May 2 Update: Deborah Thomas turned herself in at the Volusia County jail. The jail site lists April 30 as the booking date, the day the warrant was issued. She was booked in, but is no longer in custody.
Flagler County Tax Collector Suzanne Johnston and Deborah Thomas worked together going back to 1985, when both were employed at the property appraiser’s office, where Thomas spent much of her career. In January 2011, Thomas, now 60, began working for the tax collector as the ambulance collections manager. To Johnston, she was doing “an excellent job” collecting payments, as the collection rate at the office was higher than the state average. Thomas was paid a good wage: $58,500 a year.
What Johnston didn’t know, what no one at the tax collector’s office knew until the Clerk of Court’s office alerted them that something was amiss, was that Thomas, according to a Flagler County Sheriff’s investigation, was allegedly skimming off for herself what Johnston herself calculated to be over $70 a week in cash payments while fabricating records to hide her trail.
The thefts began the very same year Thomas started working in the tax collector’s office and continued through her last year: she “retired” on July 31, 2018–“we had cake and everything,” Johnston recalled–though by then Johnston’s staff had been looking into bookkeeping irregularities for a few months, as Thomas herself was well aware, since she was part of the team responsible for looking into those irregularities. So she knew they were onto the alleged scheme.
Thomas was in the fourth year of the state’s deferred retirement option program, which would have required her to retire regardless, though she could have put in one more year still when she chose to retire in 2018 and move to Knoxville, where she’s had a family home, and where she was caring for her ailing husband, who died earlier this year. Tax collector’s staffers say she has since returned to Flagler.
On Tuesday, the sheriff’s office issued an arrest warrant for Thomas, charging her with embezzlement, a felony. She is accused of embezzling $21,834 between 2011 and 2018, though she is being charged only on amounts documented to have been allegedly stolen between 2014 and 2018 because of the statute of limitations–a total of $16,418.
The difference is significant: the cut-off between a third-degree felony and a second-degree felony is $20,000. A second degree felony carries a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison, as opposed to five years for a third-degree felony.
Johnston and her staffers were in shock at the revelations. “Anyone who wants to steal 50 cents from this office, you’re going to jail,” Johnston said this morning. She sought to put the alleged thefts in perspective, saying her office collects $180 million a year in taxes and fees. She said the division affected employed three people. Thomas was one of them. Johnston said it would not have made financial sense to hire an additional person just to audit the transactions.
The internal investigation was carried out by Rae Nesico, Johnston’s deputy and human resources director, and Lisa Leeman, then an ambulance specialist (now a clerk).
Johnston’s office determined that whatever was amiss did not affect credit card or check payments or money orders–only cash. There was an incident in June 2018 when staffers approached Thomas to ask her about a missing $20. Thomas claimed it may have been misplaced and volunteered to pay the $20 herself until it was found. The arrest affidavit states the broader internal investigation started after that, though office staffers today put the timeline of their investigation closer to March-April 2018.
As they described it, customers would make their regular payments on ambulance bills and be provided a receipt. Some of those payments were made in cash. Thomas allegedly would then reverse cash transactions, meaning she’d void them, then she would re-code the transaction’s trail in such a way that that the account would register a payment, but not the cash, which she allegedly pocketed. The tax office then asked its computer-billing contractor, Tri-Tech, to review all ambulance transactions dating back to 2011. (The tax office was responsible for those transactions until 2017, when the county opted to hire a private provider to do the job.) Computer records indicated all reversed transactions were the work of Thomas. It also revealed fabricated codes that hid the absent money, all of which was allegedly skimmed in various amounts–$250 here, $20 there, $170 here, $824 there.
John Castanheira, a sheriff’s detective, reached Thomas in mid-March. “Thomas admitted to taking some money,” the sheriff’s office said in a release. (Her admission is redacted from the charging affidavit.) She had disputed the accusation, but in a subsequent call to the detective, she explained that after speaking with family members in law enforcement, “if she could not dispel the information I had then she was not going to fight it,” the detective reported. Thomas did not respond to a Facebook message.
Though Thomas, if convicted, faces up to five years in prison, the likelier outcome in such situations, if the accused does not fight it, is a plea deal that avoids prison time and reduces the penalty to a few years’ probation. But any felony conviction would mean that Thomas would lose her retirement benefits from the Florida Retirement System.
Johnston today sought to reassure the public. “We take the trust of the citizens that they place in our local government, we take it all very seriously,” she said, reading from a statement she had just typed up, “and I have the highest confidence in my employees but we are constantly reviewing procedures, performances, to ensure we implement any necessary changes, and we do strive to exceed everyone’s expectations. I have an excellent group of people. I’m floored that somebody would do this. I worked with her basically since 1985.”
Johnston was behind her desk as she spoke. She then turned to Leeman, who was sitting across her desk: “Are you shocked, Lisa?”
“Very. Yes,” Leeman said. “I think I still am sometimes.”
Stephen P Barnier says
She should lose her retirement
When we place trust in a public official and they break that trust they should no longer have the benefits of working for the citizens
Percy's mother says
In essence, another slap on the wrist will occur in this situation as has occurred with the City of Palm Coast personnel in the building department.
As an aside, I have lost all respect for the City of Palm Coast’s building department personnel involved in the kickbacks disguised as Christmas gifts. All involved knew it was not allowed to take any form of kickback. A kickback is a kickback no matter how it’s disguised. All have most likely been doing the same thing for years before a wistleblower came along.
I can never go into the PC City Hall do to business and look at the people sitting at the counter/desks with any respect. Ditto with the County. No respect left.
They get paid well and end up with pensions and yet they can’t even be honest while on the jobs from which they reap great rewards.
Great investigative reporting FlaglerLive.
I believe you have my Stapler says
Soooo, I guess all those paper clips and staplers I’ve taken over the past 20 years from ********** **** *** would get me 5 years in the Green Roof Inn. Everybody “harmlessly” takes things from their work and don’t even think about it as theft .
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
What an outrage! Our property taxes go up but the fox robs the henhouse on an ongoing basis and the auditors WE pay for don’t notice it?? New auditors, please, and immediately! As for those who steal from us, hang ’em high.
Steve says
When theirs a will theres a way
Born and Raised Here says
Embezzlement, is embezzlement. no matter what the amount is. You are disrupting the system and the flow of business as a public servant, and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Flagler gal 864 says
Theft is theft. Don’t say everyone does it to make yourself feel vindicated for doing it. No, everyone does not steal.
Haw Creek Girl says
Way to go Raebeth! #homegrownhero
Concerned Citizen says
I bet if they investigate further she didn’t act alone.
If that’s a busy office like they say it is everyone usually knows what’s going on. Our county is stealing millions of dollars from us a year. Why aren’t they being investigated as well?
This makes for a nice distraction..
oldtimer says
So she probably gets no time in jail, does she at least have to pay back the money ?
Concerned employee says
The Tax Collector has known that something was amiss for nearly two years and never took corrective action. There may be something more going on here. Sounds like an internal cover up. What about the ambulance billing? I suspect fraud into the millions…dig deeper investigative team.
Dave says
This person should lose any retirement and most definitely should serve some years in Jail. This is the lowest type of person there is. Worse than any drug dealer or homeless panhandler. This is a person we trusted and they robbed us blind.