. Time will tell. The African American men who voted for him is surprising, they will feel the pain because of the cuts.
I Just Love Flagler Beach says
When I hear all this welfare queen bs I wonder why we aren’t nearly as concerned that the most costly welfare recipients today are Fortune 500 companies. Federal subsidies to U.S. businesses and bailouts to failing financial companies, car companies, airlines, and other businesses add up to a hell of a lot more money than the “poor” receive. And, Musk, the richest man on the planet has received an estimated $4.9 billion in government support.
Sherry says
trump was extremely damaging to US workers in his first term:
1. Enacting tax cuts that overwhelmingly favor the wealthy over the average worker
2. Taking billions out of workers’ pockets by weakening or abandoning regulations that protect their pay
In 2017 the Trump administration hurt workers’ pay in many ways, including acts to dismantle two key regulations that protect the pay of low- to middle-income workers: it failed to defend a 2016 rule strengthening overtime protections for these workers, and it took steps to gut regulations that protect servers from having their tips taken by their employers. These failures to protect workers’ pay could cost workers an estimated $7 billion per year.
3. Blocking workers from access to the courts by allowing mandatory arbitration clauses in employment contracts
In 2017, the Trump administration—in a virtually unprecedented move—switched sides in a case before the U.S. Supreme Court and is now fighting on the side of corporate interests and against workers.
4. Rolling back regulations that protect worker pay and safety
President Trump and congressional Republicans have blocked regulations that protect workers’ pay and safety. Two of the blocked regulations are the Workplace Injury and Illness recordkeeping rule, and the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces rule. By blocking these rules, the president and Congress are raising the risks for workers while rewarding companies that put their employees at risk.
5. Stacking the Federal Reserve Board with candidates friendlier to Wall Street than to working families
The Trump administration inherited three vacancies on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and got two more vacancies to fill when Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and Vice Chair Stanley Fischer announced their resignations. President Trump’s actions so far—including his choice not to reappoint Yellen as chair, and his nomination of Randal Quarles to fill one of the inherited vacancies—suggest that he plans to tilt the board toward the interests of Wall Street rather than those of working
6. Ensuring Wall Street can pocket more of workers’ retirement savings
The Trump administration’s repeated delays to a rule protecting retirement savers from “conflicted” investment advice will cost retirement savers an estimated $18.5 billion over the next 30 years in hidden fees and lost earning potential.
7. Stacking the Supreme Court against workers by appointing Neil Gorsuch
On April 7, 2017, the Senate confirmed Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, who has a record of ruling against workers and siding with corporate interests. Now on the Supreme Court, Gorsuch may cast the deciding vote in significant cases challenging workers’ rights. Cases involving collective bargaining, forced arbitration and class action waivers in employment disputes, and joint-employer doctrines are already on the court’s docket this term or are likely to be considered by the court in coming years.
8. Trying to take affordable health care away from millions of working people
The Trump administration and congressional Republicans spent much of 2017 attempting to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA). They finally succeeded in repealing a well-known provision of the ACA—the penalty for not buying health insurance—in the tax bill signed into law at the end of 2017. According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the repeal of this provision will raise the number of uninsured Americans by 13 million in 2027.
9. Undercutting key worker protection agencies by nominating anti-worker leaders
Trump has appointed—or tried to appoint—individuals with records of exploiting workers to key posts in the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). DOL is supposed to promote the welfare of job seekers, wage earners, and retirees by, among other things, protecting them from hazards on the job and ensuring they are paid for their work. The NLRB is charged with protecting the rights of most private-sector employees to join together, with or without a union, to improve their wages and working conditions. Nominees to critical roles at DOL and the NLRB have—in word and deed—expressed hostility to the worker rights laws they are in charge of upholding.
Laurel says
Oh, and, wanting to get rid of the Constitution.
Ed P says
My rebuttals to each bullet point you made.
1. Top 5% of taxpayers pay more than 65% of total federal income tax….top25% account for nearly 89%. Fair enough? Tax cuts helped them? What is their fair share?
2. If you are referencing minimum wage, first and foremost it was never designed to be a living wage. Second, ask the fast food workers in California how’s it working out. States have the right to protect employees that are not federal workers, the feds need to stay out of private enterprises.
I know you heard that Trump wants to eliminate taxes on overtime, tips and social security? Why not mention that? Pretty honest on your part!
3. We are the most litigious country in the world. Actually a heralded move to reduce frivolous law suits. Most people will never get an employment contract and are under the “at will rule”. At will you can leave and at will an employer can replace you. An employee only has 2 functions. Make the business money or save the business money.
4. It doesn’t put workers at more risk, it does remove the unfair penalties that OSHA could impose on mistakes in paperwork or late reporting.
There is the possibility that it could reduce the employers’ learning ability because they won’t be bludgeoned by the government.
5. The federal reserve is an independent agency, nonpartisan and pretty well insulated from short term political considerations. I’m not saying they are not accountable but any president would have very little influence on them.
6. The fiduciary rule was flawed. It started in 2010 to amend a 1974 ruling. It has been being modified ever since, passed earlier this year and went into effect Sept 4 , 2024. Must have been very complex if it took 14 years and 3 administration’s to pass- would you agree?
7.So from 1953 to 1969 the “Warren Court” which is often considered the most liberal court in US history was no problem? You liberals blundered and handed it to the conservatives. We shouldn’t even debate liberal or conservative interpretations.
Because the reality is, they are only supposed to rule on the law according to the Constitution. Not interpretation with the desire to legislate. Congress legislates.
8. The affordable care act did in fact have many good components but would have eventually crumbled and collapsed under the weight of massive subsidies to both consumers and insurance companies. Health care is by far the largest cost in the US. No easy answer here. Maybe we need to make America healthy again! Go RFK.
9. Maybe unions have reached their shelf lives. They don’t provide an environment of peak performance but that of mediocre performance.
In fact the government should not be that deeply involved
in private business to start. Once the worker is protected both from a safety and then financial position, why should the government get involved?
The average employee today give their employer 2-3 hours of productivity. Fact check this one.
Ps Sherry-NPR is not a neutral source for your post
Sherry says
My Source for trump’s decisions that hurt American workers : The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) is a peer reviewed nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank that centers the economic interests of workers in research and policy debates in the United States. EPI is widely recognized for its authoritative analyses of economic inequality and is a key institution in the movement for economic justice.
******* No matter what the income tax “rate” chart says. . . The Wealthy DO NOT pay their fair share of taxes due to loopholes:
In 2007, Jeff Bezos, then a multibillionaire and now the world’s richest man, did not pay a penny in federal income taxes. He achieved the feat again in 2011. In 2018, Tesla founder Elon Musk, the second-richest person in the world, also paid no federal income taxes. Michael Bloomberg managed to do the same in recent years. Billionaire investor Carl Icahn did it twice. George Soros paid no federal income tax three years in a row.
Ed P says
So facts don’t matter to you, even when you are wrong? Just because you say wealthy people don’t pay their fair share makes it so?
First, people like Bezos don’t take pay checks like everyone else. They have deferred remunerations and stock options. They are not violating any IRS laws if they did not pay income taxes in a particular year. How about years they do pay taxes when they sell blocks of stocks and have millions in capital gains. Did you look at those years? I’m guessing not.
With a bit more rigorous investigation your entire outlook on the world might change. That is if you are even capable of intellectual curiosity and honesty.
You have closed your mind to accept anything I post as useful. I’m not offended by that and actually enjoy the interaction.
Ed P says
The EPI is not nonpartisan and if in fact extremely liberal.
Sherry says
Trolling yet again ED. . . As I’ve told you before, I already know you for who you are and will not be engaging with you. I’ll continue to post “credible facts” whether you or any other members of the immoral, unethical, hypocritical maga cult like it or not.
Ed P says
Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. Nah nah boo boo!
Come on. Really?