With the recent spike in new Covid-19 cases, local health officials are doing their best to continue maintaining sufficient capacity at AdventHealth Palm Coast’s emergency room for genuine medical emergencies.
The public can help by not going to the hospital to get a Covid test. Doing so will preserve emergency care resources for patients in need of urgent care. Instead, residents should call the Flagler County Health Department for a testing appointment, understanding that the wait for testing is several days out. The health department offers drive through testing every weekday morning near the Flagler Executive Airport, and appointments can be made by calling 386-437-7350 ext. 0.
“Though we are experiencing unprecedented demand for testing, we’d like to remind residents that AdventHealth’s emergency room should not be utilized for routine COVID testing,” said Flagler Health Department’s Health Officer Robert Snyder. “The only people visiting the ER right now should be people with serious illnesses and life-threatening conditions. At our testing site near the Flagler Executive Airport, we are doing our best to get people tested as quickly as we can utilizing the resources we have. We appreciate everyone’s patience during this time of increased demand and wait times.”
Besides the health department test site, other testing locations in Flagler County include AdventHealth Centra Care, MediQuik’s two Palm Coast locations, some physicians and medical offices, and pharmacies. Most of these facilities are scheduling several days in advance because of extraordinary testing demand. Same day and walk-in appointments may be available at smaller independent pharmacies like One Pharmacy and Grace Community Pharmacy. Call them to confirm details.
The Florida Department of Health’s COVID testing locator database can be accessed by clicking on the link below:
ASF says
Just try to make an appointment in the locations listed above. You may get lucky…but don’t count on it.
Jimbo99 says
2 years of this nonsense, this is what has been created with the concept & message of “Don’t drive to a facility where the diagnostics should be offered by default”. The rollout for mass testing was Daytona International Speedway or Fairground sized parking lots for testing back in 2020. A pandemic & system has been poorly updated for the fire drill of mass testing. Yep that happened under Biden-Harris, since we’re naming names & blaming. But of course Biden would rather relive & spin Jan 6th as his anniversary date over an insurrection that was comically as lame as BLM Summer protests of 2020 for that cause. But back to Covid testing, the tests are reaching expiration, the lies & wastes of manufacturing a fraud of a pandemic where 99.9+% survive as virtually asymptomatic if they even have Covid ? The experts of science created this hysteria, now they are understaffed, overworked and can’t even test for Covid. This is like anyone’s medicine cabinet full of expiring aspirin. Their refrigerator with a jar of mayonnaise that’s reached it’s best used by date. So to the county landfill it’ll go. And the human race will forge thru this like every variant to date, like life before it.
If one can’t see why the message for DeSantis is what it is, “if you aren’t feeling the Rona variant, don’t waste your’s or their time getting tested even” ? See these resources for test kits were committed, when they should’ve never been bought & paid for. Medical waste & garbage for the sake of disposing of trash. But the liberal agenda will find fault with that concept ? They created “medically necessary”, this is creation of “medically unnecessary & superfluous”.
Steve says
Keep drinking the koolaid jimbo I’m sure they’ll leave the lite on for ya
Shark says
People considerate in this town. I don’t think so !!!!
Arthur says
It would be very healthful if DeathSantis didn’t stock bill millions of covid tests and now they are out dated. Why would he do something like that when you can see on all the news stations all the long lines in every county of people wanting to get tested. On WESH yesterday that reported when you go to a test site make sure you have snacks, water and plenty of gas in your car because of how long you will be waiting.
Just remember this when you go to vote this year what DeathSantis didn’t do to help the people in Florida which he took and oath of office to serve and protect, which he is not living up to that oath.
mark101 says
I say if it’s after hours and you feel like crap, can’t breathe sure go to the hospital.