Upon his retirement as a Senior Planner in the Community Development Department for the City of Palm Coast, Bill Hoover felt honored that he’s made a constructive contribution to the quality of development in so many Palm Coast neighborhoods.
“For the seven and a half years in my position, I always tried to remember that I actually represented our residents and neighbors who work and live within many of the development projects that I was associated with,” Bill said. “It was important for me to ensure that we shaped property development to meet the sound planning and engineering principles that bring pride to all of our neighborhoods. Finding that middle ground that improved a project for both the resident and developer also made me proud.”
As a Senior Planner, it was Bill’s responsibility to review Master and Technical Site Plans, Rezonings, Subdivision Master Plans and Special Exceptions. His examination ensured that all developments met the requirements in the City’s Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan. After technical analysis and coordination with the large variety of applicants, he forwarded his findings to his managers, which were then finalized and often sent on to the Planning and Land Development Review Board and/or the City Council for final determination.
“Bill is an exceptional Planner, with diverse knowledge, experience and expertise that benefitted not only our staff, but also the entire community,” states Ray Tyner, Palm Coast’s Deputy Chief Development Officer. “He always thought first as if he was someone who may be living or working near a project and not strictly as a City employee.”
Bill relates that one of his most memorable moments occurred when he and his supervisor helped bring together the City’s planning division, a shopping center owner and the community’s desire for more food choices to coordinate the launch of a new restaurant to be built in Palm Coast on an otherwise empty parking lot: a win/win for all involved.
Bill has been a planner in the State of Florida for over 33 years. He worked for Hillsborough and Collier Counties and for Butler Engineering, Inc. in Ft. Meyers prior to opening his own business in Naples, FL. He and his wife, Charlene, discovered Palm Coast in 2014 and have truly enjoyed living in this area. They have six children, 17 (yes, you read that number correctly) grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
“We’ve pulled two families together very happily over the years – sort of like the Brady Bunch,” Bill said. “It’s now time for my wife and I to spend more time on recreational opportunities here such as kayaking and camping.” All of Palm Coast wishes Bill and his family the very best.

Sean says
I had the pleasure of working with Bill Hoover when I worked at the City and he will be missed. Not to many like him at all. Good luck Bill and God Bless!!
Celia M Pugliese says
I wish Mr Bill Hoover the happy retirement that he deserves.
I also as a very affected Palm Coast resident like most of us here would like to ask him why our city planning department while talking with developers regarding their projects presented seem to just totally disregard our City of Palm Coast – 2035 Comprehensive Plan – Goals, Objectives, and Policies
Objective 3.3.5 – Protect Residential Areas from Inappropriate Land Uses
Protect predominantly residential areas from the intrusion of incompatible or more intensive land uses.
Policy – The City shall amend the LDC to include development standards that provide greater setback and buffering requirements between established residential areas and other uses to ensure compatibility between uses.
Policy – The City shall develop neighborhood compatibility criteria which shall be utilized by the City to review applications for Future Land Use Map amendments, rezonings, and special exceptions to ensure that proposed land uses and development do not adversely impact existing residential areas.