A single-motorcycle crash took the life of a man on I-95 early this afternoon immediately south of the intersection with State Road 100 in Palm Coast. It was the third road fatality in Flagler County in four days.
The crash took place minutes after 1 p.m. as the motorcyclist was riding north in heavy traffic. Several witnesses reported to authorities that the man veered left, violently struck the guardrail with his three-wheel Harley-Davidson Tri Glide, and flipped onto the southbound lanes. No other vehicles were involved.
Several people driving by stopped to render aid only to find that the man had died on impact. Flagler County Fire Rescue and Palm Coast Fire Department paramedics were at the scene within minutes, pronounced the motorcyclist deceased.
The crash closed the southbound lanes of I-95 at State Road 100 and the left lane of three northbound lanes as the Florida Highway Patrol conducted its investigation on the southbound side. The victim, wrapped in a white sheet where he had fallen, was still on the highway at 2:30, as the medical examiner–who alone may move or remove the body–had not yet arrived at the scene.
Traffic disruptions on the highway quickly rippled to neighboring roads, backing up traffic on Old Kings Road at Old Dixie Highway and on State Road 100 around the intersection, while northbound traffic on I-95 backed up to the south past Old Dixie. At 3:30 p.m., traffic was still backed up two miles on the southbound lanes, from S.R. 100, and over two miles on the northbound lanes south of the intersection as the Palm Coast Fire Police controlled the situation as it could.
It was the 10th road fatality on Flagler County roads this year, exceeding last year’s total for the whole year by one. Of the nine fatalities last year, nine were motorcyclists, including a fatality on the last day of the year on I-95, in a circumstance similar to today’s crash–the motorcyclist colluded with the guardrail. Today’s was the first motorcyclist death of the year in Flagler.
John R Dance says
Wow, so glad i am retired and not working THI,s anymore, bad part is have been trapped on my property on south Old Kings rd for 3 hrs. Just want we dont need is more heavy density development on south Old Kings, RIP for the diseased. God Bless all
Morgan Monaco says
These useless Harley motors think the road belong to them, that what happen.
Chris says
Terrible, all this building and increasing population. This place will be just like Orlando.
Karen A says
RIP prayers to family.
A.j says
Sad. Please drive safe.
Donna says
Need more police presence. Cars weaving in and out like it’s a race track, and speeding at least 85 + mph.
Other Brother Larry says
The left rear wheel is off the trike. Wonder if the same thing happened to this fella as what happened up in St. Augustine on 95 to another gentleman a couple of weeks ago, who’s rear tire blew out on his trike killing him in a similar fashion.
This is awful, and certainly not deserving of some of the sideways insensitive comments some folks like to make without knowing a shred of detail about the event. May this man RIP and my condolenses are to his family and friends for their loss.
Land of no turn signals says says
Hey Morgan how do you know he wasn’t cut off by some ass wipe on there phone?
Land of no turn signals says says
Old Kings was a parking lot and in two years they want to build approx.2000 more houses.Great idea
Justin Case says
Your comment is useless, you should not have access to a keyboard or the internet. People do not deserve to die just because they ride or drive a certain brand. People in cars don’t always see bikes. Perhaps that is why witnesses saw the trike veer to the left – a car cut him off and never even saw him. Try to be aware of your surroundings Morgan, and maybe you won’t be the next driver to kill a biker.
Sam says
I know right :(
Sick of says
Real nice! Actually – the negligent, distracted, and speeding cars has always been a problem for us. What’s the male version of Karen….Dick – right. Your input Dick was not necessary.
Me Too says
I ride and I don’t think the road belongs to me.
That’s a PERSON you are talking about…that what happens.
God help you buddy.
Peaches McGee says
He was identified as a 85-year old male. It’s quite possible he had a medical episode.
Lol says
That’s what happens when a big interstate like I95 is shut down, the traffic goes into the surrounding areas… did you happen to see US 1, SR 100, and SR 11 after this? Yeah traffic.
Jennie says
where did you see that he was 85? im trying to make sure it wasnt a friend havent been able to get ahold of him since this,
l says
Very nice comment. You must be a wonderful person.
Peaches McGee says
My condolences if this was your friend. Various news services put his age from 83-85. (News-Journal, ClickOrlando, and Palm Coast Observer)
Steve Kay says
Did you really write that? Good Lord.
PCMom says
WTH is wrong with some of you on here?? Someone’s husband, father, brother, son lost their lives and some of you are blaming him (without knowing the circumstances) for the accident … complaining about “not being able to leave your house” because of traffic and the building going on in town??? Seriously?? So happy to know that I live amongst some of the most compassionate, ignorant, village idiots ever!!