This time of year “when yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang,” you may not get to take in West Virginia’s flaming foliage, see it “fluttering from the autumn tree,” hear the rustling of leaves underfoot or “the pattering of nuts on the hazel branches as they fall,” but yo get experience the next-best thing.
Palm Coast government and the Palm Coast Arts Foundation are hosting the first Fall Arts Festival in Central Park in Town center Saturday, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. It’s free. And the focus will be on local artists.
The weather will cooperate: it’ll be sunny, breezy, with daytime temperatures in the 70s.
The day will be filled with art, music, food, and fun. Regional artists and artisan crafters will showcase a variety of mediums. Entertainment will be provided by local musicians and a variety of tasty treats will be available to purchase from food trucks.
There are currently over 30 local artists signed up, with more expected by Saturday. Each artist will feature artwork from all mediums and handmade, artisan crafts. The works on display are required to be original, and all exhibitors are required to have a local business tax receipt or be part of a local organization, such as the Palm Coast Arts Foundation, that has a local business tax receipt. Visitors may purchase art exhibits if they choose.
There will be vendors and food trucks situated around the pathway of Central Park for visitors. Seating will be available for those who purchase food from the food vendors. Live music will be performed in the amphitheater area of Central Park.
This event is a partnership between the City of Palm Coast, the Palm Coast Arts Foundation, and United We Art.
“We’re proud to present this first-time event with United We Art and the Palm Coast Arts Foundation,” Palm Coast Mayor David Alfin said. “Join us for this wonderful celebration that will be a day filled with art, music, entertainment, food and fun for the whole family.”
“We hope to see you there so you can say I attended the very first event,” Alfin said at the end of last Tuesday’s council meeting.
For more information, visit www.palmcoastartsfoundation.com

Devine Davie says
I would like to invite everyone to stop by the LGBQT+ celebration of art. We have some wonderful inclusive art to share and are hoping we get the okay to have a drag performance with the spectacular Bootylicous Bob! All ages welcome.